Fully Destructable HUGGY WUGGY VEHICLE! - Teardown Mods

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how's it going champs we're playing ted now we've got a brand new vehicle we're going to be testing today sonic the hedgehog is not it but i just decided i'd probably burn his face i just want to see how flammable he is just doing the old flame retardant test on sonic the hedgehog here we go just his head oh yeah he burns pretty well so you notice we're over on the laser ring at the moment we're gonna jump a vehicle through there let's go ahead and bring this thing up i've got a new section here called finn's cars we have a huggy car let's go let's just dump him right here let's go cheap i modeled it myself in magic of vauxhall he looks pretty good he looks very menacing got a giant mouth he's also got bodgie looking ice but he should drive fairly well he comes in two flavors unbreakable and like really really breakable on this one it should only be his skin that'll break off let's test that out all right here we go here we go now i want you guys to let me know if there's any other vehicles you want me to make oh yes yes you notice he actually hasn't fallen apart he's just lost his skin oh no and he's eyeball skin as well he kind of looks like he's really sleepy can we burn him can't even burn him okay let's go ahead and try and play a little bit of basketball okay we'll get another huggy car this is the indestructible kind hang on i'm just gonna back up a little bit let's just get that sonic off there get out of the map oh oh he's come back for more yeah and there we go no no oh god i'm stuck i can save this there we go we have plenty of room to run into this giant concrete ball i'm gonna see if i can knock it through the hoop let's go oh no he's blind ah the thing did not move how heavy is that okay wow that thing is very very unbe movable unmovable i just gotta say unbreakable and unmovable the same thing and i got unboovable okay okay slow-mo sonic you can do this sonic you are very tough not that tough get out of here i can pick it up no worries let's just drop this whoa what that thing's insanely heavy medium ball far out anti-blast wall let's see how this thing goes i'm gonna slow-mo it all right can we bust through this wall oh yeah we did we did the wall can't stop us yes awesome oh there goes my skin again face first through the walls that is so cool to watch go ahead and hit the like button if we get to 4 000 likes i'll put it in the workshop and let's go through the lasers oh yeah oh yeah that's the stuff oh that's the stuff got me good yep you can see most of my face is missing my huggy face the all the teeth and stuff yeah he is very breakable and huggy car versus huggy car let's go slow-mo speed force has been enabled oh wow that is insane they evenly broke apart and now they're the one vehicle not anymore ah it was beautiful but it was never meant to be so if you got my last video you would have seen that i made this sun yep a sun a sun that you can actually jump into and it makes the car melt and or catch fire this time though i've put a giant brick wall behind it so that the cars wouldn't just go flying off the map oh give it a little bit of a boost oh my god it does not like this one bit the destruction is too real what's even gonna happen when he comes through on the other side oh he got sliced oh no way and he's just smacked into the wall let's try a bus oh yes the boss is going through oh man she gets very slow yeah the brick wall was a great idea see that now it just falls to the ground melts and it's on fire all right let's go sonic the head let's do this oh i missed i missed oh nailed the wall really good oh this thing is fast it is so fast look at that it almost cleared the sun you know you're fast when you can jump over the sun there he goes bang into he actually ran up the wall that's insane is he gonna miss the sun yeah he's got nowhere near he will however fall on his head we need to slow mo that here and he comes and he comes uh oh oh yeah he's gonna hit the ground bounced off the ground that's not good he's still got all of his chaos gems inside of his head though and i'm on fire is he all right oh you can see all the chaos gems there i'm just going to shoot him out of there there we go if we extracted the gems yes we have they're valuable i'm going to take them to ebay someone has made a five nights at freddy's security breach map this is awesome you know i actually haven't played that game yet should i play that game should i play it five nights at freddy's security breach i know a lot of people played it but i'm not really big into five nights at freddy's but i hear it's different anyway let's go ahead and spawn in one of i think it's chijun's robot vehicles we've got a new one called an aeon bot hey he's got a blue light this is the best way to get around a five nights at freddy's map okay i just already smacked my robot on the wall let's zoom down okay i'm walking down here oh god what's going i broke the stairs what are these guys these weird robot dudes hey this is a pretty awesome map what's going on back here there's a few shops and stuff you can destroy the shops is this really what the game is like it feels a little budget like in this five nights at freddy's game they're kind of skimped on the money a little bit i don't know whoa dude what is that move okay that's a good move hey is that freddy i think that might be freddy i'm gonna bust into the shop and blow him apart he's a bad guy although i hear he's good in this one i don't know i can tell the theme of the game is in this map but it just feels very unfinished otherwise great effort so it's been a while since i checked out a good time freezing mod but stringy's gone ahead and made one why is that guy outside bounce i'm just gonna shoot him hey get back in the game now that guy oh this guy there there's a guy up there okay let's see if we can stop time oh he has stopped and he actually hasn't broken normally when you stop time like why is there a squid there's a squi there's a squid over there i don't know why there's a squid okay you can shoot people and then you can start time again that's amazing what happens if you're driving a car though when you stop time whoa guys spawned on top of me i've killed five dudes so far i've got the zombie apocalypse mod obviously running okay so let's go really fast in a car and then stop time so apparently the momentum keeps going so if i go huh it see it still goes still goes that's cool hey what's this is that a portal gun that's kind of awesome where's all the zombos hey there's like weapons and stuff in there get me inside here i'm going in zombie apocalypse i need some weapons and i need to poo where's the toilet it's a fire extinguisher oh i know gotta burn him with a blow torch wow that was some quick thinking burn that guy down there we go there's another one all right i've got an axe there's an axe on the wall there i'm gonna see if i can take one of these zombies out with an axe it's not working it's not very sharp must be blunt oh yes got him oh i have a pipe bomb you jerk yeah he didn't catch i guess he never played baseball with his papi that one could catch oh i'm living the zombie apocalypse dream now on top i'm on top of a service station and i'm just shooting dudes this is the best there's another one down there got him oh yeah shoot the bouncers nice maybe we could use the singularity mod that's cheating big time deceleration hey i wonder if they'll go really slow through this come on go through the thing he's actually going kind of quick attraction yeah he doesn't like that though he doesn't like um in there together that sucks what happens if you throw a pipe bomb at that hey it comes back at you that's bad come on dudes walk through the anti-gravity bubble oh they're flying they're fly they just jump really well [Laughter] burn yes oh that's a good one i like that one oh there's one stuck on a wall here okay i'm gonna put him in the protection bubble and then i'm gonna try and shoot him let's see if he lives i'm gonna burn that one let me get a shotgun he did not live oh hang on no he did he did leave but i thought maybe i wouldn't be able to break the wall for the shotgun but i definitely can just because i know you guys will ask for it yes we're gonna melt huggy in some acid let's go this is cool i wonder if he can actually jump no he's too big there's no way he can get round those rings not a chance oh no yep now he's in the acid now i'm in the acid i need to make that acid do a little bit less damage to me it hurts way too much okay let's get another one and let's actually just drop him into the acid and see how we go nice now we can drop him in the asset and go oh he's melting good he is melting good it slows the game down the bigger the object the slower the computer goes oh no this one won't actually melt because he's got the unbreakable insides i better get him out of there he's never gonna melt huggy car soft and i've already dropped him in and you're going in there champ let's go oh yeah this one's melting just gonna rotate him so he goes face first and pulling back out again oh no the acid it's the best way to get rid of any evidence that's for sure i mean if a huggy woggy was chasing you in real life you would probably want to do this puppy playtime chapter 2 is coming out very soon they dropped a trailer for it like two days ago looks very cool there's a new murderous toy it's gonna be amazing okay what other crazy vehicles do we have here we have a robot i wonder if we can melt a robot in acid all right let's get in this guy oh yes the beams what does this do oh it's like almost like a homing thing whoa yeah i like that one i like that that's amazing take that poopy tim oh look at him run if you hold shift he sprints i mean i do have i do have a sprint mod installed but you know here we go jump oh he tried to backflip oh god get out of the acid fin hey what is this something called a murder potty okay he looks like a porta potty car you can you can drive it it's a toilet you can drive that's living the dream right there pooping while you drive that's the future let's see what happens when you melt it with acid oh we need we need a boost cool jump no no we flipped it there's nothing left of it now the lowdowns spawn pack a flying car how does this one work how do you fly what's the fly button oh that's the flight that's the fly button yes do a flip dude don't flip whoa i did a flip and then i landed again oh i hit a ring into the acid that's a cool car though i like that one uh spin truck okay oh what what have i never seen these mods this thing is insane whoa i think i just won every like burnout competition ever man this guy makes some cool vehicles i've never seen these where are these vehicles from wow okay so that thing doesn't really work very well but that's all right i feel like they shouldn't be spinning in the same direction they should sort of be spinning inwards that way they drag things into the center but they're both spinning kind of clockwise so it just sort of throws you around it's still kind of cool though and i mean if you've got some ragdolls ragdoll spawner firefighter there you go champ this has got to work pretty well right oh no he just kind of threw him into the bus didn't hurt him at all okay this thing is called a ball and it has a door on it you can drive the ball oh wow wow okay that's that's pretty cool man of all the things i never knew i wanted to drive a giant concrete ball is one of them how does it go in the lava lava how does it go into the acid duh we hit a ring there's too many rings oh oh we missed the acid there it is there it is there's the acid yeah every time i play tear down now there's some new and crazy vehicles to try out and that's cool i love this spawn menu it's really really good it's breathed some new life into tear down for sure whoa yeah there was no way i was getting through there oh that is brutal no just push on push on we could make it through to the end this is like a dump truck in roblox world almost this truck has just fallen to bits everywhere it's literally being ripped apart like cheese and we made it out of there nice well done dumpy the dump truck all right guys if there's any mods you want me to check out let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys later
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 213,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, giant human, poopy tim, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime
Id: F8hi1YwBIbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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