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Jonathan where is your signed report card my friend stole it at school you think I'm dumb enough to believe that lie what lie die you have friends this teacher has burns for days I need some burn ointment for my wounds how do you even take that from a teacher I thought you said you would curb my grade I did it's still an F though look closely it's a cursive eye curved it I hate you how you gonna say I hate you to a teacher but also this teacher is funny he's like it is curved are you still feeling sick yes so sick hmm then why are you at the beach on Facebook the classic getting caught being somewhere that you shouldn't be because you posted it on social media you think people can't see that you lying you think people can't see all your lies and social media because they can umm oh you know a salt water to clean up the lungs I mean it's not about excuse don't text in class Kevin sorry gotta respond to BAE you don't see me texting your mom do you put it away why the mom jokes even the teachers use the mom jokes like teachers like yeah I'm not texting your mom she's my BAE a little birdie told me you might be taking drugs the only one on drugs apparently is you cuz you be talking to little birdies like won't you be smoking I mean it's a figure of speech but he got him good yeah I mean if you're talking to birds you're either a Disney princess or mmm-hmm why can't I get an extension on my paper Charlie I am done arguing anything you text me from now on will be considered stupid mr. Boyd ladies and gentlemen we got him heck mate my dude who shave you can have one more day literal checkmate checkmate in a text message I love this this kid is all like I'm a master chess player and teacher give me okay do we have math homework for Monday I won't be there you will have a I just gave birth to twins oh my god that's awesome how many - Jessica - this is why you need to study more damn Jessica she literally said twins how much did you think was gonna happen like twins is always - it's never not been - if it's more than two then its triplets and then if it's fours quadruplets this had me curious like how many kids can be born at one time and apparently so it's right here that a woman once gave birth to eight babies and like I just how oh that poor woman like I'm literally in shock miss diva can we talk about us this is exactly why you're losing points on your history essays you need to capitalize you s nah I want to talk about us you know like me and you cuz I like you I only like men who use proper grammar and aren't my students damn homie why you gotta be like that you ever want a wild boy hit me up he just say wild the boy you ever won a wild boy wild who talks to their teacher like this like when I was in school you could not even text your teachers and now kids are saying wild boy to their teachers like what has his world become and saved me I need help the world needs help we need a hero Julian where is your pole it was due yesterday roses are red and I want you to remember you are the reason I lost no not November no he did eat the peanut butter my office tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. that's a definitely detention remember to study for the test tomorrow thank you next you can't thank you next your calculus test Ariana says us ladies can do anything I mean if she says we can do anything then we can't write yeah so how long does this essay need to be as long as you need to answer the question why is there suffering in the world because sometimes it'd be like that that's all he needed to explain why they're suffering in the world si done it'd be like that sometimes imagine you could just write your essays like that things would be so much easier Oh high school would have been a breeze you look lonely during class do you need dating advice the only thing you have ever turned on is your console yeah but I get it done consistently no he didn't okay people be super sassy with their teachers I was scared of my teachers when I was in school I was let you guys hear my teachers coming back to yell at me mr. Walker do you think I'm handsome I don't know Timothy ask your girlfriend I'll have a girlfriend there's your answer teacher Bern how many teachers have burned their student so far in this video like ten maybe not ten but like at least five it's a lot of burning you can find out how many teachers have burned their students you know you get a cookie this is Wilson is it possible to swallow a knife but the real science question is why would you because I'm you're also a little cringe but okay why do you keep pairing me up with Dylan he's so annoying sometimes teachers like to play matchmaker I'm thinking that you'll crack and start going out soon why do you put harder questions on the test than what we do in class because I'm secretly evil I knew it it's because I want to challenge you the evil thing was a joke yeah teachers just want to challenge you they can't make the test easier I mean I wish they could but then you wouldn't have to study as hard that sound really nice though hmm what should I be reading to get ahead this week it's Spring Break nerd his teachers called him a nerd what is his world we live in aren't you like 70 yeah and I still party harder than you mmm cringe missus bellies gets down on spring break missus belly is no sport the party I you hit up missus Billy's if you need guest list completely unrelated but in yesterday's video I forgot do my other eyebrow well look at this dude I'm literally filming a whole video with one eyebrow done and everybody in the comments is like why do her eyebrows look so different cuz I only did one what is wrong with the only I could forget something so important that's AG literally smack dab in the middle of my forehead with like 6 million people watching like how embarrassing am I like I want to die okay it's not that bad but it's a little it's like what is my life you are literally my worst behaved student prepare yourself I got two little brothers I'm an angel compared to them yo my teacher better be crying because mhm I'm scared for him did you read today's assignment Harry Potter and a tale of the American Civil War you're trying to trick me into learning history the lengths a good teacher goes through I mean that would have worked on me anything Harry Potter I would have been down why don't they teach a course on Harry Potter all these useless things they teach us and they don't teach us Harry Potter we didn't design petitions the whole world needs the signed petitions things be important okay things like Harry Potter oh come on chocolates taxes I know I hate to say it but they don't teach you about taxes and one day taxes get you be in class by 9:00 a.m. sharp hey mrs. Perez it's 11 p.m. up in class tomorrow by 9 a.m. I texted you that two weeks ago yeah I don't do mornings girl neither do i that's why I got a job where I can wake up whatever I was I uploaded my paper for your class at night accidentally left your name as mr. deez nutz then that's awkward imagine handing in your paper and there's something on there you don't want your teacher to see well what did you think mr. Diaz was short for hold on my life has been alive the principal will be observing class tomorrow everyone needs to behave okay but I'll be bringing my vape pen and be rapping all day how about you take the day off tomorrow my treats really sells me pretending to vape can you tell I don't know how this is Tessa I got a job for the summer someone gonna pay you to take naps yeah they are actually I'm gonna be a lifeguard I can nap all day long oh dear God this person's like the lifeguard easiest job ever no one ever drowns I can just sleep all day until someone actually drowns your Joe hobby is the safety of people there we have it guys teacher student X I've done so many of these videos and every time it just blows my mind I'm like how are people texting their teachers when I was in school that was not allowed and from what I understand most of you guys it's the same scenario but some of you actually text your teachers the world we live in anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice other [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 18,201,894
Rating: 4.9010568 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, funniest, teacher, student, texts, text, text messages, text message
Id: JsoVsWrWYtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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