Fully Automated Farming Setup: Starbound 1.3 Frackin Universe

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this is your one and only firespark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another fastic episode of Starbound fracking Universe okay so as you can see I've done a lot of stuff around here I've created a bunch of machines and I well actually they're crafting tables and I have upgraded them I also upgraded our alchemy table upgraded this thing to the auto assembler created this upgraded this and and created this oh wait no I didn't upgrade this yet but I did create this and I upgraded this this was like the tinker's bench or something now it's the engineers bench so we are getting into some things this thing is absolutely amazing because it allows us to uh do item Inventory management Shenanigans before we get into all of this let's talk about the uh voting from last episode I put up a straw poll ask you all to vote ask you what you wanted to see me do in this week's episode and the winner was completing the greenhouse and the universe domination so I've started on that let's run on over to here now here's the thing this whole completing the greenhouse and universe domination is going to possibly take two episodes because there's a lot that we need to do if you look I've started to create the greenhouse we're going to take these all the way across here I'm going to have two rows of them all the way across and I eventually want I just have this Hydroponics tray set up here as a test I eventually want Hydroponics all the way across the bottom but for now we're just going to use the growing bed or the growing trays now the reason I have this over here is because I was testing something apparently not everything needs power in fracking Universe even though it says it needs power if we come over here let's go over to this uh new crafting station and I'll get to all of that I have over there in just a second we come over to this crafting station here and we scroll down till we see the Quarry it says it mines blocks automatically now it has a power switch and it has a input for high power which is kind of weird uh that would make you assume that it takes power right and same with the pump although I haven't tested the pump however I have made a Quarry and I'm going to just set it down for a second so you can see it activate and it's it's working and if I let it go it will actually start to mine blocks unlike other miners that I've done spotlights and stuff on this thing actually mines the blocks below it and it doesn't take power even though it has the high power slot I'm not 100% sure what that does however the Hydroponics tray I tested and it only works if I hook it up to these solar cells up here so we already have one I'm I'm going to hook it up and we're going to let it run along with all these others now with the setup that I have here this is where it starts to get good because I'm going to automate this entire setup that's part of our domination you know we can't dominate the universe and and and be busy messing with our income like we just got to be rich and it's got to be automatic so what I have set up here and I'm going to explain how all of this works I actually have a terminal here as well and I have a little setup over here for the terminal if we take a look and I click on it like that you can see that it shows me everything and all of the inventories that it is connected to and you can tell which ones it's connected to because they have these little nodes right here next to each of them and if I bring up my wiring I had to spend a bunch of freaking upgrade modules to get this thing because and then I realized I don't need to get this because there's a wiring tool that's really freaking cheap but then I had already wasted the module so I was like H oh well so I had to get the paint brush which I don't really care about just to be able to get the wiring module but uh I'm I'm done being salty about that now because this is absolutely amazing and I don't really care that I wasted them you can see that I have all of these inventories connected to this terminal here and I can extract whatever I want from them as need be which is freaking amazing now that where Works similar to what we have over here except what I have over here is transfer nodes now these transfer nodes pull in deposit items and I had to create two because of the way they work they're not they're not very picky on what inventories they pull and AD from so I want to be able to drop water in here and it automatically puts it into uh all of these or whatever fluid that I want so I can test that now and show you if I pull the water out of this and this should work with any liquid because if we take a look at my liquid input node I have it in the first slot here so this is item one this where it says item one is going to um be anything that has to do with what's in the item one slot so I have type so the type of this is liquid so this should take any liquid that I put in this box and distribute it throughout the system here however it won't be even so we have to have a th000 fluid for each of these or whatever the stack is it should be a th000 so we have to have a th000 for each of them and then it will once it's full it should deposit to the next I don't think it's going to distribute evenly um and then I have it depositing in slot two so if we then take a look at our grow tray here you can see this is slot 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 so on so on so on so on so I have it depositing in slot two so if I drop the blood in here you can see that it immediately went away and now it's in here now here's the interesting thing these things also take power if you look at their wiring setup I don't have anything connected to this first blue slot because apparently that's a power input but they still work without it so I don't really understand the whole power system like I said apparently some things take it some things don't it's weird anyway so uh you can see that it it deposited just fine now anything that comes down in the output here is immediately pulled into this here and we can look at that node right here if we take a look at this note I have it set up for type so once again it's only going to pull the type of item so this is cooking ingredient um you can do category as well which I'm not sure maybe categories the cooking ingredient and type I don't know cuz I have this set up for type as well and you you could see that it put that in there so I'm not 100% sure uh the difference there but it it's working and that's all that matters if I select this to extract and not type or category I'm not 100% sure what inventory logic does yet I will let you know once I figure it out anyway if I select that it it will pull if I select extract it will pull everything out so it'll pull the liquid out it'll pull the weed seed out so that's why I couldn't really double this up is because it's not it's not very picky on the slots either and I think I might actually be able to tell it to pull from specific slots I don't know I have to mess with it some more but that's the basics of how it works so what you want is you want your uh chest set up down here then you need a little node beside of it so that the system can talk to this chest now if you use one of Franken universe's chests it should come with these built-in nodes just like these do here um and then the red is your output and the blue is your input so you have it going from the uh item that you're extracting from into this blue node here and then from the red node to what you want to distribute it to and then that just corresponds so you can see I have the same thing here but it's in Reverse I have it pulling from the chest and pushing into the R tray here so that's the basic setup now what we're going to do is we're going to repeat that so I should just be able to grab from here connect to the next one connect to the next one so on so on and there's repeaters so if it gets a little hairy and distance-wise I can just use the repeaters and continue it on that way same way on the way back and then it's going to have everything pulling from the entire system back so let's that's enough jibber jabber and I've done spend 10 minutes talking your ear off let's get to completing this system so we need a bunch more um Timber we're just going to go ahead and craft up all the wood that we have right now turn this into platforms nope I want all platforms okay now that I got a ton of platform I should be able nope grab the platform there fire spark should be able to take this all the way across like so and I may I'm probably going to need to make more of these grow beds I think I made what 25 or 30 of them no I don't think that's going to be enough might be enough but I don't think it's going to be enough so we're going to get rid of that just cuz for aesthetic appearances yeah I got 20 left so let's go ahead and we're going to place the rest of these why are you being wonky don't be wonky and go all the way down the line here okay so now we're going to go along the bottom we're probably not going to have enough but this should be enough to get us started and then we need to buy the um the shipper thingy from The Outpost um if you don't know what I'm talking about you will here in a second so let's line these up I want these all lined up perfectly like you see here and we're just going to go across so that's going to be good for now now what we can do is we want to connect this to each of these like this and more hungry so let me go let me go craft up some mushroom bread real quick all right so let's see how many of these we can connect before we have to get a repeater now here's the thing I got to go get the shipper thing from the the store there in The Outpost and look at it I don't know we're going to have to fiddle around with it to know what we want to grow because is that my is that my limit or are you just being wonky no there we go because I want to I want to make and sell the most expensive item that's the whole purpose of this we don't want to be wasting our time selling something that's not the most expensive we want the most bang for our buck so I got to I used to do this and Sell alien juice however that may not be the the best thing anymore okay so I'm going to have to craft a repeater and you can see that most of this stuff is super cheap it's going to cost me two copper and one iron for a repeater that's that's nothing I'm actually going to go ahead and craft two of those so I know and then we see we have different options like the Grabbers they'll actually pick things up out of the world and then insert them into the the network I'm going to I'm going to have to mess with it I know there's got to be a way somehow to automate those trees so we ran out about right here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to stick a repeater up here it'll look all right right there yeah you bar barely notice it and then we're going to come over here and grab our connection and run it to this repeater and use this repeater to finish connecting we're connecting to Reds right okay the whole top row is now hooked up that's going to be good for now that's going to get us started towards our being just stupid Filthy Rich and the funny thing is is we're going to be filthy rich but we really can't buy a lot of the stuff we need to actually buy but you know you need to be I want to be rich in this game I don't want to have to like worry about stuff so you can see this is continuing to work just fine we we're up to 64 wheat in here so all I have to do is just come up pull whatever I need from this box drop in the liquids and we're good okay the next thing I want to do is I want to create a pump because there is a a liquid pump in this and then I want to see we have two different pumps there's this pump here this is weird go cuz we have this pump here here which um pumps liquids obviously and holds 16 items and then there is hold on let's go out of it there's another one then there's this liquid pump which is weird that there's two liquid pumps and it just says you connect it to the liquid Outlet so I don't know what the difference between these two are this one just wants two silver bars so let's go over here I know I got two silver bars in here somewhere I don't know oh we got plenty of silver so I should now just to be able to request X so let's request 10 just for testing sake do I have room for 10 silver bars wait we're going to have to drop off some stuff Let's uh where's that chest uh I haven't set up the input I'm eventually going to have this so I can just dump whatever into a chest and it will input you know put it in the system here so I'm just going to drop some of this Rand om Shenanigans off just to clear a little space in our inventory here now let's test this out cuz I have yet to test this so we can just type silver highlight over this I want 10 request oh that's beautiful that's absolutely beautiful okay so now we got our 10 silver let's go over here and create this liquid pump I don't know if this works with like this output system or I don't know we we're going to we're going to make it and then I'm going to make this pump too because I don't know which one's better and which one works better so we're just going to see uh we're going to test it I'm not going to take any power with us the ship's right above the blood Planet so it's no big deal we'll just jump up here and test this out real quick and see if we can pump a ton of blood into this thing without power or not that one is just like the Quarry so it might not use any I don't know we'll see I think we'll need need to put some type of background here let's test this let's see if we can use this one first is that just hook to the wall here it does okay I'll take it and oh my God that tank is massive we're going to have to clear a little spot for our tank here now the great thing about this is I should just be able to let this go and then does our tank not have an input all right and we're back and I got it set up so apparently this will not immediately just talk to this and distribute into a container you have to have one of the item transference devices so that's what I did I went back and I lost this by the way I don't know how far this planet goes down but I sunk Forever Until I started to get nervous and then I was like no I'll just go craft another one so I went back I crafted another one I crafted one of these after coming back and hooking everything up properly and it wasn't working uh you this just allows this to talk to whatever inventory you have to have this transference node and the little node that you see down here to communicate with any inventory and as you can see it's it's working and it doesn't need power once again it's just doing the thing without power even though it has power input and a compression input whatever that is is I have no freaking clue what that is but it's working and we are gaining tons of blood so I'm going to let this whole thing fill up I want 56,000 blood the thing is is I'm wondering if we can leave and come back so we are at uh well we'll just leave for a decent amount of time and come back and see if it makes any difference let's go check out the uh Outpost because I don't remember how much money I need to bu that that that shop um you'll see what I'm talking about I don't remember what it's called it's been forever all right here we are at The Outpost let's head on over this way to the teramar uh apparently there is an enhanced shipments now that's 3,000 and there's the terramart shipments what's the difference okay so apparently the enhanced shipments allows you to sell all goods and the teramar shipments allows you to sell food and produce and it's a 30% markup as compared to the 20% markup so this is the one we want it's only three grand we have four grand we're buying it this is what part of what we need so now we're going to head back to the house and set up a little spot for this all right we're back at the house and I got to decide on where I want to put this here's the thing this needs an open view of the sky so we can't just we can't just slap it anywhere and expect it to work and I kind of want it close to our little um node here our collection node so I think what I want to do is like mount it like right here I think I want to tear out this chunk here put a uh a base for it to set on we'll just do some fancy platform and put it here that way we can collect our stuff and I'm actually going to move my kitchen counter right now I want the kitchen counter here so we can build with it so let's go ahead and we're going to move that and we're going to put that here let's put it right there it looks nice there and now we're just going to have to start tearing out this wall so let's put this right across here like so and then I'm going to put the wall back down like that connecting with it just so it looks good and see this is the problem now is we're going to have mobs wanting to come in and attack us I know he wasn't coming in to attack us but he he would have eventually now we just set that there like that and we can sell whatever produce we want like so so that works perfect we stand right here and and do that let's let's put this up like this now what we can do oh we're still not even we can put a a hatch actually I want to take that down I'm going to take it down too okay now what we can do is we can put a hatch across here and then I can put a little button or a lever or something eventually we're not going to get to it this episode and then uh we can just use that to um every time we want to sell something we can come over here I might do a proximity sensor and just stand here it'll open the hatch for we can hit the teramar and we can sell stuff so with that said let's see what the bread sells for so that sells for 80 that's going to sell for 24 um you can't yeah you can't pay attention to what it it says down at the bottom it says 80 but you can see that that sold for 24 what did these sell for okay apparently it did not like that and it did it actually remove it or did it just okay it kicks it back to me we might have to get the other shipping container for stuff that doesn't fit in this which kind of sucks um yeah we'll figure it out we'll figure it out but we have hit our wrap up time for oh but I take that back we're not going to wrap up yet we're going to head back out and go check the blood Planet all right we're back here on the blood planet and no it didn't go up we were going for long enough that should have been a th000 so what I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to AFK here because we have have to keep this area loaded uh or it's not going to work so we'll do that I'll I'll keep this area loaded go AFK for a while and watch a movie or something and uh just let that collect but uh that is going to have to call it for this episode we're well over our time thank you all so much for watching before I go I want to give a quick shout out to my patreon supporters thank you so much for all of your support you all are absolutely amazing if you would like to help support this Channel Through patreon please check out the link in the description below it really helps out the channel a lot if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 40,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, family friendly, for kids, Starbound Tips, Starbound Guide, Starbound let's play, Starbound lets play, Frackin' Universe, Universal Uncrafter, Starbound modded lets play, Starbound play through, starbound gameplay, Starbound Frackin Universe lets play, Frackin Universe let's play, Starbound, Starbound Frackin Universe, Frackin Universe planets, Starbound 1.3 update, Starbound 1.3 update Frackin Universe, Starbound mechs, Starbound automatic farm
Id: 9plmQVbJEEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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