Fusion 360 Basic CAM Tutorial! FF53

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hi folks welcome to a fusion Friday we are going to show the beginner's cam to make the camp to a pass for this part back from fusion Friday number 50 just a few weeks ago welcome to another fusion Friday so if you an expert or guru probably not the best video for you guys because we're going to take it pretty slow here I'm going to hop from model into km and then the cam the idea is you're working left to right so first thing we do is create a setup then we create some tool pass and then we would post it out to our machine or to g-code so I'll click setup now I'm going to have some weird defaults here guys sorry about that stock the second tab here I like to say a fixed size box we're going to actually input the dimensions and we're going to say let's say to have one and a half by one and a half by two inches tall now notice your coordinate system Z is always pointed up or toward the sky X should be the point of the other way right now Z is up Y is forward so Y is backward right now I'm going to click the tip of that X see how I can highlight over that click once that sets it correctly so that I'm going to say on the machine because I'm going to seen just like this which is perfect now look one question is where do you want your part to be in your stock so we're going to hold it with a little bit of material down here on the bottom this is a little bit too much let's say we were saw cutting it so we could say reduce this to maybe 1.75 so I'm typing right here but then I don't want the model or the part to be centered in the stock so take a look see my model height or stock height rather is 1.75 and it has the position as centered I change that to offset from top it puts in a default value that happens to keep it in the same place I'll just say 0.05 and that's going to push the up inside the stock so really all we're knowing daily now is just a quick cleanup of that top face and this is perfect because that gives me more meat down here which is exactly how to make this part I would use that extra meat here to hold the part in a set of hard jaws with parallels so we're set up looks good and the most important thing frankly is understanding where this point is right here because when we are in the machine we're going to use the top of the stock as rz0 so we'll bring down a height gauge or a probe or heimer and find the top of our stock and hit that as Z zero in our controller like path pilot so click OK and that's now created our setup one which I'll call the top of block so after we've got a set up let's add some tool paths I'm going to go to 2d the drop down menu here be careful if you're new to Fusion clicking the icons is sometimes not what you want but clicking the drop down menu here will open up things like face so facing is going to be an operation and by the way these pop-up windows are great so British is a quick facing whoops to prepare raw stock for machining so this is where you would use something like a face mill or a fly cutter for me it's tool 47 that's our tour mock super fly so I'm going to first select my tool and if you don't have the tool that you want you might click right here and just check all that's going to basically wipe out the filters that are reducing the tools you have available to select from so for me it's 247 you do have to set up a tool library it's a video that we've been looking forward to doing and we'll put a card to that here when we have that published but feel free to you know poke around on the forums or some of our other videos in the meantime if you're looking for help on creating a tool click okay so we've now picked the tool in that tool library already had our speeds and feeds that we had put in earlier so we're pretty much done with this first tab here geometry we don't have to worry about in fact none of the rest of these first phase do we really ever have to worry about which is pretty awesome so click OK and take a look the colors do mean something here so the yellow is a rapid move so the tools wrap it endowment so in a green move which is a linking move so that's where the tool is now moving and a much slower feed rate than a rapid but it might still be faster than your cutting feed rate and as soon as it gets close to the part it switches to blue and that's your cutting and then it goes back to a linking move out and then wrap its up if you're wondering why these are curved it's because CNC machines do better when you don't ask them to take hard right or hard turns just like you don't turn your car 90 degrees you actually turn your car around a radius even when you turn onto a street so by having the machine's swoop in like this it prevents the machine from going down a complete hard stop and then a hard turn so we've got that decked off simulation is your friend this guy right up here click it there's two things that I like to change I like the they're already actually shown right here but mo dovetail and then turning stock on you hit play this by the way down here just speed and let's hit pause and let's actually turn off the tool for a second right here and you can see it's showing the radius of that cutter you subject to the graphical limitations of simulation is what going across this face in exposing you can kind of see the CAD model holes right there so let's add some drills drilling I would probably spot these holes first so I've got a spot mil set up here as tool actually you know so the filter didn't come up that's okay I'll click right here and I'll add spot drill that's something they should fix though so 16 is my spot drill click okay and under geometry it's your second tab here hole face see how that's blue that means it's the active thing it's ready for me to pick the hole faces so there are four holes here that I can spot one two three four now pay attention to what happened it already gave us a live preview of the toolpath and see how the green is going all the way down into the hole and through the hole that's not okay because all I'm doing here is spotting the hole so on my third tab which is the heights tab don't get overwhelmed there's a lot of noise here clearance height for track height feet height ignore all of that the two that I care about are the top height in the bottom height so the top height is my whole top what does that mean that means it's looking at the top of this hole and it's saying that's where your hole actually starts that's a perfectly acceptable what's your bottom height here's where this is a little bit weird the bottom height for a spot I'm going to set as the whole top and right now that would mean your hole is zero inches deep well that's not okay I actually do want the tool to go in a little bit so I'm going to set say from the whole top but and this offset value I'm going to put negative 0.05 that's going to push that tool 50 thousands into the hole from the top of the hole if that doesn't make sense rewind this a minute and watch that again I'll click OK and I am a big fan of simulation so I'm going to go back to the top of block the setup here which allows it to simulate all of these operations simulate and I'm actually just gonna fast forward or go to the end of the tool path right here because I don't need to watch it I just want to see what it looks like sure enough I get four little dimples there perfect I don't even know what this whole diameter is let's see if we can get a reading on that so it's a 201 hole so let's do this hole drilling - I think I've got this set up as a number 4 drill perfect got lucky I already have it click ok second tab is geometry so what is the hole I want to work on well it's this hole right here but this time we're not packing owners are spotty we're want to drill this whole thing in this actually pretty long hole so under Heights it's got whole bottom does that make sense well there's the whole top of my hole and that hole is a straight hole all the way through so a hole bottom actually does make sense except remember if we look at a drill a drill tip we'll edit this tool and show you a drill tip has a point and then an angle maybe take a look when we set that tool up we measured the height or the very tip of that as you're sort of the height of the tool so we need to actually poke this drill through further than what you see right here in order for it to actually clear the full hole they luckily have thought of this already and under Heights there's a formula here called drill tip through bottom or check box you just check it automatically see what I did there look at this green line when I uncheck it checking it and adds it I like to add a little bit of good extra so I'll say 0.03 just to give us a little bit more push through now unless you've got something crazy like a machine with you know through spindle cooling and you're using specialized drills and tooling you're going to want to Peck this so that's the last thing here under cycle I would change it from a drill that of just a regular drill it's going to push all the way through in one pass to something like a deep drill full retract this is going to Peck the drill every 50 thousands takes a little bit longer but a much safer way to drill especially with a regular twist drill if you do a lot of deep holes like this look into parabolic drills they're great for doing better chip evacuation and I would do the same for these front three holes let's see what they are point one five nine so okay we'll set up a tool because I don't have that drill model so I will go to drilling I will select my tool but here we are we're in this Brad part file I click there once to kind of let me know I'm working in this Brad part part of the tool library and see this plus icon right here I'll click it and that pops up my options what's the type not a center drill will be a regular drill what's the diameter that's the top right point 159 and you would populate the length of it as well I tend not to worry about some of this stuff here on the left I do care about speeds and speeds I don't know what I'll stop my head but I'll say 2500 and on a plunge rate let's just say would go 10005 now per Rev click OK and so now I've added that it's sorry let me actually one more thing right click Edit tool post-processor this is where you would set your tool number so let's say that that's tool number 22 click OK and now I can pick tool drill 22 and under geometry let's say you've got a whole bunch of holes that are the same size I'll pick this first guy and then under select same diameter check that box and it'll go through and automatically pick the other for you and the same thing I want to poke these through a little bit more we haven't actually machine to this slot yet but nevertheless I want that drilled hole to be a through bore there when we are done so I will just check drill tip through bottom with 0.03 and we're good to go save my file so that's a very simple oops let's do a simulation a very simple face drill a face a spot rely should say operation where you can see along the simulation it's going through here and should poke through Oh didn't poke through hi didn't poke through in the bottom remember because our model stops right now it stops right at the top of that play button yes I actually do this in real life when I'm testing things but our stock goes a bit further down because of the parallels that its resting on and that's fine I'll quickly show you one more operation which would be let's do this slot so that would be a new setup because we're actually going to take this part out of our vise it's being held you know sort of like this right now for looking down from the spindle of the machine and we're going to lay it on its back to machine that slot oh you know what let's do one more thing I'm sorry while we're here you know it's a little bit of a Tall part to cut this with a you know at the side of an Endemol but for the sake of this example that show it will do 2d adaptive clearing and we'd have to pick a larger tool that would have enough strength and this is again not really how I would normally do a part like this I would probably normally machine all the sides of it but we'll just take a look here we would click this area here and for the chain and under Heights Heights are really important what's the top height I have mine set as selection yours probably defaults to model top and that's okay and in the bottom height I'll pick model bottom click OK so again just so we're clear that that says that the eligible area for this 2d adaptive to machine is from the top of the model which is that area right there to the bottom of the model click OK see what we get awesome so it's going to come around we're not going to get into what to the adaptive tool paths are in detail but basically they're a way for it to understand and maintain a good chip load we might want to do that in a couple of depth of cut so I'll right click edit and underpasses fourth tab I'll say multiple depths let's say we don't want to go down more than 0.3 oops and we'll click ok one thing to note adaptive tool paths are not Finnish passes they're roughing strategies only so we'll show you how you do that correctly with this slot right here I'll do new setup but this time we've got to move our work coordinate system I also want to fix my stock because let's assume by this point we've got our block correctly so under stock I would change from relative size to relative size box sorry from relative size cylinder to relative size box and under stock offset I would say no additional stock so basically we have a piece of stock that's exactly the size of our part I would then go back to the setup tab the first one and orientation so right now it's inheriting the model orientation from the CAD when we made this part which was that this face here was pointing toward the sky or perpendicular to Z well we lay the part down like this and the Machine now so I need to change that orientation I'll click on model orientation and pick this first option which is going to let me select my z axis when I do that these menu options here change so z axis one is my z axis I'm going to pick this face right here and watch the blue arrow see how it now pops to pointing up to exactly what I want but my x-axis is flipped so I'm going to click this line right here or here would work as well and see how that puts my work coordinate system triad correctly showing that Y is forward and XS to the right awesome one last thing though where do you want that location point to be I don't I would probably since we have this block machine to size I would probably pick the top-left corner because that's where I've got my hard jaw and where I would be able to edge find so I'm going to change the from a stock box point to a model box point and in this case there is no difference between those two because my stock is the same size as my model I still want to do this correctly because if I change my stock later I want to know hey I was still picking off a model point which is that top-left point right there click OK and we've got our setup - and I'm going to call this the slot so how wide is that slot 0.26 so even though it's 0.26 I'm still not going to cut it with a quarter inch cutter because you never want to slot and you could do it with a quarter inch cutter but that's a little bit tight we'll use a 3/16 so I'm going to do 2d adaptive clearing pick a 3/16 tool till twenty-one for me click OK by the way this file is available as well as copies of our tool library to anybody who supports our channel on patreon it's as little as a few bucks a month and it helps us produce these videos second tab geometry so pay attention with 2d adaptive to what you pick I could pick either the face like this or I could pick the lines I generally prefer to pick the line so let's click this gly and look what happens it basically put a blue square all the way around here which is okay but I need to limit it so watch if I click this other line it keeps me within that channel what are my Heights top height I need to be modeled top and again that should be your default already on your computer and the bottom height is selected contour in this case that's perfect because that's the contour that I picked back here and the second tab geometry tab let's just click OK I don't like getting too far ahead of myself because you want to see make sure you get a tool path before you worry about doing too much tweaking so sure enough that's an awesome adaptive tool path because it's going to avoid overloading the cutter so it's going to take a bunch of swirly cuts and it looks like it's long we can take a look and see oops don't click clear tool path like I just did machining time you see that if I right-click on the operation it's actually to tell me how long that operation is going to take 5 minutes and 33 seconds that is way too long so let's see what we can do about that right click Edit well first of all my feet my speeds way too low here that we should be cutting in 1002 is going to almost double my speed and then under optimal load that's basically your width of cut so what do i what am i willing to do with a 3/16 inch end mill which point 1 8 7 5 I'd go a corner of it so rather than do math in your head just type point 187 5 times 0.25 and we're going to leave radial stock come back to that though I bet you this will be a lot faster right click machine time minute 46 awesome so because adaptive is not a finishing strategy we have some radial stock to leave what that means is it's not going to touch the very edge of this face it's or basically is not going to touch this face nor is it going to touch that face so what we need to do is come back with a contour to clean that clean up those faces 2d contour one two we should be done take a look at pulled in the last tool that we used perfect our Heights are already perfect you guy that's an error on my computer don't worry about that offset there click ok awesome if you wanted to run those a little bit further pass which I normally will it or do right click Edit under geometry the second tab tangential extension distance that's a mouthful I've no idea why it needs to be that complicated of a term but say type in point two it's going to push that tool patent on both directions past for good measure awesome folks I hope you enjoyed I hope you learned next week we're going to do an advanced cam fusion Friday when when that video is published we'll have a card here otherwise I always appreciate your support and the thumbs up take care see you next Friday
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 84,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, how to, tutorial, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, CAD, beginner, basic tutorial, fusion 360 tutorial, tips and tricks, computer aided design, model a part, Fusion 360 CAM tutorial, computer aided machining, HSM Works
Id: g7bu4JuPC_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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