[4.7] What Nilou Can Tell Us About Natlan - Genshin Impact v4.8+5.0 Speculations

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I know that genin impacts version 4.8 isn't here yet but while watching the trailers and teasers I noticed something that sent me spiraling down a weird Rabbit Hole full of fairy tales dragons tattoos and the physics of rainbows and I think all of these things are going to be big focal points in natland now I didn't get this idea just by looking at the natland teaser this also has a lot to do with the 4.8 Flagship event because in case you didn't know The Summer Event before the new region drops usually foreshadows quite a bit of the main plot and themes for the upcoming region it's not always obvious at first but in retrospect it is unmistakable like Last Summer the bottle land event teased the oceanid people of Fontaine and even the loom of Fate stuff that we learned about in the Bedtime Story Aron Quest as of time of recording there are still a couple of weeks before the next patch drops but I want to share these ideas while they're still fresh because this way we can be on the lookout for the stuff I've mentioned as we're playing through the event and if I do end up getting somewhere close with today's speculations I'll make an even bigger more in-depth video about it towards the end of version 4.8 but for now you're going to get raw unfiltered brain rots so enjoy it I guess now let me turn your attention towards the version 4.8 Flagship event a simulan so I can tell you why I think it'll matter to nlin the setup here is pretty straightforward we've got a series of islands kind of like the previous two Golden Apple archipelago events but this time it's fairy tale themed and what's more it's literally a book of fairy tales like everything in it is origami including all of the animals some of these animals are losing their color so priority number one is helping them get her color back milu is one of the characters who will help out with this gaining a new outfit which allows her to assume a new role in this uh fairy tale play kind of like how Kaa became a dagger Thief with his new skin last summer but she does a rather interesting thing in the trailer she restores color to a colorless area now I don't know if you guys remember this but in suu where she is from withering zones were generally stripped of color and it was especially noticeable in the desert since the areas were completely grayscale but once you activate the towers nearby the color returned to the withering zones now then during the durge of bilus we met a Jin named lupar who had been split into fragments after destroying a kingdom her main fragment was sealed in a tree and as long as she was sleeping the area was Lush and green but as soon as she woke up everything withered and turned gray we can see this phenomenon repeated at every one of her fragment locations of which there are seven which is the same number of colors in the standard rainbow which is going to become more relevant in in a second but in the instances where she's creating these Lush areas she's asleep and this phenomenon of things turning Lush and green while the Jenny sleep is normal lupar even says so now here's the thing the Jin are the children of the goddess of flowers Nabu Malika who was a sely and Neu says that her original dance costume was based on descriptions of Nabu Malik kata's clothing arago Neu narratively at least was supposed to be a reference to the goddess of flowers within the sumaru story so having her perform the color restoration thing here in Similan makes some sense thematically now we don't know a lot about celes canonically so this is just my speculation okay but cies are generally like little light Spirits right little will of the Wisps and eventually they become like a flame of a candle once they're at their court and Flames emit light now stick with me we got to go on a little bit of a ride in genion the world is basically made up of elements right these elemental dragons are basically forces of nature itself and the ele elal energy they release shapes the world now Elemental energy is often referred to in terms of colors of the rainbow or different light spectrums of which there are seven just like lupar fragments remember and the easiest example of this can be found in this m card so if dragons are the purest form of their element which seems to be the case according to Breeze amidst the forest and each element represents a spectrum of light then consider the possibility that nalong the king of the Dragons is responsible for splitting white light into its seven respective colors and I say this because of rainbow physics see a rainbow forms when light passes through water droplets at just the right angle but generally speaking we tend to see rainbows not during rainstorms because the sun will be hidden behind clouds but when there's mist or fog that sunlight can pass through now coincidentally nong's name is made of two words neble which comes from the root word for fog mist or cloud and lung which means light as in lightweight and yes I'm aware that in my Center video I got the translation wrong never trust the dictionary anyway this basically Likens him to clouds which are in the sky hence why nalet would call him the heavenly father in Chinese but when those clouds are near the ground they're more like a Mist which creates the ideal condition for rainbows now consider that dragons come from the light realm presumably so the idea here is that neong is like a natural prism of mist or fog that splits the light into elements and the elements make up the physical world it feels thematically on point because light cubes seem to be everywhere in simong like look at the ones in the sky and the Prismatic cubes coming out of the dragon's footprint you know at this point I should just make a whole video on Optics in genin but a prismatic light splitting theme would be pretty fitting if hoyo intends to equate neong or any dragon really with the rainbow serpent urlinger which I'm probably saying wrong and I'm also aware is in Australia and not South America or Africa and those are the two regions upon which nlin should be based however there is a distinct possibility that nlin is actually based on regions from the ring of fire which would include Australia there was also an instrument that sounded like a digy do in the teaser so it is a possibility thematically though urlinger is also called the great father which fits with the English title nalette calls neong the formidable father urlinger also lives in Precious bodies of water that refract light and act as a prism which is noteworthy because of a world Structure Theory that I'm working on that should release a bit after this video that I'm not going to go into right now but consider that thus far dragons and Bishops have designs that are based on Aquatic Life forms CES to act actually they're sea Angels so while I won't try to argue that celes are dragons I think that by their nature they could be Dragon adjacent especially since this rainbow serpent God comes from a series of Australian myths collectively known in English as the dreaming and celes replenish the natural world around them while dreaming so when you have regular celes acting as little candles emitting light and how the not dead descendants of celes like lelu Park can straight up restore dead washed out areas into lush green ones while dreaming and we also consider how the elemental energy of dragons controls nature itself we can make the assumption that removing these beings or at least restricting their powers could cause immense damage to the physical world and suddenly with natan's colorful themes we can start to see why the event would be relating to Natan right the people of Natan have a very close relationship with their Saran companions to the point where they may be borrowing their powers directly something indicated by their unique auras these are the colors that natanian could risk losing in the upcoming archon Quest coincident finally the flower from The Unfinished Ry artifact set which is all about natan's history has its first line of text directly referencing losing their color now I know this is flavor text for the tribe banners and also a symbol of War but I just thought it was so coincidental that it might not be a coincidence but instead an intentional Choice okay but back on track so this Aura of the natanian which may or may not be the result of aaran partnership also seems to activate a special glowing marking on their bodies that are not otherwise visible now if I remember remember correctly outside of the three teas nlin characters glowing markings only appear on five characters in the game Shia Jang Le venty and then two more we're going to get to in a second these first three characters are all Elemental beings not super pure ones like dragons but Elemental beings nonetheless and their tattoos also light up when in use I was never really sure how much of these markings were just there cuz they look cool or whether they was a reason for them to be there and for them to Glow mostly because a lot of the adep eye and non-humans like the Kate narian Andreas and so on also have markings similar to the aforementioned tattoos but without the light up effects but it's very curious to me that two of the glowing taters are archons while the other is an adeptus of Unknown Origin also worth noting that both a and Ruka also have markings but neither of them have markings That Glow In fairness though we haven't really seen enough of Ruka to make any assumptions about her markings but I think that A's markings don't glow because she's technically inside of a sword that definitely glows that is then kept inside of a puppet's body and she's not directly possessing the puppet body itself which matters because the fourth character with glowing tattoos is Wanderer who should be the same type of puppet as Ryden so the two should function in a similar manner so if he has glowing tattoos Ryden should have glowing tattoos but she doesn't now Wanderer has been shown wielding two different elements both Electro and Animo and more if you count his big robot body but I'm not animal power is being channeled from his vision which is why his tattoos light up with animal colors and Electro presumably came from the nosis both of these things powered him directly I'm not entirely sure how different this is from a possessing a sword that's then powering a puppet but it's possible there's some technicalities that I'm just not aware of right now worth investigating later though but Wanderer is actually pretty important here because he was present in the trailer as the one who could take on the dragon wreaking havit in the simanca someone with glowing markings taking on a corrupted Dragon that's causing trouble sounds like something that could happen in n L like a Nat lanan with glowing markings which means they have a Saran companion could be chosen to go up and fight a corrupted Dragon to prevent everyone else from losing their Saran connections now the fifth character with markings that glow is aaha a dragon whose markings glow with the element that he's channeling or borrowing from the lay lines which is a plus one to the possibility that the natanian markings are borrowed San power since Sans are a type of dragon but don't get it twisted I'm not so much suggesting that this whole glowing tattoo thing is a dragon specific trait although I suppose it could be but more that it's a sign of borrowed power like in theory if Wanderer was given access to Raw elemental power from a layline disorder or activated somebody else's Vision maybe I suspect his tattoos colors would change to match the element He was borrowing similar to aaha he is a puppet after all so it would make sense if he was designed to accept any Elemental input by default it's not like a invented him in order to only accept Electro she she technically borrowed conri and technology and adapted it to her own use now how would this apply to jangi Venti and Shia truthfully I'm not sure maybe there's something we don't know but I think it's worth keeping in the back of your mind but I know the real question on your mind is why did I go on all these really weird tangents just to talk about nlin well Natan is called the nation of war or at least that's the archon's ideal much like Jang Lee has his contracts or a has her eternity but in each region the arland's ideal is narratively subverted somehow so here's what I'm thinking and I'm sorry if this idea is Half Baked if natland is themed around War dragons and the coexistence of dragons and humans then we should be looking to Tat's past to see what wars involved these things and wouldn't you know it the book before sun and moon describes a war between dragons and the creator of all humans wherein this Creator who we call the primordial one wanted the world for humans and thus tried to wipe out the primordial dragons but notice how the option of coexistence was never even brought up or considered or mentioned like no failed treaties or an attempted partnership or anything well I think nlin is a nation where we get to see what a world made for both humans and Dragons could look like if they had been willing to share and compromise if nlin is preparing for war or if they have ceremonial Wars between tribes then it could be that they are preparing themselves to fight for a future where coexistence is not only possible but preferable a war not to conquer but to protect and the reason I think this is likely comes back to the whole stripping of color thing because if you have a nation that lives in harmony with dragons that are represented by colors of light and then you keep making references to Colors being Stripped Away then it seems like the main threat in Matlin will be the tribes losing their Sans or losing access to their powers or that there's a growing divide between the ideals of humans and dragons that threatens not only their relationship but the stability of the world itself that's basically my prediction for nlin we'll see how everything holds up after we go through the 4.8 event but speaking of you might have noticed that there's witches in hexen circles stuff everywhere in the 4.8 event and the reason for this is probably because it's a story book according to the lore of the Imaginarium theater the hexen circle Wich is liked to make the fairy tales of ander's daughter come to life so things relating to story books and that kind of thing are almost always witch coded in this game now in the past I've pitched the idea that monstad is supposed to be a fairy tale City wherein each character represents an important figure or event from Tat's history and that is one of the reasons why it's not only the Traveler's home base for gameplay reasons but also one of the reasons that the hexen circle settled there eventually a fairy tale City for fairy tale witches but allegorically speaking if we want to see monat representative for nlin we need look no further than Bennett who has some interesting overlaps with ionen from the travail trailer but that also feels like an intro to a bigger theory that definitely needs way more time to cook so we'll let the witches get their own video okay I do think it's plausible that we finally get to meet them in person in natland though because it is possible to directly connect the witches with the dragons and I'm not just talking about how Ryan daughter has made several dragons but again that's a theory for another time anyway that's all I have for right now hopefully that all made sense and I'm sorry if it didn't I know there's still a lot that I didn't cover all these little Easter eggs and Tiny observations in the trailer like how Wanderer is presented in the trailer looking at a toy soldier like the one from his teaser but why don't you guys take the wheel on this one and let me know your favorite detail from the 4.8 and 5.0 preview in the comment section so far I am super hyped for nlin despite the severe lack of melanin present thus far uh but besides that everything seems pretty hype but good Lord they are referencing a lot of different cultures my lore prep reading list is so long but that's a me problem any who big thank you to all my channel members for supporting these little bouts of Madness of mine and another thanks to you yes you for watching take care of yourselves out there and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 94,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #HoyoCreators, #GenshinLore, Natlan, Hexenzirkel, game theory
Id: SS6lNjVK8J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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