Full Pack of Scratchcards £180 WOW

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[Music] hi this is Paul from survivors 4-pack scratchcards instant 100s thank you very much everyone you stuck around was having my break I do really appreciate it I'm loving the way to funds up but going at the moment I want to set you a challenge can you get this video to a thousand like this we're free hours of it going up so yeah if you've been liking or if you let me like in smash that like button also push the bail notification so you'll have notified when my videos go up because a lot of the time they don't go into your thing and they do this they do that so yeah if you press that bill notification and then you're going to get a notification when one of my videos goes up yeah so here we go righty-o let's do this do you know what I've played a few but I don't think I've had the lottery symbol as a win yet as in two of them but we have got a full pack here so I'd like to say we might see it today I was happy of that full card I got the other day I'm sure there wasn't no lottery single them that do me love a full pack it takes not that well not super long today very easy card isn't it he's still very hot as you can probably tell do the be interesting to see wouldn't get a hundred if I do that makes me a full-time jackpot winner diamonds we know chicken you know this hate needs to calm down a bit now let's begin it begins a bit silly now ninety cards I wonder how many I'm gonna predict winning cards out of 90 cards 22 cards Chuck your predictions in now and yeah comment below tell me what you think price-wise I reckon 275 quid yeah you're dreamin oh okay nine pounds in one win two wins winner winner chicken dinner he's gonna be a lot of twos and fours cuz there's no five in this card is a 2 4 10 20 40 100 being trusted Isis alright on what I've gone a little bit low on the amount of college that we're gonna win on not seen any lightning bolt yeah this room ain't been this hot for a couple of summers now now boiling up will you bear in mind it is 10:00 to 10:00 at night you seen it doubles yeah Oliver he thought you quit we know winner chicken dinner before I do it late at night so it's not so hot it's still bloody on it's still hot I'm just glad I thought they just doing it one of these packs instead of the one that takes 45 50 minutes bearing in mind with 20 cards in and six minutes on the clock you've been very happy if you bought first 20 cards which are holding people a lot of people ask me oh I'm thinking about buying a full pack what patent you think I should buy don't mess with that's mine that is my advice do not have a bio fallback it's an idea to be making money thinking around permit I think on the whole God knows only packs up thought I've ever only ever made money on packs I think we know we're not chicken dinner double-double you'd be better off gaining two I'm going to God knows only different shops you got so much more chance of winning we know we're not chicken no chicken dinner for 10 bound that's it no Tim pal biggest win so far still answering the raw lottery symbols now I don't think don't think I've seen the clouds over to do this big thing when I on that market copyright win this be ten pound straight I wonder whether 100 quick wing can go what would it be one two three four five don't five doubles and then go double ten four 20s that'd be quite a nice win should look at the win thing naturally if you look at the winning thing online I made and put it on the screen you never know I know saying out let's see 1-1 with a lorry symbols tonight I don't see a wing then one of you needs to put it up in the facebook page if you've had one if not well just be shocked thirty five cards in you know what my protection one might be right not thirty five cards in bed seven wins tuning halfway through seven wins that is minimum very mental clowns doubles Tinga rate still not bad bet into I suppose I wonder if the lorry symbolized the jackpot when you hear the lottery symbols you win the hundred quid double ten as well nice 20 quid our biggest win yet no I still got 40 free cards to go roughly double-double to any try that one two four four quid clowns again doubles lightening to pound or pound ten now yes Bravo I'll go excited then always gay so I win the first ones a winner you know what's coming out then you always believe in you so you got the power and no popper that was under quid [Music] [Music] so this ain't far from the same far-off a full pattern right and we've not seen the Laurie symbols as a pair for any kind of wing yet very strange make sure you if you have seen them or see them make sure you check a picture and a Facebook page all the links are below social medias snapchat Instagram Twitter and all the others all the others [Music] two wins ten and ten to to make fool this is the last light batch here that we got roughly 2023 to go here we go 23 to find the lorrison boy sounds kinda safe still no not very simple walk I was I think no I think I was the big 10-pound one the Big Mama 40-pound win was the number forty was so hard to get when he first come out and in keV got one and he was off wet exciting we thought it was gonna be a big win cuz I mean it seems like the number forty win at all turns out he was a tenor but was excited just give me under quit and be done with it now under quit right now will be you stop that just watch it and then like two cards I don't think anyone's 400 could win in one of these on the Facebook page you have to have a check later got myself some expensive wallpaper and I do that part next I think was the last wind 9191 will be out the last win then hopefully night Nev look one more win come they won't we quit or 20 good [Music] be good if these will pay for ins nice on best be a winner yes win no matter war come on make it good needs to be fought weekly dining me on there that's not great I know that right 2 6 8 12 14 16 18 22 26 36 44 teeth no miss one there 44 64 66 76 80 84 86 88 98 104 pounds 104 pound so 76 pound I finally enjoyed that that was quite an enjoyable pack to do and least I think it hard for money back 180 pounds in a pack to buy a pack that similar company we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 or 22 and you can tell from this video is not stopped at all I'm sure I said 22 the beginning how weird is that should have said 49 you know anyway I'd enjoyed that if you did make sure you smash that thumbs up button the sub button is down below subscribe to see lots more scratchcard videos and I hope you enjoyed that and big big thumbs up to all of you that have been thumbs it up and remember press that now bail notification - yeah to be notified basically and my vlogging channel link is below as well check out that peace out and I'll see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Scratchcard King
Views: 58,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lottery, top, prize, win, won, scratchcard, sunday, PLAY, YOUR, SCRATCHCARD, RIGHT, EPISODE, SCRATCHCARDS, HOOK, DUCK, Scratchcard, United, Kingdom, the, national, big, Sunday, (Day, Of, Week, new, ones, jackpot, sandwell, vlogs, scratch, off, cards, sandwellmobiles, snakes, Laddlers
Id: E_Ga9XyH6gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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