[FULLSUB] Run BTS! 2021 - EP.147 HD

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[RUN BTS] [Ep. 14 Bangtan Village Joseon Dynasty 3] [This content was produced with the sponsorship of Korean Folk Village.] [In the previous episode...] - But it has to be a well, right? - It's dark under the roof. [Using the hidden hints...] - Legend. - Under the roof... [Found the piece of ARMY headstone] Under the roof. [Now, it's time to look for the real ARMY headstone] The second quest is now open so you can find the real ARMY headstone. What's a circle? [j-hope won a chance to get a hint] - Middle! - Middle, tiger. [RM found the same hint too] High, middle, and low. I know what a circle means. [If they combine the two hints...] - It's middle. - It is middle. - It was circle, triangle, and square, right? - It's tiger. [The most important hint is... Felony?] - Felony? - Felony. [There are 3 people in the felony jail?] 3 people. There are 3 thieves. [We're geniuses] Awesome. [V found a fishy book] The chemistry of names? Going up, it's 79. [V found very important hint too!] A friend. Kim Namjoon, J [They are finding more hints about the criminal] Found it. The thief's job is to meet many people. - It's a person who works as a team. - Secret royal inspector always meet people. [And...] The thief is always holding something in his hand. [Distrust is all around!] SUGA is the one. Look at his hand. He's always holding a rod. [No one can trust each other] You're suspicious. [Can't trust again!] - JK! - Yeah? - Are you the spy? - No. [They found the location of ARMY headstone] I think the ARMY headstone is there. - Around the prison. - If we find the headstone... [They are looking everywhere for the key] - We have to find the key. - I know. - This is when you should go inside the chicken coop. Are you ready? - No. [Can we go back to 2021?] - No way. - Bye. [Asking Jung Kook if he wants to be carried] Jung Kook, can you carry me on your shoulders? Is there something on the "Deung"? [Checking the roof] Let's check on the roof. Let's go. [Standing up] [Broadened vision] Nothing? - I can't see it. - I found a person. What's that? - What is that? He found something. - What? [Found what?!] [Tricked you] Jin, I found yours. Jin, I found yours. [They all got tricked] [He's almost in there...?] What is it saying? [It's behind the "Deung"!] It's behind the "Deung". [Behind the "Deung"? = Behind the building?] - Isn't it here? - It's here But nothing. I kept looking for it here. [Let me see] Where is it? [Looking around] Why are you smiling? [Checking the "Deung"] I'm just checking your back. [Something feels weird] Sorry, I was suspecting you. Why is he smiling? [He is checking Jung Kook's back too] [Checking] [Painter Kook doesn't even care] What are you doing? [Kim Satto is checking all the hints] 35, 36, 37. [Checking SUGA's back too] What's on your back? Tell me the truth. [Is it just me who is tired of this?] Nothing, I don't know why you can't trust me. [Is it faster to ask the chickens for the answer?] [It's back of chicken and "Deung"] The two hints refer to two different things. [Frustrated] - Really? - Two different things? Why was I saying "Cock a doodle doo"? [What will the chickens tell us?] How is it related to the chickens? [Does it mean there's something in the coop?] So does that mean something is inside? [There's no connection between the chicken coop and behind the "Deung"] So it has nothing to do with "Deung". Were there other places with chicken? [No, this is the only chicken coop!] Nope. So the two hints are about two different things? Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! So the two hints are about two different things? [All of sudden, they pulled something?] Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! [They got something from the chicken coop!] Oh yes! Why are you saying "Oh yes" for? [Got the key] We got the key. - You got it? - Where? [Really?] - Where? - That's the key? [They found the key for the traditional lock] - Yes. - How did you find it? - What is it? - Let's go. [Jin cannot believe this] Where was it? - Are you sure? - It was on the fishing string. - Yes. [Checking again and again] - Is it a key? - Is it? [Found the key and heading to the government office] - This is the key. Let's go. - Let's go. Now, we can go to the government office, right? [It looks a bit strange but they are key and lock] - It's a key. - It is. Don't doubt it. No, no, no! Let's go to the government office. [They are all heading to the government office] - I think that place is it. Where the people are locked up. - RM. [RM and Jin think it's the prison] It's the prison because earlier... [Guseul Ok (Chinese character)] We had the hints about [Jin thought of the hint "Beautiful words like marble"] the marble. - Marble. Marble! - Jade marble. [It is definitely prison] Beautiful words like marble, it's the prison. [Are there Army Headstone in the prison?] - Jade marble. - We can open it up with that thing. Right? Like a marble... [Can they come back to the present?] - Yes, yes. - It's the prison. [The young master is the first one to arrive] [Scanning the prison fast] I think this is it. This one is open. [Found something?!] Is this it? - Here... - Felony is here. [What's up?!] OK, did it open? - No. - This is it. - Here. - This is it. [Ah ha, there?] - Felony is here. - Look! There are 3 prisoners here. [There are 3 prisoners in the felony jail] - 3 felons! - Sword, jade... It should be here, no? No, here. - Right? - Is it a key? [They are using the key from the chicken coop...] - It's not working though... - No? It's the key. It looks the same. [It sounds like it's not opening] - It should open... - It's not working though. No, this should be it. [Can't delay no more!] - Please say this it is. - I know. No more delays... [They will try to open every lock] We can try to open all the locks here. - Let's try other ones too. - OK, let's do that. [The tools to execute the sentence] - Tools to execute the sentence? - Behind the fluorescent, feet, and running horse [The first prison has all the tools] fluorescent, feet, and running horse. [Will it open?] - Behind them... - Don't you have to press harder? - Doesn't it have to fit perfectly? - Behind the "Deung". - It's open. - Is it? It's here. - We found it. - Try it again. That felony prison. - This should work for all, no? [Is it a master key?] - I know, I think so too. - It's open. - It's open. Let's go. [Are they behind the tools?] It's behind the "deung" so it may be behind these things. - I think it's somewhere different. - Is it under here? [While the big bros are searching hard...] Let's open up different prisons too. No, I don't think so. [I think he's trying to force it open...] Should we check the hints again? Do we have more hints? - Guys. - Yes. This is it. [Jin found the important hint?] I think this is it. Because... [The hint is that the staff panicked] The director said, "Why isn't it opening?" - And he kept trying to open here. - OK, let's check. [Everything is saying this is the place...] - 3 prisoners, this is it. - It's here. [But why isn't it opening?] - Open it. - It's 100% here. - I think it's in here. - Yes. - But earlier... - It should be 2 prisoner, right? - It's behind the "deung". [Behind the "deung" = It should be behind the mannequins!] So it is between the 2 prisoners for sure. [How come I can't open this?] Wait. - Jimin. - Hey. - Jimin. [V is trying] - Hey. - Jimin. - Why isn't it opening? - It's... [Let me try] - I saw it earlier how it should work. Give it. [It should open if you press it down] - Give it, I saw it earlier how this thing works. - V. Move. V, move. - I saw it earlier how it should open. Give it. - Are you the spy? [Jin, fighting!] You have to hit it. [What? I think you're hitting it too hard...] [Is this right?] Is it working? [Let the versatile youngest do it] - Come on... - Give it, let me try. - Wait. - Versatile Jung Kook. - Let's all try it. - Why isn't it working? [All of sudden it's like opening lock challenge] Let's all challenge it. The person who opens it is the citizen for sure. - Are you sure you need hold it upside down? - Try it. Just do it. [Wait, the key is broken?!] Wait, why is it broken? - No? I think it's broken at the end. - Hey. - Right? - Wait. [It should look like this... The tip is gone!] This... - It's broken. - You are not supposed to use it like this, right? - It's broken. - Right? [There's the camera director inside] What will happen to the camera director? - This is the right one. - How will he get out? [Is it broken?] - This is it. - It's gone, right? This side is the correct side but it's gone, right? [It's really broken...] - This is broken... - What should we do with him? - It's broken... - What should we do with him? [The camera angle is everywhere since he cannot believe what is happening] [It's not something funny but I can't help it] - It's not funny. - I know. [I'm innocent, Satto] It's inside here? Jin. [It was rusted lock...] - It's... - Jin was hitting it hard... - Are you the spy? - It's my fault? - I think Jin broke it. [It could not handle the power of the members...] I think he hit it really hard... No, I just hit it like this. [Everyone is making a confession] I think it wasn't you. It's me. - You did it? - I think Jung Kook will fix it. - I don't know. Mr. Director, we're sorry. [This isn't the 911 trying to rescue people] Not working, huh? I saw it earlier... [The key is broken and the lock isn't opening] I got this. [If you open it, you will be the hero] If you open it, you will be the hero. [You know the logic but it's not easy] Go all the way in... It hurts a lot. [Jimin's hands are hurting] [This is worse than time leap...] - I think this is a serious accident. - Then... [Let's ask the camera director to give you the Army headstone!] Ask the camera director to give you the headstone. OK then... [It's like having Avatar] Mr. Director, what is written in the back? We will go work now. [I'm working too] Take some rest here. [BTS will be the eye for them!] You're our eyes now. [Please film the things as if it's our eyes] Please film the things as - if we are inside. Thank you. - Please. - Please check the back. [It's like a claw crane game...] - What's inside? - What! [If they went in the prison, this is what they would see] I can't see it. [Is it here?] Nothing? Are you locked inside? [Jung Kook just realized it] Can you lift the prisoner? [They are asking a lot] Can you just push that prisoner to the side? [TWO JOBS] Mr. Director. I think it's heavy. What? Nothing. [I thought it was behind the back] - It's OK if you can't find anything. - This is a twist. Is there something in the back? [It would be funny if you can't find ARMY headstone inside] It would be funny if there's nothing and he gets locked in there for nothing. - Oh no. - Can you lift up his clothes? [j-hope feels bad for the camera director] What should we do? I feel bad for him. [Something is there?] - There's something on the back. - Yes. - There is something. - It's ARMY headstone. - There is. - There's something in the back. - Yes. - Yes, there is. - It's ARMY headstone. [Found the ARMY headstone in his back!] - There it is. - Found it. The headstone is out! [But what's happening here...] This is the most important scene but... - And are you sure it's OK? - Mr. Director. [Give us the headstone!] Give us the headstone first. I won't do anything. Just hand over the headstone. - He will make a deal. He will ask us to open it first and then he will give it. - Mr. Director. [This scene looks familiar] I will save you. I will open it. Just hand me over the headstone first. [You won't leave me in here, right?] This is the legend. He's hugging it. [The best rescue team will come here] - Really. - Mr. Director. - The best rescue team in Korea. They will come here. No worries. If it doesn't open until tomorrow... [They will rebuild the prison] We will demolish it and build a new one. If it doesn't open until tomorrow... [Shocked] We will demolish it and rebuild it. [Tomorrow?] - Tomorrow? - Within today. [Let's solve everything today] We will solve everything and we will be back. - We will demolish it and rebuild it. - Mr. Director. [Finally, they got the ARMY headstone] [hehe] - We got this. - Mr. Director... This is the legend. - We got the world... - We have to add this to the other pieces. [Bright] - Love and cherish the world... - What? The light is on. [ARMY headstone will make the world bright?] It made the world bright. It will make the world bright, right? ARMY headstone. "The ARMY headstone makes the world good and peaceful". "And it makes everything to live in harmony and love and adore each other". "And it delivers the message about how beautiful the world can be" [They finally put two ARMY headstone together!] Finally, - the two headstones are together. - It's done - Let's go to Wanhyang-ru. - Let's go. - We have to go there? - How can the entertainment show turned into this? - Mr. Director, you OK? - Yes, I'm fine. - Wait, we have to get him out. [The cutter is coming] Mr. Director, the cutter is coming. [They are back at Wanhyang-ru] Everyone. - ARMY headstone... - We found it. [They found it after so many challenges!] We found it so hard. [One step closer to 2021] We can go back to our time now. [If they didn't give out the hints... You would still be in Joseon Dynasty?] If they didn't give us the hints... - We... - Let's not go back in time. Let's go to our time. [Kim Satto worked so hard in Joseon Dynasty] Honestly, Satto worked so hard. - I did my best. - Satto, you did well. [Telling the good news] We got the good news just now. To save the camera director... [The folk village employees were dispatched] The workers are on their way. [The good news should be him being rescued...] - Good. - That's not good news. - He should be out. - He should be out to make it good news. [We were together all day...] He was in charge of me all day. I felt so bad earlier when he was locked up. - Breaking news, camera director is escaping... - What's that? [Breaking news, the camera director who was locked up in the prison is rescued] It's open. Congratulations! Thank you. Thank you. [Now, it's time to find the thief!] So how will we find the thief now? [They will work with the hints about thief] Give me the hints about thief. [Here it is] The blue hints are... - About the thief. - Yes. - Here. - Thank you for the blue hint. I will read it one at a time. [Can they guess this?] - Give them all to me. - The thief isn't from the village. - I gave them all earlier. - The hint about thief. [I already have one person in my mind] I already have this person in my mind. - Me too. I think I know all three. [This hint makes you laugh?] Let me first read them. [Focused] It could refer to one person or 2 or 3. - OK. - The first. [Hint] The thief is the people of white clothes. The people of white clothes. [Right before the hint hunting was over Kim Satto found one hint] [This is the hint] The thief is the people of white clothes. The people of white clothes? [What is this mean?] Do you know what this means? - Joseon person. - It means he wears white clothing. "As I live~ As I live~". [The teacher stands out] - Why are you staring at me? - How do you know the song? How do you know the song? [From the future] I came here from the future. - Is this how it works? - Yes. - Well... Now, the second one. [Hint] The thief isn't from the village. - The village? This is... - I think this refers to [Everyone can be from outside] - everyone here. - Yes. - That's it. - We are not from here. [Hint] The thief has something in his hands all the time. [Jimin found this hint] I asked what this hint meant... Does it mean fan or sword? [j-hope and Jimin are excluded?] j-hope and I are exempted from this hint. [The staff gave out the stuff at first] - OK. - You all got the stuff. - Did you get one? [Nothing for the young master] - None for me. j-hope... [He doesn't have anything to hold onto] He doesn't have anything in his hands. [The inspector's badge] I had it in my pocket. [So the thief is among them] - So 3 out of these 5 people... - OK. That's what I think. [Hint] The thief's job is to meet many people. First, Satto. What's your job? [Satto? He meets a lot of people] I meet a lot of people. - What about the young master? - He doesn't meet a lot of people. - I... - He's a player so he meets a lot of people. [He likes to stay home] - I stay home all the time. - So we have to think intuitively. [physiognomist? He meets a lot of people] - Intuitively... - A physiognomist... - He meets a lot of people. He meets a lot of people. [And the teacher is with students] - And the teacher too... - Yes. [And the warrior too] - He teaches other and the warrior... - He meets a lot of people. - Right. - Yes. [Royal inspector?] - For me... - Royal inspector. - He meets a lot of people. [Discussion time: he meets a lot of people vs he doesn't meet a lot of people] He doesn't meet a lot of people. - He has to investigate so he doesn't meet people. - He doesn't meet many people. [Jin thinks royal inspector meets many people!] - Royal inspector... - And... Painter meets a lot of people. He has to know the geography (?) so he meets a lot of people. He has to ask many questions to people. - But he's quiet at least. - There's a hint. He meets a lot of people. And I am loud? - ARMY headstone. Next hint. - Be quiet. [Hint] "There are many people who want and who are jealous of ARMY headstone". [This hint tell something about the thieves?] This tells us that there are many thives. This means there are 3 thieves... [There were 3 people in the prison] - There were 3 prisoners. - Yes. [Does this mean there are 3 thieves?] - So I think this tells us that there are 3 thieves. - Yep. Next hint. [Hint] "The thief is very shy". He's very shy? This could be me. - Yes. - Yes. - The thief is why. "The job of thief is working with people he is used to". [I draw people] I don't work with people I'm used to. [He meets new people all the time] - Yes. - I meet new people all the time. [Kim Satto is included in the hint too] I'm included here. [He benefits from Young Master's job] I am not included in any hints. - OK, now... - Are you done? Yes, done. [There's hint in the hint?!] There's that one from me. The hint in the hint. [Jin won this hint via the chance] "He's working with the people he's used to". In that hint... [The thief's job is working with high official?] Did you say that the thief work with the high officials? I said "high class". [He works with high class people?] He works with high class people. [Painter Kook is not included] Not me. He's working with them. [It doesn't mean he is a high class himself] - He doesn't mean he is high class himself. - Well... - This is warrior for sure. - Satto too... [Satto may not work with high officials!] I don't work with high class people. - They are middle class managers. - Warrior. [There's a high possibility that this hint refers to warrior] Warrior... Doesn't the warrior protect the king? - Yes. - But I have to check who will be the king. [Hint] "The thief isn't from the village". [Polite, who is not from here?] Any of you are not from this village? [RM's logic, The Satto of town] - First, Satto. I'm the Satto of this village. - Yes. [This young master is from the village] The young master is from the village. A physiognomist? [Wait!] He may not from the village, the young master. [He speaks dialect] I don't know the physiognomist. - The physiognomist? [Unfair] - You think I'm suspicious? [The physiognomist is from out of town?] The physiognomist? The young master may not be from here. [I don't know] I don't know much about the physiognomist. - Right? The physiognomist. - You think I'm suspicious? The physiognomist? [Jung Kook found out this info about Jin] I got a hint about Jin. [Hint - Jin is the well-connected person in town] Jin has the most connection in the town. [I'm the well-connected one?] Then, he's not the one. Then what? [He's well-connected, that means he's from the town?] - Well-connected... - From the personal mission... That means he's from the town. I told you. [Jin suspects royal inspector] Royal inspector comes from... [He needs to go around the country] He comes to find out the corruption in the town. [So he's not from the town?] That means he's not from the town. - j-hope... - j-hope. [Listen to me] I know for sure... "The thief isn't from the village". [Hint] "The thief is very shy". [j-hope is shy?] - I told you. - Now... [V thinks royal inspector isn't from the town] Royal inspector isn't from here. [He needs to go around the country for his job] - No, he's not. - As Jin said... He's from the other village. [You're right] - He comes to find the corruption. - Yes. - He works with high officials. - Here comes the royal inspector. I will get you guys. [The teacher has to live in town] The teacher needs to live in the town. - Yes, the teacher... - The teacher... - But... [The people of white clothes] But the people of white clothes, I think you should be quiet. [I can't even suspect someone?] What about it? I can't suspect someone? - It's... - No. [What if it's Kim Satto?] If it is Kim Satto... You will be... [I will elbow you] - You will be elbowed. Really. - I... - Here... - Satto... [Why don't we suspect him?] Why don't we suspect him? - We have to think about it. - I mean... [Passionate Kim Satto] Who worked the hardest here? - You... - I know. - It's me. [But you always work hard] - But you work hard when you're a spy. - Wait. [Spy] You have to know this. [The real spy is here among us] The spy is here. [Spy is trying to hide himself] - Yes. - Do you think the spy is not doing anything now? He would have mixed the clues at one point in order to distract us. I, I can say two things for certain. [Painter Kook's faking...?] - Why? - What? - He might be faking. The mission he received. [The personal information he found may be fake...?] What mission? - What he said about Jin. - The painter? - Yes, that too. - It's fake? [Claiming for innocence] I received this as my personal mission. - To be honest... - Everyone. - I was suspecting SUGA and Jin. - Hey everyone. The easiest way to find the mafia [Name chemistry has the clue to find the culprit] is to use the chemistry of names. [But you need to know how...] - But you said you don't know how to do it. - I do. - He did it. I found the two numbers. [Just need to arrange the names.] We just need to arrange the names into numbers. - Try it, then. - Try it. [OK! Let's do it!] - You have to do it - Can you do it? - I can. Just a moment. [Final defense] - Each person says a final defense. - Yes. - OK. - Who you think... - And who you think is the culprit. - It might be yourself. [and guessing the culprit] Please make it clear. [V starts analyzing the name chemistry] But wait, I will start. I'll start and we'll go around. [RM's reasoning: suspecting Min SUGA 100%] For me, it's 100% SUGA. The Teacher is the culprit for sure. And there's one thing that bothers me. What Jin found earlier about the thief. "The thief's job is..." "to work together with high-level people." - I think it's the warrior. - But here [V is at the back] - What I think is... - Warrior! - V. [Me...?] Two people, warrior? But actually the painter... - It applies to the painter as well, because... - Yes, yes, yes! - Right. - Why? [The painter draws for high-class people] Because the ministers and the king - had their funeral portrait - There were no photos at the time. - drawn by the painter. - Yes, they take them around. [Then the physiognomist...?] Then it could be the physiognomist too. - Does he have the face of a king? - No but the physiognomist... It's going too far. [Learning through movies] Because I watched the movie "The Face Reader". - "Do I have the face of a king?" - Anyway, so for me, [RM's reasoning with the clue on thief's job] working with high-class people means [Painter or warrior] - It's probably the warrior or the painter. - Yes. That's what I wanted to say. [Hint about the thief's background and personality] - Back in the days... - And next point. He's not from this village but he's shy. [secret royal inspector j-hope?] - I think this is the secret royal inspector. - Yes. I'll end here then. And it's not me. Jimin. [What does Young Master Park think?] Jimin, Young Master Park. It's not me! [Claims innocence without logic] - It really isn't. - If you just say that out of the blue... [RM agrees with Jimin's innocence] But it's true that none of the clues apply to him. - There's nothing, really. - None of the clues apply. It's not me at all. As I was putting the puzzle together [Young Master Parks' guess?] the person I think is the culprit is SUGA. [Min SUGA = people of white clothes] - Because he's one of the people of white clothes. - Yes. I'm sorry, but... [unfair] - No it's not, why... - I'm sorry. I found the clue. - You can't find the people of white clothes. [Intuitive understanding of "white clothes"] Why do you interpret all the other clues... - but not the "people of white clothes"? - There is no other answer. - There are no other people of white clothes. - Just... You can just go now. [feels unfair, annoyed] No, why! Ah you annoying people. You can go home now. [SUGA's funny expression makes them accuse him more] SUGA hit the jackpot. - You don't even need to make a final defense. - I'm really... - We haven't seen this kind of situation for SUGA in a long time, right? - Yes, yes. [Gives up] - Go ahead, go ahead. - Why do you keep pretending it's unfair, and... You can try and go ahead until the end. [Reasoning with the job clue] As I said before, [Warrior V] I think the only person who is with high-class people is the warrior. [Doesn't care] So it's V. - And V is so... - Because he is familiar with high-class people. [Even though he found the hint] Even though V found the hint, [He was not active!] he wasn't actively helping us - so we can consider him. - Maybe it means he was shy? - Maybe? - It could be that, no? - Yes. [V is the culprit?] - Right. - Did he receive instructions? He could have received an order like that. And the last person... [The other person is Jin?] I'm a bit confused but maybe it's Jin. That's what I think. - Because I can always think or guess. - I didn't say anything! Um... - Thank you. - Yes, Jin. - Jin. - Mr. Physiognomist~! Go ahead and talk! - Well as for me... - You said you knew who the 3 people were. [Jin's thoughts have changed slightly?] I'm a bit confused after listening to Jimin. [All the circumstances point to j-hope!] Actually everything was pointing to j-hope. [Works with high-class people] First, he is a high-class person. [Shy] He is shy, he's an outsider. I don't know who comes from which village [Outsider] but a secret royal inspector comes from outside. It's really confusing. And also, talking about shyness [Concentrated] and working with high-class people... [V didn't do much today?] if we look at someone who didn't do much today, it's V. [SUGA?] And people of white clothes is SUGA! - These 3 people? - This is what I think. [Physiognomist Jin's guess is j-hope, V, SUGA] SUGA, j-hope, - V. - You think it's V? - Yes. [Time for the appalled Teacher to talk.] - Okay, now the Teacher. - I'm really... I keep laughing from absurdity because - for me... - Why did I find this clue? - No, no! [HOXY?] - Wait. - Funny right? How come he find this clue? - He probably didn't know what was written on it. - As the style team. [SUGA changed his clothes?] I changed my clothes right before starting. [Huh?] This wasn't what I was originally wearing. [Distrust] Really, ask the director. I changed my clothes. What, you're going to lie like this? [Please tell the truth] Really. Mr. Director, I changed my clothes right? "People of white clothes" usually... refers to Koreans. What? [I mean people of white clothes...] They call the Koreans "people of white clothes". [So unfair] I mean, you guys were interpreting everything else! [The more he thinks the more he's angry] But for people of white clothes! Hey! Hey! I changed my clothes. [Regrets changing clothes and being suspected] I didn't say it on purpose! [People of white clothes] You guys were all making fun of me and I had nothing to say. But why did you choose to wear this? I didn't choose, they gave it to me! Look! These are my original trousers! [Still difficult to believe] Then what is this? Is it just saying that the thief is a person from Joseon? [Who is talking to who...?] The name V... - j-hope. - You can't do that! Then how can we find who it is? [Min SUGA, Kim RM, j-hope = ...?] RM, these are all not Korean names. - Wait. - SUGA is not a Korean name, right? It seems like you... [Is it a hint about the thief's name?] So "people of white clothes" means someone with a Korean name... - like Jimin, Jung Kook! Think about it! - Is that it? - It's confusing. - Then is it Jung Kook? - Right. - It's not me. - Is it Jung Kook? - Right. [No-look answer] - Then... - It really isn't me. - If this is related to clothing, [Jin's opinion] -it's him, because [SUGA who changed into white clothes is the culprit] the style team gave him clothes, and then told him to change because of this clue. They gave him new clothes to fit the clue. - People of white clothes. - If the clue refers to clothes, this is it! But if it's not... - Wait. [Reasoning by studying the production crew's faces] They're having a discussion in low voices. Kind of like saying, they're going in the wrong direction? [Call for truth] You have to be clear on this, to a certain point. There were some ambiguous clues... but "people of white clothes" is the most ambiguous clue of all. - This is the most ambiguous? - Yes. [Fail] We messed up. We made the wrong reasoning. - Reasoning based on the color of clothing... - It's not right? - ...is not really right. [In that case everyone is wearing white] There are too many wearing white. Yes, the sleeves are white. [Thinks it's unfair again] - Why did you all point at me! - Right. - Then what kind of ambiguous.. [Wearing black as well!] I have black too! - Apologize to me! Apologize! - We need to start from the beginning again. [Sorry!] - There's black here! And here. - Sorry, sorry. Apologize! [Sorry22] - Oh man. - Sorry. Thank you. - We're in a labyrinth. - Anyways... I'll try to find out who it is. - We're completely in a labyrinth. [V!] - For me it's V! [Me?] - V had no urge to participate in the game. - In every aspect... And talking about shyness... [j-hope is suspected for his job] - It's j-hope. - This is a big deal. - The outsider? Outsider, outsider. - Then... - And. - Then if... - If this is true, j-hope has the most potential. - Then it's... [j-hope's reaction?] - Guys. - Then it's like this. - And what's it... - Guys, think it through! - High-level! High-level people! [Suspecting Painter Jung Kook from Joseon Dynasty] It's Jung Kook! - The end! My head is hurting. - But I still think SUGA... [I really want to solve this] - V is still solving this so I'll talk. - Yes. [Clue: The thief is not from this village] First, he is not from this village. Jin, why are you wearing glasses? Why are you wearing glasses during the Joseon Dynasty? [Glasses in Joseon Dynasty = outsider?!] [Did you see my reasoning skills] - j-hope! I believed in you! - It's Jin for sure. - Legendary. [Owner of glasses has something to say] - No, I... - He's a legend. - I believed in you! Listen, listen! [Story behind the glasses] In the beginning, these glasses... - I wasn't wearing them. - Yes. But I asked the style team, "doesn't a physiognomist wear glasses?" So that's how I got them. [Distrust] - But... - A physiognomist wears glasses? I don't know, I didn't watch "The Face Reader". [The production crew told me to take them off] But the production crew asked me to take them off saying that it didn't fit my role. [Focus on character] But for me, a physiognomist... - I thought he would be wearing glasses. That's why I wore them. There's no other reason! - Mr. Director! [Request for witness] Did you ask the physiognomist to take off his glasses? Because it didn't fit the theme? [Jin's statement is true] - Yes he did. - He did. [So it's unrelated...] So it's unrelated to this. - You guys keep bringing up useless information! - But... - No, it's true~ - But... - To be honest... - Hey. [So unfair] - It's what the production crew said! - If you look at the reaction... If you look at the reaction, it's really not j-hope. [Is j-hope's statement true or is he pretending?] It really isn't me. [Jung Kook is recharging with red bean jelly.] So the people I pick are... [j-hope's guess is Jin] first, Jin. Please just know that these glasses have nothing to do with it. [SUGA] And to be honest, SUGA. - Whatever the case... - Unrelated to people of white clothes. [Suspicion unrelated to people of white clothes] Yes, unrelated to people of white clothes. For me... the fact that he was holding it in his hand was the main factor. [Other suspects: V, Jung Kook] And then it's either V or Jung Kook. Yes, both are really confusing. - I'm not sure which of the two it is. - I really... I really just looked for my own stuff... I'm more for V. [V made efforts too!] I tried by best, too. - You didn't. - I saw you playing with the cat and doing a situational comedy. - But from what I saw... [Shyness] - He did try... - From what Isaw he was very shy. He was acting on his own. [I was true to my character!] - Then should I... - V... - Should I live as V? - V probably received orders about his theme. [Suspicious] I'm sure, he was probably told to act that way. - Yes, so for me... - Getting rid of the glasses, the white clothes... I choose these 3 people. [j-hope's guess on the thieves] - Okay. - I also think it's these 3. - V is arranging the names right now. - We've... We've lived so many years together, and you don't know me? [It's because we know you.] We choose you because we know you. [OK] - Because we know you too well. - Too well. - Jung Kook. - Keep talking. [Jung Kook's guess on the thief? V.] I think it's 100% V. - It's not you? - No, it's not me. - Why not? - Because it isn't. [No because it's not] - Try and explain a bit. - Explain, defend yourself. [I shared all my clues.] - All the clues I found... - They're asking you to make a defense. I gave them all to RM. [Same for us!] - I also gave him all the clues. - So did we. [Extra explanation required] Do you have anything else to say? [I did this and that.] And since each member can find an individual clue, I went around really hard to look for them. [He brought information on suspicious SUGA] And because I suspected them two, - because of "people of white clothes". - Yes. [Clue] "Jin is the most well-connected person of BTS Village." [Well-connected means not an outsider?] Well-connected means - I'm not an outsider. - So... [Clue] "Min SUGA has like-minded people with him somewhere in the village." [The clue increases suspicion] - This totally means that SUGA... - What does that mean? ...is a spy. [After white clothes, here it goes again] - So I think it's SUGA and... - Can someone interpret this. [Like-minded people] - Because I can't interpret it. - So the way I understand it... - Look, look. [Those people are thieves?!] You're the spy and there are more people who think like you. - The ARMY headstone. - You're the spy and there are more people who think like you. [The most speechless expression in the world] The ARMY headstone [Hint] "There are quite a lot of people who want or who are jealous of the ARMY headstone." - But this makes us think inevitably of that... - Yes. [Gives up] [I told you so!] - Min SUGA is somewhere in the village - I think... - with like-minded people... - together with spies! - Kill someone. - Yes. - Just kill someone, just kill someone. - I'm... [The two most suspected, V and SUGA] - SUGA and V. - Let's do it. Now we need to hear what V has to say. [How was the name chemistry?] How did the names go? [HELP] - I don't know. - Someone help. - I don't know. - You said you knew! I don't know how to do it. - I tried! I tried... but it doesn't work. [Discouraged] Why doesn't it work... - So what do you think? - Who does... [The thief according to V?] ...our warrior think is the spy? Final defense. [V thinks it's SUGA and Jin] I think it's these two. [Like this] - These two? - Yes. - Two? - Not three? There are three felons. - Three... [Like this?!] Three including yourself? [Not this...] - I don't know, I don't know about 3 people... - He just admitted himself. I'm not talking anymore! Just figure it out yourselves! - Just do it yourselves. - Yes, please go on. [V is only suspicious of SUGA and Jin] So I think it's these two - and I don't know about the last one. - Is that so? Okay, okay. - It's not you? - And... [If it's me?] If I say it's me? Then you guys... have fallen... into the trap. [I'm V.] - This is how I am. - Let's vote. [If 4 innocent citizens, none of which are thieves] [hold up the ARMY headstone altogether, they can go back to 2021!] [The team that loses the fight between thieves and the people must be flogged] [Even if the members choose one thief] Then even if we kill someone we won't know if he's a spy? [It cannot be verified until the last moment.] - Yes. - So... [All of a sudden?] One, two, three! [Stop!] Wait, wait, wait! [Buffering] Then the spy... I'll check you first. [(Except SUGA) All is one] - First - Wait. [Tends to realizes late] Okay, okay! [Sulky] - Well, Those who think I'm not a spy - Shall we leave? Let's raise hands. [Choosing the most suspicious person] This person is the spy. Pick the person that has to die. - One - Two, Three! [0 vote, 1 vote, 1 vote, 4 vote, 1 vote, 0 vote, 0 vote] SUGA will definitely come out. - Four for Yoongi. - Four. I picked Taehyung. - Yoongi is dead. - Hurry up and die. [SUGA who received the most votes don't have the right to speak] Now, Yoongi has no principle to speak. No speaking. - Now... - You can go over there. We're not being told of the identity? [So cool, I'll go] Now we need to hold the ARMY headstone and lift it up [Really go?] - I give up. - I have to go over there? [Really goes there] Now a person is dead, everyone. [If there are three culprits?] - If there are 3 culprits, I've already found them. - What? It's [Who?] Seokjin, Namjoon. I think it's you and j-hope. Seokjin, Namjoon. - I think it's you and j-hope. - It's Taehyung, 100% - when he says, ah, but he... I don't know whether he means it or not! - OK. [Suspicion rises] Act like that Hey, hints like he is very shy [Is it being faithful to the character... or is it real personality... ] Is it a concpet I or does it mean the job is being shy? It's confusing. [SUGA is listening from here] What job is very shy? [This hint is ambiguous too? This is ambiguous too, isn't it? [Reflected actual personality!] It reflected actual personality. [What?] - Real personality? - Real personality? The original personality or today's character personality? - The original personality. - What! - Hey, there it is! - Original personality! - It's not j-hope. - Isn't it Jung Kook? It must be Jung Kook. - Jung Kook... [For 6 seconds concentrate on Kookie's face expression] - Isn't it Jung Kook? - Jung Kook... - It is Jung Kook. - I'm Taehyung. It's really not me. Really. [Caught] - It's really not. - He's the only one. - Wait ... Do you want to do this again? - My heart. - Do you want to do this again. - My heart. [This is absolutely Jung Kook's story] - The thief's job is working with men of high principle. - Hey [Where are you going...?] - The thief's job is working with men of high principle. - Hey [Oh my gosh] [Guys, what's wrong?] Hey, do you want to do this again? [Can see his broad smile even from the back] Do you want to go down to the abyss? [Is it Jung Kook that's shy?] - But - In fact, if you say one is very shy doesn't Jung Kook come into mind straight away? [SUGA agrees] Hey, why are you keep doing this. [Doing everything even without right to speak] SUGA, he is carrying from there. - He's making us laugh without saying anything. - SUGA I don't get shy nowadays. - It's really not you? - The thief always has something in his hands. - Then [Look at my white face] my face would have gone red ages ago. [Scanning] Look at his face going red. - I'm getting a headache. - If you gaze at me like that, I'll go red... [Hint - The thief always has something on his hands] Always has something in his hands. - You and Hoseok don't have anything - It's not. [Thinking] - I don't think it is - Wait... [Certain] First, Jin is certain. Let's kill him. [Jung Kook → Jin sudden route change] Are we holding it now? Of the six, choose four people that are thought to be real and hold the ARMY headstone. [Jimin stands holding it?] I mean it really. - Everyone you are sure about me, right? Wait wait wait. - Frankly [Yes] Sit down! - Why are you standing up? - Yeah. - Yeah. [Why you...?] - Why are you standing up? - Frankly I am certainly not. - Wait, wait. [Every][one][Stands up] - There is not much on the hint - I got cramps. This is frankly [Here comes the culprit detector] Jimin [SUGA means] Jimin, according to SUGA [Sit down friend] - He's telling you to sit down. Sit down first. - Wait a moment After all, those who we agree on [Jimin's opinion, j-hope, Jimin, RM is innocent] frankly speaking, here it's Hoseok, me and Namjoon. [There is me too] - I am too. - Wait [But you are shy] - We three - But being shy was surprising. [SUGA doesn't know that] - We already have an answer. - I'll ask one more thing. - The one who received the most votes... - But - The thief [I'm doing this much!] - Frankly - Wait. [Panic] - It's not me. - The thief [Hint] The thief always has something in his hands. - This is applied to all thieves, right? - It's not me. [Two who were empty-handed are excluded] - You and Hoseok - Me and Hoseok - is 100%. - is not 100%. Really I'm really not the one either~ [Dumbfound] - Hey then it's also not me too. - Look, look. [My turn] - Hey then it's also not me too. - Look, look. [Why aren't you~?] - To the last - Hoseok, come here - He looks like emoji. [Firmly self-defending] - Who was the most eager one to find the ARMY headstone? It's me. - The two of us. [J-Hope and Jimin are out of suspicion for now] We are excluded from the list. Frankly speaking. [Kookie's sudden rage] - The two are then really - When we called the mafia as mafia [The suspicion deepens] - He did very eagerly. - Wait. - I think it's him, I think it's him. Being shy is too big. [Time for SUGA to appear!] - Hint. - So frustrating. [Why is Kookie being angry like this?] [Give up] - Jimin, Hoseok... - Let's do this, let's do this once more. [RM joins the innocent line] RM, come over here for now. - Hey, warriors go with high principle people. - Really, it's not me. - So RM come over here. We just have to pick one more person. [Angry] - You have to pick me. - Really, this three [Originally Kookie was included in here...] - Originally we were going to pick you. - Really - Originally we were going to pick you - I'm not shy anymore [Now everything is suspicious] Even you laughing now is being shy. Yes but Jin is [Jin is?] - Jin's face may go red, but frankly he's not a shy person. - Now [Ice Breaking Master] - He's not shy. - He does Ice Breaking really well. - So - It's not. [PASS] - I can't tell about him. - But he is the zenith. [Feels like the Final Boss] - It's these two. - He is the zenith of this game. He is king, king - Boss. [Difficult to handle whether friend or foe] Really, in mafia games like this. - Taehyung is so hard. - Biggest variable. But I do want to follow the original idea. - Shall we do as the original? Without regret? - Then - Then we need to bring Jung Kook. - It's not me. [The main character in the original idea] - But - Gosh, I... - The thief is very shy. -Everyone. - Huh? - The thief is very shy. [Why did a shyest person stole and made this trouble...] The most important hint is being shy, and we bring him together? - Actual personality... - Is it? being very shy, come on. [Falsely charged or confused person's action is seen a lot today.] You. It's not me. Why am I in "Very shy"... - Not from this town. - That was me a few years ago! Not from this town, people... - But frankly speaking - Does warriors meet much? [The Innocents choosing the next member] They meet a lot because - Warriors, they meet a lot. - There are many warriors around warrior. - Around. - How many times do I explain this part? - On the first standard. [We don't have time!] [Laughter] [OK] Yoongi is carrying many times today. [If body language had a license...] His body language is almost 1st degree license now. How do we do now. [Hold my hand] Let's go. [No, no] - It's not Jin. - Come here really, then it ends. - But in my point of view [I'm holding out my hand like this...} Hold my hand~ [Maybe the quiet V may be innocent?] - Is it Taehyung? [Choosing new member isn't easy] Suddenly Taehyung? - No, no. - No. [j-hope's view SUGA is a real thief] Yoongi is a spy. - Do as you wish, I give up. - Yoongi was always Yoongi was always [Why is he spotting Jung Kook?] He's spotting Jung Kook. [Maybe a strategy to give confusion?] - No it's not. - For the spy to win. - Yes. Bring Jung Kook! [Now they're talking~] - Okay. - Let's have trust in Yoongi. Bring Jung Kook. Spies recognizes each another. [The of the standing] - I give up. - Let's just go now. [Let's go back! To year 2021!] - Let's go back to the original plan. - Hold hands! - We can wait no longer. - Hold hands! - I saw Taehyung laugh now [Meaningful smile of V?] - Is it Taehyung? If it is, then we're doomed - It's not! - Is it Taehyung? If it is, then we're doomed [Shouting] - It's not him! - If you're really not after this finishes - Wait. [Separate from ARMY headstone] - Wait, take your hands off for a minute. - You really. - It's real. [This place is famous for drama!] Human, human emoji, human emoji. [Or more like public comedy?] [Word Koreans use most when under false charge "Really"] Yoongi is so funny. - It's really not me, really. - He's like, do you know how you look like? [HOXY It's almost done... sort of look?!] It's almost done, sort of look. - He really - This is it [the too tempting hands for Army headstone] wanted to touch this when he came here - I'm really - Isn't it Jin? [Then is Jin the innocent?] - I really think it's Jin. - I am dumbfounded. - Want to hold Jin? [Gets even more confusing] - It's not. - Bur really they all - It's not Jin. - Jin is really - No, right? - seem to be imposters. Hold it. - No it's not him I give him up Taehyung is it you? - I'm the only one! Frankly. I said it wasn't me~ you know. [Sudden stress] - I frankly... - Those acting guys are really [Jimin is serious] From now on don't make a team with them. They act so well. [Mini Quiz Q. How many times did Jung Kook say "Really"?] - Jung Kook. - I'm tired. - It's really not me. - For real. - You've improved. [Mini quiz Q. How many times did Jung Kook say "no"?] No, it's not. - I kind of stick out. - He improved a bit. [When I don't know my members] Is it him, is it him? [Maybe they know each other too well...] - No he is... - But the person of high principle - Let's go with Jung Kook. - He has evidence. [Sneaky] Let's go. - Again! Again! Again! Again! - Why? [Jung Kook's expression in eyes of Jimin] - Let's go. - Again! Again! Again! Again! - Why, I mean why, why. That poker-face mouth look. When he comes close, my nostril flares! [Almost going crazy] - I was thinking - We go home when this ends. [Thump Thump] Okay, okay, let's just get ??? and go. [This is so fun] - We're going home. - XXXX [BTS is happy today too] Why? Why do we get hit? [Can they return to 2021 today...?] - Hurry up. - Look at him happy. [Really Jung Kook's poker-face?] He's thinking, just a little more [Yoongi has such rich facial expressions] - It's not. - Let's go, let's go. [It's a bit fishy but Jung Kook is included!] We lack some innocence Okay let's go it's late now. - To 2021... - If this goes wrong, is the Gonjang... does it only apply to the wrong doers? [Citizen team vs Thief team, losing team all gets Gonjang!] Those who are not spies will get spanked. [SHOCK] - Really? - Yes. - Maybe he's a spy. - But Taehyung... - I'm saying this truthfully. - Take him out! I mean it. - But you may get spanked as well. [I hate Gonjang] I don't want to get spanked because of him. I don't want to get spanked because of him. ["Him" feels sad when he hears this] - It's really not me. - Really. [Passion made by Gonjang] You weren't passionate until now - And did it come out because of Gonjang? - Yes it did. [So Kookie starts his defense again] - Take him out. - It's really not me. I really, I really am not the mafia. [You are... the spy?] Spy. - It's not me. - He's doing it on purpose. [Finding the culprit starts again from scratch] I am getting dumbfound. [Confusion] It's really not me. [Look at his acting] - It's because of Gonjang. - That's acting [Full of passion] - Wait. - I really thought - Only those who were wrong would get spanked. - Taehyung, we get your point. - Those who are not the mafia gets hit too. - Taehyung. [Then why didn't you show passion...?] Why didn't you show passion today? [It's not] It's not that I wasn't passionate, but what I've found were all member's things. [My turn again?] What do we do? [I'm looking back at what you did today] No matter how much I tried to find No wait. [Block][But I don't see any?!] Wait, I found members [Listen to what TaeTae is saying] I really, wait I really wasn't not passionate [TaeTae opinion Found lots of member's ability hints] No matter how I searched - I could only find that of members. - Actually - Why are we doing this again now. [TaeTae opinion. Then I got tired and rested with cats] Actually far away I was so tired, so I was with a cat [Jimin saw the situation] I was watching you from far away with Yoongi. You were doing nothing and just [If this is acting...] Hey if this acting you are doing it great. [Even the timing is perfect!] - In this timing - Really - This is acting. - This comes in in this timing? - I really - But you know - He really did nothing! - Hey what I... no wait! - At least you have to search for the headstone, right? - Everyone [Summoning folk village mates] - Hey servant, where are you. - Servant! - Hey, what is this outsider? - Did we not work today? - Taehyung... - But it's a person whose actual personality is shy. - We worked hard... where is he? - It's a person whose actual personality is shy. [V after a heated debate?] Let's choose Taehyung. I just suddenly got the feeling that it's him. [Jin?] - Okay right let's go with Taehyung. - I got Jin. [j-hope opinion It's never Jin] It's not Jin, really. - I don't think it's Jin either. - Hey [Let's hear the reason why it's not me] What is the reason why it's not me?] [Because you suspected me!] I was frustrated ever since you suspected me. [guilty for suspecting vs the person hint is saying] The spy is said to work with person of high principle. Then the Secret Royal Inspector is the highest person here [Production crew intervenes] - When I heard all the discussions - Of the thieves - Artist works with people of high principle - There were no wrong reasoning. - There were no wrong reasoning? - Yes. [They're openly saying it, so who is it!] Look, they're openly saying it, so what does that tell? [The very shy person..?] - You are shy. - But the... - He's just buying time - I did my best! [What's more important...] Taehyung, now that's not important. - I tried [=stay at Joseon period] - It's not me. - You don't want to go home? - It's not me. - It's not you? [I will go and not me] I will go. I really want to go home quickly. - And why are your eyebrows moving? - What? [Leave your brows alone!] - Your brows is drifting apart! - This part is moving away like this. - Why why why. [Suspicious look] When your nose comes up and your brows move away, that's when you lie. [Caught] Come Taehyung, come Taehyung. [Passionate warrior Taehyung enters] Really, I really let us not get hit. - It's not me. - Let's not get hit. - Really this [New Innocent member added] - It's not acting, right? - No it's really not. [Team chat seems to be "No"] - Why are you trying to catch this? - No really no no no. - Done. [Kookie wants to finish this world] - Do you really want to do this again. - It's not me. - Some kind of penalty - Hey he really didn't do anything. [Jin thinks of Jung Kook than V] If you're going to choose, then choose Jung Kook. So if it's him, he's the bad guy. - Wait what I'm really feel falsely accused is... - He was just standing with nothing to say til now - Servant did I really do nothing today? - When the director mentioned spanking - didn't he thought this was the time to talk? - I really very feel wrong about this. [False charge will be solved after getting away with Gonjang] - Jung Kook, I think Jung Kook is okay. - Is it really you? - What? - Is it seriously you? - I'm a citizen. - Should we pick Jin? [You are getting curious, right?] - I mean, listen to me. - Let's just pick these two. - Okay. [Rather than finding out who the thief is] - Do you want to pick Jin. - Okay. - He didn't do anything. [I want to know if this can end today] - I mean not doing anything... - There are so many citizens. - I would rather pick Jung Kook. - Why would you shoot me in the heart? [What upsets Jimin the most?] You know what upsets me the most? [When things are over] I really don't want him going this after we pick Jin. - Then, let's pick someone else. - It has to be me. [It's me] It has to be me then. [You go sit over there] You are not the theif. You go sit over there. I don't think it's Jung Kook. [Confusing] - I don't think it's Jung Kook. - You are going to regret this. - You still have that facial expression. - You're going to regret this. - I pick V. [Rookie] - Okay, come here V. - I pck V too. [Neverending ARMY headstone?] - We're going to have to do this again. - I. When I'm wrong. [A choice that will make me feel less bad] - I'll pick the choice that will make me feel less bad when I'm wrong. - Seriously. - We're going to have to do this again. - Let's pick Jung Kook then. [Nice pilla] - Let's pick V. - No, let's just go with this. - We'll do this again. [Finally 4 people] - Let's do this. - I'm not sure. - Really? - Let's go back. - It's the end if you lift it. We'll have to do it again. - Why me... - Think again. If it's wrong, we'll have to do it again. - You are not a citizen. - So that's... - No turning back. [Back to 2021] ARMY headstone, back to 2021! [What does that mean?] - Go back. - Look at him. - Go... - Are you going to lift it? - No. - Are you going to lift it? - No. [Change members] Wait, come here. - It's me! - It's not Jin. It's him. [It's me] -It's me. - It's not him. - It's me over him. - You don't... [Him(?) him(?)] It's me over him. [Can this be this funny?] It's not Jin. I just feel that it's not him. [Will we be able to go back?] How long do we need to play this? - It's me. - Last choice. - I pick Jin. [Hmm] - Jin? I don't think it's him. - I am seriously not... - I mean. [Upset] - Honestly, the only reason you don't think it's me is your intuition. - Jung Kook. -Let's pick Jin. - Wait. [Suspicious] - So confusing. - Why do you act like a mafia. - Theif... [Suspicion and Unfairness] I'm not a mafia why do you keep saying that I am? You are a mafia. [These two are not fighting] - I'm not a mafia. - I'll pick Jung Kook over you. [Just discussing] If you're not a mafia. I'll go home at midnight. You only played with a cat. [I hope the cat comes and apologizes] No, I didn't. I played with the cat for 5 minutes. [Discussing again] - Do you think it's Jin? - I'm not a mafia. - I'll pick Jung Kook over you. - Honestly. - I think we'll fail anyways. - You are a mafia. - Hey. [V stopped us from lifting the headstone] - V stopped... - So. - He was pushing down. - That means it's not him. [j-hope is so confused] - It's not him. - I'll go home at midnight. [Jung Kook again?] - Let's pick Jung Kook again. - If it's not me... - Let's pick Jung Kook again. - Midnight. [Come here] - First choice. - It's not me. - Come here. - Let's go. - It's over. - I played with the cat for 5 minutes... [Why did they discuss?] - You two fight. - It's not me. - [Let's end this] - Let's end this. - Let's end this. - I'm not. ARMY headstone, back to 2021! Go back! [The result is?] [RM, j-hope, Jimin, and Jung Kook were innocent citizens] [And successfully returned to 2021 after lifting ARMY headstone] [Them, who is the thief who stole ARMY headstone?] [SUGA who was suspected from the beginning] [j-hope's intuition picked Jin] [V fought for his innocence] [Who is the real thief?] Please come forward. - You are the thief, right? - Yes. - 100% yes. - V, let's go. - Go forward. - Go forward. - I'm not the thief. - Why are you being shy? - Go forward. - I'm not the thief. - You are the theif. - No, I'm not. - You are. - No, I'm not. [What...?! Is it you?] - You are. - No, I'm not. - No, I'm not. - Why am I a thief? - You're going to be in trouble if you are. - I'm not. - Go forward. - I'm not the thief. - Seriously [Still confusing in 2021] - Go forward. - You... - I told you to pick him. - Why do you think I said that? - I'm not. [There were 2 thieves] There were 2 thieves. There were 2 thieves. [Not 3?] It said there. - The compatibility said 2. - Person with "ㅈ(J)" in his name, come forward please. [Jung Kook...] What? -"ㅈ(J)". - Jung Kook. [Dumbfounded] - I... - There are 2 people? Why were there 3 felonies there? Jung Kook, come forward. Stop acting. - I.... Nobody told me anything. - Jung Kook, come forward. [Why didn't you tell me?] It's you. - Jin, go forward. You have "J" in your name too. - Wait. [Huh?] It's not me. [The thieves were SUGA and Jin] They were the thieves, not me. - We won! - No. No, we still have one more. [Still confused] - One person was left behind. - One didn't. [Name] Those with 6 and 7 for number of strokes in their name. [Writing my name on the air] - It's Jung Kook. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. [Jung Kook] - No, 7, 6, 6. - 6. [7, 6, 6] - No, 7, 6, 6. - It's you. - Jung Kook. - Why is it me? - Because it is. But you didn't tell me. You didn't tell him? [Still counting] You didn't tell him? Thieves, please raise your hand. 1, 2, 3. [Thief 1] [Thief 2] I really didn't know. Raise your hand. - I really didn't know. - Raise your hand. - Why is it me? - You're name was in the list of 3 thieves. [Raises his hand] - Why is it me? - It's you. They are joking. [We tricked you because you are easy to trick] - What? - They are making fun of him. They are making fun of him. - Today's thieves are... - Were we wrong? - I told you. - SUGA and Jin. - Fail. - It's not me, right? - They were joking. [Jung Kook realizes] - They were joking. - They got me. [Thief Jin] You are a thief. [Despaired] Why would you give me such despair? [First clue] [Location of ARMY headstone] It's located on the northeast side of Wanhyang-ru. What is Wanhyang-ru? I'll hide it. [Hid inside phone case] How should I hide t [Second hint] [Location of prison key] You need to pull. [Hide it inside a trashbin] [Found Jimin's power, flower] [Hide it on the roof] [Love this job] [Abrupt inspection of belongings] Let's inspect what we have inside our pockets. [Pretending not to pinic] - Seriously. - Show it. - First. - Pocket. [Body inspection] - Do you have it or not. - I seriously don't. [Secures the clue] - Show me. - Was that a trick? [I can tell you now] When we were doing the inspection, I panicked. [Proud] I am doomed. I won't be able to do anything now. [Happy now] I thought it would've been the end of me but they didn't inspect thoroughly. [When SUGA was accused] SUGA is for 100%. - Just go now. - It's not me. [Picked SUGA after calculation] And SUGA. - SUGA, j-hope. - V. [SUGA also was told that he is a theif] You can stop the others from getting ARMY headstone. [Understood] Okay, like a mafia. [Inside the prison where he was chased] Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me? [Clue +1] [Found a clue] [Clue - ARMY headstone is a twin] [Turned into a doll] [Shared signal with a solider] - Are you in action? - I was caught. [Clue +2 - It's near a shelter] It's near a shelter? Real? It's here? [Clue +3 - "Someone's home"] Someone's home. Should we check who found... [Found out Jimin's power to know the clues' whereabouts] how many clues later? [Concilliated Jimin without panicking] Let's do that later. - Because if someone is hiding it... - Should we look for them first? [I am he] - Right. - The clues will be important in the end. We have to gather. - Right. [Hide it again so they won't find it] "Someone's home" cannot be found. [On the way back] It's near water. It's near water. It's near water. [Acting] I found one more! Jimin! [Only shares the hint on ARMY headstone] I told you. Near a shelter. [After being accused] - Isn't it Jung Kook? - Jung Kook. [Tried to confuse everyone] Honestly. It's not me. [Human emoji worked hard] Human emoji. Those who are not thieves. [Citizens succeeded] - Went back to 2021. - Go home! - 5 of you succeeded. - Really? - One more. - I told you it wasn't me. [Apologizing] - One. - I told you it wasn't me. - Why are you suspecting me? - I'm so upset. - These two were fighting. [I was upset too] - Jin. - He told me I didn't do anything. I just played with a cat for 5 minutes. [I played with a cat for a few minutes] I just played with a cat for 5 minutes. Is that a bad thing? I talked to a cat for 5 minutes. [V is still cute when he is upset] Who, he kept talking about cat. - Am I not allowed to love animals? - Jimin... - To say something... [I just love animals] Jin, Jin Am I not allowed to love animals? - It was these two. - Am I not allowed to love animals? - So it was "the white-clothed people" [Getting changed was true] - The white-clothed people. - I did get changed though. [Jung Kook and V were hurt] They must be really upset. You were the one who did it to us! - I mean... - I can do that since I was the mafia. [It was confusing until the end] Imagine what would've happened if we picked Jin. SUGA, you should've used your brain better. You should've done this behind me. [It was just so funny] I thought the situation was so funny. [What happened] [Jin and SUGA from a neighboring village] [Came to Bangtan Village] [And believed that the peace originates from ARMY headstone] [They planned to take the stone with them to benefit their own village] [Told 3 of their friends of this information and planned a robbery] [Jin and SUGA each being a popular physiognomist and a teacher at the village] [Were responsible for collecting information and the 3 other friends acted on the plan] [5 of them met at the darkest night, under dark moon for perfect robbery] [Jin and SUGA delivered the information quickly and were gone like a wind] [But 3 thieves were caught during their plans] [However, only the thieves who touched the headstone knew ARMY headstone was twin] [Not knowing this, the officers only took one ARMY headstone] [And the other stayed with a thief who was locked inside the prision] [However, the ARMY headstone that officer took vanished one day] [ARMY headstone cracked in 1970-80s] [And one of the piece crossed time and space with members] [The other piece made its way to Bangtan Village] [The king of RUN BTS country heard this story] [And decided to solve the case] [Witness testimony] ["There were people with the 3 thieves. They all had "handsome faces""] ["And were tall. I didn't get to see who it was because it was too dark"] ["It felt like I've seen them in this village"] [What did the clues mean?] I will explain the clues. [Clue - There are quite a few people who desires and are jealous of ARMY headstone] "Quite a few" refers to... [Accomplices inside the prision] The accomplices who were locked inside the prison. [Jin and SUGA's friends]- So their... - That friends. - So "quite a few" includes the 3 thieves. - Oh, we needed to include them. [That clue was so confusing] I was so focused on that. - So I thought there were 3 thieves. - That's... [j-hope was proud of himself back then] I'm going to look funny now. I thought I got it right. [Jimin agreed] I agreed with you. [Thought it was a perfect guess] "I got goosebumps, there are 3 thieves". They literally played on us. [Hint Explanation] [The thief is the people of white clothes] [A broad hint that any member can be suspected as a thief] [The thief always has something in his hands] [SUGA with a rod, Jin with a fan] [The thief's job is to meet many people] [Teacher who teaches kids, Physiognomist who always meets new people] [Jin is the well-connected person in town] [He's from another village, but could get the hint on ARMY headstone with connection] [Min SUGA has like-minded people with him somewhere in the village] [Him and the three friends held in prison are accomplices] [Two hints on the thief, and three fake hints at the exchange center] Give me three. [The thief is very shy, fake] These are the 3 hints. [The job of thief is working with people he is used to, fake] [Fake hint, the job of thief is working with people he is used to] Work with familiar people. [Familiar = nobles, also fake] Let's say they are nobles. Yes, nobles. - Kept on... - Let's get out. - Let's go. [Last stage is?] The staff members would have had fun time watching us. Seeing us choosing between Jung Kook and V. - Let's go to get Gonjang (cudgel). - Okay, let's go get Gonjang. [Current location: Wanhyang-ru, a private house, farmhouse, nobleman house, inn, exchange center] [Going past the main and middle gate of a government office] [Is the place for Gonjang] - Thank god. - Thank god. [This is 2021] We got to come back to our time. [Not Bangtan Village] I'm sorry, I wasn't able to go back. [V can't go back] - V will have to stay with us. - I didn't know it was 2. [Never thought it would be 2] - Why can't you go back? - I didn't know it was 2. [Penality is penalty] Who wants to go first? [SUGA will go first] - SUGA can lie down. - I'll go first. - Right. - We need to fix it here. [Jung Kook who was upset can carry out the penalty] - Jung Kook can do the job. - Like this. [Can control the strength] How strong do you want this to be? No, no. No, no. [This much?] [Think again] You can crush garlic with that much strength. - We won't be able to do a comeback performance. - No, no. - It's more... - I don't think it'll hurt that much. - We won't be able to do a comeback performance. - I got this before. - You need to relax. - Execute now. [Can feel the pain through the sound] That sounds painful. - I think we can go stronger for Jin. - No, it doesn't hurt. [Is that why going first is better?] - It wasn't fun. - V can do it. I worked so hard. [I got my punishment] - It doesn't hurt. You can do it stronger. - Hey. [Stronger please] -You can do it stronger. - Did you work hard? - I don't think I worked harder than you. - Seriosly. [Another upset member] You told me that I didn't do anything. It doesn't hurt if you do it with that strength that I got. - Not even a bit. You need to go stronger. - For real? [Listen to me] - Hey. - Wait, listen. Wait, listen. [V's hands won't come down] - I'll get hospitalized. - I know. - You need to aim well. - Okay. - Hurry up. - You need to relax. V, do you want me to do a acrostic poem with your name? - Okay. - "Tae". - Taehyung. - "Hyeung". - Do you want to be my hyeong (older brother)? [Nope] Get down. [Acrostic poem is about being fun] - I would've let you go with this if it was funny. - If it was funny. Let's do this and move on to Juri (leg-screw torture). - Do this and impose Juri, okay? - Aim for the butt. - It's that... - It's here. - Wait. - Careful. - Did he get it right? [Aiming done] - It's here. - It is. [You are a professional] You should act like a professional. [Denies] I'm an ameteur. - I'll go. - Don't hit him too... - 1, 2, 3. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, V. [Thank you, my brother] - Thank you so much. - In the future. - RUN BTS will continue. - Will continue. RUN BTS! Please love Korean Folk Village and hanbok too! [RUN BTS] [RUN BTS] [Ep. 147 Bangtan Village Joseon Dynasty 3]
Channel: Eviyontan
Views: 516,914
Rating: 4.9557905 out of 5
Keywords: 방탄소년단, 달려라방탄, 달방, 달방147회, 진, 슈가, 제이홉, 지민, 뷔, 정국, run bts, run bts 147, episode 147, ep 147, Bangtan village Joseon dynasty, 방탄마을 조선시대 3편, 146, 145
Id: O65wuaX_PDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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