Fusion 360 Sprocket & Chain! Fusion Friday #23

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hi folks welcome to another fusion Friday can we model chain and a pulley let's give it a shot and we're gonna do it a little differently than you might think we're gonna cheat file new design save it because not until you save it that you start getting Auto saves in case it happens to crash so the first thing to do when you're modeling a part like this mcmaster-carr sprocket roller chain all I'm doing here is trying to get a part number so I'll grab this part number here copy and paste it and go to insert mcmaster-carr component paste it here the reason I copy and paste is I find using the McMaster website and a regular web browser is a lot easier now I got that product up I can click on the CAD or product detail text scroll down you got to pick a bore size here on this part and now save it as a step file click OK this is awesome we have our component it's in if you'll notice it is a component in it are a bunch of bodies excellent now let's go grab a piece of chain chain roller chain it was number 40 and we'll do this product detail actually I didn't partnumber insert paste the part number and no matter what length you download here it only gives you a short section you'll see here in a second so it doesn't really matter what we pick for length I actually wish you could download well you'll see it doesn't really matter click ok so we've got our two our chain in our sprocket I'm going to create a shaft for the sprocket to rotate on right-click new component alcohol shaft and I'm actually going to sketch it in place so let's hide the chain like unclicking the light bulb here I'll hit C for sketch and if I make it on this plane here one of the things you'll notice is I actually don't that's mm you know it's funny when I was practicing for this video that wasn't concentric so I don't want to trust that on what I'm going to do is hit P for project and if I click on this line that gives me a center point that I know is concentric hit Q for press pull click on this guy and we'll just drag it out it's like so I'm going to ground that so right click on it over here and choose ground that locks it in place which is going to let me create a joint but before we create the joint let's go up and activate the whatever you call this the top of the whole part so right now we could drag this around we want it to rotate on that shaft and because I modeled it in place I can do assemble as built joint pay attention to what it's asking you let your mouse hover here in the white and it'll say select two components I'm going to pick this one I'm going to pick this one and now it says select the reference that means the point of rotation I'll click this point here and now we have a rotating spur gear excellent now we've got to work on the chain the problem with the chain is that the way we imported it is it just one body you can't you can't actually I really thought it would import as individual bodies or even components kind of like actually our sprocket did you'll see here we've got a body that is the sprocket we've got a set screw here and a set screw here that's pretty cool we don't have that with the chain no big deal and actually we're going to do something that references the video we just did on D featuring stuff in fusion 360 just amazing I really just want one link so I'm going to start deleting stuff click on it delete delete delete oops didn't want to do that oops oh no I see I don't want to delete that right there there we go kind of depends on what you delete and one of these should happen so this should have a hole through it if I here if I delete this I don't get what I want so instead this is so cool will do create extrude yeah ignore this continue click on this space here and just drag through it's going to do our cut awesome just awesome now technically the chain links would be nested inside of each other as you'll see here in a second I'm not going to worry about that right now because that's not the task at hand what I am going to worry about is the fact that I think what I'm about to do is probably not the best way to what I like to call CAD etiquette or use fusion 360 but I don't know a better way so I'm with welcome comments below actually I forgot before I move forward see all these delete faces every time I deleted something in the piece of chain it was a parametric event which is kind of cool because it means I can undo them but here I don't want to so if I right click and just hit delete see that brought them all back that's not what I wanted so let's do this let's roll the timeline back to here and how we're going to do this no convert now don't want to do that okay I think I figured it out I'm gonna change my window here I right-click on I guess some of them or all of them here and right-click and choose convert to DM or direct modeling it got rid of one of them there if I did it again it seems to work I can't really explain there we go can't really explain that to be honest with you but I don't really want all that parametric info there because that's what you're going to see here is we get way too busy of a timeline even with the few tricks that I know so we have one link of chain right click copy go up to the top of your component or part file right click and do paste new paste versus paste new paste new means it's a totally separate instance of it if that makes sense whereas if you pasted it instead of a paste new and we change the shaft size here it's going to change in all of them okay do I do this right here yeah we're okay so I've got two instances one of the things I don't like that I was mentioning about the timeline is we've now got all of these capture positions that are going to have to happen because I go to create a joint I either have to capture the position which I'll do it now you'll see it adds a event down here which is annoying or I can not capture it but it consolidates it back to this same location which is annoying because I don't want either to happen so the only other way you can sneak by that is by using the light bulbs to unhide them and hide them otherwise it's really difficult you'll see if I don't capture the position it's really difficult to kind of know which one you're selecting again unless you take the time to undo the light bulbs so not the end of the world but I don't like it capture position fine J for joint I'm going to join the center of this shaft so if I hold the mouse over here and I click that coin to change my motion type here two revolute first to the center of this shaft click on the coin there it's that simple now like I said technically the chain should be nested I'm not gonna worry about that right here we can right click paste new again again I have to capture position because it puts in the same spot I'm going to paste a bunch of these here a quick I guess that's one thing you can do you can do a bunch at once and then capture the position which saves you a little bit so you can do these joints I got to give them credit you can do these joints really fast and we screw one up here oops somehow goofed on one of them there we go so does that look like much partly because nothing is grounded so I can't move individual links but if we take one of them and ground it so notice how I clicked on this one and when I do it I see the underlined that tells me which component I'm clicking on right click and ground and continue and now I can move them a little bit around so now I've got my linked chain pretty cool right now to be clear I don't think this is that we're going to get this to really work partly because well we'll talk about that at the end the best thought that I have is if we start the easy way it would be to create a joint and if we did a revolute we would say I want the chain let's say I have this joint here I'm going to click that Center coin that's really important right there to revolve it around the center of this pocket here so if I hold my mouse here you can see I've got that triangle that's the middle one I want to click that so hold the control key on your keyboard and that locks this in place and I can now move my cursor up and click that coin so that looks right click OK oops what's my air oh that's because I had one of these grounded that's why unground okay save so we're sort of works you can see I've got that motion and if I pull this I'm moving the sprocket and I can even go the next step I can hit J again and I can click continue here oops that's annoying so let's I guess capture the position hit J here and let's say this one if I hit the center of it right there would be in two here it should be this pocket click on the center colon right here I think this will kind of work so you can see the rest of it would need to fit in there so again we're kind of getting it here's the problem that revolute joint is going to keep them inside the sprocket there's no way as you rotate like if we added a second pulley to have them come out of the sprocket and continue along a path and I think the way other CAD like SolidWorks handles that is you have a chain that travels along a path so that's not what we're doing here and I'm not I don't think fusion 360 can do that at least not right now that doesn't mean we can't have a little bit of fun here and learn something from it on the other thing I tried to do I delete these two joints is let's see here kind of this way now the other thing I tried to do was J for joining continue I tried to use like a pin slot or another joint type and I still can't get it no matter what I pick were basically confined I think I was trying it over here you're confined to a vertical slot in here the last thing that you can do if we see if we redo a couple of our joints this is cool so if we put this in here and we put see here see we put oops joined we put this one in here so we've got a couple of joints oops didn't work well I think I only need one joint to show this office you can do something very cool but but what you can do something very cool here called contact sets so under assemble I'm going to enable contact sets and take a look what it says activates contact analysis between comb components so click enable and now we've got to create one so I'll go to assemble new contact set and what are the bodies of the components well it'll be between say this and that click OK now what's going to happen is as you move see that as you move this it's only going to allow it to it's basically not going to allow interference it like in the real world so I'm actually working pretty well right now it shouldn't be letting me do that it is driving it interesting there's a little bit of a glitch on there the see if we can do it with another part so oh you what it is it's that the component that I picked doesn't have the big diameter has the smaller diameter so that's what's driving the contact there so I'll do another assemble new contact set let's say it's between what it would be this and this look okay so now if I pull that up it'll start to behave like something that behaves in the real world in terms of interference the problem is that this is incredibly computing intensive to the point where you add a few of these and you can't you can't even use your model for demonstration purposes let alone really work in it so this is not how you drive automation but it can be useful and it can be really helpful you can quickly turn it on and off which is again so you can have it but you use it where you need it so I'm going to leave it at that folks I hope you enjoy it I hope you learn something there any specific fusion topics you'd love to see we'd love to cover them shoot us an email or comment below otherwise see you next Friday folks you
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 105,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, Computer-aided Technologies, Computer Aided Design (Software Genre), Do It Yourself (Hobby), Tutorial (Media Genre), nyc cnc, tips, tutorial, autodesk, how to, import mcmaster, sprocket, chain
Id: pfu5AbAEHYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2016
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