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it's tuesday 20 april my name is juan brown you're watching the blanco lyrio channel i'm finally back home after sun and fun back on the blanco aerial super computer so i can do some proper editing my usual crummy editing as opposed to what i've been doing the last couple of days out on the field with just the cell phone we got an update on the tbm cue the music [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] special thanks to the folks at harrison electro plating in houston texas for creating this life-size logo of the blanco lyrio channel here thanks so much guys so last sunday crews were able to recover the tbm avenger that went down during the cocoa beach air show and get it off of the beach onto a lowboy trailer and back into the museum on its landing gear back towards the museum got the gear down and got her back on her feet the story that i got out there in the field is that initially crews wanted to and they did in fact we'll show you the pictures stick airbags underneath the tbm avenger get it to float on the surf and the the plan was to float it around or tow it around tug it around to the inside of the inner coastal waterway to a point where they could reach the aircraft with a crane and pick the aircraft straight up out of the water and onto the low boy trailer well the coast guard and or other local government authorities not sure who said no we're not going to allow you to take that tbm up into the intercoastal waterway and risk getting stuck like the suez canal or some other issue and they said you had to recover that aircraft right there from the beach so that's where you see the pictures of the crane having to stand way off from the edge of the beach there because he needs proper footing and then run a long line down to the tbm they had to grab the tail of the tbm and just drag it up onto the beach like a beached whale that was the next day because after plan a was connexed by the local authorities the aircraft had to sit in the surf overnight during that overnight vis stay in the surf the pounding surf filled ended up filling up i think it was the port wing in this case the left wing full of sand and created a lot of weight to get that thing dragged back up on onto the beach and onto the lowboy trailer so that's where a lot of the damage occurred in the recovery of the tbm and you can see the bottom of the aircraft and the torpedo bay doors that was a single two thousand pound torpedo that goes in the torpedo bay of the tbm and the tbm could carry more than just the torpedo during wartime but that got quite a bit of damage looks like the wings got some damage and yeah they can restore it um tbms are designed for saltwater environments and if you properly restore a tbm they'll be all zinc chromated in and out and be set up to live in a salt water environment but not that much salt water so it'll be interesting to see what the volunteers at the valiant air museum decide to do with the tbm as they get it back into the museum and start those volunteer hours all over again so most of my updates on sun and fun i've been posting over on the patreon channel i've got a couple of ntsb reports to go over with you here soon what in the heck is that sounds like a t-38 from beale squirrel t-38 from beale air force base one of the black ones and then we got coming up uh here on the 28th through the 1st of may weekend after next i believe that is in wayne nebraska the mayday stole drags hope to be out there for that and help with the judging kevin quinn and the gang of flying cowboys have at least 22 aircraft going to be competing for stole drag competition wayne nebraska weekend after next and then don't forget the this year's aviation content creators award ceremony is going to be july 23rd through the 25th at sterling rock falls airport illinois point your fourth flight towards ksqi see you there [Music] [Music] you
Channel: blancolirio
Views: 254,427
Rating: 4.9386053 out of 5
Id: i27CN9uVIS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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