Rescue Lovely Fluffy Pet! || Wash and Watch A Dirty Ball Become a Plushie

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[Music] huh is it just me or um uh hates me too that he is super hot okay [Music] well this time i definitely heard something so it hates me whining because i lost luck well well okay i give up i saw and couldn't walk by so we need to rescue it well since it's already in our house let's see what we can do about it all right i guarantee that you won't regret it hi guys today we'll save this little one i wonder if we can manage it this time so let's talk more action it needs our help you're right but first let's discuss what we're gonna do first we'll wash our hair ball and then comb and dress it oh so much to do i'm getting excited i guess we got a mother that rolled into a tight ball to protect our children madame madam you're safe you can enroll now um i think she's asking for help sammy we'll need water lots of it do they really like to bathe huh [Music] soon we'll untangle you guys [Music] oh look here's the first ear let's find the second one here it is and what's next we have to take the first photo and this is the mom's face check out how cute she is it's okay we'll dry you really well later and you'll look good as new where are the cakes i don't see any of them ah patient sammy i think i see something here's the paw then the second one is somewhere around here so look she's holding the babies with this paw yes that's right but i still can't get them mom's holding them tight look mom doesn't want to let them go oh it's so sweet we definitely have to take another picture bring them closer too here's one look at its adorable ears and cute eyes it also has a heart on its tummy i guess it means something we'll find out later so now we have the whole family let's have a closer look at them [Music] what are you thinking sammy so i guess they're still not ready for the family photo they're wet and tired sam's right we need to tidy you up what do we start with let's dry them real good first that will cheer them up guys ask an adult to help the blow dryer is quite hot we'll start with the mom she's the wettest of all she protected her kids from the water [Music] what where who was that [Music] they don't have a fever and they aren't hungry so what do they need i meant panic i guess they miss their mom or want to play try different options sammy calm down don't cry papa sam is here how's it going sammy we need good news hi it's working you just have to be confident about the results and it'll be all right i never doubted you you're really getting along with kids do you want hugs too okay come here i got it this doesn't work we'll try something different now i'll take care of them guys you need to get dry as well then you'll go to your mom oh thanks susan it's so challenging being a parent so now the whole family is clean and dry you can rest for now but the rescue mission's not over yet we're moving on so what do we have here what you think sammy treats no clothes oh what's there tell me shoe wrong sammy first of all we'll need this it's a special teal brush for the fur with an ergonomic handle yeah they definitely need some good care shall we try we'll start with mom guys you'll need to brush with care from roots to the ends and in the direction of her growth check out how shiny the fur came it's exactly what we needed now we'll brush the second ear done sue shall we brush their paws as well or will it be too ticklish why not we definitely have to take care of all the fur and this one as well like this here is so adorable am i seeing things or is she becoming even cuter if it's even possible we'll brush the tummy too oh you like it don't you great look how groomed she became so she was just a tight furry ball oops where did they go they were here just a second ago and now they disappeared [Music] sammy that's not nice to steal little ones like this their mom will be worried i just have to brush their tummies just a little more stuff yang okay and you can check out this so adorable it's made in very soft colors and there's also a heart-shaped pendant in the front whoa shoes is some kind of necklace it'll look good on you sammy it's an accessory for our mom look how shiny her ears became oh it's not just a pendant but a place for a photo where can we get a picture of our family still i took time to photos look what do you say perfect timing sammy will definitely need this okay i'm off to rescue other animals sammy today we have to help these animals guys if you like this video think of a thumbs up maybe next time we'll rescue another family sammy bring the photo here i'll place it in the pendant i don't get it it was here a moment ago i guess i lost it no time to panic sammy it was right in front of us see now the family photo will always be in mom's heart [Music] go shall we continue our rescue machine i can't wait anymore now we'll have to feed our kittens check out this cute baby bottle [Music] i guess it's high time to feed them can you do it sam come on for mom for siblings pursue for sam and now i'll feed you are you okay with that there you go a little more good job oh do you want some too wait that voice sounds very familiar [Music] sammy i found you what kind of prank is this so light i'm sure mom also needs to grow strong you're right let's feed her as well so our animals are washed dried and fed what's left so i already prepared that clothes look so sweet sammy this will look good on them and judging by the size you made some clothes for the babies too is so cute so how do we know the gender of our babies to do it we shall warm up their hearts [Music] bravo sammy but it's not serenades that will warm up their heart uh what's that dancing i can do a tap dance we'll have to use our own warmth like this and the secret will be revealed it's a girl great and who's the other one let's warm up your heart too i bet it's a girl it's a boy your intuition failed you let's dress you up now one paw other paw this outfit goes good with your face wait here for now we'll dress up your brother silly feel so warm can i have it if you look into these eyes and can say no to them then go ahead sammy oh sammy i can't handle this suffering look let him take it just one more thing i prepared something for the babies i can't wait to see it maybe it's some little callers wrong i'll show you now you'll definitely like it it's a birth certificate of this little family i promise to give lifelong love caring fun to these babies oh yeah i promise that we'll be best friends forever it's so cool we need to come up with the names yes i also thought that would be great any ideas i'll call this one joy to bring only joy to us the second one will be called hope with hope that here they'll find their second home joy and hope awesome names thanks sam i couldn't do without you by the way when were they born we'll need to add this to the certificate their mom said they were born just a month ago now let's greet our rescued family and now let's take a couple of family photos for the album [Music] what fine weather today huh what's that oh how did you get here little one oh so dirty you're probably all cold come i'll take you home don't worry everything's going to be all right now right i'll get some warm water and we'll wash you really well sam be kind to our friend i found it in the street the poor creature was freezing it only has eyes at the head look who's talking don't worry little one we're going to wash you now we're going to wash you now sam i heard that a bit of shampoo and you'll be good as new watch that piggy wiggy wow don't be so maybe i'm rude jealous why oh my you've got ears oh and cute little paws you're a real plush animal oh you're so adorable let's dry you up and now you're all clean what a wonderful little bunny [Music] guys just look at these glittery ears what a cute little nose i'm so happy i found it phil what are you doing oh taking care of your piggy wiggly piggy wiggy anymore look how wonderful it is i don't see anything wonderful guys if you agree that this plush bunny is amazing comment below sam will definitely listen to you and if you like pink slimes more write that as well so leave it and let's go play sam don't be silly you better bring me a hair dryer i need to brush our foundling really well oh little one you'll have to sit through this damn bring a hair dryer do i need to turn into a piggy wiggy too that's a great idea sam where are you we need a hair dryer i'm coming [Music] here barely made it thanks our fluffy is getting cold [Music] well it was all wet that's not what i meant sue i'm so dirty and you don't pay any attention to me sam go take a shower no problem there sorry i can't hear anything [Music] ah aren't you a fluffy one like a little cloud hmm we need to give you a name guys will you help me write your ideas in the comments by the way i got a present for you right here so here we are one on one who are you a spy perhaps or maybe you decided to take my place in this house what are you guys talking about getting to know each other eating candies oh i'm glad you're friends now we'll talk later look what i have here this adorable collar i'll write the name of our cutie here and this pretty bow let's put them on okay here goes the bow [Music] oh you look so sweet with this bow and now the collar right here oh you're amazing a very cute bunny come i'll introduce you to the other toys i left behind again [Music] the little vagabond looks pretty with the bow phil can i play with you huh i don't know [Music] fine i admit that i was wrong about what i mistreated the bunny but i'm actually glad that you found it and took it in i was just a little jealous i thought you didn't love me anymore sam i do love you very much you're my best friend really well that's more like it guys do you have best friends write their names in the comments below and if you've got many friends write all their names the more the better let's play together now with the bunny
Views: 5,306,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: 1Ew0ppfrbzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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