Top 100 Thomas Sanders Vines (W/Titles) Thomas Sanders Vine Compilation 2018 - Co Vines✔

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it was then that he realized while reading his mind had been elsewhere and he'd have to start the freakin page all over hmm story time the store clerk believed he had put the wrong cans on the shelf ah but he was right all along story time the teacher slaved over the board she stayed at Thomas with a mighty rage to talk to a customer please press1 found a shotgun and I want the front seat I wish I could hang guys but I got to go hit the books okay yeah playground phone I don't know who you are but I will find you and I will kill you story time and that's when they became horribly lost lost he lied oh nice hey Thomas I can see your anus I'm sorry oh my god I didn't wear a belt and I had a man need help I got this one you sure I don't need you are you sure you're weak story time the girl loves smelling her phone it filled her with delight she sniffed once more story time the man came to the bus stop everyday to pick up hot chicks story time it was clear that a romance was blossoming between them a romance lasting a lifetime sooo bad go supersonic now honey you're getting a little older you're gonna have to act a little bit more your age story time this was the moment the lad would propose to the girl story time the man was about to step on a snake but a snake but he missed it right here and Patti what's up I am living in the lap of luxury in the streets I'm sorry oh the homework today is only two questions storytime the man's butt scratching was complete do what it was delightful true what Disney pranks we're friends joke time knock knock who's there it's your best friend Stewie Griffin and he's always gonna be there for you you have cooties look at you laptop all sleek and beautiful and now the Sun is coming out what are you gonna do with your life no what do you want to do with your life be a dancer all right kids nothing to be afraid of yeah say goodbye to the house kids storytime the ladies congregate here everyday to scope out the hot dudes coughing go you smog story time in every group of friends there's the dumb one now the judge will choose the winner I can't decide they're all cute and they're mine now you don't have to take the finals you can just be jobless and homeless for life totally worth it guys story little did she know the mysterious figure creeping up behind her all right who's happened to be back best murder traveling no school I have a normal dream story time the two were models and they loved to strut their stuff Magikarp do splash but nothing happened that story time on this blessed day the two proclaimed their love oh okay it's funny you know the sweetest thing on this menu is you she likes me story time she had no clue she was about to run into a branch that was nowhere near we're getting pulled over quick put these on licenses Richard what nobody's here Davo car tourists go use one attack story time it was common law that a flower be presented to the loveliest last you should start running for president because I'd support you no matter what one of these men forgot to check their flies that man was me these three were fine I'm glad you could all make it we need to discuss finances today I know you only twenty bucks and now for the weather who's our weatherman al al it's gonna be hot Thank You al this guy is not gonna work climate change here oh girl you sky attack what if I twister Sherman blade did I win Disney breaks with friends it's not slime eat mucus you think you took oh yeah no I know I should stop procrastinating and start working but I'm kind of looking for a sign like this no from above this okay story time no matter how fast he ran he could not escape the demon but he would not let his soul be taken today Aerodactyl go you scary things with this final bag she had completely disposed of the body right story time just like all the other flowers in this garden she was just as exquisite yeah we just got him he's a puppy he's a sweetheart though he loves people it's mine now Oh relax darling daddy's got hey what's up nothing my mom's just being dumb what'd she do she's just calling me lazy I am NOT and put the phone back please story time after months of research she concluded that in 50 years all men would be extinct to test their love she decided to use her scary face Oh password must contain a capital letter and five number three question marks poop emoji the name of your firstborn son two Greek letters Batman symbol story time she never even knew her shirt had a whole lot of style never phone or text books yeah turn to Chapter seven and start reading the first great now you don't need it for the rest of the year oh that makes sense where's the danger I am your guidance counselor and I'd like to talk to you about your plan for the future here can I take a mental Hallstatt honey you've got three exams two projects and four essays to worry about I don't think you really up the time we need more funding sure how does $1,000,000 sell us at the Performing Arts Department game what do you think we're made of money nearest fast-food nearest fast-food sorry nearest fast food while you're gone you missed three exams really and 20 homework assignments okay I'm gonna be right back then I flew myself right into the Sun it's three times he or she comes the Queen able to kill men with a single snare story time at last the hero arrived to deliver peace and joy to this dark world hey night to himself yeah morning self do you go to bed earlier dad I don't think so I'm literally you four hours from now I'm miserable there's a new episode of scandal okay what can we do to improve the education of our students how about 50 more standardized tests why would you do that three times into the bag he snuck looking for treasure looking for my candy oh but his plans were foiled gonna be productive today to organize hey remember this my writing from third grade yes I want to spend a whole day reading this instead yeah I want this place spotless so you named it spot yeah I found her in the woods today story time little did the kid know their hair was being chopped right off hey buddy how's everything going good good you have 12 updates no lady it's been four years my voice always sounds different when it's recorded for example story time what among them could strike the mightiest of poses oh shoot story time at long last they got to retreat to the park to read their dirty novels all set for today do you have your project in my bag I checked but what if you didn't see there it is I got it did you really see it you're listening to Barry in the morning here to tell you your radio has been broken for a month really Barry I could just kick out of the car rent is cheap I'll shut up story time he was very handsome and all the ladies that looked at him fell in love the guy that was walking him was okay let's try again how long does it take to get right three minutes and how long to get there at him and when do you have to be there in 60 minutes so ten more minutes mm-hmm you're so stupid ly talented you delicate beautiful butterfly flutter what are you doing laying around did you do the yard work did you scrub the toilet did you get a job did you give me grandchildren there's a couple yeah so you're gonna pull you over what what am I doing wrong I don't know something oh my god
Channel: Co Vines
Views: 30,661,680
Rating: 4.9009757 out of 5
Keywords: Co Vines, best vines, vines, vine, funny vines, vine compilation, vine 2018, Top Vines, vines 2018, Thomas Sanders, Thomas Sanders Vines, Thomas Sanders Vines 2018, Thomas Sanders vine compilation, Thomas Sanders 2018, Thomas Sanders best vines, Thomas Sanders all vines, Top Vines Thomas Sanders, Thomas Sanders Story time, thomas sanders disney pranks, thomas sanders stewie, top 100 thomas sanders vines
Id: g9Ge8z-nAEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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