Funniest Husky Videos | Funny And Cute Dog Videos Compilation

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foreign get out of the bathtub look at me say look at me it's not time for the bath get out whoa [Applause] [Music] [Music] love me oh thank you I love you okay okay thank you I love you too oh thank you you have to say it too together ladies and gentlemen good morning look at me so I can tell you talk hey pretty girl can I get yeah okay get my kitchen today you know it huh I heard you waiting for your cookies all right one oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what do you belong to no oh [Music] you can't come with me I don't know you I don't know you I love you but I don't know you [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] for God's sake what [Applause] Mika who's room with you what is your problem right now [Music] come here come here my mom told me it's not time to go on a walk [Music] [Music] what are you doing this has never happened yes bring it back yes bring it back to me come here I gotta deliver it back since you took it from me no no oh I'm so fired what do I do now do I like do I knock on the door no hey yeah I'm gonna go knock on the door hey uh your dog stole your package and won't give it back to me don't do it no no graphic depiction of animal cruelty this poor husky was forced to trudge through the snow you can hear his gasps for help in the freezing air he is barely able to walk hope he makes it out alive no no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] no foreign I said no you cannot get on the yoga mat I already told you you can't get on the yoga mat you are pressing your luck aren't you you're getting awful clothes you barely touched oh don't you do it don't you touch the mat don't you touch the mat you did okay Archer alerted me to an emergency and then emergency is that Leia climbed up that little rock wall thing and she can't get down Leia do you need some help babes all right I'm coming lamb hi pretty girl okay what do we need here how did you get up here let me ask that question what route did you take to get up here Leia while you're covered in seeds Okay so what you're saying is I should come out here with a weed whacker and get rid of a lot of this overgrowth I get it this is a roundabout way of shaming me for my poor lawn care okay well Archer don't get jealous you can come down here too but I want you to get stuck uh babes okay am I gonna have to carry you I'll carry you but I can't film it I can't film it good girl lay uh Archer do you want to play with your sister he was so worried about you Leia he was so worried about you weren't you but weren't you worried about Leia good boy good boy Archer yes I know how worried about Leia you were look she's back look she's back no no I don't think so [Applause] [Music] Maya Cooper doesn't want to play with you [Music] Maya Cooper does not want to foreign just not cooperating is he [Music] just touching me I'm not touching you yeah
Channel: Husky Kokos
Views: 852,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, dogs, puppies, animals, funny pet videos, pets, huskies, husky, husky puppies, screaming husky, talking husky, howling dogs, howling husky, funny husky videos, new dog video, funny husky 2023, husky play, husky videos, alaskan malamute, siberian, cute husky, husky compilation, cool husky
Id: l2gusgO1HPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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