Fusion 360 The Wisdom of Project — Season 2 EP5

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this video have been on the to-do list for way way too long let's get into the project tools within fusion 360 let's go [Music] hi everybody and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video today's video we're gonna talk about the project they include the intersect the tools that when hit the fusion sketch drop-down you might have found you wonder what they do this is thanks to Jack Martin who sent me an email my email address is down in the description area of this video so if any future topics you would like to see send me that so thanks jack for sending me the request to do this I should have done this this a long time ago so let's jump into fusion 360 so this is where you find them sketch go down to the project include and you find that there's these five different items sitting right down here and you hopefully are somewhat familiar with with at least a couple of them but let's let's let's go through it quick project also there's a shortcut called P the best way the best way to probably describe project is that if we start a new sketch on the top face here and then let's just draw a two-point rectangle something like that Deaver I mentioned we should probably always fully define these dimensions right these parts we have this cat sitting on this plane here now if we create an offset plane from this bring this up 75 millimeters we open a new sketch on that face there now it goes normal to but I'm just going to move it over what we can do with this project tool right here is we can borrow or steal the edges from our first from our rectangle to that second plane so hit project and you see that when I click here you will see that the lines are appearing up on top so now suddenly we're project did those sketch entities down there up to that that can be super handy if you're trying to use something like a loft function or things like that another example is look at this pot here so we have a round cylinder and we have kind of like a slot through it now there's different ways we could do that but in this part here what I have is I have a sketch a sketch rectangles sitting right here that I'm cutting right through there but see what happens is that if I just delete these two back to so square one just an extruded boss here if I go ahead and say I want a sketch on this plane here and I want to create a two-point rectangle now I can I can select this this edge it will let me select that but you can see that I can't select an endpoint and that's because well there is no endpoint because it's it's a circle well here is where we can use this project command if you go down to the project and I select that edge and hit ok now I have projected that circular adds as a flat on there and now I can go ahead and sketch my my two-point rectangle here so let's make this 15 by 10 and if I hit Q 4 press Paul I'm just select can't select the profile in here just hold down the left mouse button and you can select the profile right there let's do a symmetrical cuts and do a cut like that so that is is that project on that you you saw happening in here now another function within this one I got to show you about if I click on it and we select that same plane um you just saw me take this edge and the selection filter I had it over here on a specific entity that means that if I select here it will take that adds but if you switch that over to body and you just select the whole body then you actually get the whole outside of that that could actually in somewhat be handy for hit Q and again hold down the left mouse button select that profile exclude that out and let's do it as a join now I just created an interesting shape right there another way to do that that my friend is the project but now where are we headed why don't we look at what what does in a sect do now the intersect command would actually we can create like a face or we can create a a plane and wherever that plane is cutting through our part that's where we will get that intersection sketched geometry let me show you so if our X we have if we go up and we turn the origin on here we will see that we have the origin in the center so if I go over here and say that we want to intersect and we're just selecting this plane right here and then we can select the whole body hit OK now it's literally like if I turn the bodies off we have caught with this plane through this body and we now have these these intersections here so if we just take it one step further let's do this do this one more time let's do an offset plane crack this out something like this and let's do it again go and do an intersect select this plane select the can the body okay now you will see that the other geometry is where that plane is in the plane back on can you see it so I hope that you can see that now we have different sketch geometry wherever we decide to use that that plane now the next one include free to geometry let's go and find an old live stream part this one here camera world live stream it was but we did this one in the sculpt environment so completely freeform let me just go over to the model environment here let's turn the cap to the sign history on so we get that down at the bottom so this is what I like to call swoopy surfaces kind of thing but check this out if we go to sketch project include frida geometry it's gonna open up another another a new sketch plane so it's like opening a scats let's say like this that's here and now I can actually select edges of the 3d of this curved body that we have right here so I can select these edges if I hit OK and then we just hide the bodies you will see that it projected those edges off of that that curved body so some of you guys would like to work with the sculpt workspace and then go into the to the normal modeling workspace might like this what we could do from here could for example go to patch we could say extrude let's extrude this one symmetrical hope we got the bodies turned off that's why symmetrical here so we can put a surface on here let's go in here and turn off the solid body so we have this is now coming from that sketch geometry that we just created now what you could do from here if you are not familiar with the Pat's workspace this we could actually thicken this so you can select this and give it some kind of a thickness I don't know 50 millimeters and now that is actually a solid body in itself so just pretty interesting that it will let you take an existing 3d geometry and take those edges and curves and turn them into usable sketch geometry the next one here project to a surface you might have seen me use it in the past but pretty much what it will let you do is that let's create a construction offset plane here up here let's draw a sketch on that and let's just take a spline like our new control points line and draw that out there so now we kind of have this spline here so let's open a new sketch here and let's go up and do a protect surface select the face we want that's on that curb and select that curve right there and that is now being projected down on that face so that is actually what we will call like a 3d sketch geometry that we actually cannot get out of this this is great for if you're doing certain types of development now talking about like 3d sketches and curves the last function you will find in here is a intersection curve in a section curve but you can read the description next to it but it will let you select the sketch curve and then create a 3d sketch from that let me show you an example of that if we go ahead here open it a new sketch and I'm just gonna sketch on this this plane right here let's go back in and do one of these control splines like that for example stop the sketch so now we have that sitting on one plane if we create one on the other so we just guessed here let's do it here let's do another control point spline let's add a couple of more sections through that's okay so now we have returned the origin back on you can kind of see we have one that is sitting at this face with one that is sitting on this face well if I go in and say that I want to create a intersection curve and I now select that last plane right there and then I select this curve and this could be I'll curves all faces and this curve then you will see that it creates a combined from these two an intersecting curve that will be a a 3d sketch curve like that for any of you guys who want to get into to the 3d sketch curves this would definitely be be a good tool for you so project is the one we're using the most is projecting items I'd like to call stealing edges from one part of a body to a new sketch plane you have the intersection one where you literally have a plane that cuts right through it that won't include 3d geometry if that went a little fast don't worry screw you no rewind back in the video and check that out projecting to a surface can be super good this is also good if you have lettering and then the last one here creating these these 3d sketch curves that's pretty pretty neat I hope you found this useful thank you so much Jack Martin for for suggesting that again my email address is down in the description area you're more than welcome to send me an email in the future topics you would like to see if you like this thumbs up if you don't hey be honest thumbs down I really appreciate you taking the time and until the next time have an awesome awesome day take care folks [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 18,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion
Id: ZEBaULnL01c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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