Starbound Frackin' Universe - Quick Start Guide

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if you clicked on this video then hopefully you're interested in the fracking universe mod for starbound maybe you're just looking into it or maybe like me you're struggling at the beginning and not sure exactly what to do and kind of fiddling around and wasting all your hunger bar while you read through all the descriptions well i'm going to try and help you out a little bit with the beginning piece no spoilers for any of the quests if you're interested in that i'm just going to dive into what i learned to just get you off and started building your first couple uh crafting stations and really get you moving on the the quest so you can really start enjoying the game let's dive right in [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm not going to waste any time on this video i want to dive right in the first thing we're going to tackle are species so when you start up the game with fracking universe you you go in you start a new character you'll notice that there are a lot more species maybe significantly more species than even what you're seeing here because you've installed the additional pack for species main thing you need to know is they're all different they all have different perks it's not just cosmetic like it was in vanilla starbound so pay attention look at the diet look at the perks look at the environment or weapons that they're better with and different weaknesses the difficulties appear to be the same no change there the intro mission for the game is the same it takes you to the protector at home base you walk through learn some of the very early basics it gets attacked by technical monsters and then you take off on your ship and you get away so the next big change when you start up is uh you're on your ship you wake up you walk over and talk to sale and the first thing that you'll notice is that you've got an option so it gives you a little intro text and you've got an option to pick a ship type basically what it's saying is you have the option for the vanilla ship if you still want to do it or you can pick the fracking ship which is all about their build your own ship system definitely worth looking into if you're playing the mod and you're not yet again you haven't played it before probably try the byos ship and pick one of the different layouts you can preview them which is nice you see i click on preview it shows you the different what the ship looks like they actually some look very cool i didn't do this the first time and i kind of wish i had because some of those ships look amazing i don't believe it matters which ship you pick it's mostly cosmetic and the main thing is you cannot change this once you've picked it both the fracking ship and the vanilla ship choice also the ship that you pick and in the fracking ship you're set with that particular ship the next big change though the next main thing that you will notice is it starts to give you some text on the bottom about your personal tricorder this is something that i struggled with in the beginning i it took me a while to really understand it's telling you what you know you need to pay attention to this tricorder until you really like experience the game a little bit you don't realize how much that they're actually talking about because some of the bass quests are still there but you really should be focusing on the stuff that is in your tricorder that's what advances the fracking universe that's what you should be really focusing on now what does that mean and what are the quests for the fracking universe what is what is all this extra stuff that it's telling you about when you click in here if you notice in the uh your storage container on your ship there are a bunch of books and if you pick one up and you click off it tells you it adds to your codex and then it also pops up your codex library the first thing you'll be wondering is where the heck is this content because i don't see it it's because it's not in your general codex it's in your tricorder codex so you open up the tricorder with your left click and you click on codex and here's the the actual book and all the detail about it highly recommend glancing through this i mean i read all of them and i feel like i'm much better for it you can do like i did and try and experience it and then when you're trying you need to figure something out you go to your codex and try and find the info it's definitely worth looking through though if you get stuck another great resource i found which this should be obvious is the fracking universe wiki if you're just wondering how to make something like string like i was you can type in string fracking universe wiki it pulls up the item and it tells you where to make it from now the biggest change that i've seen so far in the game is definitely research here's what you need to know you open up the research by holding shift left click and then you click on the different headings here and each one of these headings has a different tech tree for you to learn which is amazing because it's a tech tree who doesn't like tech trees each one of these tech trees are important and you'll have to you know dive through there and find what you want um you don't have to learn anything right now get to the starter quest which is what i'm going to talk about next and that starter quest will walk you through making things for each one of those items the next major section are the quests now you have your normal quest log which does have a reference to these like ship repairs but it doesn't have all the detail it doesn't have all the tutorial quests you have to right click on your tricorder and pull up that quest list and that quest list has a number of items and then you see these these big quests you have to click on the item and hit select and then it shows you the list of quests that are available for tutorial or build your own ship it tells you what what requirement you need to open up so i can't open up battle until i finish the quest ship repairs it's got all this information it definitely guides you and helps you figure out exactly what you need to get used to the fracking universe mod it forces you to advance the tech trees in certain areas so you can really get you uh learning about you know the electronics and the different agriculture stuff so definitely worth looking at those i would also say hold off just like i just would like the tech tree hold off on this stuff until you've got to the first initial tutorial quest uh it starts to piece itself together once you get there to this first little science station okay on to the planet so you've gotten yourself familiar you've looked at the books you've got the stuff in your codex beam yourself down to the planet head off in a direction and just like in the original game you're looking for a quest giver well the difference is that original quest giver to find the court fragments is still here and the quest will pop up when you get there telling you you need about 20 core fragments unfortunately that's not the quest you're looking for in this case you're looking for a science station that creature is the one that you're going to get your initial quest from and this is what you'll see when you get to the side station you've got this creature up top you got the the little guy down there that asked you i think for potatoes it's a little basic quest to get your growing potatoes once you actually click on him or you walk up to him and hit e um he'll start the actual quest so it's telling you to research the or explore the orbited planet and then once you find this outpost it'll immediately start giving you these quests once you talk to him so you'll see down here the um it's telling you about how he detected you it'll start giving you the quest in the top right now if you go to your actual quest log you'll notice that it doesn't have much there but it always as long as you have the the base quest highlighted it'll tell you what you actually need to build or do next in the top right so that should stay there um if you ever don't see it you probably don't have that quest highlighted in your general quest log i made this mistake a little bit when i was trying to track potatoes like i don't know what to do next this is where just keep this ship repairs quest as you're tracking as the one you're tracking and you'll know what to do next for the main quest the nice thing about this is what it's going to do it's going to force you to research the furnace the first thing it wants you to do research geology and create a furnace so you're going to go into your geo research menu you're going to find geology in that list you're going to click on fir uh furnace and you're going to research it and then you're going to make one and so you'll have to pick up some materials so i definitely as you're running to this uh space science station uh definitely as you're running to this science station pick up any copper iron that you see on the way get some wood get some stone mud dirt typical based materials that you're going to need at the beginning because you're going to need them to build all this stuff when you get there it's going to give you that quest in the top right you're going to make the furnace and then it's going to walk you through making quite a few stations the the thing that i struggled with initially was all right i want to make the furnace where do i make the furnace it's always clear that you have to make the furnace in the inventor's table so i put down an inventor's table if i couldn't find it on the inventor's table it was probably in my c crafting menu so keep an eye between those two and then if you ever again get stuck just look up the item in the wiki and it'll tell you exactly where you need to craft it i did that a few times i wouldn't recommend making things in advance of any quests because i i was really wanting to get some food started i wanted to farm a little bit and then i remembered how bad the original farming system was but they have growth trees now so that's really nice so i was working on making a hoe i went through all this process to make a hoe and i needed string i needed all this stuff i needed the furnace i did all that before i started this quest and then it gave me a hoe down the road for as one of the quest rewards so definitely just follow the my recommendation follow the quest get this stuff done it really helps you with the tech tree it really helps you with you know getting materials initially and just kind of get you advanced and moving forward the the final step once you finish the base quest he's gonna tell you to go to a cave this is where the this you really get all the things that you need so you've got you know all the workstations built now you probably got some armor that you're building maybe a couple rewards that you picked up definitely head off to that cave you don't need great weapons and army you'll get stuff while you're in there and do that quest that's where you get the ability to jump higher you get the ability to turn into the little metroid ball and zip around that will lead you to the ark which is the next the main story area for the the main quest in the in vanilla starbound i have i have a feeling it's going to be the main quest area for fracking universe as well you'll also have access to a science outpost where there are a lot of quests from here you really should an idea of how the tech tree works and what you should be researching and how to find things so i feel like you're you should be very well set up to to get out there and actually start really playing the game so i'm still learning this i'm sure there's a lot more to to pick up but you won't be struggling with the initial interface like i was so hopefully this helps and if i missed anything that that you feel is important feel free to leave comments below and if i said anything wrong definitely correct me like i said i'm still barely getting into it still loving it and just kind of feeling it out like it's it's like a brand new game which is uh amazing and i think i'll end with this the attitude with which you take on a task absolutely determines the outcome if you take on everything that you're doing with a smile and a little bit of hard work you'll rarely be disappointed have a great day thanks for watching i'm v and this is my better life [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VeesBetterLife
Views: 14,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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