Where can you legally land a bush plane?

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this video is brought to you by squarespace the ultimate platform to build a website and run your business what's up just got out to rocky meadow linked up with brian and ken ken just got a new to him carbon cub that sounds like he's loving can the only thing is the tires look small just because i'm used to seeing 31s or 35s on these things they are a tad small yeah yeah i think it'll get 29s because i have a brand new pair but you're liking this huh compared to the highlander oh i'm digging it yeah it's it's a it's a whole different monster yeah but yeah it's squish it gets squishy it doesn't just just let go yeah yeah i don't have much time in a highlander but it's kind of similar to the kit fox um mine would probably be in between because i have a a bit bigger wing than a highlander but the standard kit fox wing like brian has and the highlander have like a 130 square foot wing whereas a carbon cub's 180 square foot so it's got an extra 50 square feet of wing area and you know some of these things are built so light they're not that much heavier i do think the riblet airfoil on the kit fox is more efficient which is why i'm able to stall almost as slow as a plane that has like 40 square feet more than my wing which is 10 square feet more than the regular kit fox but basically you know airfoil shape comes into play but at the end of the day there's certain times that you just can't beat wing area so that's what he's feeling there but anyway i think we're gonna head up north go play at dead cow for a bit and then brian's got some friends camping way up on the other side of pyramid lake from here and he's saying maybe we can find somewhere to drop in and visit those guys and brian if you want to go ahead and depart i'll just pass you okay i'll go first yeah brian rightly [Music] and you can actually see my tracks in there too [Music] and right now i'm taxiing past where that t post is so you just kind of stay left i just landed at uh state line meadow brian went on his takeoff roll didn't like something and stopped which was smart i always liked that conservative thinking what you're mapping something tweaking something yeah i was trying to try and been building a new totally different tune so i'm just gonna go back to an original anyway this is brian's first time in here it's funny it's it's pretty intimidating just because the nature of the no go around there's rocks on the approach and it looks really small when you're coming in but then you land here and you're like oh it's actually a ton of space so i really want to come back here in the spring when everything's green and do a little night out camping out here i think that'd be rad [Music] like nothing [Music] i'm off your right over here ken [Music] [Music] [Applause] nice very nice ken that was a bouncy one there that's the lack of shocks [Music] this is a fun one because it's like a really steep hill before it that you can slip down which i've done a while ago we'll see how it feels if i do it again see if i want to be able to make that [Music] explode flooded forever there [Music] welcome to bunny hill this one's our little training ground where we take everyone for learning how to land on like a shallow incline whether it's uphill downhill side hill you can do anything on this and even when the wind is swirling you can get in and out of here one thing i have seen a bunch of you guys mention in the comments is uh asking how we know where we can and cannot land and basic rule of thumb is if it's just open blm land then we're totally clear wilderness no go the forest service land is where it gets a little trickier because it kind of the rules state that all motorized vehicles must stay on maintained paths and under the approved speed limit which is like 25 miles an hour but then when you read farther in the forest service rules there's an exemption for snow machines and aircraft so the way that i read it i believe in forest service that isn't wilderness land you're good to land pretty much wherever you want you know as long as it's safe and you're not tearing up any of the environment and again that's a another big thing that we all have to keep in mind is kind of the the stewardship idea of us making sure that we aren't going to go and start damaging the lands or pissing people off enough that we start losing our ability to land at places because i guarantee if we start losing the ability to land out here we won't be getting that back so it's one of those things try to stay super respectful if you're out exploring don't go buzzing people that you don't know don't go buzzing farmers livestock cows any of that and yeah just use common sense you know try to keep it quiet try to be uh respectful i'm lucky because that 915 is like built to european standards like the quietest aircraft engine ever but uh going back to land ownership how we find out what is blm what is forest service all that i use an app called on x and onyx has i think a hunting app that's the one i have here onyx hunt i've also got their off-road one which does snow and dirt and then they have a backcountry one that's like for backcountry skiing and hiking so basically you just turn on your overlay on there it'll tell you who the land owners are so uh we just spend a bunch of time up here playing in blm and the funny thing is somewhere i found a map that kind of showed each state and it filled the state graphically with a color to show how much blm land there was for that uh state size and nevada was like the highest it's rad so really when it comes to like bush flying and the type of stuff that we do we like live in the mecca for it aside from you know alaska looks insane and that is on my list now let's see what you got the aoss yeah and this is my first time in bumpy bumpy stuff so it's uh it they'll be getting swapped out right away yeah the alpha omega suspension system was like game changing compared to bungees i think back in the day but and it's all faa certified which is cool which is why you'll see it on certified cubs but you're not certified i mean i've been doing laps around at the airport thinking oh it's fine for a while it'll be fine but the minute we got out here i mean i was like whoops just they were tossing me i'm like nope yeah i could have been stopped in half the distance if i had shocks yeah because you just give up room by a mechanical bounce right those things will absorb bumps they're like spring gear though that they're gonna give a good portion of it back to you same with bungees and all that and that's where the you know tk1 suspension is just game changing so anyway back in the air [Music] did you see that jet doe below us there off your left yeah i just saw it on adsb when you got on the radio he's staying on your side of the leg yeah he's right on the north uh portion just doing circles it looks like his tail number's uh one two nine mike mike man to go brian's speed i like to have a quarter click of flaps in cliffs are pretty rad though huh get those very [Music] pretty bitching cool back here yeah definitely yeah this is the hell's kitchen hostile territory area not too much option here so but you could go swimming right next to shore and uh be okay i'd probably take that over going into rocks yeah this is definitely one of those spots i mean everywhere we're flying you're always looking and seeing okay if i had a an emergency like an engine failure where would i land and um after flying over enough of this i would never try to pull a hat trick and make some like crazy short thing on the shore i'm gonna drop down to the water's edge now that we got a few options roger that it's just after having you know water skied in the past and use that as a landing technique to get to shore and having seen what happens when you get too slow and you flip upside down i've had a few friends that have done that very close to shore when trying to land on shore and none of them were injured obviously the planes are wrecked but to me if you're like over a pretty rocky or nasty terrain that you might say you touch down at 40 45 and uh grab a rock and flip over that's going to be more violent than just going into the water but assuming that you can do it you know to where you're not in deep water and you're gonna drown you'd want to do it almost right next to the shore honestly right here i'd probably just water ski until it flipped like you know with my left wing on the shore but anyway something you're always thinking about especially me because i have had a you know full catastrophic engine failure out of nowhere i've never flown this side of the lake it's pretty rad i'm glad to take you man i love it we can we bring the boat over here because hell's kitchen it's very very very remote and cell phones don't work and uh yeah it's epic over here yeah all of this is owned by the native americans and they do not play nice if you land on their land so uh they'll i mean from what i've heard they'll just straight take your airplane or confiscate it from you it's one of those things i i don't want to test that that hopefully that's just like an old wives tale but we don't screw around on native land [Music] just like that back at the hangar that is what happens when my gopro batteries die and i don't get any of the rest of it but basically we just played around on the far side of pyramid lake that's just uh north northeast of reno went and uh played a little bit more and made our way back here just a casual fun morning here in northern nevada but really quick before i wrap this one up i do want to give a huge thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video squarespace now squarespace for those who don't know is the ultimate platform to design a website and run your business and what's great is you start with one of their award-winning templates you craft it into your own perfect beautiful website and they have features that work in all their templates that are 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Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 105,339
Rating: 4.9745393 out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, aviation, stol, low and slow, flight training, bush plane, Kitfox, kitfox aircraft, flight vlog, airplane, freedomfox, airplane crash, instruction, tailwheel, landing, plane, pilot, flying, helicopter, oshkosh airventure, airventure 2018, STOL, student pilot, first solo, freedom fox, flying cowboys, oshkosh2019, airventure2019, airventure, EAA, Oshkosh
Id: xYJucQEfx_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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