360 LIVE: Drawing Tips & Tricks

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to another fusion 360 live my name is brad talas from autodesk um today's topic i'm going to be talking about drawings tips and tricks and the reason i'm doing this one is because i've been getting some questions from customers on certain topics and drawings and i wanted to show some some neat examples of what you can do with the drawings workspace so angelo is not helping me today he just got back from working with battlebots in las vegas it sounds like he was insanely busy and all kind of stuff so he's taking some well-deserved time off right now but he should be back next week so i'll be running the questions myself so once again if you have a specific question maybe put like three asterisks or three stars in front of it so as i'm scanning through i can find those really quick also i notice a lot of the people online um help answers those questions and i really do appreciate that this is such an awesome community everybody working together everybody asking how everybody's doing so that's why we come back and we try and do these as often as we can so let's dive right in so what i'm going to be doing is talking about drawings and i'm going to use my miter saw stand as an example and i'm going to show some new functionality or some functionality you might not know exists so i'm going to create a drawing of this so i'm going to come into my workspace tab here or button and go to drawing from design now what i wanted to point out is this option right here this is really cool by default it's usually set to full assembly and that means it's going to create a drawing of the whole assembly even if parts are turned off well now there's an option in here called visible only and by doing that it is only going to create a drawing of what's actually displayed so it's kind of a easier way of specifying what you want your drawing to look like even before you get into the drawing workspace and then finally we also have select which allows you to pick you know a particular item and that's going to allow you to select that one item or multiple items i'm going to do visible only in this example here i can specify we're gonna we're gonna talk about templates and all this kind of stuff a little bit later i can specify my standards i'm gonna do asme but i'm gonna leave my units to be millimeters specify my sheet size so by defining asme i see these sheet sizes if i were to do iso i would see these sheet sizes so i'm going to just start let's do maybe like a d size drawing and i'm just gonna say okay now it takes a moment you'll notice i only have one tab open right now and now there's two tabs so it actually creates the drawing in a separate tab it's gonna use my default title block and then you'll notice i get this little icon stuck to my cursor and it's asking for me to place this base view i'm going to go ahead and click there to kind of place it i'm going to move this just in case any video stuff is covering it up so you can kind of see the options here i'm going to change my scale from one to ten to one to eight and you'll notice it kind of gets a little bit bigger now here's a cool tip if you didn't know this you can click these three little dots and it actually has a whole bunch of pre-defined scales in here so sure enough there was a one to ten in there i could have selected but also notice like the architectural fractional etc but i can also come in and type anything i want i could say like one to seven if i wanted to and that's not in the pull down list so you can put whatever scale you want i'll just go ahead and say okay so i'm placing this base view and we're going to be talking about what you see over here quite a bit today i'm going to go ahead and create some projected views really quick so here's my parent i'll just kind of go up to the right and maybe i'll do like an isometric up here in the corner i'll go ahead and click that green box saying that i'm done selecting those so it's going to update all of these views and what it's going to do is it's going to use the settings that were used in this first base view so if i had said show hidden lines these other ones would have shown hidden lines okay now here's one of the tips that's kind of not a lot of people know about in fact i just learned about this recently now obviously you know if you drag the parent view these other views are going to try and stay projected with them so my top view is staying lined up with my parent view so you can kind of see as i move that around that top view is staying lined up same thing with my side view it's staying lined up well there might be situations where you want to move one of these views even though it's a projection you might want to move it so what you do is you just click and drag and you'll notice it limits you to only moving up and down but if i hit the shift key in fact notice if i pause for a second it says press shift to toggle view alignment so i'm going to hit my shift key and now i can move this view wherever i want and if i want to put it back i just hit the shift key again and i'm back to being lined up and we're actually going to use this later on in today's demonstration there's multiple times where i do like section views and it limits where you can put the section view and i'm like i don't want it crowded right here maybe i want it over here or maybe i want it up in this area so you're gonna see that here in just a little bit okay so here is where you have a little bit of power so i'm gonna right click on this table assembly over here in this browser and i'm going to say suppress all except selected now if you want to remember anything from today's session this is it because you don't know how many times i'm watching customers and they want to just show the table assembly and they come in and they click there and then they click there and then they click there and they click there and this is a simple example they've got 20 30 40 parts or whatever and they're manually clicking all of those to turn them off instead i can right mouse click and say suppress all except what's selected so watch what happens it turns all of those check boxes off and it's going to update all of my views and now you'll notice it is only displaying what is underneath this table assembly so here's the different tubes in fact you'll notice if i hover over tube it kind of highlights it in each of the views it's kind of hard to see but it kind of kind of turns dashed as i hover over these parts so i can actually kind of see where is the end cap assembly it's right there right so that right mouse click and suppress all except selected i think that's huge if you like that give it a thumbs up um hopefully you all knew about that so okay so i now have kind of this i would call it like a sub assembly it's not the whole thing it's just um part of my design i'm going to go ahead and move this up a little bit and i'm going to create a table so right here i'm going to say table let me move this you can kind of see what's going on here notice it says automatic now if i click on this you can see the different kinds of tables that we have custom table a parts list or a bend table so automatic is going to kind of figure it out itself then notice the structure says first level or all levels and we're going to talk about this i'm going to leave it at first level and then i'm going to move my cursor around and you'll kind of notice as i move around it's going to kind of snap to the upper right corner now it's kind of snapping to the upper left corner maybe if i place it down here you'll notice it kind of snaps to the lower left corner so i'm just going to get near this corner here and click and notice what it did it created these balloons for me automatically and it's kind of highlighting the top level so we can kind of see under the table assembly it's showing we have two tubes quantity two we have two end cap assemblies quantity two and then we have like this single center tube and then we have these leg assemblies it's kind of like one level it is not showing all of the parts inside the leg assembly it's literally only pointing to the leg assembly so that's what first level does it kind of allows you to kind of point to certain things and say okay this is a sub assembly called you know the end cap assembly etc now we're gonna obviously talk about the full level assembly here in just a little bit okay now what i want to do is i'm going to leave this kind of as my first sheet and again we're going to talk about a lot of things we're going to talk about renumbering these balloons and repositioning them positioning them and pointing the arrows in different locations i'm just kind of hitting a couple of the high level things right now and then we're going to dive a little bit deeper so another trick or tip is that you can add a new sheet just by clicking on this little plus icon but if i right mouse click you'll notice i also get add sheet if i wanted to but i just hit this little plus icon and it's going to create a new sheet okay i'm going to create a new base view and it looks pretty much just like we did before and i'm going to set my i'll do the pull down this time let's i'll say one to eight i'll go ahead and place my top front right iso etc so um and again what i was talking about earlier notice the style is visible edges only it's not displaying tangent edges etc if i had said hidden lines it would show all the hidden lines i'm not going to do that right now i'll just say okay maybe move this view over here a little bit and i'll do my projected views just like i did on the previous sheet like so i'll say okay i'm going to do that table once again but this time we're going to do the all levels and this will be kind of interesting when we do this so why is it taking long a long time to update these views well it's literally showing every single part it's you know displaying whether they're hidden or not tangent edges etc threaded edges so you can kind of see why sometimes it might take a little while a few seconds to generate these views okay so i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm going to say create a table but this time i'm going to say all level and notice what happens i'm going to go ahead and place my table here i get all of these balloons all the way around in fact i'm going to zoom out and you can kind of see a huge long table because now it is showing every single part whether it's mirrored or not here's the bolts lock pins springs washers etc all of the stuff is in here now obviously we just made a pretty ugly drawing but here's some cool things you can do with this so i'm going to right click on the table assembly and just like i did before i'm going to say suppress all except selected now notice it's showing the wheels it's showing the extension arms everything like that well all i'm really concerned about right now is this table kind of this is this top part here so i'm going to suppress all except for the selected now you'll notice it takes a second here the table will actually get shorter because it's not going to be displaying as much stuff okay so you can see the table shorter because it's not displaying the wheels it's not displaying the extension arms etc but it's still fairly lengthy so now i'm going to dive deeper into this table assembly so let's look at this and maybe all i'm concerned about is this end cap assembly so i'm going to right click on end cap assembly and say suppress all except selected and notice what happens so i'm basically creating my sheet kind of in my assembly level my assembly structure so instead of displaying this whole table assembly all i'm displaying now is this end cap assembly okay um so i just glanced over at the um chat and thank you for using the three asterisks patrick he he asked the question um is it possible to do a staggered section cut i will show that yes so i will definitely show that when we get into the section view section no pun intended okay so um now you'll notice my views are very very small so i'll click on this view here right mouse click and edit that guy and instead of one to eight let's try maybe like one to two because this is kind of the parent the the children views also update to that scale also in fact if i came in here and like clicked on this view here and said edit view you'll notice it says scale one to two from parent so now when it updated you can kind of see it um sort of made the balloons kind of crowded and all kind of stuff we will talk about that i'm going to change this view to shaded and now we get kind of the shaded view so let's take a look at these balloons so you can kind of see they're pointing to different objects and they're got multiple numbers and all that kind of stuff and that has to do with the level here if i look at my table it's kind of broken down almost like a ladder diagram so you can see the very top level is this table assembly underneath that we have this end cap assembly underneath the end cap assembly we're kind of laddering down or stepping down we have you know the end cap let me expand this guy open so you can see that we have the end cap the end cap cover so you can kind of see those there and then we have a sub assembly called hardware and if i expand that open here's all these individual pieces of hardware so the phillips the hex nut etc and you can see there's three of each in there and then we have this leg support plate which is a sheet metal part and it has some tabs and then finally we have this handle mount and there's two of those so that's kind of what these numbers mean they're kind of kind of like stepping down and showing the level almost like an outline if you want to think of it that way i'm going to quickly just move these balloons a little bit just kind of out of the way like so and you'll oops didn't mean to move my view um let's grab on that guy now you'll notice this one's like reaching all the way across and this one's crossing over and all kind of stuff so we will talk about or show this here in just a second so i'm just going to kind of move these balloons around now i'm going to start saying okay i want to move this arrow and if i click on this arrow you'll see that little dot and i can see you know it's pointing to this gray part right here so i'm just going to move that dot so i'm just going to click and drag until it's pointing to the silver part over here same thing with this guy i might drag this point and maybe you know we put it there and you'll notice when i'm dragging these around it's actually doing like these automatic snapping it's going to snap to a corner if i get kind of near the middle you'll see that little triangle is trying to snap to a midpoint so it allows you to very quickly and easily make things look nice i want to go right to the middle of this part right there and there it is okay maybe i bring this balloon down just a little bit so it's over here and i want the arrow to kind of be down there so i'm just going to click on that little dot drag it there and there we go and that looks to me much nicer instead of having the stuff crossing over so same thing with this i might just move this number down so it's pointing to that particular object and that's pointing to that particular object and maybe we move that so it's more centered to the um let's do like maybe here for example and move that up so you can reposition your arrows that are automatically created i'm going to talk about repositioning the balloons a little bit later in a different sheet but you can kind of see how that looks a little bit better okay now i want to see some more information so i'll go ahead and create a projected view this is my my main or my base view so i'm going to click on that and you'll notice if i move kind of to the upper right it kind of matches that view right there if i go to the upper left i get that view so just by moving around i'm going to get different projections so i kind of like this projection here well i want it to be over here but obviously that doesn't work so i'm going to click over here say okay then i can just move that view i'm just clicking and dragging it over here i'll edit this view make it shaded and if i wanted to you'll notice i can see the screws here i can also see these metal handle tubes a lot better than i can see it right here that's what it's kind of pointing to so what i can do is come in here and just click on the balloon i'll click on this little part right here and place my balloon and you can notice it's the exact same number okay i could do the same thing with my hardware here i might just click on that screw and place the balloon like so and then what i typically do is i don't need to have duplicates so i might remove that one i'm just going to select it and hit delete same thing with the screw i might come in here and just delete that guy there so in this view we can see the nut in this view we can see the screw for example or the bolt okay okay i'm going to go ahead and show some other new functionality here hopefully everybody's um having a good time and learning stuff i'm going to create a center mark on this view right here so i'll go ahead and click on these circles like so and i'm going to throw a dimension between these two studs um so you can kind of see there's my dimension i'm in millimeters so it's showing that dimension in millimeters but notice on the screen my balloon numbers are fairly large my table is a little hard to read it's kind of small and then i've got this text here my dimension text is fairly small compared to like these numbers so this is some new functionality that we've recently added going to expand open my document settings right here and here's where i can pick what font and then this text height group and notice it's set to medium if i click on the little icon next to it it says change text height group so i'm going to click on that now here's something little but we think it's pretty cool notice i i clicked on the text height group it's only showing the text stuff it's not showing me my primary units my line widths or whatever it could have had this whole thing open but depending on what i click on in fact let me cancel out if i do like leading zeros if i click on that you'll notice text is folded down and now it's only showing the stuff that has to do with the units like leading and trailing zeros and stuff so kind of a neat enhancement that we put in there so i'll do that text height and notice it says medium and then it shows us what the text height is small medium and large so 0.1 0.12 and 0.24 now i have the ability to come in here and say make it small i'll say okay and you'll see things get really small kind of hard to see i'll set that back to medium and you do have to say okay to to see the change but what i really like is i can now come in and say custom and i have the ability to change what's my small text height what's my medium text height and what's my large text height so i might come in here and say you know what i want um my small to be 0.12 i want my medium to be 0.24 and i want my large to be 0.24 for example i'll go ahead and say okay and now you'll see some changes so now you can see my dimension is about the same size as my balloon text and my table obviously got much larger and we're going to talk about fixing this table here in just a second but it gives you the control over specifying how big these fonts or this text is which we didn't have the ability before okay so once again that was under text height group and under custom and you can come in and change this all you want so now what about this table that grew suddenly well i'm going to go ahead and just click on the table and a bunch of things happen here so it kind of highlights blue and you'll see all of these little dots and then you'll see this blue triangle i'm going to talk about this triangle here in a little bit but what i'm going to do is just change the width of this table by clicking on this dot right here i'm just going to drag to the right now you'll notice the table is getting bigger but the columns really aren't changing or anything like that but now i can come in and say you know what i don't need material to be quite so wide so i'm going to drag that over a little bit in fact i could probably go even further description you'll notice is totally empty we'll come back to that here in a second part number has a bunch of stuff so i'm going to drag this and now you can kind of notice as i'm moving this it's basically word wrapping so instead of having to be like three lines or whatever for that it's going to be able to fit on you know one or two lines so i'm just going to keep dragging that over a little bit and then same thing with like my quantity and finally my item so i'll drag that you can see just by changing that it gives me more room and i can just just makes this a little bit wider because right now i want these to be all on one line so i'm going to drag that over and sure enough you can see how now these are all on one line basically now what about my description there's nothing displayed here so i'm going to double click on my table and this allows me to specify a couple things for example we're displaying all level so it's showing every single part that's in this assembly that's on the sheet i could set it back to first level and it would basically this would be a very small table it would only say you know like end cap assembly basically i can specify which direction the table goes in this case it's going up okay but then right here you'll see we have what is displayed and i can actually turn off the description and we now turned off description i could turn on mass i could move mass to be right after the quantity for example or whatever so you have some flexibility here on what you want displayed i could say display the part name so it would display the part name so okay by doing that it reset my settings or whatever but you get the idea so and then um i can also specify how big this table is just by changing those font heights or that text height so i can make this a smaller text if i wanted to now you'll notice it still is covering up this view and this is where that um blue diamond comes into play not a lot of people know this but watch what happens when i click and drag on this diamond it's actually like making the table go from one to two if i keep going you'll see it'll jump over and actually go to three tables so i'm just gonna move it until i'm like maybe like here for example and now i have it's kind of like folded it over and i have two tables it's still the same data but instead of going all the way up and cutting into my view right here i've just kind of expand extended expanded that table to the right so thumbs up if you liked that one if you didn't know about that let us know i'm hoping to share some tips and tricks that you might not know about okay okay let's see okay so let's talk about these balloons i've already shown how you can move them around just by clicking and dragging on them and stuff but maybe i want to line them up maybe i want to re-number them etc and that's under tables align balloons so check this out i'm going to say align balloons i'm going to pick that one number that number and that number and then i'm going to hit enter and notice it now says specify start point so maybe i'll start over here and then i'm going to start to move and you'll notice i can line them up perfectly straight or i could even have them kind of follow the direction of my isometric view so i could do something like that for example and those are all now lined up i could do the same thing with these two i'll hit enter i'll say let's start right there and go like that and they're cutting out with only two balloons it's not that exciting but you can kind of see how you can realign those balloons okay and then keep them nice and straight so it's really up to you um and like i showed before you could do the same thing enter let's start maybe here and then just keep them in a straight line like so it's totally up to you on how you want to do that i can also renumber so i'm going to come in here and say renumber i'll move this just a little bit and i'm just going to click on that right there and well i'm should probably move this so you can kind of see the table so as i click on these you can see it's renumbering them to two to three to four etc it's renumbering all of these okay if i wanted to so now you can see i can change the number i can specify what the number is i want it to be eight i'll go ahead and click on that one there and you can see now they're all eight for example okay i can also let me renumber balloon if i change it from automatic to balloon notice it says level first level so that's changing that first number so we saw going one two three four et cetera well i don't want to change the first number i want to change the trailing number so i'm going to come in here and say last level and i can click on here you can see now that says dot one and watch the table as i'm doing this now you'll notice a lot of these grayed out and only this other one is available and this is kind of a simple example think of a lot more parts but it's basically saying hey you can't renumber these because this is a different sub assembly only this part and this part are in the hardware assembly so you can see that's now one and that's now two so i'll do that again over here so let's do renumber balloon this is 2 right so i'm going to change it to last level i'll click on that and you can see that is now one and that is now two okay and the table updates automatically as i'm doing that so i don't have very many parts in this sub-assembly so there's not a lot of balloons to click on but you could you could imagine how you could keep going around and renumbering these if this was two and the next one was five the next one was three and then seven and then four right you probably want to make them maybe go one two three four five or whatever as you're going around so okay you'll notice there's a sheet metal part on here and i want to create a sheet metal flat representation on this drawing and this stumps a lot of people like how do i show my sheet metal part well right here we can see here's that leg support i'm going to expand that open um but there's nothing in here like create a flat view or anything like that so how do i do this check this out i'm going to go back to my 3d model okay i'll click on this part and it tells me it's in the table assembly so i'll expand open that table assembly oops didn't mean to click it shows me it's in the end cap assembly so i'll expand that open or another tip i could double click on it right mouse click on it and say find in browser and it's going to expand that open and highlight that it's in this leg support plate so let me expand that open and here is that leg support plate and we can see it's a sheet metal part and it has this flat pattern if i right click on flat pattern i can say activate or i can just click the little radio button and here i am in a flat pattern representation of that sheet metal part now i want to add this to my drawing so how do i do that i just right click on my flat pattern and say create drawing now some of you might think well i don't want to create a whole new drawing so that's where this comes into play we're finally going to show this notice it says drawing create new well i don't want to create a new drawing i'm going to click on there and you can see untitled now i haven't saved our drawing yet but you'll notice it says untitled so i'm going to select that now it says sheet do you want to create a new sheet or do you want to put it on an existing sheet that's in that drawing well i want it to be on sheet 2 and you'll notice how it kind of grays this out because sheet 2 is already already created it knows what units it knows what sheet size etc i'm going to say ok and i now have a flat representation of the sheet metal part on this sheet i'll go ahead and do shortened there we go so hopefully if you didn't know that we could do this you now saw that we can and i this is the question i get quite often where it's like i just want to put something different on a sheet and i'm actually going to kind of take this to the next level and show how you can do multiple different parts on the same sheet etc so this is kind of the lead into that so i'm going to let's say i want to create a bend table for this i can just click on table i'll select this view and it's going to automatically create a bend table for me so i'll place it here and just like before it's kind of narrow or whatever i'm just going to drag this across snap it to that corner right there and as i start to move these you're going to see that the table will get smaller like so however it is still overlapping and just like i did over here i could now i'm not going to but i could move here and you can kind of see how it's going to move to the left like so and stretch across so you can do it with the part table you can do it with the bend table also so obviously in this case i might need to move some views around make them fit a little bit nicer or whatever maybe move some balloons around etc to get the representation that i want just like so okay so a lot of information on this sheet obviously so okay i'm gonna go ahead and create another sheet here real quick let me look at the chat um okay so al asked will this part remembering carry over to the next sheet or is it local to the current sheet it is local to the current sheet we don't carry things over to another sheet unfortunately now i'm about to show is how you can do multiple different representations on multiple different sheets and that this is where i think the magic really happens so um i'm going to do a base view this looks familiar but i'm going to change this instead of model i'm going to pick one of my storyboards now where did these come from this is when i talked about doing exploded views with this assembly so i'm going to pick the last one that i did which was the storyboard 8 so this is an exploded representation of this assembly gives me a nice kind of preview what that's going to look like orientation i'm going to do kind of an isometric here so i'll do this northwest isometric okay um place it kind of right here in the middle i'll just say okay now unfortunately i'm not a huge fan of this orientation this northwest isometric as kind of an exploded direction it doesn't really make my exploded view look all that great so here is another cool tip you can you're not limited let me let me start over here let me edit this view you're not limited to what you see here you can create custom orientations so i'm going to switch back to my 3d model i'll finish my flat pattern and i'm going to orient this until i kind of get it the direction i want so the drawing looks like that right it's the whatever this is 30 30 60 or 45 45 60 or whatever it is i don't remember um but i want it to be kind of more sitting a little bit flat like this i can maybe rotate it just ever so slightly until i'm kind of happy with what i like and then if i scroll up here under named views i'm going to expand this open right mouse click new named view and you'll notice there it is and i could call this you know new iso or something like that so what does this do if i click on top it's going to go to top if i click on home it's going to go to home but if i click on new iso it's going to go to that exact orientation you can even right mouse click on it and say update so if you you know change the angle ever so slightly i could right mouse click and say update that named view and that's what it's going to capture but i'm going to do that one there okay now the catch with this is we've made a change i can tell that by this little asterisk so i need to save this so i'm going to go ahead and hit save and then i'm going to jump back into my drawing notice when i come back into my drawing this little warning symbol it says in fact you see now it came up with this warning changes have been made you can update the drawing from the button up in the application bar that's exactly what it's talking about now you're not going to see anything happen i'm going to click on it it's going to use the latest version which is now version 30. but you're not going to see anything change here yet but we are now linked it's everything's up to date okay but what i can do now is let's edit this view i'll click on this orientation and there is my new iso and i'm going to click on that and it's going to represent this exploded view in that orientation which i like much better um and i'll go ahead and turn it to shaded for example say okay i could scale it up if i needed to but notice things look a little bit more lined up a little bit better in this orientation so my tip there is that you can create custom representations that is a really good way to create views of parts that are not lined up with the real world so like if i did a front view projection of this it's going to be at some weird funky angle well i could come in here and say look at that tab and now you know there's stuff in the way that these legs are in the way um but i'm looking straight at that tab i could capture that as a new name view and use that as my front view so just a little tip and it's kind of it was kind of hard to see because it was kind of behind the the leg there but we were looking straight at that face okay i'll go back home there we go okay let me continue on here so now what i want to do is i don't want this whole assembly maybe i just want the wheel assembly so just like i did before i could come here right click and say suppress all except selected and it's going to change this representation and show only the wheel assembly so it's turn these other ones off um let me scale this guy real quick let's just do maybe like a one to two okay and so now i'm just displaying an exploded representation of just the wheel assembly i don't have to do the whole thing i didn't have to come in here and click all these off i use that suppress all except for selected let me do a quick table i'll do it in this upper left corner again we're using this custom text size so that's why things are a little bit bigger now you'll notice i just made a mistake this is a tip i was going to show later i dragged that table off and now it's no longer in that corner and if i try and drag this back you'll notice it doesn't want to snap to that corner i could get close but it's not going to be exact right so here's a cool tip use the move command i want to move this table and notice it has this transform point to point and now i can say grab that point and that point there and it'll snap right to it okay so i'll just make this a little bit bigger so you notice it's remembering my last setting so it's showing the mass etc um item quantity okay there we go okay notice it automatically created these balloons for me and i did it as as one level if i were to double click on here and say all levels it looks like that but you'll notice it didn't do the the nut the washer and the shaft well why is that well this washer is already numbered so and that's a quantity of it same thing with the nut it's already numbered but it didn't do the um the shaft so i'll go ahead and just click on that guy place my balloon re-align my balloons so just clicking through have to hit enter i'll start there and just do in kind of a nice kind of the same direction as um these other views okay here's what i wanted to get to this is where i can now create other views so i'm going to say create a base view okay i'm going to do a front view of the whole assembly just like you see here and i'm just going to go ahead and place it say okay and notice what happened over here i now have two of these guys so this is representing that view there this is representing this view here okay and i'm going to expand open the wheel assembly and i'm just going to right click on wheel hub and say suppress all except for the wheel hub and notice what i get now it's really small so let's go ahead and scale that in fact let's see if we can do a one to one in this case sure enough looks like that's going to fit so i now have a view in fact i could create a projected view maybe to the right like so maybe i want to do a section view of this guy and i'm just going to go straight up like so and like so i'll say okay and this is what i was talking about earlier notice depending on which direction i move my cursor the a arrows flip around well it wants me to put it here well now that's going to get kind of crowded because i need a lot more room over here for other stuff so i'm just going to place it there but now i can start to drag oops start to drag on this view hold down my shift key or hit my shift key sorry and i could move this to a different location if i needed to so maybe i'll put it here for example i'll grab these views and move them slightly down i can grab i'm just clicking and dragging by the way i can move that text around so now i have my section view right above my section line which i think looks fine so kind of a cool tip okay um i'm gonna do the exact same thing again i'm gonna say create a base view place it over here somewhere say okay and i now have a third representation in fact you can see the colon three colon two so this one here is representing these views this one here is representing this view here okay so i'm going to do the exact same thing i'm going to expand open the wheel assembly and i'm just going to right mouse click on the wheel shaft and say suppress all except for the selected and i see that so let's fix that i'm going to right mouse click edit my view change the scale real quick one to one and instead of a front representation let's do a right representation in fact still a little small let's do two to one right here i'll close that out move this view over a little bit well now i mean i kind of like the two to one scale but there's not a lot of room to show like an end view so here is something fairly new we can now do what's called broken views so i'm going to click on break view and what this allows you to do it's asking for a drawing view so i'm going to click on this base view here and then you see this black line well i want to remove maybe from there to about there i'll say okay and we just broke that view in fact let me undo i'm gonna undo back real quick just to show you the power of this i'm gonna create a quick dimension from there over to here so we can see that that's 180 millimeters i'll do that broken view again here so just go maybe from there to there i'll say okay and it still shows as millimeters and even the extension line of the dimension shows that that's a broken view now i could create my projected view off of that and you know have enough room so hopefully you're kind of seeing the power of this i have like an exploded shaded view with parts labeled and stuff but now i have kind of the main parts the shaft and the hub um you know the tire let's just say is a purchase part or something like that but we're manufacturing the shaft or manufacturing the hub i could add dimensions on here i could have a lot of information on this one sheet okay so we are quickly running out of time one of the other tips i really wanted to talk about were drawing templates now i've already created a drawing template so let me just open this guy up so you can kind of see what it is i highly recommend that you use drawing templates they're easy to create and you'll notice i have basically four sheets so the very first sheet is like a shaded isometric and that's it on my second sheet i have an exploded representation i've got a table at the top on my third sheet i've got a single component and it's shown showing hidden lines shaded view in the upper right corner i've added some general notes down here and then finally i have a sheet metal sheet that shows a flat pattern a folded shaded representation a table etc so how did i do this well you just come up here and you say new drawing template you can specify you know what's your standard what's your units what's your default size i'll say c size and i'm going to do this really quick because we are going to go over this hour goes by so fast but notice this on my cursor it's this representation so you can see we can show an assembly a single component a sheet metal component a flat pattern or a storyboard so i'm going to say assembly i want it to be shaded i want it to be maybe this you know northeast isometric i'm going to say scale it automatically and i'm going to place that right there and that's all i want on this particular sheet then i'll do another sheet create my base view and instead of an assembly i might say i want a component i want a front view i want it to be hidden lines maybe i want my tangent lines to be shortened etc so i'll say ok and i could create my projected views off of this i'm basically just kind of building a quick template then i will you know edit this view tell it i want it to be shaded etc i could add my general notes blah blah blah so that's basically what i'm doing here and you save that so once you have that saved such as we do here i can now use this drawing template so you could also have your custom title block you could have your logo in here you could have any notes or symbols that you might need that's my template and now i could come over here and i could do this with any assembly it doesn't have to be this miter saw it could be my pencil sharpener it could be whatever and i can come in and say i want to create a new drawing from design and actually before i do that let's just do um i'm gonna just isolate just this wheel assembly just to kind of speed things up so i'm just gonna use that template for this wheel assembly so i'll do drawing from design okay and now instead of a template from scratch i could come in and say i want to use that drawing template i just created and notice things kind of grayed out because it has the units and the sheet size etc i want to do all level and i'll say okay and that's all i have to do and it's gonna use that template now it's not a hundred percent perfect you're gonna see this it's actually gonna create multiple sheets and i'm gonna have to tweak some of them but it's doing the work for me automatically so if i switch back you're going to see these sheets getting created at the bottom and it takes a few seconds as it goes through and does this but i'm not having to type my general notes i'm not having to create you know and you know change everything to shaded every single time for my isometric views so you can kind of see it's going through and building these sheets for me okay okay so notice like now it's doing the individual components and it's showing my general notes so once it's all said and done it'll kind of jump back to the first sheet so it created all of these sheets for me now it did an auto scale so i might have to come in here and and say you know what i want that to be a two to one instead of a one to two or something like that but notice it's shaded it's all the settings that i want then i have some sheets in this case it's empty this one here is empty this is basically a copy of the original one and then i have this exploded view so i'm going to just select these three sheets and say delete i now have this i could if i wanted to come in here and say i want that to be all levels whatever you know it's going to do that for me automatically now again notice it's showing everything but all i have to do is suppress all except this wheel assembly and it'll fix that for me there we go um i'll keep going through so this was a different exploded view that makes no sense but it found it so it created it so i'm going to delete that um i'm going to delete that sheet and now i'm to my individual components where they show the hidden views it's got my general notes it's a top front right they're automatically scaled here it's showing a sub assembly i don't really need that so i'm going to delete that notice my washer is much larger than the wheel because it did the auto scaling for me and i might come in here and say you know what i don't want to anodize my washer so i can still come in and edit these guys and i'm just going to remove that note on this sheet it's still on the other sheets but i can come in and you know tweak with them in fact i noticed that this nut is kind of facing the wrong direction so i might just come in and say instead of a front let's show it from the back and now i get that representation maybe i don't want to show it with hidden lines or whatever but i didn't have to create all those sheets automatically it did it for me so okay here's another cool tip i we are definitely going over i want to make sure i hit i only have like three or four and they're very short the other thing i wanted to show is let me close this guy up this document settings is where i showed you can do like your leading zeros trailing zeros font sizes etc but then you'll notice another gear called sheet settings and this is for this individual sheet right now it's set to d size i could come in here and change that and i could say you know what i want that to be on a b size sheet right i could you know scale this guy down or whatever so let's just do a one-to-one um move those around so i'm able to change my individual sheets if i want to move my text if necessary etc etc um but if i go here this is going to be a d size sheet if i go here that's going to be a b size sheet so you are able to come in and change the size sheet that you want you even have the ability to change what title block is displayed so you might even have like an iso title block or you might have an english title block so um okay so here's another tip that i use a lot let me see if i can find a good representation um let me go back here okay so here's um a cool tip so i like to create center marks and sometimes like and i'm going to delete this section view just so it's a little easier to see what's going on so i'm going to say center mark i'm going to click on this circle right here and you'll notice it just does a little tiny plus well i want those bigger arms to extend out well if i click on like this circle it's pretty tiny right so here's a neat trick oops use the center mark pattern i'm going to go ahead and hover over this edge and notice what i get now it's asking for more arcs or circles or whatever i'm just going to say okay and i get a much larger representation so i'll use this center mark pattern even though we're not patterning anything i'll use that to get the larger crosshairs and then here's another tip i'm going to do a center line between that edge and that edge and i get a center line that goes like this well now i can click on it and grab this arrow and you'll notice it's only doing one at a time well if i hold down my shift key it's going to do both at the same time so usually i would just do one and then i'd come over here and i would do the other one until it looked good or whatever well now you can drag hold down the shift key and it's gonna do it on both sides so okay and then lastly the last tip when you're doing dimensions you know you can basically click on points for example to place the dimension if i right mouse click notice i have if you're coming from like autocad they're called o snaps or object snaps you'll see endpoint midpoint intersections quadrants etc so for example i don't know why you would want to do this but i'm going to say quadrant and i'm going to hover over the circle you can see it's going to snap to the quadrant so i'm just going to go ahead and click there and it grabbed that point then i'm going to come over here and say quadrant and click there and i now have a dimension that's going right to those quadrants for example i could do tangents i could do midpoints etc so there's a lot of functionality in here that you might want to try out that's kind of hidden in there okay let me um look at the chat really quick i know we went over um okay so patrick asked can you change the style of the broken lines at this time no um you can you can do some pretty cool stuff with it like you can have multiple broken lines i did just one vertically i could have done multiple ones vertically and you can also do horizontal ones so if like you had a big panel of something and you just wanted to show the four corners you can actually break in multiple directions somebody did ask the question about the section line yes you can go in multiple directions so for example i could um i'm just going to go up from the center here so i'm just hovering to kind of get that snap point so i'll go there i'll go to this point here and then i'm going to go to this point here and just kind of expand out say okay and it will let me create a section representation like that and there's even other tips that i didn't show like where you're showing full a slice like so or a particular distance so you get different options there but i'll go ahead and say okay and it'll show a section kind of going in that general direction so okay um i'm looking really quick don't see any more questions there might be some that are buried i know we've gone a little bit over so if i will scan through those and answer them into the chat of the youtube video so maybe check back in a little bit so with that i hope you learned some cool tips and tricks if you liked it give us a thumbs up if you didn't like it give us a thumbs down leave comments in the youtube video we do read them and have fun fusioning thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 10,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, computer aided design, free software, 3d modeling tutorial, manufacturing, laser projector
Id: OHUvn5Dwu2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 37sec (4357 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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