He Solved The Problem Of Human Extinction With His Technology But Faced A Problem | Movie Recap

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[Music] we're running out of time the film begins with the city of Chicago Dr Alister the head of the University's lab and project supervisor delivers an impassionate speech he dreams of a future transformed by their invention believing they can overcome the risks to make it functional driven by his belief he brings his initial prototype to the lab without conducting a precautionary simulation it's right here water H2O two parts hydrogen one part oxygen meanwhile Eddie a student specializing in Machinery is engrossed in an ingenious university project his goal is to construct a hydrogen reactor that can transform water into a powerful energy source Dr Alister started demonstrating how they can use the hydrogen in our daily use by burning it it's perfectly clean and you can burn it when you want to in the lab with eager anticipation the team proceeds to test it however the test ends in disappointment as the machine fails despite this setback Eddie remains undeterred and returns home vowing to try again Against All Odds 2 million Kelvin in Rising Eddie's Relentless efforts finally pay off and on his next attempt the machine operates successfully and he triumphantly takes the Prototype back to the university lab the team gathered to test the new found success and they managed to to make the machine operate without any instability his accomplishment ignites a wave of excitement amongst his peers culminating in a grand celebration going to be thanks thanks for your trust as the festivities continue Paul the Project's Finance year gets into a heated argument with Alistair about the timing and manner of making their Discovery public I never agreed to keep anything from anyone you know how I feel about Al be cool Dr ly a renowned physic assistant rein suggesting they can commemorate the achievement to the group photo holy we did it holy after the party it visibly intoxicated Dr ly suggest to make her way home hindered by a dead car battery Eddie ever the gentleman notices her predicament and offers his assistance together they manag to flag down a taxi let's take a taxi taxi huh uh-huh meanwhile back at the Now Quiet Lab Dr Alis and his colleague Chen stay behind to upload the groundbreaking data to the internet their Solitude is abruptly disrupted when a suspicious wife van pulls up outside the lab Mr Chen upload everything I want to get it all on the internet tonight the van's arrival arouses Chen's curiosity prompting him to investigate the noises meanwhile Eddie safely gets Dr ly home and decides to head back to the lab as he enters a blaring alarm greets him he's met with with a horrifying sight Dr Alis lying lifeless with a plastic bag over his head and Chen was nowhere to be found to make matters worse the unattended reactor was on the brink of explosion and a split second decision Eddie grabs his bike and fleas the lab riding as far away as possible meanwhile the men from the white van having completed their Sinister Mission remotely detonate the lab the explosion devastates the fac facility and destroys eight surrounding city blocks and Eddie barely escapes the shock wave narrowly surviving the aftermath of the catastrophe Eddie contacts Paul to relay this horrifying event and Paul standing at a safe distance silently watches the Roaring Flames that once symbolize their Beacon of Hope as Dawn breaks chaos ensues with the arrival of the fire department police and press all eager to uncover the truth behind the disaster Eddie steps forward to share his account of the events with the press and FBI agent Ford arrives to begin his own investigation had the locals move the perimeter back about a th000 ft he got it Eddie and ly receive a fact from Chen asking for all the documents and ly thinks she's being framed and tells Eddie that it wasn't from Chen because the writing is different meanwhile Ford went to Paul to confront him about the incident and he asked him about Eddie's file because Eddie dropped out of school Ford also accused Chen of Espionage and on top of that Ford mentioned that facts that Lily received including her in the suspect list real hole huh how much you say this guy makes not much he's a student machinist hey sheen what are you doing outside the FBI went to Eddie's house to investigate and found different lab instruments alone with the reactor they kept looking till they found something that would make Eddie a suspect and as knif Falls Paul exits a parking lot only to be confronted by Eddie ly who had been eagerly waiting for him Paul questions them about evidence allegedly found at their homes but both firmly deny any connection to China tell me about the money Eddie what money the 250,000 FBI found in your Loft Paul suggests that they hire an attorney and turn themselves into the police but Eddie determined to uncover the truth declines instead he proposes to seek Refuge at Maggie's Place an old friend of his later while at the restaurant Eddie and ly their pictures on a TV broadcast featuring a wanted poster Eddie quickly devises a plan instructing ly to purchase two train tickets to an observatory where Maggie works and sends her off in a taxi promising to meet her on the train anybody with knowledge of their whereabouts is asked to please contact the Chicago Office of the FBI immediate after ly's departure a bander recognizes Eddie and alerts a nearby police officer the once calm scene turns frantic as Eddie finds himself pursued by law enforcement the chase catches the attention of agent Ford and the FBI intensifying the situation desperate to escape Eddie leads the pursuit toward a drawbridge in the process of opening with an officer hot on his heels Eddie skillfully evades the officer causing him to plunge into a river below determined to get away Eddie attempts to scramble under the bridge [Applause] the FBI desperate to capture him ordered the bridge to be closed immediately ignoring the Bridge's operator warning that Eddie would be crushed as the massive Bridge descends Eddie resourcefully jams a metal rod into the Machinery buying himself precious time just in the nick of time he evades the closing Bridge slipping away under the noses of the pursuing officers and the FBI his Escape continues as he spots an approaching garbage truck hops on and successfully leaves the scene go you back this thing out of here come on at the busy train station ly Waits anxiously scanning the crowd for Eddie and he arrives with barely a second to spare boarding the train moments before it departs together they journey to Maggie's workplace and upon hearing Eddie's explanation about his innocence in the lab tragedy Maggie warmly welcomes them see you man you must be the other terrorist the following day brings a significant development as agent four and another FBI agent Doyle attend a crucial hearing amongst the attendees were some of the highest ranking Senate officials and Paul now under investigation delivers his statement to the committee asserting that all Government funding he received was utilized for the country's benefit however the FBI remains skeptical of Paul's narrative we don't know the cause of the explosion it's true the authorities escalate their surveillance around Paul's house and intensify their investigation the day Paul visits C systems research Labs a place frequented by familiar faces from the committee and the FBI however their efforts to uncover the ongoing activities are effectively torted in a significant meeting with Layman the head of the C systems research Paul ass search to him that everything is under control and vows to capture Eddie by the end of the day it becomes evident that C systems research has stolen the reactor but is unable to make it work the plot thickens as it's revealed that Pauls the mass mind providing the cover for the C systems research actions there's an awful lot of explaining to do where is the young man Paul's dealings are interrupted by a call from Eddie who was calling from a pay phone before their conversation concludes the FBI traces Eddie's location triggering a Pursuit the police chase Eddie to the observatory where he quickly grabs ly and they begin a frantic Escape their run leads them to the roof rooftop where an officer catches up to them however a helicopter carrying Sea Systems research henchmen arrive and eliminates the officer in the ensuing chaos Eddie seizes the opportunity to take the Fallen officer's weapon and they Rush downstairs with the police hot on their heels and spot a police snowmobile hopping on they manag to evade their pursuers and when the menacing helicopter follows they leave the snowmobile in motion with a bag on the gas pedal creating a diversion Eddie and ly seek shelter in an abandoned house offering them a chance to recuperate and warm up after sharing a meal Eddie goes to inspect the garage for any useful items and meanwhile Ford and Doyle visit Paul at his house questioning him about the recent phone conversation with Eddie Paul insists that he merely advised Eddie and ly to surrender to the police but the FBI agents confront him about the dubious Financial activities highlighting his use of both obvious and Secret counts they warn him that obstructing an FBI investigation is a federal crime and inform him that Eddie and ly are now the main suspects in the murder of an officer the following day Paul confronts Lyman angered by his decision to have the officer killed Paul reveals that he never intended for Eddie to be framed but Lyman sees Eddie as a liability who would seen too much and is no longer needed Paul strongly disagrees believing Eddie is the only one who can successfully operate the machine now he's a c killer worst case scenario they kill him back at the abandoned house Eddie works diligently on repairing a broken car when they're suddenly interrupted by Intruders racing back to the house Eddie manages to subdue one of them with his gun however another assistant catches him off a guard and begins to strangle him and ly intervenes knocking the Intruder unconscious and the pair escape again as morning Dawns Eddie and ly craft a clever plan they send a flower bouquet to Paul cleverly concealing an encrypted message within it that discloses their next meeting location a tense meeting at the Museum follows rapal reveals himself to Eddie and ly as The Mastermind behind the entire scheme he offers Eddie a deal to help him finish the reactor and regain his normal life the experiment needs verifying do your work this will all be over when Eddie resists Paul leaves him in the hands of his henchmen and Eddie fights through the men grabs ly and they make a run for it the chase leads them to an aircraft exhibit and Eddie attempts to hide ly in a hatch unfortunately she is captured and although Eddie manages to climb onto the airplane and evade capture he's forced to watch ly being taken away memorizing the Carl's license plates he decides to follow at C systems research Labs ly is introduced to the team including Chen who was kidnapped earlier the group demands ly and Chen resume their work but ly firmly refused uses you can't be serious oh yes meanwhile Eddie spots an opportunity when he sees an unattended police car while the officers were preoccupied seizing the moment he hops in and uses the police resources to trace the license plate number of the car that took ly to the FBI headquarters the autopsy result of this Lane officer reveals that he was killed by a sniper and considering this evidence Ford realizes that Eddie can't be killed he also deduces that someone as intelligent as Eddie capable of constructing the reactor and blowing up a lab wouldn't be foolish enough to leave a trail of cash at his house a clue that they found during an earlier search so what are you saying some cowboys gone off the reservation well we started 100 bucks kid didn't do it you got a nationwide man hunt for an innocent man the next day Eddie infiltrates the Sea Systems research Labs disguised as one of the engineers he navigates through a hidden tunnel eventually emerging an underground lab where the team was attempting a hydrogen reactor experiment despite their reluctance halil and Chen seem coerced into cooperating but their efforts end in failure and Paul and Layman decide to try again the following day catting the sight of Eddie ly manages to keep her here at 8:15 tomorrow all right I have a feeling Dr Sinclair Layman issues a menacing warning to LY and Chen McKing it clear that their survival depends on getting the machine up and running after delivering his threats he directs them back back to their living quarters and once the coast was clear Eddie slips back into the lab and with careful Precision adjusts the machine successfully getting it to run the following morning the team was amazed to find the reactor functioning and one of the scientists seeing an opportunity claims credit for making it work Paul instructs his team to save all the relevant data onto a disc for crosschecking the University data and after handing off the disc Paul's assistant retreats to his office where he was confronted by Eddie who was writing a message for agent forward Paul admits that he deduced Eddie was the one who fixed the reactor and at that moment Lyman and his men burst onto the office leading to a tense standoff Eddie demands their freedom arguing that he's given C systems research what they wanted however Lyman refuses and in response Eddie shuts down the reactor and begins transmitting all of C systems data directly to the FBI the shut down triggers instability in the reactor and Eddie warns them that they have only 20 minutes before it explodes enraged Lyman murders Chen an act that infuriates Paul to escalate the situation further Al Lyman takes ly hostage demanding Eddie turn off the reactor against Eddie's advice Lyman orders the scientists to cut the power supply worsening the situation and leading to an evacuation order I can't now chaos ensues as Paul and Lyman have a heated argument Lyman insists on leaving Eddie and Liley behind sarcastically suggesting that Paul is welcome to stay if he wishes but that he won't wait for them as the lab goes into full lockdown everyone scrambles to leave trapping ly and Eddie inside despite their best efforts the guards block their Escape Route by quickly abandoning the lab themselves you can stay with them if you like thanks to Eddie's resourcefulness he and ly find an alternative exit only to be halted by a locked door meanwhile Paul and Lyman make their way to an elevator and Lyman sned remarks about Paul's retirement were the last straw prompting Paul to shoot him dead in his final Act Paul disables the lockdown allowing Eddie and ly a chance to escape before swiftly leaving the area Eddie and ly Rush toward the elevator just managing to breach it in time two of lyman's henchmen Ambush Eddie but he manages to incapacitate them but one of them recovers engaging Eddie in a fierce hand to hand and struggle when the elevator arrives Eddie shouts for ly to get on and delivering a Swift and disabling blow to his opponent Eddie makes a desperate leap onto the departing elevator barely managing to hold on their escape happens just in time and as the timer hits zero the lab detonates in a massive explosion killing the remaining henchmen and any others still inside witnessing Ellie and ly's incredible escape the onlookers erupt in Applause and this is where the thrilling move Chain Reaction comes to an end [Music]
Channel: FilmCrop
Views: 204,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmcrop, recap, movie recap, recaps, mystrey recapped, king recaps, movie recapped, movie recaps, fox recaps, fast films, movie review, story recap, story recapped, film recap, film recaps, recapped, quick movie reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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