HOW TO: Item Autosorter | Starbound | Frackin' Universe

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all right so i haven't seen any videos online yet on how to build a blacklist whitelist auto sorting system for starbound and i'm playing with fracking universe here and what i'm talking about is with these item transference devices we have filter items and we can filter up to five items by you know exact type category etc but we can't uh you know saw more than five and it's or it's very hard to but what i've got here is i've got a whole you know potentially 24 or 23 items that i can sort and let's see it in action so i have these ones going specifically to this output so this this extraction device these are outputting to the extraction device anything else that's not these three items is going to go up to the wall storage and let's see that in action put some junk into this one and as you can see anything that was in this white list is now in the extraction lab device whatever and everything else has gone up to our wall storage and there's no mods or anything for this this is just the simple fracking universe and let's see how it works so we have this this dumper you know we dump everything into this that teleports everything to this chest using our item transference device as we can see here so all these items go directly nothing special go directly into this filter chest the bigger this chest is the more items we can filter out or choose to filter into certain locations so these three items are in slots 24 23 and 22. this chest is going to these two item transference devices one teleports it to our long-term wall storage and the other teleports it to our extraction lab so we have the extraction labs item transference device only take from these slots so 24 23 and 22 24 23 and 22 and everything else that's not in these slots is just going to go to our long term storage so 22 23 and 24 anything that's not 22 23 and 24 is going to go out long term storage and very important for this to work is we need leave one checked so it keeps our items in the filter so just like before how we have to put items into the filter like this we have to put items into the filter of our chest and we need them to stay there because if we turn off leave one all of a sudden they're all gone and they're in the distraction device and we do not want that very painful so make sure leave one is on and you will have a good time there you go so i can just dump all my items in here and it goes to the right chests so i'm just going to show you guys how to make this system as well and we just need our dump storage we're just going to dump all of our junk into here so it gets auto sorted we're going to have our filter chest that's going to sort of our junk and now we have our long-term storage and our extraction lab doesn't matter where any of these are of course or what they're made of and that's why i'm using wooden crates for this example we have our item transference device transfer items from our dump chest into our filter chest so let's hook that up using storage bridges there we go we can now put items from here into here and as you can see put things here goes in here there we go now we want specific slots to go only into this extraction lab or into our long term storage so anything that's not y listed for our extraction lab is going to go into our long term storage which is going to be slots 16 15 and 14 which is going to be these three blocks so these three blocks are going to be our filter blocks need at least one of them in each slot place these down here anything from this goes into these two for the one we want to go to our long term storage we want to exclude those slots so they're not going to our long term storage so that's 16 15 and 14 we don't want those slots going to our long term storage we want them going to the extraction device so not these slots everything else or rather only these three slots we want to go to the extraction lab which we have here we're going to have 16 15 and 14 and we want to make sure we have leave one on so it keeps these placeholders now let's hook them up output to input and almost forgot to put down my storage bridge output to input and let's take it for a test drive put all of our junk in here it's left this crate it's been filtered and it's gone into either long-term storage or our extraction lab all right so i'll just show you the last bit of this as well which is in action with a lot of different locations to go to so we've got our long-term storage we've got our extraction lab we've got our powder sifter we've got a rock crusher and we've got a fridge here as well so when i put items in here they're going to go to the correct locations based on this here filter plus of course the fridge just has the standard filter food category so let's take a look at this we have all siftable items we're going to go to the sifter all of the extractable items are going to go to the extractor and all of the crashable items are going to go to the crusher so let's put them in have a whole bunch of blocks here and i also have some food put those in and let's see what happened so we have our term storage it's gotten a whole bunch of items but none of these which is good our extraction lab has all of the extractable items make sure if you don't want items to go into this output section to limit the output slots just to one and two same for the powder sifter one and two you only want to go to but you can see all of the siftables have gone here now extra rock crusher rather has all of the crushables except for this swamp dart which i have in the crushables for some reason anyway our food storage has our fiery candy very awesome
Channel: YeloPartyHat
Views: 7,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yelopartyhat, yph, frackin' universe, frackin universe, starbound, guide, howto, how to, autosorter, auto sort, automatic sorting, item sorting, itd, Item Transference Device, wiring, video-game
Id: H75u3qQZv6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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