Bevel Gears In Fusion 360

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okay so this video is going to be about creating some accurate bevel gears in fusion 360 but using as a base spur gears because I had a look around on the internet and I found that a lot of people were kind of creating these things from scratch yeah there's this beautiful add-in that creates spur gears that have got all of the right characteristics so in this particular case I only want two millimeter teeth 24 is going to be fine the thickness I'm going to project off of this thing so I only need one millimeter and I'm actually going to use it with a stepper motor so a six millimeter holes fine so the route Philip rhodius needs to come down to one point one night and I'd like you to see at the bottom here there's a pitch radius of 48 millimeters so we hit create and we get this kind of macro that runs within the program and we can't do much with it because we can't break it open and break the stroke that you can't edit those sketches so what I'm going to do is create a sketch on a face and I'm going to use the particular property that it picks up the geometry at the face there is on so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this geometry on to another plane onto an offset plane and then we're going to scale this offset playing down so I need to stop the sketch and then from here I need to create a an offset pain offset playing and the offset plane are going to make it 20 millimeters not gonna be a huge gear but you kind of get the idea so there we go there's the offset plane we need to create a sketch on that offset plane and then we need to paste back the geometry so there we go we've got the geometry in two places now we have to do a sketch scale of this geometry or I'm going to switch on the origin because I found that if you do a sketch scale with the origin it's really difficult to to sort this out so I'm going to select this and then to select the point I'm gonna hold the mouse button down and said it gives me this little menu then I'm going to choose origin at the end and now instead of hitting the factor I'm going to work it out I couldn't work out how to do this prescience I had a good go at this but every time I put a non unity thing in it gave me grief but anyway this is the number that I want so this is the expression I would have put in to fusion 360 if I could have done so here we go let's sir let's sort this out I think we might have to just do this again right okay fine so scale scratch go select that lot select the middle hold down the button slide down to the origin and then we're going to paste in that value we got from that a little bit of Python which is that value there okay so now we can create a loft between the first sketch and the second sketch so let's just make sure that those switched on they aren't you know got a stop sketch otherwise it won't won't give you the loft properly so we select the back one we select the front one which takes a little bit while just select particularly on a slow machine they'll go it's selected new body okay and at this point we're going to lose the hole so what we've got to do is slide the thing around make sure that our second sketches it was not that one you need to go to this sketch here make sure that the second sketch is switched on and then we need to select this and thinking wanted to just rotate it a little bit we need to select this thing zoom in a bit and rotate it come on that's better we need to select this and then we can push that through there 21 millimeters so it cuts through the other side and I'm going to call this thing gear so this is kind of a harsh thing at the moment so what I want to do is round off all of these corners so it looks a bit nicer oh I'm going to SL a print this in the end in fact I'm that SL I print a pair of them because on a slight angle okay so let's get this sorted out I want to guess sketch in a particular direction this is the direction no I don't I want to turn it around there we go and let's switch the bodies back on so I can see what I'm doing that's great let's now create a sketch in this plane and having done that I switch the body back on and we're going to do something really simple we're just going to put some lines rough lines around there we go which is going to trace out the calmness of the the gear here yeah sometimes you have to zoom in otherwise fusions 360 chooses a point of its own that we find somewhere out there and then we just need to complete this thing so it's a profile which we're going to create or revolving in the end and to swim it up so here we go give it a bit of space bit of space bit of space and that should go like that somebody now got a profile so let's switch off the body so we can see what we've got don't switch off the body and make sure we can see the axis I'm sorry let's fill it the thing first I'm going to use one point five millimeter fill it here and here yeah dropped antic yeah that looks about right stop sketch otherwise at once again you won't be able to revolve and then just pull this thing around so that we can see the bits that were going to revolve against so we're going to create these things at all effectively so we're gonna create a revolve of this profile against against that axis there I don't think this no that's not it's not obvious which one is they swing it around yes so is the blue axis against the blue axis and then create a new body and we name this body effectively the cutter because we're going to use this to cut the gear right so finally what we've got to do is combine those two things so that's it that's that's the target body this is the tool body the cutter and we're going to cut these and what's going to happen of course has disappeared so let's really Nabal the gear and there's our gear so this gears got all the right pressure angles it's got the right little slope in so that we can bring two of them together and yeah that will be a good strong functional gear now for the actual thing I'm going to make I need two of these so let's just see what two of them look like so here's two of them look like and you can see I'm just going to rotate them around that they're meshing absolutely double perfectly and I'll make these actually I might I might even post a video over made because I actually want to see what the functional strength of SLA parts are anyway there you are and there it was
Channel: Andy Harris
Views: 5,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion360, Bevel, Gears, BevelGears, SpurGears
Id: eTho1Wis8Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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