I Became MEGAHORN And ATE SIREN HEAD - Teardown Mods

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things are about to get serious you can see me highlighting the whole plane right now get crushed bro this one hasn't broken yet the quality of this uh all right no i spoke too soon don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing tear down we're back on the edgar cube map just because i want to show you guys something let's go ahead and just bust our way down to this door i hate this map in that it scares the crap out of me it really does it's creepy when things chase you that's one of my fears you know everyone's got like their own little fears and stuff and before you say in the comments that you're superman and you have no fears you have some fears trust me even superman fears that chemical thing that is from another planet that can kill him and i can't remember the name of it uh cornflakes it's not cornflakes superman is not scared of called oh god had a cube attacking cube it's coming for me it's coming for me someone commented hey friend why don't you try and possess anger cube that's a really good idea where's my possessed gun thing object possession let's go let's go egg cube out ow he's zombie okay i am the anger cube now i'm anger cube i'm i'm going to space okay anchor cube space program launch let's go the anchor cube multiplier is 12. what does that mean i'm 12 anger cubes old i can't really do anything with this anchor cube i can return to myself but i'm in space now great i do wonder though if i possess something else right let's say i possess this car i am the car now i'm gonna toggle invincibility and change my walk speed look at that look at me i'm a an old pickup truck and i'm just i'm being a pickup truck i'm just a regular red pickup truck that's it that's that's my life now i am a car where is angercube did i beat the anchor cube by turning into a pickup truck and he doesn't think i exist anymore whoa whoa okay there we go i figured out how to move myself as a pickup truck where is he i can hear him oh no he's back he comes out of nowhere it just dominated me i was like hey i've actually gotten rid of the anger cube and then he got me oh god he's coming after me again god he's terrifying so if i become a different object it appears the anchor cube leaves you alone i am this tiny piece of debris look at me go floating around like a fart in the wind i'm just gonna hide in the toilet from anchor cube no anger cube can't get me up here i'm back in the plane because a lot of you guys commented saying that you wanted me to try and destroy the plane in different ways that i didn't try before oh it's night time it is raining it's actually raining so i've got a variety of weapons here stuff that i didn't use on the last video oh god can i possess the actual plane okay you can't do that that's not something you can do so i'm sorry whoever asked for that one that is not a thing okay you can't possess the plane we do have the ion cannon beacon we've got what was the other one oh we've got uh the grimoire with the black hole we could try and suck at the entire plane as the black hole we could do that we've got the handgun the brand spanking new laser blaster you guys haven't seen this before it's a brand new mod and the disintegrator we could disintegrate the entire plane things are about to get serious you can see me highlighting the whole plane right now this is probably gonna disintegrate my video card all right three two one whoa everything's getting electrified and disintegrated oh god oh god we have a hole in the cabin depressurization everything's getting sucked through including me if you look down the bottom we have 400 000 voxels remaining to be disintegrated we've got a few so i'm just gonna let that go through until that turns to zero why it's still going we turned everything to rubble including the people whoa it's done it's done gravity controller turn gravity off i'm flying around it's now a space game oh god oh that's so weird gravity off gravity on gravity off ow ow it hit my head and everybody's back again now you guys ready for destruction round two it's almost like a movie where someone's stuck in a time loop you know what i mean and they've got to try and stop the plane from crashing otherwise they die and then the loop starts all over again i swear that's another movie i'm just going to have a bit of a sodium while we wait um soda yeah i have some soda it's delicious they all look like morty from rick and morty oh god oh god here we go whoa it's frozen we broke the game oh no oh no oh no we just blasted the plane from space that was terrifying it was like waking up from a scary dream to find out your actual real life is the scary dream oh my god oh my god what is happening right now what is happening i think the front half of the plane has snapped off i'm going into fly mode oh it's a thunderstorm outside but that's what's left of the plane just the back half of it this is probably the one of the most terrifying ones yet someone commented saying let off a bfg inside the plane wow that's the dumbest thing you can do in a plane whoa yeah yeah that's good i'm gonna stop time i'm just gonna let it go i'm just gonna let it go and then i'm gonna restart time again oh my god oh my god it threw me out of the plane now this next mod is absolutely insane it's called the progressive destruction mod and basically what it does is it allows things to crumble after they've broken watch this oh god oh god oh god no don't i don't want to leave the plane yet i just got sucked out of the vacuum of the plane okay let's watch this thing crumble from the outside then the entire bottom of the plane is gone okay so it was super hard to see how that thing worked on the plane while i was inside of it let's just try it on this building whoa yeah see what i mean it just continues to decay and it like it spreads it crumbles i just want to see the whole roof drop here it comes it's it what what oh it's moving its way down the car park no yep it came down it came down on top of me my god it's still going it doesn't stop until everything's destroyed it hasn't got the other vehicle oh no it did it's just spreading it seems to go wherever i go it's like i'm the infected one yeah everything is just crumbling to bits but what about if i'm actually driving a vehicle and then the vehicle cops a little bit of damage let's just hit this guard rail and see what happens whoa yeah it does the game completely crashed that was insane so if i oh man if you're like walking around one of these maps and then just accidentally create some destruction like you break something like nothing's actually breaking oh almost hit the ceiling that chair is unbreakable what table time oh that car disappeared it's just a chassis now oh yes it's like a creepy horror movie where the entire you know place just crumbles around you it's like that silent hill stuff where it's kind of cool though hey arcade machines it's got something here though called ultra chaos mode ultra chaos mode on the russian map with giants okay what what's with the rainbow smoke oh that's weird what is that stuff hey poopy tim are you right there dude he's chasing me down okay okay the vehicles are just flying around the place wow jeez dude what's with the rainbow stuff everywhere is that like is that dust or something i don't know what that is basically everywhere i walk destruction follows okay this feels a bit better maybe maybe come back the cars are just flying off in their own way car i want to drive you oh they're running away to just like join the circus or be one with the forest all right i can sure no i'm not driving that car maybe no i can't drive that truck there goes the truck whoa jeez okay maybe now now maybe the trick is to just sneak up on a car and then it'll let me drive it okay sneak super sneak i think the car exploded what are those things oh okay it doesn't matter what they are anyway it's all good okay that car is jumping into the ocean on its own doesn't matter there goes the van there goes the pink car race car is gone come on come on just i just want to drive something man that one that one that one's slow and fat it's not moving very quickly come back ah okay okay this one i'm getting on it yes i'm driving it cool it's no it tipped over dude yeah this mod is super intense it's basically like i want everything to break randomly around me and be nice and colorful while it does it it just flew out of there like rockets oh the explosions are multicolored as well that's awesome so if you're looking for a mod that you know will change up the game and just make it completely random and fun oh god there's a fire progressive destruction mod grab it human playground map here we go wow oh this is gonna be weird this is gonna be super weird yep poopy tim's flying around all over the place it's like it activates some wind thing and just makes him swing around and fart purple stuff can i drive the fin pile mobile maybe i can i just gotta sneak under it come on we can drive this yeah yeah i can actually drive something nice that's cool the thing's still like blowing away oh man the frame rate's horrible right now yeah everything is still blowing around all over the show now you guys remember mega horn from the last video mega horn is the eater of siren heads he's not the eater of poopy tims all right he's not supposed to be munching down on poopy tim's as delicious as poopy tim is maybe not while he's over there vomiting in the corner that's super gross dude all right but we've got a stack load of siren heads now so i'm just going to go over and just just munch on some siren heads can i whack them oh yeah we can mark them we can get them in our gobs nice just oh god i just lost my my mega horn hand is gone that's my good whacking hand as well some of the artwork for mega horn has him like vomiting parts of of like a siren head it's super gross but now i can do it oh that's disgusting dude that is super disgusting this thing's got to be good for taking out siren heads right nope just lost the baseball bat oh yeah this one works this one's the goods okay look at siren head we're going to take you out champ we've got this yes yes nice that is actually really good oh except until it snaps off it just flies away wow what kind of cheap factory did this car come out of i think this one's probably a little bit too rare a little bit too short for crushing tall siren heads maybe the ones that have already fallen over we could just go up and then just bang just crush their heads into dust oh yeah nice get crushed bro okay this one hasn't broken yet the quality of this uh uh no i spoke too soon the hammer just snapped off but what would happen if we were to try the progressive destruction mod on this map i'm just gonna shoot this siren head in the fort oh god he's crumbling his friends are crumbling it's spreading oh geez they just turned to nothing it's like i'm just looking at him funny pointing my finger nice that's a good spread got him in the chest they're coming down this is how you destroy all of the siren heads stop the siren head invasion you just need the destructive mod i will become this sign head before they all disappear this one right there this is me now this is my true form this is my true form this right the here that just turned to cookie crumbs if there's any mods you guys want me to try out or things you want me to try with these mods let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it guess one of these ones see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 167,544
Rating: 4.8931828 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, mother megaphone, megahorn
Id: iLrueNRta9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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