Full Tour of Our COMPLETELY ELECTRIC Camper Van! | European Road Trip Begins!

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well i was gonna say this thing's pruned like a kitten but it it's completely silent you can't hear anything that's it's electric wild i gotta make the sound effects because it's so quiet good morning adventurers electric campervan road trip starts right now our road trip is officially underway oh we got our electric camper van yeah can you believe it this thing is so cool man when you start it up it doesn't make a single sound it's incredible it keeps scaring me that like i don't actually have it running or that i i'm really scared i'm gonna keep it running and then get out of the car it's a completely different type of driving experience we're gonna tell you guys all about that give you a tour of the van a little bit later but first we are actually heading about 100 kilometers south of munich we're heading down to germany's highest mountain called zug schpitz am i saying that right we try to research the proper pronunciation of all this stuff ahead of time but sometimes i still feel like i'm saying it wrong yeah it is fun to say though yeah but the scenery around the mountain and the mountain itself should be absolutely incredible yeah y'all i am very excited because as you know we were just in denver and we were surrounded by mountains but we didn't get to explore any of them but we are freaking exploring mountains here in germany and austria northern italy it's gonna be awesome all over the place we kind of mentioned this in one of our previous road trips but we're actually teaming up with a german travel organization dw travel they have their own youtube channel and we're going to be making some youtube videos for them these videos aren't sponsored or anything but if you want to check out the videos we're going to be making for them it's going to be all about our camper van road trip it's going to be kind of a different angle than what we're doing here it's going to be a little bit more informational you can head to their youtube channel we'll put them on the screen and in the description below this is our first time road tripping in an electric vehicle so it's going to be kind of a different experience we're going to have to time our charging because we only get about 300 kilometers to the charge on this vehicle and it takes like 30 minutes at a quick charge station so they should be peppered all throughout germany we have a little app that helps us kind of find where the different stations are tells us what kind of connections they have so hopefully we don't end up with a dead battery on the side of the road i don't know if that's gonna happen or not i don't know but we even had we have some attachment that allows us to charge off of a regular outlet worst case scenario so we've got some campsites booked hopefully hopefully we're not just stranded that this whole trip on the sides of mountains i don't know so it's either going to be a super stressful trip or a very relaxed eco adventure we'll see what happens you guys we've stumbled on the cutest little german town that we're driving through you want to take a stab at pronouncing it garmisch park partic kirkin yeah garmish partykirkin that's the one but it's pretty incredible it is super charming and it's sitting at the base of all these mountains and clouds are whisping around very cool if we didn't have a date with the tallest mountain in germany we would have to stop here i'm not gonna lie when we landed in munich i wasn't super stoked because i wasn't ready to be back in a big city but now that we've left and we're in the countryside i'm realizing how much i missed europe these views these tiny towns it's just so beautiful and exciting we have made it to the very first campsite of our road trip it is actually at the zoo spitz resort and it sits just beneath the mountain that's it right over there you can't tell it's a lot taller than that but the clouds are covering the very tippy top yeah it is so freaking epic you guys gosh we have such a great view too ah and y'all it has its very own access to this cable car that runs from the bottom here at the campsite all the way up to the top apparently there's a restaurant up there i think there's hiking there's all sorts of stuff we're for sure going to be doing that but before we do i think we gotta charge this baby up if we can figure it out yeah let's do it of course our vehicle comes with the typical connector to charge it but it also comes with a whole heap of adapters so let's see if we can find the right one i think this one matches the pedestal over there so the way it works is you just line up the orange dots and this should kind of pop right on there that looks right right connected this cord here has this juice booster thing i don't really know how we use this so we're just gonna see what happens just plug it in if it juices us up follow me i think this is how it goes i feel like a ghostbuster or something open that up pop this in is that it well this light came on and it's flashing green cool so let's see if we're charging yeah dude i think that we're charging we got a little red light right there i would have expected it to be green but that looks like charging right oh yeah check it out charging completed in 10 hours 20 minutes holy cow oh good thing we're staying overnight now that we've got this baby charging let's take a look on the inside y'all how cool is this they have these slide outs and this one is a complete outdoor kitchen it's so neat so all of these compartments have everything you need for cooking you got plates cups mugs soaps and things here you got all of your silver oh i forgot the silverware yeah i was gonna say dishware that's not okay here you have all of your silverware salt pepper knives all that good stuff some trash bags and kleenex why not and then pots and pans i think it's literally more equipped than some of the airbnbs we stay in i know and it's all hidden away back here when he pulled all this out when he was showing it to us i was like there's more and more and more this little weird thing is actually a working sink i guess there's this little fake bowl on top so you can wash up in here and then you can dump it out since it was just water we could dump it there if not you know you take it where it needs to go but apparently there's a whole i'm not really sure if you can oh yeah you kind of take this off but there's a whole jug that he filled up for us and it's got a little power bank a little battery bank in there that pumps the water for you and he said it should last us all week not the amount of water but the battery which is wild so you can like literally go off grid and have a full kitchen the tiniest camper fan in the world yeah i was not expecting that also these things all like snap into place so it's not jostling around going down the road and look how much counter space you get pretty big chopping broccoli and more broccoli but wait there's more no wait there's more in this lovely cabinet you got storage but you also have here points to anybody who knows what this is before i tell you it's a toilet box and i will show you how that works so we're just assuming that they uh sanitized this well because the guy was had his hands all over it so i'm doing the same thing this is a portable toilet lid comes off number ones go down here number two is go in here we can show you so this is just a little pee box i guess and this is a little this is a pee box that's a that's a poo box yeah but you you do your business in there and then there are wood chips in here and toilet paper this is like the world's tiniest composting toilet yeah hope you didn't need anything spicy because this would not handle so in a pinch you can pinch one out oh god okay that's awful hopefully we will not actually have to utilize this though but nifty to have just in case right you guys we got swivel seats up front this is so neat and apparently there's like a whole table that comes out so we can cook in the back and then eat in the front yeah you have a proper living room super cool then when it's time to get back on the road pop that right down slide this back into place and there you go awesome and easy yo we have a living room in our van last but not least we have to show you how this bed works so right now the bed's at about half size and it's tucked away in the back so all you do is pull this leg out so it's out of the way of the chair also put the car down whoa then the whole thing slides up like that to make it about a full-size bed big enough for both of us to fit on yeah so that's going to wrap up the tour of the camper van it is starting to rain and i think it's going to be raining for the rest of the night so we are going to set up shop inside we're gonna chill for the rest of the night and then we'll see you on the top of the mountain tomorrow first night in the camper van was a wild success yeah i don't know about a wild success but we did sleep very well we slept too well y'all we slept for like 12 hours on accident i think that jet lag finally caught up to us yeah we needed it but it was really nice and peaceful in there it was super comfortable slept right through the night the only downside is it was kind of raining and stuff outside so we couldn't really step outside of the van and when you can't do that it's pretty tough because it gets so cramped on the inside yeah we woke up to just complete whiteout of fog but this fog is slowly lifting over the forest over there you can almost see the mountain but my god you guys it's so beautiful around here this is exactly what we needed first off we got to hit up that mountain well first first off breakfast and coffee then the mountain then the mountain okay bye see you later okay we're gonna drive off from the middle of the van we're just gonna sit in here awkwardly bye you guys we are officially above the clouds check that out you guys we made it to the top well almost the top that star is the top and we're debating whether or not we should go out yeah cause you actually have to hike up a little bit it looks a little treacherous yeah people are like properly repelling with carabiners and everything we don't need that stuff but we came on the right day you guys we thought it was going to be complete white out but we are actually above the clouds and you can see them all below us just rolling through all the different valleys between the mountains it is truly incredible pretty yeah man now i'm sad that we waited so we kept waiting for the fog to clear this morning but turns out we could have been up here in the sunshine yeah but check this out this is what we're looking at right now not too bad at all huh i could get used to this view i could live here all right do we brave the highest point in germany i think we do i think we have to right allison's going up first it's pretty nerve-wracking watching her on this ladder how scary is that you guys how you doing so the sudden got really scary right i have a lot of gear on me the ladder just kind of ends and you got to like hold yourself up you okay that was really scary i know this spot right here at the end if you sleep you're dead yeah now you just gotta shimmy around this rock with death off the side you guys i somehow made it to the tippy top that's the highest point in germany right there oh my god is it terrifying i just have to not look down that's that's the main thing look at this view is this incredible or what with all the clouded version what are the top views of my life easily there is a whole cafeteria in here and oh my gosh the food looked amazing i mean does this look incredible or what holy cow eric went with the goulash i got the currywurst the portions are fantastic i'm so hungry now i never would have expected to get such delicious food at just a touristic spot like this man look at this freaking beef does this not look just delicious baby man it's so tender and so savory and so just deliciously oily and look how fresh this all looks i mean does this not just look delicious i thought i was just gonna have to eat a cheeseburger or something nope sad i went first and got the crew first yeah which is great but i'm pretty jealous i kept it a little healthier yeah i think that's going to do it for our trip up here to the summit we have spent way too much time we're way off schedule but we're trying to just relax and go with the flow you know yeah we're in the holiday mindset yeah so we're gonna finish this up and then we're gonna make our way to our next stop for the night coming up at our first hole it's a little steep 10 euros lower what is that like 12 usd or something something like that hopefully this is the person only today can you speak germany all right i'm seeing a sign right there that looks like car charging all right so this one should work hopefully it's the fast one when we started our drive today it said we had 316 kilometers till empty but we have been going through the mountains and so that quickly dropped we lost about 100 kilometers in there so now we're getting close to 100 kilometers left but we have well over that to go so we found this nifty charging station it'll be our first time doing it at a charging station i'm very excited because i think it'll go very quickly so basically if one of these fits that's the one we do this is the one this is he said if you can find one that fits both of these it's the best and should go the fastest all right let's do it all right yeah charging all right nice job awesome this is actually way fun and way less stinky than getting regular gasoline we really are fans of electric vehicles you guys because look how cool this is you pull up here you plug it in it's completely free there's no one else in this entire lot those are all tesla supercharger stations over there all empty oh we are all charged up it took us just long enough to get a cup of coffee and a pastry inside oops wrong one i'm doing it we'll get better all right back on the road cheers cheers we made it to italy we are officially in italy the wine yeah we also decided to stay in a hotel tonight we're trying to kind of switch up the campervan lifestyle with the luxurious hotel lifestyle and boy is it luxurious check this place out you guys it's freaking huge we're only giving you a little peek because we want to show it off properly in our next video y'all and the view outside i think it's going to blow you away but we actually did try to camp here it's just everything was booked and then we kind of panicked last minute and eric found this amazing place and we couldn't pass it up so here we are they have a whole kitchen i'm actually making this pasta right now pasta and wine in italy fantastic hotel room amazing company yeah also i would love to take my hat and stuff off because it's really warm down here not cold like in the mountains but we didn't shower today so it's this is what i'm crazy under here yeah should i show them no i won't know don't show up you don't want to see that good night adventures we'll see on the road
Channel: The Endless Adventure
Views: 46,858
Rating: 4.9612904 out of 5
Keywords: The Endless Adventure, vlog, travel, travel vlog, Eric Bieller, Allison Bieller, camper van, electric camper van, rv, rv renovation, camper van renovation, the endless adventure camper van
Id: S7ACOIimvrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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