War of the Worlds : Goliath 2012 [[ Full Movie ]] #animation #movie

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thank you thank you [Music] Lucifer sounds [Music] please [Music] understand [Music] myself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] are they gone stay down Eric foreign [Music] [Music] we have to go now thank you Eric where's Eric [Music] move now son do it [Music] [Music] you monster [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] shut off [Music] look at that it's ripped off a garbage [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] excuse me good to see you Shaw today's the big day Captain yeah don't look so happy about it you deserve it we deserve it now we'd better go the General's not the kind of man you want to keep waiting there should be 5 000 troops here not two the recalls of our troops and Equipment are bleeding us dry those fools in Europe would rather prepare to fight each other than the Martians we will be enough do you really believe that Theodore I won't allow myself to believe anything else good morning Captain Lieutenant Carter when this is over maybe you and I could uh when hell freezes over well I think there's a weed chill in here you don't know what you're missing Jennifer darling that's Lieutenant Carter corporal sir toy me ma'am ladies and gentlemen as you know 15 years ago the Martians launched their unprovoked attack against us over 140 million of us were murdered and many of our great cities to waste until the Invaders were beaten by the smallest of Earth's living creatures the germ from that destruction we formed the Allied resistance Earth squadrants Aries from the best of our planet's armies to make sure that it never happened again Professor Tesla Aries chief of science and the man responsible for unlocking the secrets of Martian technology has made an alarming discovery Professor Tesla good afternoon Morris orbit is once again approaching a time of close proximity to Earth I have detected large-scale fluctuations of magnetic energy from the Martian surface along with a series of low frequency radio signals it is my belief that these signals are a martian military code hidden within sunspot activity that they and the magnetic energy coming from the planet's surface serve as a Prelude to an invasion hours no idea I do they will come when they are ready and we are not so we must get ready now thank you [Music] this is our new Achilles glass basil tripod he five feet tall a heavy machine gun and six light Rockets keep Ray with an effective range of a thousand meters and an 88 millimeter cannon on full turret because of their outstanding performance in recent battle simulations the honor of command of the first of these will go to Captain Eric Wells and his crew don't be shy Captain I give you Eric Wells from England Lieutenant Jennifer Carter from the United States Corporal Patrick O'Brien from Ireland Sergeant Abraham Douglas from Canada and Lieutenant Raja iskandar Shah from Malaya have you thought of a name for her the Goliath sir and excellent choice tomorrow invited into two equal forces to further up preparations for the coming conflict we will stage a war game blue team will be under the command of Captain Wells your force will consist of French Italian and Indian tripods the red team of Korean German and Austrian tripods will be under the command of Captain Sakai nothing can prepare you for war itself the sound smell fear death is ugly all you all you do is make sure it is your enemy that dies so prepare yourselves know what you fight for who you fight for it's time we will be ready [Applause] [Music] come good evening sir you don't have to address me as Sir cap or even Eric is fine sorry sir a bunch of us are going to The Green Man to let off a little steam thanks but I I have a few things I need to check over I spoke to Lieutenant Carter she asked if you were coming but she did I guess one beer wouldn't hurt [Music] is it true your father owns a railroad no he owns two so tell us darling it's a rich bird like you doing in Aries I don't think it's any of your business Corporal why don't you let the lieutenant tell me what is and it's in my business Captain hey it's okay my father viewed me as his property you know to be what he wanted to marry whom he wanted saw it differently and I'm glad you did the Society of brightens my day at ease folks sit enjoy yourselves tonight I'm not the Secretary of War I'm just an old soldier named Teddy who could use a drink with friends or may I join you of course sir I'll get us another round thank you Captain but I'll pass told Tessa and the girls that I'd be home early ah my best to the family Aid thank you sir this business in Europe is no good the Balkans are about to go to hell countries mobilizing against each other unless we are united mankind is done for Humanity will rise to the occasion you think so it is my hope and my prayer if it is our destiny only God knows wisely said sir tell me Brian does it bother you to serve under an English man I am an ultimate from the north boy loyalties are to the crown really I heard your brother was Ira my brothers is all man Mr secretary as am I I'm not seeing him for three years besides he's harmless he'd walk over 10 naked women to get to a point if you'll excuse me of course [Music] nice night foreign telling me what kind of mood he's in here you go boyos with this we can blow all Downy Street to hell you showed me brother and I'll be held to pay with ma if it ain't the hero of Aries get out the whiskey Liam to me baby brother it will help us hijacking off heat raise tonight to blast a bloody English out of Ireland once and for all oh maybe we could even get our mids on one of them new battle tripods okay Buckle when and where look Sean there's been a complication don't be playing with your older brother now Patty we've been called out for war games the whole base is an alert when then tomorrow the day after wait I'll let you know look I have to get back you're not going yellow on us nowhere you Paddy shut your Garbo rock my brother's no coward I just need time Europe's about to explode and take England with it we either make our move when it does or we'll never be free I know that no there's two boy oh you took the out you break it brother or no I'll kill you dead to the crew of the Goliath The Best of the Best I'd rather drink peace and drink to them excuse me did you just say something he is drunk ignore him I said I'd rather drink peace then trick to them simulations and games mean nothing and those things that farting match with Spain and Cuba was a war if Germany was involved we would have ended it in a week everyone knows that the Germans are the best soldiers in the world and after we kick Europe's ass oh we'll come for you in America Teddy I said we'll come for you well then why don't we start now thank you [Music] I say how was that bit of simulation oh boy [Music] [Music] thank you today at 11 A.M in San Diego are stuck friends Ferdinand was assassinated what does this mean there will be War when you return to Aries you will find cables from your homelands recalling you to service in your National armies cannot be what about the Martians they will just have fewer of us to kill what can we do I'll do this right we must leave no what did you say I said no we're not just French or German or Japanese we are Aries we are human I have seen what the Martians will do they will murder our brothers our wives our children and if you are lucky enough to survive you will spend the rest of your miserable lives running like hunted animals always knowing that because of your cowardice In This Moment everything you loved was dead leavingly traders to our homeland it is they who are the traitors those pompous arrogant full according to their War they say they fight for their honor when it is only for their greed and their vanity we must remain together we must fight as one I ask you I beg you who will fight with me who will live and die my brother ivir Deutschland can kiss my ass as will I Aries Aries [Music] it had to be you just checking on a few things for what the tenth time seventh but who's counting it'll be fine I know no you don't but you should you are the best captain in training training is not reality when my parents were killed I froze you were 10 years old right um if you don't mind sure oh um that guy tonight the one who spoke and kept all of Aries from running home that man he wouldn't freeze in battle [Music] tripods are loaded and secure General all gangways retracted open the canopy [Music] relief dies [Music] 17 knots North Northeast 70 knots North Northeast Steady As She Goes Steady As She Goes a guy your red forces will last 20 miles north of Ellenville Captain Wells your blues will be 20 miles to the South your goal is simple destroy the force facing you all heat rays will be set on only enough power to mark your enemy this won't be War but it's as close as we can get foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like there's a river about 12 miles east we'll spread the team of mile wide in weight when they hit the middle of the river we'll open up I know Captain Sakai the man is a samurai he will attack full force in the center of our line sketch one through five I want you a thousand yards to point Scout six and seven right eight through ten left no one gets off rights without us knowing if you see the enemy you are to report back do not engage I repeat do not engage I want them coming to us not digging in [Music] the storm is distorting all Communications between the Leviathan and the blue and red teams I I don't like it Tesla sorry sir the storm I don't like it at all [Music] all right man we wait it's Shaw's right Sakai should be arriving in 20 minutes there's something wrong here captain [Music] suck I must have forgotten to lower his power levels that wasn't Sakai Martians Hendricks Hendrix [Music] what the hell's going on out there sir captain your orders get a message to the Leviathan that we are under attack blue team this is not a drill full power to heat race replace paint with live Armament and fire it well ready when you are Eric let's blow these monsters to hell [Music] come on boys [Music] yes sir [Music] good Ness foreign [Music] yes sir you're pretty dude Captain it's red team [Music] ready [Music] take out your Giacomo let's finish this yes sir ready when you are Eric ready when you are [Music] they're entering our atmosphere The Invasion has begun captain foreign we have 57 dead 17 injured we lost six Scouts and four Spartans six Achilles you'll excuse me sir if I don't think of it as a victory was the enemy destroyed yes sir then it was a victory Captain the islands are bigger stronger and faster than they were it's not supposed to be easy why didn't they land in force it was a probe to test our capabilities now they know what they are fighting sir we've just gotten word of Landings throughout Europe and Asia but the Martians seem to be concentrating their forces in North America where Montreal New Orleans the largest is in New Mexico our bases in Europe and Asia will respond take us back to Aries I want a full mobilization all these are canceled all troops are to report to the units strike forces will be armed outfitted and ready to leave in three hours gentlemen I believe they're little European War has just in canceled are we ready sir we'd better be thank you foreign [Music] all right he thinks your brother has turned Sean he'll be here what'd they tell you where are they the Martians are back I didn't ask you about the Martians brother I asked you about the heat race we're at War Sean yeah with the English I have no weapons for you you're some kind of piss buddy don't you get it Buckle we'd all rather be dead at the hands of the Martians and live under English tyranny you've betrayed us I've betrayed nobody John this is bigger than just Ireland goodbye Sean tell my loved her put it in the truck Patrick you're dead to me that's all storm Crossings the air now I've won 24-hour air cover let's go I want the battle Cruisers repos in Bismarck to support New Orleans I want the atlas rolling at flank speed to Montreal with the Agamemnon the Minotaur will follow us anything we can do we'll be in New Mexico at dawn until then you can rest and you can pray [Music] foreign [Music] would keep us safe well looks like the ugly buggers developed an immunity godspeed man and give him hell [Music] are we fit for battle would I be coming down now if you weren't sir no of course you wouldn't please accept my apology why don't you hate the British for what I hear there are people who are living in palaces when the Brits were in caves now you're a colony they own your asses and treat you like you are savages as Shakespeare said there is no Darkness but ignorance Shakespeare where'd you learn that Oxford I didn't walk no offense get to Oxford I used to be a prince my family disowned me for joining Aries I know how that feels my brother wanted you to steal weapons for the finians to use against the British you knew I saw you leave the bar the other night and guess the rest you didn't report me no I trusted you then I checked the inventory to see if any weapons were missing you did the right thing Patrick thanks what are you smiling about tomorrow you actually look forward to battle at 400 not dive out of the sun guns blazing at the enemy for me it is better than snaps you're a little crazy Manfred I think I have to be I wish I were more like you my friend we are not so different except I carry only my own life in my place the lives of your crew get some sleep tomorrow we find our destiny yeah [Music] General we have contact nine Martian aircraft bearing 60 degrees North by Northwest 125 miles out and closing Battle Stations launch all fighters [Music] [Music] all right foreign nothing gets through us remember your key phrase will need a three minute recharge after firing so rely on your rockets and machine guns good hunting [Music] on me storm Carlos McCain formation [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you guys wrecked off it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh they are heading for the Leviathan [Music] thank you leaving the dance earning yeah it's just you and me hmm [Music] [Music] come on come on track [Music] foreign foreign [Music] we lost three Valkyries and seven stormcalls seven Martian craft are confirmed down the last two broke after attack and ran home they're faster than we are but we turned quicker sir just got word of 15 tripods supported by a dozen Martian Wings driving towards Albuquerque move to intercept I want Scouts to drop down behind them to monitor their approach you can grieve for your dead later we'll meet you in the air gentlemen we will place our heaviest tripods in a line below that low Ridge the rest will deploy with all ground troops and the militia here on both sides of the canyon the Leviathan will take up stations then the clouds above us with any luck we will catch the Invaders in a killing box General they're worn 15 there were only 12. those three tripods are somewhere if they ought flankers take the Beowulf and free Scouts find them yes sir and get this man to a doctor let's look sharp they must be close I think dividing our forces was a dumb idea I don't remember anybody caring what you thought O'Brien those creatures could be anywhere oh sir it's a trap foreign [Music] Target s hey let them have it yes sir no [Music] fire all weapons give them everything we've got oh my God where are the others these creatures always move in threes [Music] we're losing Hydraulics brace for impact [Music] foreign [Music] thank you weapon systems report the heat Ray's Gun to hell we're blind I've got no power here Captain hey status report I've got no movement and no shot maybe we'll get lucky [Music] that thing is on the Move hey can you sight on him I've got a shot take it you got him oh dead captain they were good man it's just a scratch I'm okay we've got to move out we should bury the Baywatch crew there is no time if we stay with a Goliath we have a better chance of being found our mission is to find those remaining tripods that is what I intend to do on foot no thanks I didn't join Iris to be in the bloody infantry you either follow orders all right what you're gonna shoot me yes [Music] I think it's dead yeah I just like to see him bleed if there are any more round they'll hear you thank you your squad saved us ain't no more Squad is that me hope your sorry asses were worth it where are you going to kill me some more tripods you know where they are hell I know where them bastards live [Music] after they burn out espanol and blew it up my wife I joined that militia again I thought they got my Lucy I fooled them good how'd you do that huh I found a piece of her you see what's leading us the man's out of his bleeding mind he's keeping his dead wife's finger around his neck you ever in love oh boy dozens of times anyone ever tell you you don't know what did I say Abe wasn't talking about lust he was talking about love what's the difference it's the other tripod looks like it's guarding some sort of power plant you think in a storm and a castle Captain we want heat ray and the Pea shooter they're here for a reason we need to get inside are you nuts sir how the hell are we going to do that well my guess is you're going to be needing a distraction we'll find another way Lucy and me both know there is no other way what's that Lucy says it was good meeting you even if you are a damn Limey we wait for his signal the emergency transponder the Martians seem to know when we're coming I'm changing the frequency hopefully they won't be monitoring them and hopefully the Leviathan will okay you slimy sons of here I come let's go that's one crazy cowboy [Music] I'm coming home honey coming home strange please tell me about it okay sure you Jennifer and I followed that thing see if you can help that woman you have a sexual charge yes I do take care of yourself you too you two have something going it's none of your business just trying to make conversation foreign monsters let's get them out of the cages first you pitch I'll catch [Music] what the hell is that no idea but it can't be good it's just great we've built our power plants based on their Technologies now they move right here not make anything they want on social charging this place is not going to mean much it will if it blows in their control room hurry [Music] those things smell like a pop toilet on a Sunday morning we say the same about us come on we're here come we just I mean I want I I know I've sorry about being such an ass you're an Irishman you can't help yourself just kidding I didn't know the English had a sense of humor by the way I think the Irish should have self-rule why didn't you ever tell me you never asked don't get close enough I love the Satchel inside too open you'll be seen it's oil that's propane set the charge here with a five minute fuse done five meters let's go find the others don't look down just watch my eyes honey I haven't dropped anybody yet I'll count to three one two hey behind you thank you hey it's all dark and ugly it's not charged I'll be right back foreign [Music] are you okay come on honey I got you you can jump now come on hold tight darling [Music] [Music] get out of here the whole place is gonna blow come on now up here go get them out now that's in order foreign [Music] thank you God damn kid you did it kid I mean you did it sir all right now we're running through the cooked it's another time with you sir the course for New York maximum speed yes sir sir you wanted to see me your team performed remarkably well against incredible odds I congratulate you there will be the appropriate medals thank you sir I heard the battle for Albuquerque went well we lost 40 percent of our men thirty percent of our aircraft and half of our tripods whenever someone asked me if I believe in heaven and hell I tell them I don't know about heaven but on hell I'm an expert how's your crew Bruce Ambassador few days RNR and they and the Goliath will be fine I wish I could give it to you but we won sir Montreal New Orleans New Mexico were distractions faints to lure the majority of our forces out of New York they've surrounded Manhattan we've won nothing prepare your crew Captain we will meet our enemy in 15 hours dismissed when I get back to New York I'm going to drink five beers and make love with three women no make that the three beers and five women me I just want all my girls I've got the repairs fry a few days and the Goliath will be as good as new you've got 15 hours they hit New York so I'm sorry the girls [Music] I got a minute captain sure you saved us all today I was just putting one foot in front of the other I got lucky luck had nothing to do with it you must be worried about your family I am um my father and I were not very close but I'm sure he would have been very proud of you today look I've been thinking sometimes it's just best to say it okay all this um it makes me realize what's important it separates the things you really want from the things you only think you want and I really want you what oh you hear something nope that's a thing [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] when will the Cavalry arrive Colonel unknown sir the Martians are jamming up all radio frequencies all cable and Telegraph lines have been cut or in the dark Mr secretary have landed cylinders near major cities The Invader stays multiple Landings around Manhattan and Central Park itself we've lost all contact with Aries and militia forces in the Washington Square area sir well that's it in general pull back all remaining Ground Forces to base understood Mr secretary Lieutenant order to return to base it looks like we're what they wanted All Along The Landings up north and Out West were faints to drain our strength cue The Head and the body dies seal of the base prepare for the assault foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] sir there's a speedboat waiting to take you to safety if you hurry you can make it no offense girl but I'm in no mood for a boat ride I understand sir your orders die well thank you good shooting sir you think I was just a pretty face [Music] damn [Music] [Music] bully bully [Music] okay boys the calvary has arrived now let's send those alien monsters back to hell foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you we've taken the base General they're retreating uptown excellent Mr Secretary Drive them towards us and we'll crush them in the middle thank you [Music] thank you [Music] steady steady wait for it no all right now [Music] [Music] yes [Music] got him [Music] thank you foreign s Mr secretary my God we did it Captain we beat the bloody monsters we took back the city victory victory victory [Music] General I'm picking up a large magnetic signature seven miles South by southeast of our current position sir there's something emerging from the bay foreign [Music] foreign if you wanted to run this attention you must first bloody its nose fire hit them again my God yeah [Music] take us down 400 feet now alternative your weapons will be useless against their armor get your Fighters out of here [Music] we must get close to the enemy helsman maintains speed Steady As She Goes courage lieutenant [Music] thank you [Music] please remember hold on lieutenants General you've got to take the hell the ship's going to break up [Music] you must save the ship no do not let go I love you father Dimitri [Music] take us up 300 feet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they died for us laughs my friends today we have won the battle but not the war many of our brothers and sisters around the globe and we in our Humanity are all brothers and sisters fighting and dying at this moment but I swear to you in the names of our hello dead that we will never forget our mission we will drive these monsters from our Earth from our home and one day take the war to them do you hear us mankind is coming and Aries will lead the way [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the winter days will [Music] McNally in the theater [Music] [Music] I watched the birds fly south across the orbs in the sky by one day [Music] [Music] [Music] why we realize there [Music] my life [Music] [Music] away [Music] myself [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: FnF Media
Views: 458,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #animation #film #movie, #subtitles
Id: xpeltAri8U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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