Full Movie| FAIRY TAIL THE MOVIE: Phoenix Priestess (English Dub)

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] l l [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we want to find these creeps we got to go up to that old fortress at the top of the hill you're pretty gung-ho about this one huh you bet we've been on a major hot streak lately so this is going to be a piece of cake yeah are you ready to take out some bad guys happy just speat up Don't Be Afraid get start I got to [Music] t how [Music] [Music] cross speed out speed out speed up just speed up don't be a get start I got [Applause] to she's [Music] so so these clowns call themselves What Again The Gangs called the bakus bandits but the real Target is their leader geese the job was posted by the mayor himself so the reward is going to be huge wow Lucy you get the craziest look on your face when you start talking about money shut it flea bag let's keep our focus on the task at hand hey urza yes what is it I don't know but doesn't this place seem too quiet [Applause] well it was quiet sorry punks but you came to the wrong part of town and you got here just when we were looking for something to feed the sharks these jerks know how to get me fired up don't forget we're here for their boss he's the target we have to capture him if we want the reward is everybody clear we're going to get some money we're going to get some cash we're going to get some yep she's lost her mind let's get him spread out [Music] notu is your partner you know shouldn't you be following him instead I just got to make sure somebody's looking out for you beautiful ladies want to share fish with me definitely not and we ladies can take care of ourselves thank you all right you asked for it Sky Dragon I'm sorry for bothering you [Music] whoie get back here the sharks are getting hungry are they well then I'm going to grill something up real good for them fire [Music] [Applause] dragon I do crap sorry happy if you know what's good for you you'll hand over geese this instant you're crazy if you think we're going to ran out our boss lady quite admirable seems you have some honor after all in that case prepare yourselves for battle [Music] now what the hell did she do take her [Applause] down now then where can I find Gees my mistake it seems I overdid [Music] it there we go snack time fire dragon wing attack a which one of you losers goes by the name geese these guys don't know when to quit do they ice make [Music] floor Now where's geese who's talking cold you want to play huh yeah I'll play with you I don't want him neither do I that's [Music] enough that's what he gets for turning me into barbecue earlier score one for karma now do you want to tell me where geese is hiding or do you want to tell it to the ra in ball no I know the lady's got a totally rocking body but you got to give her some room I appreciate the help tus but how the heck am I supposed to question them now got to put you at to [Applause] pasture how about this one open gate of the lion Loki I got this don't worry your pretty little head regulus Gatling imp not what I wanted come on beautiful it only takes two people to have a meaningful conversation you [Music] [Music] knowy help me there's a ton of bad guys all over the place but your tummy is always your worst [Music] enemy is that him that's him I got this one Lucy yep I told you she was [Music] gung-ho you are not getting away sweet right into a dead end reward money here I come no way hey no fair I need money so you're telling me you idiots managed to wreck my beautiful town and that geese lunatic is still on the loose yes sir I take responsibility he may still be at large but his Gang has been routed I wanted the boss and you claudes call yourselves a guild you're more like a circus act a bunch of clowns no reward for you I'm sorry you guys this was my fault don't worry we're all in this together yeah we win or lose as a team right pal and when we arrive back home the master will punish us as a team yeah we know speaking of you I was afraid that you weren't coming back I'm sorry I know you said that you'd stay forever an unusual amount of magic power has been detected in the mountain region north of Fior an investigation is underway to determine the source but preliminary reports indicate the blast was strong enough to obliterate two mountain peaks what's more we have reason to believe this was only a small fraction of its full power our biggest concern is that its power Rivals that of zerif a troubling thought to say the least yes but that kind of power could spell the world's destruction at any rate we cannot Overlook it which is precisely why I've summoned The Guild Masters here we need our best Minds working together a collection of our best minds and biggest blo hards I'd say listen think you can handle [Music] this [Laughter] since I like you I'll give you my special loyal customer discount all right Magnolia Your Heroes are back I always miss this place when we go hey we've been on the road for a while so before we go back to the Guild Hall I'm going to go home and freshen up see you guys in a bit well she's not fooling me with that poor Lucy she'll be fine Lucy has always been a quick one to bounce back [Applause] [Music] where cheers that's a real man for you yo natu did you get the bad guys or what nope this one got away just like our reward my beloved gray I'm so glad glad you've returned yeah good to see you oh gray every time that you're away the guild seems as empty as an ocean without water and it seems he's returned without that blonde bimbo in to you got to watch that talking to yourself everyone says the mind's the first thing to go when you start getting old but I'm not old is Master here he got called into some kind of last minute council meeting so it's probably going to be a while I see h well I'll just do better next time Clair are you okay yeah are you all right oh please help us you got to help my friend [Music] declare [Music] so it's actually quite simple if I were to take my family's prized Phoenix Stone and then reunite it with its long missing twin something rather extraordinary will happen now it seems the twin has been found in the hands of some common girl my principality of Veronica is soon to celebrate 400 years of existence and my wish is to put these sacred Stones together at the ceremony and Dazzle my adoring subjects with the spectacle to follow what better Display of Power than to perform the impossible before their very eyes we will gladly Aid you in this endeavor Duke cream how you have but one task I ask your carbunkle guild take the Stone from that lowly wretch and bring it to me you'll be rewarded handsomely see that our 400th anniversary is a success and you'll get 400 million 400 mil's a lot of Jewel yes indeed and all for snatching up the Stone from a girl at the beest of the boy Duke apparently the child has far more money than Common Sense I'll take some of it off his hands go chase the Phoenix Stone we are both the glittering Garnet Jewel and the creature that lurks in the shadows and when this is done we shall be considerably richer here you go thank you maybe She fainted earlier just because she was hungry who is that girl I don't know what's with that big baby bird thing I'm not sure but it seems like it's her friend looks more like dinner to me don't you dare you're are very kind you should be all fixed up thank you but I would be fine with or without the meal huh my word now now you know better than to say things like that please forgive her uh it's fine don't worry I'm momon and this is a clair I took her under my wing just a couple of years ago you took her in my name is Lucy it's nice to meet [Music] you my name is Natsu I'm what you call a dragon slayer Welcome to our guildy Claire and I'm happy you want to bite a fish you're all very kind come momon right wait what's wrong you're heading toward a forest watch out great sadness awaits you there a forest within the boundary Forest that's right deep within the boundary Forest that's where it is I don't think you want to go there come M I'm coming hold on wait a second where are you going the boundary Forest but that place is super dangerous everyone says it's crawling with monsters still I must go there why I don't know it's calling to me and I can't ignore it fine we'll go along with you to keep you safe we are Wizards you know I'm not very fond of magic huh now be nice because magic brings tremendous sorrow with it you think it brings sorrow well I know it can bring joy so let me come with you yeah me too you're going to love magic after seeing what the two of us can do with it we shall accompany you as well why not we got nothing else to do [Music] awesome well it' be nice to have some company careful not to ruin my boots man hey Wendy can't you use your motion sickness spell the more I use it the less it works so I probably shouldn't I'm sorry just try and bear with it until we reach the Rose Garden station why does my tummy hate me so much so olir where do you come from originally I honestly don't know I don't have any clear memories of it oh like some form of Amnesia perhaps that's it the odd thing is what I do remember is that I have never cared much for wizards especially the nosy kind shame on you although she lacks social graces she's a good person at heart so forgive her rudeness pointless chatter yeah she's [Music] great [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa this place is awesome there's magic practically everywhere you look yo Happy let's grab some grub hi sir it's sh time what a bone head now we don't need to check in until later on this evening so let's go have some fun for a little [Music] [Applause] while [Music] he [Music] l [Music] [Applause] [Music] he your room keys yes just a moment please thank you well Lura seems like she's in a way better mood than usual I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the wedding dress she bought earlier what problem I wonder what the deal is with this girl girl I'm all done in there if you want the shower Clair listen I'm sure that I can get another room if you don't want me staying in here with you I don't mind sharing you and I are alike we both have the same look in our eyes what do you mean by that your eyes they serve as a window into your past they tell me you've known sadness I never thought I'd see that in a magic user my eyes tell you that m the calm acquiescence of a captive with a terrifying thrill of prey choose what no I'm not here for you run now not do you know what this guy wants from you above [Music] us he Claire Lucy are you okay talk to me go forth and seek her blood o blade of mine [Music] glare guys thank God you're here who the hell are you knowing will not help you get back here you stay here and make sure she's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir come on you bastard come forward my starving Claws and Fe a crap up we go [Music] you're going to wish that you kept on running fa tale is it he disappeared so do you know why he's after you did this trigger any kind of memory at least hey is everyone okay what was that that about I don't know someone's after her what you feel a breeze out here your freaky stripping habits never been contagious before has it uh if it is I could think of worse things close your eyes [Music] perverts take this Stone travel far to the boundary Forest there you will find the great wizard card see that this Stone meets his hands I think this must be what my pursuer was after he wanted that stone I do sense A peculiar power emanating from it this card the name is unfamiliar to me so what's the deal do you know what's special about it she told me she has no memory of its significance but she's had it for as long as she can remember my past is blank like an untouched canvas just white nothingness spreading out nothing to remind me who I am or the reasons why I keep going but lately the image has been filling in slowly this Stone must be a clue to my past I bet this card guy knows something we got to go find him and ask you don't by any chance happen to know where we can find card do you I do but I'm not quite sure who he is or if I can still see him even if it's too late I must go [Music] [Music] [Applause] there you certainly didn't do much protecting well oh man I seriously need a fish after all that you look so yumy can't be serious open gate of the water Bearer Aquarius hey ugly why don't you swallow this you've pulled me out of some dank holes before but this one Takes the Cake you okay Lucy yeah just peachy someone said a monster deterrent although not recently it would seem does that mean we're almost there whoa he lives here there's a great wizard in this [Music] place it looks super old more like ancient Hey [Music] look [Music] this looks more like the home of a wizard you find something that's me a picture from when I was a small child are you sure get away from itair so you've come if this message is in fact reaching your ears child then what I was told is indeed true many people came here searching for you survivors of fire Village told me of the events that transpired it brought me great joy to hear you'd survived however when I think of your [Music] fate hold on what's he mean by that oh my darling sweet aair the time we shared together blessed me with the most precious memories of my entire life alas as fate would have at the people of fire Village needed you to serve as maiden and I was given the task of dispelling the Phoenix Stones dispel magic nullification I have no doubt that you are a most spectacular [Music] Maiden my dispel magic was finally completed but I fear I shall never have the chance to use [Music] it I've fallen ill I will clutch dearly to is the life I have remaining until you return bearing the stone but if you are seeing this oh CLA he's already gone so sad I have a simple prayer that happiness finds you and you find people that care deeply for you darling aair my dear beloved daughter father I'm here [Music] no luck we looked through every book and stack of paper down there but we couldn't find anything about his dispel magic I see the real issue is the spell that's been cast cast on the Phoenix Stone kellard made a point of mentioning his work on trying to lift it from the stone that tells me it was particularly Troublesome and perhaps particularly [Music] malevolent [Music] I know how you feel I lost my father not too long ago and I wasn't able to be there by his [Music] side he wanted you to find happiness and people who care for you that was his final wish he Claire you found one of those people in [Music] me I'd like to make a formal request of the fairy tale guild my father spent his final days trying to rid the Phoenix stones of the curse they carry will you help me to achieve it we most gladly accept it's our pleasure I sir you have my thanks we have paid The Wretched toll of many lost lives but the Phoenix has been sealed away the twin Phoenix stones are Testament to this act and it is because of them that we can have true peace can't say it looks that dangerous to me maybe breaking the stone will break the curse now that's using your brain let me see fire dragon wing attack natu you idiot do you seriously call that using your brain it wasn't my idea if it were truly that simple to break don't you think card would have done that real smooth the other Stone do you happen to know whatever became of it or where it is now I'm not certain but I think that it was stolen in a raid by Veronica I've heard of that before Veronica is the name of a country that's north of F and it's super tiny [Music] who in the hell are you we are known as carbuncle the garnet adorned a beast that's forever lurking in the shadows and you may call me d noay down you bastard yo pretty boy you're just in time for a hot date with the cannon say what is this my newest rival for the love of my darling gray you will never win the heart of my beloved so don't even try uh you got the wrong idea lady liar those will pass through me for I am water Magic Bullets pick up the real man what pitiful excuses for takeovers keep the Clair safe yeah I promise s now it appears that even tatana knows her place is to kneel before the great coordinator she requests bow down they're too strong hey Jen you need to run and get the master but I got to stay here and protect Levy just take her somewhere safe on your way to get him oh yeah they may need me [Music] here there she is Lucy M no please don't take her to think this beauty will endure forever more I wonder how dist is fairing I couldn't help her when she needed me they took her and all I could do was watch it happen I got to go try and save her you will but you're too hurt now those bastards destroyed our Guild Hall and kid kidnapped one of our friends they are messing with the wrong Guild they're going to pay for this how unfortunate they gave us a beating we won't soon forget you're damn right so now what what do we do please forgive me master I wasn't able to protect the guild for you hey Master did Jet tell you what happened here um no was he supposed to H here I come I'll be right there there's been some unusual magic power reported recently so we investigated it and we ended up in this puny Little Country it was called Veronica air was talking about that place she told us she thought that they were the ones who had stolen the other Phoenix Stone The Guild was attacked by carbuncle their mercenaries they were hired by Veronica's du cream we overheard them talking about getting a large amount of money for abducting a girl named Play We also heard that Veronica is throwing a 400th birthday party tomorrow and this Duke cream is going to make some fireworks by putting the two Phoenix Stones together what will that do there happens to be an ancient legend about those stones it says that when the Two Become One the fiery Phoenix Will Spring forth from its Eternal prison and apparently give you eternal life as a thank you gift it'll make you live forever when the people of fire Village sealed away the Phoenix many years ago countless lives were lost I can't imagine the Havoc that demon would create where it released today all we have to do is dispel the magic from one of the stones to keep that thing from ever coming back that's why card was so worried about being there and was waiting for her to bring him the stone if cre does this he'll have the Phoenix's power and be able to do whatever he wants without the fear of death stopping him if the Phoenix were to go on a rampage just like what happened last time the Duke Will Survive the attack but he'll be the only one we won't let that happen let me go I need to at least try to rescue a clair she was crying so I held her she still couldn't stop trembling it was so much that I was shaking too this isn't just about the stone or about the Phoenix it cla's life is at stake she's just a girl like me when she found out that her father had died she cried just like I did she needs our help we can't abandon her I see you can go öa you choose who goes with her right keep it small and efficient Veronica may not be a large country but we cannot afford to go to war with them of course Master hey Wendy I'm going to need your Troya spell this time yeah so that means I'll have to go with you then I'm going to wherever gray goes I will follow I sir we shall hope for the best best while still preparing for the worst I will return to the council at once and give my report godp speed everybody oh what perfect timing this is exactly what I was hoping for a fitting anniversary gift for my kingdom listen to me you mustn't revive the Phoenix man cannot control its destructive power that's not true for I can do whatever I please now you listen to me I will repay you for your troubles by ending your miserable life you have till tomorrow that wench dared to strike me I have a feeling her comrades may try and fetch her I shall have my men at the ready see that you do you mean to tell us the stones weren't just a legend indeed nor was the Phoenix's rebirth nor the power of eternal life the principality of Veronica will use all of these and their bid to conquer the kingdom of fiure that's absurd they don't have the resources to wage an attack that's precisely why they have to resort to using such powerful ancient magic just what are you suggesting that we should launch a preemptive strike on one of the smallest Sovereign Nations I'll tell you what I suggest in fact I'm making an official request of the magic Council in accordance with article 27 of the national security directive I ask you to issue a threat elimination order so as to secure the citizens lives and property it's the only way to prevent this Monster's return know your place sir we need to examine all relevant information before we act I told you we don't have that kind of [Applause] time damn those Outsiders trying to Curry favor with his grace by the sacred blood of antiquity I order thee to stagger forth open and reveal [Music] thyself it won't be long we're coming [Music] eclair noair your age is far too tender life is not yet through with you I see move now now I understand I've come full circle the end at the beginning Legends will be born yeah tell me who goes there the gates closed for the night we're fairy tale and we say it's open you better get out of our way once we're Beyond this gate our mission is to find aair and bring her to safety let's do it your grace do not trouble yourself my loyal lap dogs will do all the Barking as well as bite you [Music] again so we meet again good because I had something I wanted to tell you what's that how should I say this your taste in clothing is atrocious what a coincidence I was going to say exactly the same to you so let it [Applause] up I was hoping that we could fool the guards that they think we were just a couple of girls with their cats but it looks like they're from the car buker Guild you scared no sir I'm actually not scared at all we're trying to help someone here tonight you know so we got to be brave Wendy and I will handle this group here you go on ahead Lucy I owe you one let's [Music] go so the Castle's just Northwest of here you got to have something that tastes better than that hurry it up Juvia I am this is wonderful all this time I've only dreamed of going for a Moonlight stroll with my beloved gray get out you how very bold of you hey pretty boy you Can't Get Enough can you if you think gray would ever fallen up with a meat head like you you'd better be ready to answer to me first you'll never come between us simmer down okay wait what in the world would possess you to take your clothes off in front of that man some kind of lover spat water slicer time to make some crushed I we got to get out of here fireworks already hold on to CLA I'll be there as soon as I can you there stop at once open gate of the maiden Fargo hello princess do you wish to punish me for interrupting the celebration I might if you don't stop those guys yes of [Applause] course [Applause] got princess you must hurry thanks a lot and please be careful CLA being with you you I made so many good memories M on I promise I promise I'm going to try and make it up to you I want you to make more good memories so I'll save you that's it no a low life like you who likes hurting people how many does it take to you you've had enough let me see how taking one more life feels yours it would appear that the garnet has clearly outshone the flame undo [Music] give it up how precious at home in your quaint peasant Rags so this is what appeals to you does it very [Music] funny [Music] ah an outfit for the theater she's able to undo my requipping because my focus is weak shut out everything but the battle You're simply outclassed since I'm bored let's get straight to the finale now time to stop hiding hope you're ready for a blood [Music] B nobody gets away with wrecking the fairy tale killed we take revenge come on C [Music] Excalibur he's done let's go yes darling Oh My bride Thou Art now mine and mine alone the great and all powerful Phoenix I am not worthy of such Heavenly favor the gods themselves decreed our Union wherefore this hesitation thine hand shall fall into mine my my what truly impeccable timing Thou Art mine and mine alone the gods have decreed our Union so wherefor this hesitation yes I'll [Music] play I'm godone I'd much rather be slicing a wedding cake but you will have to do please that just sounds ridiculous what I can't undo her equip impossible never underestimate the will of a [Music] bride it's like your bride form wouldn't take no for an answer it's sad you must be desperate to get married aren't you what no that's not [Applause] true I am one with the Shadows everywhere and nowhere feeding on the sins of [Music] man damn [Applause] you Child's [Music] Play they don't call me black steel God shield for nothing pal even my guts are stronger than [Music] I I don't know which Shadow you're hiding behind so I guess I'll just have to tear up every single one of them [Music] happy think you can do this I I can fly at least then let's go hi sir where are they loyal subjects tonight let us make Merry to commemorate this occasion I have gathered the Phoenix Stones stop this you cannot let those St make contact you will be silenced soon enough Your Grace oh you're in for a real show now to honor our beloved Veronica on this sacred year I shall give her the gift that will sustain her through time without end this is madness the Phoenix must not be revived oh Empire's Divine pillar oh twins so long a drift ye shall again be made one you can do whatever you want with me but the Phoenix stones must not be United I beg of [Music] [Music] you don't do [Music] it we're coming [Music] [Applause] natu happy thanks for all you've done it's time for me to save aair like I [Music] promised I'm here Clair just hold on a little longer Mighty Phoenix come to me now bless me with the blood that grants life eternal your blood in mine what a wretched thought to imagine a child so full of ignorant vanity such as yourself being granted immortality what did you say you are not worthy this gift would not be wasted were it given to me be given to you now gaze upon your new ruler one whose Reign shall endure forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] more such a strange glow the light of the Phoenix Revival Master what have you brought with you our upper hand the magic council's given their permission to use use [Music] it let the council be [Music] damned oh mighty Phoenix bless me with the blood that grants life eternal what creature is this that's no Firebird but still it must have blood the Phoenix blood will be [Applause] mine the power is insane she's still alive and where is momon here he flew into the fire to save you he tried so hard thank you just get her to someplace safe okay there is no safe place anymore and unless we can stop the Phoenix there's no hope for anyone we hold dear they'll die I understand now let's do it happy I sir oh mighty Phoenix now bless me with life eternal your blood is mine the blood of the Phoenix is the tears it sheds when sealed away it's pointless stop right there don't interfere are you doing all this just so more people can [Applause] die it's going to be okay everybody please try and remain calm hey aren't you supposed to be some kind of wizard why aren't you doing anything to stop that creature we'll handle that thing for you who the hell are you fairy tale keep moving this way don't worry we just need to get Wendy to come and heal you don't bother but CLA you're hurt I'm fine and I remember everything all that happened what Veronica was built on top of the ruins of fire Village that was where I lived long ago I don't understand it was burned to the ground 400 years ago the night I was given eternal life although your life has been spared I feel what awaits you may prove to be a fate worse than death I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me it was Folly to worship the Phoenix Stones as we did and we have paid the ultimate price for it we must ensure that others cannot make this same mistake no matter the cost you must dispel it if this cannot be done the stone must be destroyed the horrors it invokes are far too great you will live until you see that it vanishes from this world perhaps as a result from the blood of the Phoenix my memory had been wiped clean I carried the stone with me not knowing why wandering aimlessly throughout the countryside I drifted for what seemed like an eternity time marked only by the graves of those I held close to my heart an ocean of Tears between us 400 years an expansive time no one should endure now I understand what you meant when you said magic brings sorrow this curse that I carry was brought about by Magic and it's caused me nothing but [Music] pain let's go come on it's dangerous here but I know I'll live through it you should just leave me here no way I would never do that nobody in my guild would ever just leave a friend of ours behind it's no good we're going to have to get in way closer but then we'll be closer to him too let's move in damn it where the hell is zura right now wait here till I give the signal I will go and search for a clair [Music] right why won't you die let your blood spring forth so I may be Crown ruler for all time not going to [Music] happen it's [Music] hopeless looks like I got you you dare touch [Music] me I'll never understand people like you people who only want to spread bear [Applause] hey there so we meet again what the heck are you doing here word on the street was this Duke had some kind of special Stones thought they'd be worth a bundle so I came to check it out but I don't think I'll be getting my hands on them after all do we live in a crazy small world or what huh you were just trying to collect a bounty on me for stealing but if you would have caught me back then I wouldn't be here right now to catch you and there goes my C to leave glad to be of service you owe me one sweetheart well see you you're quite special you make a connection with every person that you meet just as you did with me you don't have what it takes takes inside to be a ruler the only thing you need to rule is power and I will possess absolute power when I'm granted eternal life I will be an immortal God among men and will rule over the entire world it'll be wasted on you cuz you don't know the first thing about life I know how to end [Music] it you hurt my friends what what will you do about it I'm going to make sure you don't hurt anybody ever again it's not [Music] soon let's rock it in very machine gun Leon dark getu [Music] SL natu you're just wasting time be a real fairy tale Wizard and kick that guy's [Music] ass I still don't have the Phoenix blood you don't have any respect for human life but I will live for all eternity do it now not do so there's no way in hell I'm going to let a guy like you live forever yes he beat him yeah budy it ain't over he may have been able to take down D but we've still got the Phoenix on our hands what do we do we'll have to work together like we always do you guys look like you need a couple of Helping Hands you're right we all came here we decided to say screw the small team idea a real man isn't afraid to get his hands dirty you'll need some help with that monster all right let's get to it it looks like the gang's all here then let's get back to work hi [Music] [Music] sir I'll show you what a real man can do you're here you see you make lasting friendships yeah and just like the one I've made with you I cherish them after all these years all the pain that I've been through it's nice to feel happiness again you deserve it what's wrong it's the Phoenix it's Gathering Power from everybody around it what the what's happening I don't think I can fly for much longer we can't give up yet little buddy what's wrong with me I feel so weak all of a sudden it's not you the Phoenix steals power it will take all the magic power it can and use it to destroy the world this can't be happening we can't let that thing use all that power I don't understand why it's the nature of the Phoenix to be reborn it must first be destroyed the whole world must burn then it alone Will Rise From the Ashes seriously that's why it must be stopped no matter what sacrifice must be made P wouldn't you agree Miss eclair but how the people from fire Village are gone and their technique to seal it is lost so how can we do it we will not seal it but destroy it 400 years ago the great wizard card completed work on a magic weapon that was to be used against the Phoenix it was called The Arrow of Evil's destru struction it was entrusted to the council he did could this be the dispel magic he spoke of it is extremely powerful it will completely annihilate the Phoenix however you should know that anyone who's consumed its blood will disappear along with it they will öa will fire this Arrow when I give the [Applause] signal [Music] she never heard a CLA like that I chose not to disclose that fact to her this will be my sin to Bear alone go ahead you have my blessing what are you saying no please don't do it Master Lucy it's for the best it's not what how can you say that I've had a long long life I don't want it to last forever I will always be with you the memories that we made together those will never die I promise it's such a special gift so thank you [Music] Lucy I know momon is waiting for me peek out and destroy the evil please [Music] [Music] [Applause] no Clair talk to meair there but why C what now things just got much worse didn't they if it makes impact everyone will die natu save [Music] them somebody help her [Music] I'm glad to have met you truly no CLA please don't go [Music] Lucy promise me you'll cherish our [Music] [Applause] memories don't leave [Music] me I thank you natu Lucy needs you now help mend her [Music] heart goodbye but before we go I want everyone in fairy tales to know how much you helped [Music] us I didn't know she'd die we lost her we lost a clar natu this magic only caused sadness is that really true if magic is what made me cry there's got to be a way it can make me stop crying [Laughter] too at the very end eair was smiling she was don't worry we're all in this [Laughter] [Music] together [Music] look [Music] [Music] so know [Music] you [Music] you [Music] she to [Music] to [Music] oh yeah [Music] she keep keep [Music] you [Music] me [Music] to good [Music] to King and I [Music] keep [Music] you to [Music] keep K [Music] me what beautiful Magic [Music]
Channel: Anime Manga Official
Views: 182,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, animation, manga, comic, japan, japanese anime, japanese comic, kodansha, official, FAIRYTAIL, FAIRYTAILTHEMOVIE, FAIRYTAILTHEMOVIE:PhoenixPriestess, PhoenixPriestess, HIROMASHIMA, 講談社, weeklyshonenmagazine, fullmovie, 劇場版FAIRYTAIL鳳凰の巫女, 鳳凰の巫女, 真島ヒロ, 週刊少年マガジン
Id: HVjQp54UboA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 10sec (5170 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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