Mega Easter scratchcard special

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[Music] hi this is paul from santa mothers and this is my mega easter scratch card hunt okay we're hunting for big money okay we've got 500 pounds worth this is a big video um smash the thumbs up button if you can please that'd be great um yeah i hope everyone's having a good easter uh yeah let's do this here we go again now you might see that i got a bit carried away with these i didn't realize how carried away i was getting well there's a fair few of these but let's just hope for the best they we're open for three of those on the same card good start times two but 10 grids very nice all the same four four two two two oh pretty much identical to where the symbols have gone but we've got no two pound this time it'd be nice if that was that'd be nice for the 10 and 10. and not two and two i think they ruined it by getting all rid of that five i really do but hey i do like this card now 250 250 40 40 10 100. i've had one times ten and it'd be nice to see another one today 250 250 22 to 200 220. [Music] 20. [Music] twenty twenty five thousand five thousand times one two pound 20 20 200 200 440 away nice 2 2 2 52 50 40 40. times one for the first set of cards not too bad you know not too bad at all right we are now on to cheeky little tenner that would have been run that no no chickaletta for you [Music] not even a tease how dare you yeah thought i'd rip off this card off just for the crack oh come on properties in that tenor thanks for the two quid cheers cheers [Music] not even 300 grand nice is it something i'll be shocked if we haven't got tenor coming up i'll be shocked if we haven't [Music] hmm so far we've had two quid gives me two quid out of 12 cards that's not very nice is it no last card looks like he's gonna could have given me a tenant wow wow wow wow wow how now brown cow she can have a quick check back through there to make sure i haven't missed nothing because i'm a bit surprised at that right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no [Music] shocking shocking guarantees no the next card after that was a winner right here we go here we go again diamonds are forever twenty twenty two fifty two fifty two two times one ten quid now and again not always two five thousand five thousand twenty twenty two fifty are one oh start it off so good four four two fifty fifty one thousand one thousand times one [Music] five five one one four and ten i'm not starting him off at the top today how about finishing all the way down give it to 50 40 40 10 100. what about times five then for a tenner i ain't asking too much is it four four one hundred one hundred twenty two [Music] 1k 1k 40 40 200 and 100 220 250 250 44 one hundred one hundred hundred hundred thousand thousand two dude [Music] too quick two two forty forty twenty there's a surprise [Music] 18 7 25 26 22 [Music] free 11 down 24 little hours 22. we need more than these two quids and four quids we need to be seeing some 20s and some 40s some hundreds 27. next we the front door let's need another win it's gonna be two and two no no two and two for the four 24 25 come on we know 15. nope last couple of times pardon me we've done all right on these 15. [Music] 12. 21 number one all right two cards left we've got to see a winner it's gotta be at least the five for surely one couple of quid down to the last oh [Music] yeah close awkward close but not close enough man back to these for some diamonds let's see at times 10 uh what we got 20 20 000.14 you look like we see a cheeky little suitcase today after a tunnel maybe little times two two two [Music] 100 for 40 40. [Music] 200 200 20 20 to 250. right we're gonna say four quid times ten oh nasty today first look good four four f twenty twenty forty two two 10 10 4 4 220. i don't even see the diamond on these set yet forty forty two to five thousand one thousand hey another two pound oh nope another four pound 10 10 nope two two two two four four two fifty okay right we're now on to spin 100. ready for some disappointment this card is a disappointment you'll be lucky if you win four quid office cards we have a win times two for two quid times one four two quid [Music] [Music] hmm so wow your two pound cards really let me down today shocking so far one shut the front door a fiver and that is the first fiver of the day as well oh my god i thought was gonna have a win on them right two days that's all we could get 5 and 30. [Music] close with a 29 [Music] six and two six is there nice if it's a fiver and a fiver it is look at that you buy two of cards and you get a fiver you buy 12 and you get two quid what can i say guys what can i say right we're back to win all and i want to win all here we go 16 short started off and 16 in the last lot 12 17 26 nip two seven nine 24 [Music] 25 27 number nine 28. oh [Music] 14. number one number one 17 24 18 really really 13 i'm lucky for some free 22 28. this is going to be a winner surely 14. if i get a win it's two quid have we had a win out of these oh we haven't yet 23 no what we've got left four left so they we've had eight cards with no win hey yeah it wants to be a far renault should be a tenno and this be another color five isn't it at all two left 24 i don't think we're ever gonna see that win all i really don't night sounds like a gorilla sorry about the net click needed that 200 200 and that is it for a pair they must have really made some serious two pound droppies on this 100 two fifty two fifty hundred hundred two hundred and ten times five oh my oh killing here killing me two two two 5k 5k and then a load of holy crap twenty two hundred five thousand five thousand one thousand one thousand two two just hit [Music] 440. 20 20 250 250 5000. last one 10 10 250 250 22. part of me right we're now gold sevens yep [Music] i think we need a coin seven coin for a hundred quid no that's seven coin coin for two quid fivers needed [Music] come on give me a tenner at least two boom boom gonna give me a little bluey there couldn't that come on all right last one of these 10 quid oh and it could have done it as well but it chose not to it chose not to right this is our last set of two pound cards let's say they do better than the rest here we go four four four times ten times five twenty quid nice yeah that's nice good start let's get some more um two batches of 40 that's it 5k 5k 100 200 250 four five thousand five thousand twenty twenty times two two quid thousand thousand two ten two fifty two fifty 200 200 [Music] spy yes times ten times one's all right times two would have been better 200 four four two and five thousand 250 40 42 200. [Music] one more cheeky little wind reckon 2020 and then nothing 200 200 and then nothing nothing nothing right so two pounders they didn't go fantastic today but we have quite a few one five pounders so fingers crossed eh nice nice start nice 10 pound mat 10 and 10 thank you very much so nope hmm all right come on cheeky little tunnel for this one ships were nearly oh naughty helicopter all right come on [Music] no ok let's do this full car number 15 boom 21 29 6. eight yeah 34 nope nope yes boom right what do we have 15 for 5 and eight for five twenty quid nice nice nice 25. oh 26 7 8. thirty two thirteen my legs right thirty seven 14 13. 23. [Music] boom no two more of these to go let's see some winners 19. 18 13. this is the one eleven thought i'd called him for a minute then 25. eight thirteen [Music] thirty four yep [Music] all right okay [Music] uh [Music] mad [Music] nope so nope so so all right this is the last one of these locked it's been nice to get a tunnel nice give me another win as well surprise me give me another set of red sevens it's not how you're greedy there's no way you'll get another set all right here we go for antenna ten's better than nothing though isn't it different shop obviously oh [Music] nice oh hmm need a 50-pound win come on [Music] a few more wins down the bottom then come on yeah yeah remember that being 10 god knows what but there you go 20 quid still not a million 20 quid where we are there 20. night [Applause] now we got some silver yep five and five nice tink weird okay hundred thousand pounds a month free nice channel spiders oh dabbing a couple more days to go maybe another wind somewhere okay still got a few cards left right you don't see one of these down here not seen them yet nope so winner winner 10 and 10 9 5 5. chips them it's huh nope nice oh gonna make it a full card around the middle anyway trees are in another couple down here come on yes that's what we'd like to see 10 quid 5 quid and 10 quid 20 quid very nice a little cheeky five of them can't ask for too much [Music] nope okay fair enough 29 39 number one number two oh a bag nineteen now this bag for a hundred pounds 28 27 15 number one 29. we've had a 20 in that corner for a while now boom phase 6 12. 33 24 four nip okay i've got two more to go predictions on this one will be 10 pounds and five pounds on the next one and my winds will be there and oh i can see there but i'm gonna go there here we go two thirteen oh 29 15. 19 no no no okay last one of these number one 26 11. [Music] 19 nope let's have a little sit back and make sure to say a winner oh yeah let's do this nice five pounds [Music] yep hey [Music] so no ships today son i don't know this managed to sneak in there but it did 26 33 36 22 23 18. oh look at 21. [Music] now [Music] what about a cheeky little fiver nah oh close to the 10 but it wasn't it was 16. right let's see some sevens three of them in a row same color i hate this card why do i buy them such a crap card it is it is shocking card never seen more than 20 quid i don't think it doesn't even tease you enough oh crap yeah we want a fiver five pounds of this great british money still two of these left crap things right there we have a really morning okay so oh nice not enough of them in this video i know that not enough at all we have three cards left and they're all written here we go number nine 23. eleven twenty one four no no no one no comment 39. 37 22 baggy 30. make the bag 20 pounds 10 is not too bad right last card here we go 17 22 three four seen two bags in a row i think 23 fiver bag for 20. a fiver right now we're gonna work out how much we got how much millions uh i don't think it's millions paul no no no you never know all right okay here we go ready 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 40 48 42 sorry 52 56 [Music] 56 66 76 86 96 101 pound 10 121 131 141 151 161 171 171 and then 100 quid there 271 pounds literally 21 pounds over half money back but i think we had some unlucky things with him two pounders there it wouldn't have been so bad because i think three lots of them two pounders if not more had like twos and four quids in and only had to have a little bit more but yeah anyway i enjoyed it it's not the greatest but it could have been a lot worse so it is what it is and i'll do it for my enjoyment and your enjoyment i hope you enjoyed it if you did smash the thumbs up button see if we can get it 2000 likes and i will see you all very soon happy easter have a good bank holiday weekend peace [Music] you
Channel: Scratchcard King
Views: 68,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lottery, top, prize, win, won, scratchcard, sunday, PLAY, YOUR, SCRATCHCARD, RIGHT, EPISODE, SCRATCHCARDS, HOOK, DUCK, Scratchcard, United, Kingdom, the, national, big, Sunday, (Day, Of, Week, new, ones, jackpot, sandwell, vlogs, scratch, off, cards, sandwellmobiles, snakes, Laddlers
Id: 9LFE0Tpb27I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 35sec (4355 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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