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[Music] hi everyone its rob here from scratch card of winners as you can check from the thumbnail yes Wow a hundred pounds worth of scratch cards on this bonus Sunday video wasn't gonna do a video but then I thought you know what I'm not doing anything at the moment so why not and the aim of doing more videos at the moment I'm trying to get to the next milestone which is the 10000 so guys come on if you're watching and you haven't subscribed hit that subscribe button let's get to that next milestone so as you can see from the thumbnail if you missed it here is we've got five of the 250,000 blues we have got for money Kingdom four of the five families and ten offence soaking up 100 pounds in total so I'm gonna start off with the two pounders and move up to the fives and as you know most of you not having very luck with the 5 pound one so I thought I'll just give it a bash let's see so here we go let's get straight into it and we have maybe not 25 25 to to 250 and 5,000 oh you put a win there's three cameras and I will try not to miss wins another last video I got so many messages it's too great so bit off the mark yeah yeah it's just what it is the camera is literally right there right in front and sometimes trying to move around it and to see a win it's not ideal but let me just see if I can like - not the screen just a touch add a bit of color there we go and on to the next card can it feel back-to-back no diamonds we've got a helicopter that doesn't help us 5,000 5,000 503 can it be can it be look at that come on is this a cake oh I thought it's gonna be a full card for a minute well we got a fight over there as well I don't think you come in anymore so there's a fiver and we've got full down there yep okay so technically it's a full card except we didn't find the birthday cake what a disappointment but I will class it as a four card let me know in the comments what you think come across as a full card and I'll definitely record but I think because so what is he gonna be no hole to use I actually thought that was gonna be something crazy but so what have we got 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 and the fired air 25 not bad not bad I will take it 25 pounds on that one so that was a nice bonus okay on to the next one you let me down okay okay so twenty-five twenty-five thousand thousand 250 250 no but he's gonna be enough to become us but it isn't so it's a loser and on to the last one of these two pound this and we've got no no no the last two pounder and that was a loser okay now we're gonna move on to the money kingdoms I tried that in the whole card in if I can yeah we go and looking for three in a row it's another card that I'm not really getting much looking at the moment I've seen it was very nice wins on these at the moment but listen I've had five not 10 not 20 not and 15 just keep moving the cards a little bit clearer to the camera I thought there might be another purse but it wasn't five not ten no no 2050 48 so it's a second one down with a Cuban on to the next one come on pie pan cards don't let me down doing so well with the two-pound ones look it's just easy with the teeth and nothing so c510 no twenty no fifty no last one of these money kingdoms let's get one win at least we've got a possibility there and there one there so let's see come on that's not one of you Bank yes what no vote no and a rolled-up teeth let's see if we got any on the bonus sides no five oh we got a ten twenty no and no 50 saw ten and five and five twenty so it's money back on the pipe and on the money Kingdom shall we say that's 20 pound wind on to monopolise five-pound cards I have to say this is probably one of the best ones I feel a mom for me anyway just not all the time I get a win on but we've got a win there I feel that you do find a bit more frequent wins on these I mean money Kingdom I come by ten and still not get a good win so what we got with a pound got any ducks no no God so we got one win there so far so five or ten and no twenty and we've got a mr. monopoly look at that Wow so we've got five that's another ten no fives no change no twenty and no mr. monopoly that time looking for tax gold and duckie so come on guys if you're watching I still have got so much more people watching the videos that are unsubscribed compared to subscribed so if you're watching and you enjoy the videos please please please hit that subscribe button and to mention there will be a competition announcement on Friday and I will be giving the prize away the following Friday so if you want to enter make sure you're subscribed I will give you details on Friday about how to enter for the competition and I'm still trying to determine what the prize is gonna be so nope no car no money bag 5:20 no come on mr. monopoly and not you did I mother come on so we had one win on the monopolies which is ten pound on to the advents see are you gonna be ten for ten losers or you're gonna give us something nice and special nothing on the second tee right onto the lusty [Laughter] okay first cards a loser on movie - I hope you guys are enjoying the videos if you are guys please hit that like button [Laughter] I mean two puddings I forgot another one two stars okay come on be more than five weeks ten and ten will be great and it is 10 and 10 you asked for it you shall receive so that's 20 pound window okay now I'm asking please don't let that be the only wind let's have a couple more before we finish these these eight cards left [Laughter] [Laughter] okay [Laughter] [Laughter] I know so come on don't let that twenty pound be the only wind I don't even think we've got our money back yet yeah let's find a few more here no you don't just wanna double double I know that's what I asked but let's have a few more wins yeah let's get it to forty pounds at least or if you want to give me a twenty double that would be nice look that's the only one so double-double is gonna give us ten quid just one time I'm still waiting for that time but I scratch off autosave reveals something absolutely amazing a thousand or even a jackpot there we've got two candles two chocolates so we've got two candles and two chocolates and that is gonna give us [Music] yeah soso waiting for that moment turn up and just gonna find the right card I guess guys before I forget I have gonna check out the Facebook page go and add over there got quite a lot of people over there now posting pictures of their wins I do sometimes I have pictures of my wins it's quite cool I don't know why it's getting really big over there I think I've got almost 7,000 likes on the Facebook page so it's gonna jump over there the link will be down below I'm gonna check it out okay I think this is the last tuna one more even if it's a fiber wing before we finish no not once our last card guys can this one give us the fiber as I said we're not being greedy just want to see some small wins which is good because they all I don't I know it's always nice to get that one big wind yeah there it is look to us [Laughter] the two huts not gonna give us the fiver we asked for it we got it so there we go guys hope you enjoyed that video my hand is absolutely aching okay let's add all these up that's five 15 15 25 35 45 45 55 55 65 75 75 80 90 102 pounds look at that two pound profit after all that it could have gone told to leave the opposite way we could have had a hundred pound loss but we actually made profit Wow who would who would believe we'd actually make a profit I know it's only two pound profit but still profit suppose if you enjoyed the video please please please give it a big thumbs up and once again if you're watching and you've not yet subscribed come on trying to get to that 10k mark handsome reason for the big videos now so come on guys hit that subscribe button I will now see you on Friday - announcer competition so please guys check it out and I'll see you soon
Channel: Scratchcard Winners
Views: 297,805
Rating: 4.520143 out of 5
Keywords: national lottery, scratchcard winners, winning scratchcards, scratchcard, scratch cards, jackpot win, new scratchcards, full pack, scratchers, uk scratchcards, big win scratchcards, full card wins, google, youtube, facebook
Id: NhCD_u0qn7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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