In 2367, Human Minds Are Moved Into Bodies With a Lifespan of 2 Days to Reduce Earth's Population

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the movie begins with two men James Fisk and Ricks playing chess the scene then shifts to a restaurant where three people are dining Fisk and Ricks noticing the time decide it's time to act they take a missil looking object from the chessboard assemble it load data into it and launch it the missile targets and shoots one of the men from the restaurant the man then collaps to the ground Toffler wakes up in his house reluctantly responding to his house system's persistent wakeup calls the system informs him it's 9:15 a.m. and this is his seventh wakeup call having opted to snooze six times despite his irritation and attempts to dismiss the system it continues with weather updates and reminders eventually Toffler gives in instructing the system to prepare his coffee adjust the bathroom lights and set the shower Toler arrives at his office and is greeted by rala who notes his lateness she then directs him to watch a message from their boss Mr liser urgently summoning him to the office Toffler arrives at his boss's office and notices that his boss has exchanged bodies with his trainer Darren the boss casually explains the convenience of having Darren maintain his physical fitness while he focuses on work Toffler expresses his discomfort with the concept but acknowledges it's the boss's Choice the conversation takes a serious turn when the boss informs Toffler about the assassination of Eisner Scott the CEO of a major corporation by a Seeker missile a method attributed to the Nia shocked by the news Toffler learns that the company needs to quickly address investor concerns by attending a press conference in San Francisco the boss insists that Toffler uses the exchange technology to travel instantly to San Francisco despite toffler's aversion to switching bodies the boss emphasizes the importance of adapting to new methods and the benefits of the exchange experience even mentioning The Surreal experience of inhabiting another person's body despite his hesitation Toffler realizes he has no other option and agrees to The Exchange while humorously declining the offer of the company limo choosing to walk instead tofler arrives at the exchange facility to undergo the procedure he is greeted by propa Morgan the VP for corporate Affairs who introduces herself and acknowledges his potential concerns she takes a blood sample from Toffler offers him a tranquilizer which he declines and provides him with water instead propia explains that his data has been transferred to their San Francisco host Center and will be installed in his temporary exchange id toffler's id will be securely stored until his return she then asks him to sign a standard contract which includes agreements not to engage in illegal activities with the host body and clarifies that his insurance will cover any injuries to the host body propia informs Toffler that he will need to spend the night in San Francisco which surprises him as he thinks the trip will be quick and that a night's stay is required due to the short notice of his request despite his reservations Toffler prepares for the procedure and propia wishes him well as the transfer begins tofler then travels to San Francisco in the body of Mr per force Toffler arrives at the exchange facility in San Francisco where he is greeted by Walt Simons the Western regional manager Walt assures him that mind travel is the safest form of travel and begins to guide Toffler through the acclamation process he instructs Toffler to take three deep breaths adjust to the host body's breathing pattern and perform some physical movements to gain control over the host body Walt then has Toffler repeat a phrase to adjust to the new voice Timber ensuring him that despite the different voice it is still him finally Walt prepares Toffler for the Moment of Truth encouraging him to look at himself in the mirror a moment some clients find exhilarating Toffler leaves the exchange facility and proceeds to the press conference at the head office upon arrival he greets everyone and then approaches eisner's son Quail to offer his condolences Quail shocked to see him questions his presence Toffler explains that due to the Rush from New York he had to use the exchange and is now in the body of Kinsey gibart Quail acknowledges this and recalls that his father was a strong supporter of Toffler they exchange a few words of sympathy and Toffler expresses his sorrow for the loss Quail mentions that he remembers Toffler and assures him that they will get along long fine they agree to meet again at the upcoming conference as Toffler mingles he encounters meline who initially doesn't recognize him he Reveals His identity and she is shocked remarking that she never expected to see him using the exchange technology Toffler explains he has had no choice this time meline notes that in the corporate world there's always a choice and compliments his appearance before parting ways during the press conference the chairman of the board delivers a heartfelt speech expressing sorrow for the loss of Eisner Scott and praising his strategic vision and management team he conveys optimism for the company's future following the chairman Quail Scott eisner's Son speaks about his loss and his hopes to continue his father's Legacy if given the opportunity by the board the Press then questions Quail Scott John Adams from Affiliated press asks if business strategies will remain the same under quail's potential leadership Quail assures that he respects his father's and the board's decisions and will not change anything immediately meline Renard from ibns raises a concerning question about a recent explosion at a dam subsidiary mine in South Africa that resulted in the deaths of 42 workers she asks for quail's comments on the tragedy Stuart Toffler intervenes to explain that half a million callers have been allocated to the victim's families pending approval of a settlement plan by the ICC meline challenges the adequacy of this compensation and tofler emphasizes the company's deep sorrow for the loss of lives and its commitment to supporting the victim's families he also defends against accusations of disparity in the treatment of workers based on geography asserting that the company is not in the business of killing people Toler then stresses that further questioning is inappropriate given Mr quail's recent personal loss concluding the session if there are no further questions after the press conference the Toffler heads to a bar where he meets a woman and starts drinking and smoking meanwhile Fisk inhabiting toffler's body is smoking an officer approaches him and asks for his identification tag instead of complying Kinsey shoots the officer Toffler spends the night with the woman and the next day heads to exchange to get his body back he is greeted by Walt who informs him of a small delay as his guest body hasn't returned yet Toffler anxious to get home is asked to wait in the lounge while waiting he is taken to Allison deway the CEO of exchange Enterprises she apologizes personally for the inconvenience and explains the situation toffler's guest has absconded with his body this complicates matters because the host Meister perforce was already hosting another individual Mr James Fisk as a result interpole has impounded toffler's original body as evidence of body theft the company offers Toof a temporary corporate clone designed for high-risk activities and Lasting 7 days as a stop Gap measure Toffler is reluctant given the Clones limitations Allison also informs him of the ICC regulation preventing more than three exchanges in 6 days due to corporeal separation syndrome if his body isn't found before the Clone expires Toffler faces a dire situation as Walt prepares to take Toffler to a suite Toffler seizes the opportunity to escape he makes his way to the lab where a technician mistakes him for someone else the technician believing Toffler to be a replacement for an injured worker from Le Bell asks about his shift schedule playing along Toffler confirms and receives an ID labeled water array D6 GF from the technician they completed the procedure and then Toffler woke up in a new clone body as Toffler escapes from the lab he encounters security but manages to evade them he returns to New York and calls his boss Josh Josh surprised and concerned tells him to come to the office to resolve the issue Toffler requests to speak with rala who advises him to avoid the office and Promises to call later suddenly the call disconnects and toffler's credit card account is terminated leaving him frustrated and Stranded without resources Toffler desperate for help asks a driver to take him to the FBI building there he meets Cordell Dickerson who was on the night shift Toffler explains that his body has been stolen and he is currently and a Jeff Dickerson is initially skeptical noting that Exchange hasn't reported the incident Toffler insists and mentions a man named Fisk which catches Dickerson's attention Dickerson reveals that James Fisk is a known corporate terrorist realizing the gravity of the situation he tells Toffler to wait while he informs his superiors Toffler returns home and interacts with his house system George requesting information on meline Renard and exchange while searching George informs him of two unknown individuals at the door claiming to be police officers they say they have found his his body but George's voice analysis indicates they are imposters Toffler plays along triggering a Sonic stun from his system a confrontation ensues with Toffler defending himself and actual police arriving mistakenly shooting him Toffler gets up despite being shot and manages to escape realizing the gravity of his situation Toffler goes to a construction site and blends in with the other workers he uses his ID to gain access but Fisk and Ricks track his location using the ID data they send a missile to attack him realizing the danger Toffler discards the ID just before the missile hits narrowly escaping the attack Toffler then seeks out mateline after making him surrender his gun she lets him in she tells him he's in a dire situation and offers to get him on the news network revealing that exchange has covered up past mistakes with payoffs Toffler more concerned with his immediate survival is hesitant but desperate mateline challenges his corporate background and eventually agrees to help in exchange for access to internal documents and his public testimony they decide to find Fisk to expose exchange's wrongdoings as Toffler and meline walk he questions whether exchange would try to kill him meline confirms explaining that if the public learns exchange lost his body the company would go out of business they then consider why Fisk would want him dead Hoffler realizes that during the San Francisco press conference Quail Scott recognized him even though he was in another body Quail Scott must have mistaken him for Fisk implying that Quail Scott hired Fisk to kill his father Hoffler goes to confront Quail Scott introducing himself and accusing Quail of knowing who stole his body Quail dismisses the accusation as ludicrous and threatens to call security but Toffler counters by threatening to reveal quail's involvement in his father's murder Quail remains skeptical but Toffler points out that Quail recognized him at the San Francisco press conference mistaking him for Fisk realizing Toffler is serious Quail listens as Toffler demands the location of Fisk suddenly Fisk enters the office with a gun creating a tense confrontation Fisk suggests killing Toffler to cover up the body theft but tofler grabs quail in a headlock forcing Fisk to drop his gun Quail orders Fisk to put the gun down but Fisk resists taunting Toffler in the ensuing struggle Toffler manages to disarm Fisk but Fisk uses pepper spray on tofler and escapes as Toffler reels from the pepper spray meline arrives and helps him recover they managed to escape the office meline and Toffler go to see finerman hoping to gain his help in solving Eisner Scott's murder Toffler explains their belief that Quail Scott hired James Fisk to kill his father initially skeptical a finerman listens as Toffler recounts how Fisk now in toffler's body attempted to kill him in quail's office finer man acknowledges quail's deviousness but finds it hard to believe he'd kill his father Toffler presses on asking if there might be a motive finerman mentions The Exchange deal explaining that Quail wants to buy exchange and force Congress to deregulate it opening it to the public and making a fortune Eisner however thought the technology was a time bomb which posed a significant obstacle finerman reveals that despite quail's efforts the board is on his side not quailes and would not approve the deal he mentions that the next board meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 3: at the mallei at Wilton fisk's men the two who fired the missile at Eisner enter conference room and start assembling chemical explosives which they then hide and leave meanwhile Dickerson confronts Allison she told him Walt Simons was handling the situation Allison is uncooperative prompting Dickerson to issue a subpoena over the intercom Allison informs Walt that he has found a way to track Toffler Toffler and mateline are at her house drinking and discussing the situation meline notes Toffler picked a bad time to start using Exchange and suggests terrorists like Fisk use other people's bodies to hide and she asks how it feels to be in a geffy taus body Toler describes it as strange and self-conscious like wearing a new hat that isn't truly yours they speculate that Quail might try to kill Ferman realizing more innocent lives could be at stake if Fisk isn't stopped meline is surprised by toffler's Humanity leading to an intimate moment where they kiss and make love Dickerson called mateline and informed her that a tip with her address was posted on the Police website likely by Exchange urging her to leave immediately meline thanked him and mentioned the damn board meeting the next day where they suspect Fisk will attempt to kill Ross finerman and possibly others Dickerson suggested she come in for safety but meline knew they needed to act quickly after hanging up the phone matadin and Toffler realized they couldn't simply Shield the tracking device embedded in toffler's hand they understood they had to remove it to avoid being tracked Toffler and mateline leave quickly aware of their Peril they contact Gloria with whom tofler had a past with and decide to stay at her place overnight the next morning they head to the board meeting and spot toffler's body as they attempt to leave they are ambushed by Ricks and kidnapped in captivity Fisk taunts Toffler revealing that he has a bomb assembled in the conference room he mocks toffler's helplessness highlighting the difference in power and control between them Fisk expresses his disdain for the corporate Elite explaining that his actions are driven by a desire to empower himself by killing Corp operations fisk's henchman Ricks asks if they can kill Toffler and meline but Fisk insists they wait for the right moment Fisk further taunts Toffler by holding up two keys indicating that one key belongs to Toffler and the other to him necessary to open the door in a sadistic move Fisk throws toffler's key into a chemical burn Toffler and mattaline still tied up exchange apologies and confessions tofler regrets dragging mateline into the situation but meline reassures him revealing her Newfound love for him they discover a monofilament in toffler's Pocket which they use to cut their bonds despite some minor injuries once free Toffler retrieves the key from the chemical burn burning his hands in the process he instructs mateline to find a phone call Dickerson and warn him about the bomb while he prepares to confront Fisk meline manages to call Dickerson and informs him about the bomb however RX attacks her midall but she managed to escape by knocking him out meanwhile the board meeting has begun and Fisk is about to detonate the bomb Toffler intervenes attacking and knocking Fisk out as Toffler moves fisk's body Quail attacks him meline arrives but is pushed aside by Quail coffler then gets up and sticks his ID to quail's back when Quail triggers the missile aimed at Toffler the missile locks on to Quail instead attacking and eliminating him Dickerson successfully evacuates all the board members from the conference room meanwhile meline and Toffler rush to change with the UNC conscious Fisk intending to reclaim toffler's body realizing they are running out of time and that exchange is too far they head to Gloria who has an exchange machine Gloria starts the process and Toffler successfully gets his body back just as the timer on the clone's body Runs Out Fisk however survives the expiration of the Clone body and takes meline hostage in a last ditch effort to escape his body soon deteriorates and collapses allowing meline to walk over and smile at his downfall the movie concludes with quail's girlfriend attempting to contact him but his phone is dead signaling the end of his influence and power she then throws the phone in frustration
Channel: FilmCrop
Views: 15,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmcrop, recap, movie recap, recaps, mystrey recapped, king recaps, movie recapped, movie recaps, fox recaps, fast films, movie review, story recap, story recapped, film recap, film recaps, recapped, quick movie reviews
Id: tnJWw3Iei8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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