Funniest News Bloopers Part 4

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the dogs letting fans gather for the Ale I darada with all this whip this isn't actually the plate but that sub-tropical whoops sorry about that guys in New York City two degrees that was my phone dropping on the floor corny tonight let's just it's a seven well we haven't seen a helicopter in a couple minutes here as some chick it's softball and baseball season before you buy a new mat we look I said you guys want to come out first snowball fight and they have pounded me with snowballs I got hit in the face by one of them actually but I want you guys to see that oh you see that he was going to start weeping about it okay we've been seeing a pretty steady snowfall the last 30 minutes or so it's definitely enough there is a mouse underneath my foot right now sorry about that there is literally okay Cicely Parrish says she's still working on her personal style of music but I've been King of Prussia this is a Wawa parking lot it should be four it should be TV magic but you know what we're the gentleman was taking a party but I'm here live and I'll tell you it is rainy as you can see but the Versailles also offers a fit [ __ ] coat Oh oops fit [ __ ] I mean again oh my gosh fit bit [Laughter] [Applause] all right well speaking of rough rounds we just got slammed by wait 10 til 8 let's get it over to mr. Chuck Rhodes he is Charlotte's most experienced traffic man Oh or we can get it over to page failing who's enjoying a croissant hold on let me I saw a number of spinouts on 400 but drivers seem to be taking carefully and the good news is of course that a lot of people are just staying home this morning so from the seven-day forecast at the sunny back yard we go to the barn where oh my goodness I think something just happened yeah innocence unfolding as we speak one stage one wraps up today the athletes will rest to prepare for Saturday January or March third actually Jerrica Phillips here and here's a look from our high five camera I'm Nick Gunter I'm Jerrica Phillips Nick Gunter is live in our First Alert sand I don't even know who I am this one happy birthday to brian Sam Bev um you're in are you how do you pronounce that uriah I'm totally here that one uriah Maggie Joe Doug and Alexis happy birthday all of you let's get out to NBC tens Tony googley oughtta he's live from Attleboro and pretty bundled up Tony googly otta frozen quiet there out there in the cold that's how cold it is right most likely due to Mike and there's like some board stuff between him and fell that's the noise we were talking to captain geo earlier he said he's been out here for 20 years he usually has his morning swimming whoa all right folks we just had a little water casualty but Chris Bangka our photographer is amazing and we are taking him back in closer to the dock for safety are you all right Chris he is good he is a professional and he is hanging on and we can tell the bosses that no electronics or cameras were injured in this life shot Chum and sherry and Nate that's what happens out here live Chris is all good though I promised you that the last time the Super Bowl came to this area there was a variety of people that performed that you had Tina Turner that in did the like pregame show you also had a couple other people like English in English elite Greek a English yes I got that right now Enrique Iglesias you need a hug at a time yeah and according to a new study giving a hug may help a loved one more than you realize it's Homecoming weekend you shouldn't need a hug police say that she walked into the enterprise rent-a-car and incident report says that wal walked behind the counter she pulled down her pants and showed her backside can't make this stuff up folks I'm sorry I tell you what if you want to read more about that full story you want to get to the bottom of it go get your phones out because text to win coming up Megan's right here we would shared all right I think that's the text to win contest Megan's gonna put you in the daddy cell 49 days at sea it's so young I know that Tom Cruise right right Tom Hanks yes and Wilson it was a boy my cruise isn't no and your balls getting mixed up not that kind of balls Emily [Laughter] [Music] it is 621 everybody in the head this morning a head of hair going viral this almost looks like my youngest stuff oh no this can't be this has got to be a weave this is she's happy hair isn't it babies just a few months old with more hair that some people will have in a life I don't know if I believe that this is real this is a lace it's got to be a lace run this is Remy sup wig on there baby these people apparently did can you jump out of place jump at Harry retired army lieutenant general lieutenant oh I'm scared well I drill are we having Hertling joining us so talk about when these winds will finally let up that's coming up at you're fooling with his forecast in just a few Nicole that's like send chill thanks because anyone who makes good gravy like your grandma they have to use this stuff from the fried chicken drop not dropping some the leftovers right to put in the gravy so if you don't have chicken in the first place you can't make your good grade I don't know that they're making the gravy in the restaurant at this hour course of Harry mild egg hey David Wade moving pretty quick man you training for the marathon I like it could move so we've picked up a last DV and we also can confirm for you that what 15 to 20 miles per hour what contact has dropped out and I'm blind but as we head through the remainder of today researchers say it's kind of speaking to your dog the way you do to a baby but don't mistake the - I just want to be in your lap yeah you know you two are not alone people in the room and people have been telling us that the sound that these explosions make is something that they will never forget kxan's yoojin cho spoke today to a chemistry professor at the university of texas dr. Biber Dorf showed us just how powerful and loud explosions can be even with the tiniest amount of chemical okay in full swing with over 60 restaurants offering delicious deals in this morning Fox 44 is Chris Garrett it's in New York City wining and dining at to Tony's Chris I got to ask you you white guy or a red guy well funny you asked that question mr. Mays oh I am a white guy but I do like red too so I guess you could say I go both ways so it's time for [Music]
Channel: WitFlix
Views: 215,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News Bloopers, News bloopers, news bloops, Funny news, News Funny, Best news bloopers, Funniest news bloopers, New News bloopers, Best Bloopers, Bloopers 2020, News Bloopers 2020, Best News Bloopers 2020, Try not to laugh, Cant stop laughing, Bloopers, TV Bloopers, Blooper Fails, News Blooper Fails, Funny Blooper Fails, Witflix, Reporter Bloopers, News Reporter Bloopers, News Cast Bloopers, TV FAILS, New Bloopers, News Bloopers and Fails, News Fails and Bloopers
Id: 2A0m-VG9A5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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