Full Tutorial + tips on Operating Woodmizer Sawmills

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hey guys and welcome back to another video on Lumber Capital log yard today I'm going to be giving a tutorial on how to operate this lt40 wood Miser with the accuset 2 computer without further Ado let's get into it [Music] all of the wood misers are pretty similar to how they work the main difference is probably going to be in what computer you have in this video we're going to be focusing on the accuset 2. I have worked with the simple set as well that one's a lot more simple as you can imagine the Hydraulics were the same on both Mills I don't know what all the Mills are like but the Hydraulics are the same for the two Mills that I have run so wood Miser might keep it simple in that sense and we'll go over all that here in a minute I have gotten a few requests for this video I know that I have made this video in the past but it's also been a while so it needs some revamping so I hope that you guys can learn something from this video if you just got your Sawmill this is the perfect video for you so let's begin first off hearing protection and then let's go ahead and get it started [Music] foreign [Music] so what you just saw me do there was just basically it prepared the log to get ready to start Milling or to make your first cut anyhow so I've just it's all Hydraulics the log was on the arm uh one thing that you have to remember to do is to put up your dogs before you roll it on so this is really important the third one over from the left is what's going to move your dogs up and down and these stop your log from rolling back um off the other side of your Mill and that would really suck especially how we have this Mill set up so the dogs go up then the arm comes up and rolls the log on and I have it ready to make our first cut so let's do that one thing I wanted to quickly mention is that if there's any taper in your lug you might want to utilize one of your rollers to level it out you just have to remember to put it down on the second cut so for this one it's not too tapered I might just put up a little bit it doesn't even really need it but that makes it a lot more level and it's going to make the piece your slab coming off a lot more even as well so let's go ahead and make this first cut now [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] now we have made the first cut it was a very small cut because this is a very small log the first cut that you make is random you can technically just cut it anywhere obviously you don't want to cut it too big because you don't want to waste wood so I always cut it on the smaller end and then make another cut after that if I feel like I need to to operate the blade all you have to do is flick it on so this is the blade right here you saw me do this a second ago it has to be basically flick to that like that flicked over and then you flick on the blade and then you saw me turn on it the debarker we'll push that in if you don't have the debarker that's not going to matter but we did that was an option for this Mill so we do have the debugger I recommend it and then I also put down the blade the board drawback and put in the blade guide so a lot of little adjustments there that have to happen and I'm going to go over a little bit more of that here in a second but we just made our first cut and I might just go and turn it we are just plain sawing this log it's probably going to be like one by eights or one by sixes we'll take um we'll we'll see once we once we get there so I'm gonna go ahead and now rotate this log 180 degrees and to do that I'm going to use this lever up so what it's going to do is it's going to bring up the dogs and then if I keep on holding it up it's going to bring up the claw and you're going to see that happen here in a second foreign cut and I'm going to cut it to how wide I want my boards so probably eight inches and what I mean when I say I'm going to cut it at eight inches is I'm going to basically take a look at this and this measures from the bed of your Mill up so if I line my little eyeing device right up with the eight then I know that I am exactly eight inches off of the bed of the mill and when I turn my log then and make a cut it's going to be eight inches wide and that's exactly what we're going for so that's the next step relax foreign slab I wanted to kind of go over the feed rate situation here your feed rate is this dial right here and that's going to be how quickly your head moves back and forth through your lug and so how as the operator do you know how fast to go because that's a question that I do get a lot and my only answer to that would be to listen to your machine there is a middle ground that you want to try and find your machine likes to work it doesn't like to struggle so if it sounds like it's just moving through the wood very easily you can turn up the speed a little bit it can go a little bit faster if it's struggling you definitely want to turn it down but you want to hear it working a little bit and that's just that middle ground that I wanted to mention that's the best way to know as the operator how fast you need to go well and another thing about this is your head's not going to move back and forth removing the dial unless your uh your lever on this side is forward so same with the debarker as well and your Lube Miser it's all going to turn off once it goes back to neutral and then of course to pull back your head it goes forward even more but when it's just in neutral like that your debarker is going to flick off your water is going to turn off and you're not going to be able to move your dial at all back and forth so definitely if you're like wait why isn't it moving make sure that that levers clicked in the forward position there [Music] [Music] foreign I've turned my log 90 degrees and now it's important to make sure that the flat side of this lug is very snug with your dogs that way you have a squared log when you're all done or squared can't when you're all done I'm going to make this cut and then rotate it and cut off the last uh the last slab and then at that point we'll have it all canted up and we can start actually cutting the lumber off of it so let's get to it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you now that we have removed all four slabs we're ready to move on to the second half of Milling a log I did want to quickly summarize everything that we've done so far so The First Cut Is as I've already stated a random cut which means that it doesn't have to particularly be on a specific inch can be kind of random when you turn your lug 180 degrees to take off your second slab that one is going to be a specific cut you want to cut it on the inch so even if you want an eight inch cant but you want to take flitch off you're still going to want to cut on the inch you're going to want to cut at nine and then cut down again to eight but that way you have an inch board so it's not going to be a waste cut that's basically the goal of that is to not create a waste cut there and then once you flip again which would be 90 degrees to cut off your third slab this one is once a again going to be random when it's a random cut you can use your rollers so this cut just like I already stated it doesn't have to be on a particular inch you can also take off a jacket board if you feel like you need to by dropping an inch if you want to do that you use Auto down and that's going to be this one right here you can set it for an inch see auto down you set it for an inch you can set it to drop anything but as you can see I have it set to drop an inch if you'd like that you can set Yours to do that as well now the last cut is once again not random this one is particular so do you notice a pattern here we have a random specific random specific that's how we do it here at least that's the method that I use you could just turn it 90 degrees every time and then it'd be random random specific specific and change it up a little bit anyhow that's just getting really nitpicky there we are all chanted up here the last cut if you're using this accusat 2 computer um the last cut you do want to use your pattern instead of Auto down or anything so the last slab I took off what I did was I went to pattern and I obviously have different sizes programmed in there you'll have to do that too with your computer I do have videos on that so if you're subscribed to the channel I have all kinds of much more detailed information on on all that but I already have all the dimensions that I use on a regular basis programmed into my computer here and as you can see this is just going to drop it one inch every time and since that's when I'm going for a 1x8 that's what I'm gonna have so what I did before I cut off my last lab was I basically went to the top of it went on to my pattern and then I dropped it and then I cut it and now from there what pattern does is it measures from the bottom up instead of Auto down so it's going to drop me perfectly one inch all the way to the bottom and then the last cut because this computer is smart all right it uh it's going to be one inch it's going to be perfect so that's one thing about the accuset it's very accurate and so we're going to get perfect one inch boards all the way down from here if you do it right so the computer can be tricky to get when you first get started off but honestly it gets a lot easier once you get more familiar with it so let's go ahead and start plain sewing just plain cutting all the way down please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] important note for any beginners there is no safety mechanism installed in this Mill to prevent you from running into your dog's or really any part of this Mill with your blade so you have to constantly be thinking about moving your your dogs and your little foot just in and down as you start to cut lower and lower and lower because we're cutting down and the last cut is technically going to be at one inch which is very close to the bed of your Mill if you look at this this is three-fourths up on the mill deck so basically you can't cut any lower than an inch or you will run into that but you can still cut an inch so that's really close to the bed of your Mill so your dogs have to be all the way down which makes it very hard to pinch your log um because the foot of it has to be so low to the bed of your Mill so if there's any bark on it that usually doesn't work it can be really tricky this takes a lot of messing around with basically if you want to take a look at some of the damage I've done to this bad boy here the blade that cuts are right through metal so yes I have hit this before and it just cut right through it this is the side that I did not hit this is what it's supposed to look like but you can see where the blade just went right into that there and basically I just couldn't see it and um yeah I hit it and the blade will just go right through through it obviously I've hit multiple times on the other Mill this would be the first time that I've hit something on this Mill we've had this Mill for like three years so I've done pretty good but um yeah I hit that recently you have to just watch there's nothing going to stop you from running it right into stuff so always be paying attention and it's always better to just have them low even though it doesn't hold your log as good or as tight so it's just finding that middle ground once again anyways let's finish up with cutting the slug now foreign [Music] we have completed a whole log and we're ready to move on to the second one a log about that size can take around six minutes if you hurry which is pretty good when you can consider how many you can do in a day but like it did say that was a small log and what you're going to notice with the larger logs is you're making a lot more Cuts because you're taking off a lot of jacket boards to cut it down to the size that you actually want it anyways thanks for watching today's video If you enjoyed make sure that you subscribe to the channel where I give a lot more in-depth uh information about this Mill and really dive into all of the very specific little everythings that come along with operating it anyways I'll see you back here next time [Music]
Channel: Lumber Capital Log Yard
Views: 23,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yEravQNKtZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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