The Most Satisfying Destruction Game Just Got Better - Teardown

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well hello there everybody dre here and welcome back to tear down today we're going to enjoy the countryside in my wonderful little cabin yes just a totally normal cabin nothing shocking here nothing i'm just kidding it's a freaking meth lab uh yes we're in the breaking bad advanced meth lab and my god this is beautiful all right we have a bunch of new weapons here oh this looks cool okay what oh oh i'm learning as we go as you can tell does this really calculate bullet trajectory and tell you exactly where it's gonna that is fantastic this is marvelous so it looks like i can count to a max of four which is unfortunate but uh yeah that's pretty oh yes physics dude it's been so long since i played tear down i have missed this there we go i was looking for an explosion that's what i'm talking about okay this is a much cooler gun than i expected should i be alarmed no you know what it's fine there's got to be fire extinguishers somewhere but check this out first of all you can toss coins to i'm assuming shoot did i just hit it am i that good that is cool yeah you can actually hear the ting we've already learned about this it's shift to focus why was one red there i don't know what the red means maybe it will knock it down or something i don't know i'm still learning as i go not only that you can aim down sight and aim this way as well like this is the most in-depth gun that i've seen and we're only starting out there's a bunch of weapons to check out today i can even throw the gun with middle mouse um did my gun just blow up no i want that oh dude that's so cool so i can piss the whip with it oh man it's got a mind of its own what is going on with it can i blow those up i really want to see if those blow up also i don't know if you've noticed but it actually even shows the ammo on the side that's what's left in your clip and of course you can reload it if you do want to this thing just feels so good all right well one pistol down and i've already kind of taken out this place you know what let's let's start actually kind of put this fire out okay next up we have the red dragon as well this is made by the same creator they're very it almost feels like i'm playing tabs they're very physics feeling which is nice uh don't know what this one's all about did i just load it uh hold on i have to reload it oh okay there wait it only i just destroyed the whole freaking place why does it shoot the red wait does it only shoot red i'm so confused why is it shooting down it doesn't shoot up so yeah i'm not sure why it only works when i aim down i mean ow it still works very very well and it's another bouncy gun also i should mention the projectiles are physically simulated very few guns have that in this game which makes it feel so much better you can also customize it make it left-handed if you do want to you can change the reticle to stupid things it's just insane how in-depth the weapons are getting in this game i don't know why i can only shoot down all right i don't know if there was a challenge that went on or something but uh there's a lot of bouncy guns that bounce off walls and whatnot like the pellet gun there we go you can just keep letting it go and it will not stop until i stop hitting this button oh this is very pleasing to watch where's it gonna go next it's already pretty much destroyed the place uh but yeah i can stop it whenever i want and of course shoot it again oh this is just fun this is why i wanted to do this map by the way because i knew i'd have a lot of guns like this and it's the perfect zone for sheer bouncy destruction all right let's get a little bit of a change of scenery as we destroy things though welcome to the v oh don't hit the tree okay i can't drive for crap welcome to the blast furnace uh yeah this looks really fun to destroy all right so we checked out all the bouncy guns which are really really fun but let's move on and check out some other new things that have come out now this one gets me really excited look how cool this looks we have the lava gun and well as you oh that's so cool as you would expect it spawns lava oh dude you can build your own doorways and everything a little bit laggy but that's what happens when you play with fire and freaking lava look at this though that is so pleasing to watch i love it see what happens if we drop this little tower into uh these other towers here there it goes did i do it right oh god the leg oh this is the problem when you drop big things i'm gonna miss it aren't i and that was a failure okay that should be better going in for the hit oh finally did we actually find something that's decently heavy it looks like the core is too strong for this but that was pleasing okay and this one's probably the one i'm looking forward to the most i didn't even know it did this but you can use it as a melee weapon if you do want to and it is a blade launcher and it's fully physics based so i think you actually got to kind of catch it like a boomerang come here please come here i think i've lost my projectile though come here thank you that is so weird feeling and yeah essentially just goes through anything and it should come back to me assuming i stand in the same place there we go there and caught at that time perfect so looking deeper into this i can actually recall it if i want to as well so i can just hit right click and it will come right back i guess it just spawns back uh you can also pull it towards you with the left click so man you still have to catch it but it comes towards you if you do want it to this thing is so fun to use like a physics-based projectile is just so interesting um it just went under the map come here come here come yes it worked okay and we actually have different modes so you can orbit it rigid follow gravity follow i think we are on gravity follow so gravity kind of affects it i'm assuming and it's kind of got a mind of its own orbit it should oh [Music] oh i can spawn more oh this is dangerous i feel like a freaking god all right how many can i spawn okay too many i am lagging now they're actually getting further and further ahead of me the weapons in this game are just freaking insane you know what let's cut the uh middle tower down all right it's fully cut unfortunately i mean it's still connected to the whole place though uh let's try the other one so we have rigid follow i'm assuming it comes right back then and it's not not actually affected by anything else and it looks like that is exactly what's happening done yes and if that's not enough you can change the cutting accuracy you can even change the type of blade you want the color the volume which is actually really smart because it is quite loud it's just insane do the uh other blades do anything different i was hoping some would be explosive or something but yeah very fun tool to use i love the push back too if i catch it really fast we're not done yet we have harry potter's wand are you ready that's it amazing you know what this makes harry potter look a lot more lame i i have to be honest there's got to be a way to make it bigger right okay i just had to get into the mode of harry potter to understand how this one works uh who's running oh that's creepy i don't like it okay but this thing has a whole menu uh and it's i think the majority of these spells that were actually in harry potter so we have like lumos it creates a bright light dude i love that they're not over the top they're legit just what we saw in harry potter spell that pulls objects towards the user come here objects i'm freaking magical so you actually got to direct which object you want to pull i thought it would pull everything we can freeze objects in place so for example let's just uh freeze that and then can we pull this oh it's actually i think i froze that in place it's stuck can't seem to actually move it a spell for slicing through objects yes please slice you know i think i've been blessed in this game with like over-the-top things don't get me wrong it's slicing but i feel like a sledgehammer would do more you need water i got that oh this is the most destructive one yet the water spawner green sparks that bounce around in light fires there we go this is more mines oh god okay you know what this wand is nice i like it um we should probably go outside that that would be safe all right let's do finite incantatum which will stop all effects that does not mean fire that you spawn clearly i just want to do wim guardian leviosa because it's the only one i know does it do the swish and flick it doesn't do the swish and flick what the hell game come on all right as the thing burns behind us let's try and levitate a plant queen guardian leviosa oh oh oh did i actually do it i think i got it come on holy crap this is hard all right i figured we'd go to a little bit of a brighter map so welcome to russian town six yes there is six of them and the reason why i like these so much is because cars go backwards down the road i'm just kidding because uh there's a whole life system here there's people uh you can hear them talking over here oh they're actually just sitting right here what's up oh oh i didn't expect that ow but yeah you could actually uh see some movement in these maps which is really cool and it's just an old russian town we have the splatter shot from splatoon we just pissed covered a car there you go buddy and enjoy it what is going on did i just stumble upon a beach is this a russian beach dude everybody's here what is going on everybody this is the weirdest map you know what let's make this a little bit more exciting all right so we have a small little dinosaur here let's just oh god yeah there we go just throw it okay run away run away oh my god oh my god this thing's more horrifying than i expected excuse me i'm gonna need your car uh he's a lot faster why are you just chasing me there's so many other humans please leave me alone oh my god this is so well done it's actually chasing me the animations are so good oh he just stumbled over a car dude i don't want to try and kill you but i will if you get too close all right let's not go over the top we're gonna do mp5 oh my god oh my god that was honestly best dinosaur hunting game ever is freaking tear down uh i didn't expect the mp5 to be this over the top but i think i killed him i think he's dead that little amount of time though look at the destruction that he did that is insane oh my god look at him he's coming for me i'm gonna have to take him down or he's gonna take me down i'm on one of these roofs there we go he's hurt this is insane his brother was right over here i think he's still okay where is he okay he's right over here what's going on i'm just playing with your jaw come on eat me eat me i want to see what happens when they actually get me all right we have to get into the t-rex running away from mode there we go come on just actually just go ahead and get me buddy wait are you nice were you nice and a pet this whole time you're nice oh no you're not you're not nice okay okay he just killed me all right here we go round two i'm coming back he's just like chilling now take out those little legs of yours okay that did not work as planned i thought it would do way more damage it clearly didn't oh please leave me alone please leave me alone all right get back in there we go go all right i'm sorry drunken people or whatever the hell is going on here i'm gonna have to use you what are you guys saying i don't know what you're saying um oh god uh all right we got to use this gun here we go big brain move go for it that didn't work there we go took off his legs i didn't even use an over the top gun that time he's still trying to bite me that is horrifying he's still trying to bite look at him and well if you thought the uh t-rex was the only big scary thing we were gonna spawn today you are wrong we have oh god the generation zero tank oh god it sees me i didn't think it would see me already oh my god that's horrifying i'm gonna cheat oh i'm definitely gonna cheat now i didn't know this was here how convenient uh i don't know how to shoot this i don't know how to shoot this it's coming towards me you know what we should probably get inside oh god is it coming oh my god it's definitely coming all right we're going to take it down hit the eyes hit the ice there we go oh it's still coming it did i don't think it needed that look at how cool this is oh it's struggling there we go it just broke down that felt like an epic boss fight mind you these things are weak ow i shouldn't have said that should not have said oh but man i'm just killing them with basic bullets all right so there's one with rockets as well i'm assuming this one's gonna be harder i'm gonna run away before it spawns it takes a while to load in which gives me time to hide all right this time i'm not even gonna use any modded guns we are just going to use oh my god we're just gonna use what we have in the actual game okay okay i need to go where i'm gonna die please give me a second okay i have the safety of a car okay do not have the safety of a car anymore great i am just running at this point all right i think it lost sight of me i don't know where it is though so i've lost sight of it i don't know where it is this is scary oh that that's it right there i think kind of shoot its leg there we go that's definitely it seems to be having troubles with the tree wait where is its body is its body stuck behind the tree oh i freaking love modding my body is stuck behind the tree what the hell what are you get on it why is there so many creepy things on this map oh my god there's another one get away from are they just spawning now that's super creepy also this is freaking super creepy uh i guess i can try and take down its legs i don't think its legs have any weaknesses it's clearly stuck and it's stuck right here i can't seem to take it down though oh there we go i just i just broke the tree okay i think it's good now all right i have to i just have to go in i just have to go in and get it it's running the other way no it's right there there we go come on where what is going on with it it's so weird i don't know if i'm gonna be able to take this down i think it's broken though i don't think it can shoot me oh you know what it's okay if i use the rocket launcher right that's that's part of the game well it's my only chance there we go we took it down all we needed was a giant rocket launcher oh that was so fun god damn it again i don't ever learn all right guys well i think that's a good time to wrap up another episode of tear down here uh yeah i'm always super impressed by this game i mean it's always getting better and better how can i not kill this oh my god this feels so much better than the ordinary guns oh god it actually killed me i couldn't kill it all right well as you can see i think we have totally destroyed russia now so that's fantastic this is a really cool map though i like this just for spawning things in like this and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed once again another episode of tear down checking out mostly some really awesome guns and some very impressive large-scale spawnables so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed uh as always if you want to download anything that was in the video i'll have links in the description and yeah thank you so much for watching and liking guys i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Drae
Views: 385,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f5NQ0UD_iV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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