I HIT A REAL JACKPOT! (Not Clickbait!) 1 in 270,717 Odds #WeScratch

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two times what is this we got it two times in two matches so far seventeen in another match the eight and sixteen oh we got 58. what is going on everybody my name is nick and you are watching scratching away thank y'all so much for joining me for another video if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button down below hit the notification bell so you know when new videos are coming out and uh everybody hit that like button and comment let me know what's your biggest win that you ever won because i got mine tonight um my brain isn't really working i filmed this intro like 50 times and uh i'm just gonna post this one i don't even care anymore i can't think straight uh between the sleep deprivation and the big win i just i can't think so uh scratch this quest shout out today goes to every single person that's been around for a while man you guys are awesome always supporting me always uh uh being positive in the comments and hanging out in the live stream so you guys are amazing thank you so much you know i appreciate you um and all the channels out there as well that have ever shown some support or whatever um there's some big things coming too with some other channels from other states and stuff like that so stay tuned but um too many to name but you guys know i have to drop my two mentors get rich or die scratching nightingale scratcher um both awesome people and awesome channel so go check them out if you haven't already which why wouldn't you have already done that but i don't know um so i went ahead and bought four fastest road to a million and four thirty dollar go over supreme um and then i found profit on those uh on top of what happened earlier so just watch i'm gonna scratch some tickets and then i'm gonna show you guys the biggest win of my life and i don't know if i'll ever top this one but check it out i don't even know what else to say thank you guys so much subscribe like i love y'all we'll see in a minute let's go oh my god guys all right so i need to get through this so that i can show you what is on this ticket right here um it's crazy anyway all right i don't even know where to go where to begin i don't know what i'm doing all right so but i got these from racetrack all eight are from racetrack um so oh i like that thumbnail right there um so we got four of each ticket um i looked at it afterwards and i was really wishing i bought one more of the fastest road because the ticket i'm about to show you is ticket 24 but we have 28 27 26 and 25 and then over here we have 14 13 12 and 11. um so not bad sets of numbers i'm pretty sure nobody won on 29 on this so i think we got a good chance of finding something um let's jump right into it man i can't i don't wanna i can't i don't i don't wanna wait too long i'm excited guys so you all know this ticket pretty well we gotta match winning numbers to hour numbers there and then we got five two five ten twenty and two hundred times multipliers and then we get that hundred dollar burst right there down here at the bottom we've got the money bag is the only way to win if you get the money bag you win the prize underneath let's see if we got anything we got the double dollars in the toenail the diamond the horseshoe and the key so nothing there so we need 33 49 44 62 58 55 12 and 50. let's see what we got we got a 36 39 and 43 we got the reverse i hate when they do that 49 and 33 13 and 28 11 and 45 52 29 and 24 47 and 30 16 and 25 59. sorry guys i'm just thinking about it 32 and 61 1 7 and 41 we're going to try to blow through these so we can get to what i got to get to 27 and 6 38 22 and 17. let me know down below though what is your biggest win ever on lottery i just hit 10 000 like a month and a half ago i think it was on february 6th so we got 21 1940 51 and 48. all right so first ticket loser so yeah just hit 10 000 a month and a half ago and then i hit a thousand in december and i hit a thousand in august and a thousand in june so it's been a productive uh not even a full year yet we got cherries a horseshoe pinwheel the key and the crown i'm still not thinking straight guys 57 22 59 21 24 16 60 and 48 we got 51 and 25. 3 and 11 55 and 45 13 and stupid number eight only 100 bucks 28 and 49 seven and 36 46 and 62 15 29 12 and 30 29 12 and 30 nothing yet man 53 and 61. 26 i think it's another dud ticket 37 50 and 34 4 35 and 19 65 and a 1 and 39. all right so nothing there nothing there oh yeah yeah it would still be nice to find a little win here and i'm i'm going to be even more mad if i didn't get 24 if we don't find a win out of these but let's check the bottom again pinwheel cherries a crayon cowbell and some pancakes nothing down below 59 34 23 38 40 30 44 and 62. all right let's start down the bottom 37 33 stupid number eight again for 5k that time that would have been nice 23. we got a match guys right there all right hopefully it's something nice 28 22 41 21 and 26 25 56 16 17 and 54 59 59 we got another match right there 59 and six a nine 46 64 and 43. all right let's see we got a few more spots 15 and 35 24 and 48 two times what is this we got it two times in two matches so far that's not bad 31 39 and 32 13 and 61. so i was talking about maybe not getting a win the ticket was like oh yeah let me show you so let's see what's under this 2x guys we got 10 bucks so that's 20 right there oh my god are you kidding me what was the first one 23. you've got to be kidding me with that get me all excited for a break even 30 dollar win and that folks is why we don't like fake multipliers right there all right moving right along we got one more fastest road and then we got the billion dollar gold rush supreme tickets so oh we got a back-to-back win guys look that's a win right there so we got the key the money bag and double dollars a crown and a diamond so let's see if we get anything else up top we need 60 27 41 53 17 32 40 and 55 we got 61 17 another match all right so that's two 26 57 15 14 21 47 and 38 13 6 25 22 pew pew pew 58 56 this ticket's scratching weird 43 62 50 and 01 33 64 37 and 12. all right so still just that 17 in the money bag so far stupid number eight for 10k just keeps going up man 63 44 48 46 and 49. so just that 17 and the money bag down the bottom right there let's see what's under 17. oh 40 and dollars for 50 bucks not bad so not exactly a great outcome but we spent 120 and we got 80 back so that's two thirds not too shabby you know i'd like to uh double up on my win from earlier but i'll take two thirds back any day for a chance to win a meal all right so moving on to gold rush supreme starting on ticket 14 and then we're going down from there oh uh the fastest road was pack zero and then the gold rush is pack number one all right so with this ticket we gotta match our winning numbers to our numbers here or these bonus spots for 30 50 100 500 or a thousand dollar bonus and then we've got the 5 and 10 times multiplier and that gold bar right there for an automatic uh 500 let's see we need 61 35 41 36 31 34 42 and 11. there's a lot of ones right there let's check the bonus first even though it messes me up we don't have 51 unfortunately 25 29 and 54 and the big boy over here we got 63 so no luck 47 and 13 2 16 and 28 i think this ticket's starting to hit uh decent because i actually hit 100 on it tonight um stupid number eight man what the hell went back down to 5k but i hit 100 on it tonight on my first ticket actually which really helped because i was losing on uh fastest road at my first stop um so help me get a little bit of my money back but 56 and seven and 53 but i really think this is this ticket's starting to come around already 6 44 and 19 30 24 and 65 9 33 and 50 59 27 44 and 58 and then the clutch corner for 100 bucks we would take that any day 45 all right so loser again on the first ticket we got three more though hopefully we can get uh two wins out of this four just like on the um fastest road but this one is ticket number 13 right there oh wow the whole ticket fits and that means i probably should be zooming in a bit all right we need 18 1 4 49 43 19 and 14 and three let's check these bonus again real quick and then we can move them off screen we got 50. stupid number eight 64 and 16 and then the big thousand dollar bonus 39. all right so let's see what's at the bottom guys oh no now i gotta zoom out a little bit there we go all right let's see what we got nine and 45 60 and 62 40 33 55 and 25 31 and 26 56 and 15 28 59 and 12 21 27 and 29 13 6 and 30. 34 46 and 32 61 and 22 a 2 57 36 and 54. all right so starting off with two losers just like fastest road maybe we can go back to back again though we really could use it ticket number 12 which is a good ticket number and i'm about to talk about part of why i believe that but let's see what numbers we need 15 45 55 37 1 14 40 and 58 see what's up top we got 34 44 and 65 13 and last but not least we got 33. all right so nothing at the bonus let's see what we can do down below 52 and six 51 29 and 28 57 58 and 16. oh we got 58 right there all right whoo at least we're not gonna bust on the gold rush so we got a single match so far 63 and nine two and sixty sixty one thirty thirty seven we got a second match right there twenty six and stupid number eight oh it dropped down to a one k twenty one thirty one 27 38 and 41 56 and 18. where we at i got lost 17 and 64. 22 and four 39 23 and 48. all right so what do we have i think it was okay 37 and 58 so let's see what we got underneath no way 100 bucks hold on 200 guys that's my biggest win on this ticket so far that's amazing right there so we spent a total of 240 we already are in profit territory that's amazing ticket 12 baby i told you ticket number 12. let's go yo my luck is back guys back in a serious way spent 240 there's 200 right there and then we already got what 50 is 80. so we're at 280 maybe we can still go back to back too that'd be amazing wow guys i wasn't expecting a profit session i kind of just bought some tickets to make a video to be honest with you but hey i will take profit let's go all right last ticket right here we got ticket number 11 let's see what we can do back to back let's go come on 15 47 17 51 42 48 55 and 45. we got 33 32 35 40 and 28 no dice up top we got 42 and 24 mirror in between oh wait we did go back to back holy crap i'm so busy over here thinking about a mirror and we went back to friggin back look at that i was expecting 10 and 20 on the last one so who knows what we'll get on this one but 57 41 and 21 that's awesome guys i'm so excited stupid number eight showing up again for 20k this time 58 26 39 and 25 22 49 30 53 37 20 and 60 4 31 and 13 61 and 59. 6 29 and 56 7 and 19 51 8 51 we got another match guys 51 18 and 34. all right so two matches again we got 52 or 42 oh my god y'all missed that whole half a ticket i'm so sorry that's my bad guys i'm just like i'm not thinking straight right now there's a lot going on all right um but we got 42 there and then 51 down the bottom let's see what we got under the 42 [Laughter] 20 bucks and 20 bucks for 40. okay so that's kind of what i was thinking we might get on the uh on that first ticket there so let's recap real quick we've got uh we went wow that's crazy so on both sets of four we lost on the first two tickets right so 28 27 14 and 13 and then on fastest road to a million we went ahead and got a 30 break even and then a 50 win and then gold rush we went ahead and got that beautiful 200 and then a 40. so what's that uh so this is 80 right here buck 20 so that's 320 we spent 240 so 80 in profit just on these tickets right here right here guys but now is the time that we came to really uh that y'all came to see i wanted to come to talk about let me cover that up for a minute but all right so i got out of work tonight right and if you guys don't want to watch this part don't watch this part but i personally enjoy hearing the stories of people when they win big so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to tell my story if you don't want to watch skip ahead that's fine go for it um so i got out of work tonight i was stopped in at publix right by work and i was feeling something on this fastest road ticket i don't know why i just was right um so lately i've been playing a lot more of the 20 tickets but for whatever reason i chased this right didn't do so hot i think i went three or four tickets to hit 40 bucks i played a couple other tickets and i walked out of there down maybe like 80 bucks so then i went to um i actually stopped at chihuahua so i went to one wawa um and just played some tickets i chased this i ended up um that's oh so publix was where i hit the 100 on the gold rush and then i played this as well um again nothing really i think i hit 30 on my second ticket on this um fast forward i go to another wawa um the wawa actually where i hit my second claimer ever um actually on this ticket it was my first 200x that i ever got i got on this ticket for five dollars underneath so same wawa same ticket same bin in the machine actually now that i think about it same bin in the machine so i bought uh i actually started on the gold rush on this one uh bought one ticket and lost and then i bought a second ticket and got 30 back so then i moved to fastest road because i had literally 60 left in my pocket cash um and i was like yo if i if i don't do anything i'm done right so i bought one loser right so i buy the second ticket and like i said i usually go ahead and do um the bonus down here first uh for whatever reason this time i started at the top right so i get through the whole ticket and i'm like man another freaking loser like this sucks i'm gonna have to buy another ticket i might have to go either cash a ticket in or something um so i'm kind of upset by that but then i get down the bottom right and i'm scratching so fast i'm not thinking i'm just you know at this point i'm just scratching super fast and i get that single money bag and when i get that money back guys it's 30 bucks 40 bucks nothing crazy i mean i think i hit 100 on it once but nothing crazy so um i just didn't even think about it i just scratched it off super fast and guys look at this big zeros but do you see how tight those zeros are because there's a comma there but wait there's more another freaking comma for a million dollars guys a million dollars look at that i'm a millionaire um just kidding it's gonna be about 590 after taxes and lump sum and all that but um yeah man i just couldn't believe it it was it was like the exact same thing as when i hit the 10 000 like my jaw legitimately dropped a rush came over my entire body um i just i can't even explain it to you guys i can't explain it it was the most amazing feeling i ran outside made a phone call texted a couple people like nightingale scratcher of course uh get rich or die scratching of course two of the first people i contacted um it's crazy man if you guys want to see andre make a video taking me to the claim office on this ticket let me know in the comments below um thank you guys so much for watching i'm gonna go just stare at this ticket for a little while so we got profit on these and a million freaking dollars guys a million dollars this is the third time i've seen this in like a month and a half two months because jen the barber's mom got the same thing a single money bag for a million i think hers was in the middle and then andre posted on his community post get richer die scratching posted a single match up top for a million uh the other day so i'm a millionaire guys sorta kinda in thought in theory not in reality but kinda um thank you guys for watching if you are new to the channel make sure you subscribe so you don't miss the next big win like i said i hit 10 000 like a month and a half ago now i'm hitting millions who knows what's next guys subscribe hit the notification bell check out these two videos right here for some more content and we will catch y'all next time
Channel: Scratchin’ Away
Views: 1,808,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: stTZdmonZ2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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