Best of NEW SpongeBob Episodes! (Part 3) | 1 Hour Compilation | SpongeBob

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[trumpet playing] [trumpet playing] [trumpet playing] Mister Krabs, did you see that? Plankton is retiring. I'll believes it when I sees it. Hey, ha ha! All hands on deck, SpongeBob! Aye-aye, Mr...whoa! Aw, you want to say good-bye to Plankton, you old softy you. That'll be the day. I don't trust Plankton as far as I throw him. That's why we're gonna shadow that little twit and find out what he's up to. [humming] And so begins my retirement. [evil laughter] You see you, lad. Plankton is up to no good. I bet those are all the fixings for another evil lab. Mister Krabs, I'm gonna be sick. [giggling] Yes. Yes! You see, he's got an evil belt to match those evil shoes. Yes! My plan is almost complete. [evil laughter] His plan! Did you hear that, SpongeBob? He said plan! Uh, please, don't shake me, Mister Krabs. Oh, my pretty. You'll be my best friend from now on. [cackling] Retirement is mine. Mine. Mine! [cackling] Ooh, this is it, boy-o. He's got an evil laser death apparatus contraption ready to spring on all of us. [cackling] [buzzer dinging] [screaming] Now that I sees it, I believes it. Hurray! I knew you'd get it, Mister Krabs. [vomiting] Krabs! What are you doing in my hotel room? Ugh, oh, good luck on your retirement, Plankton. I won't give you any more trouble. Oh, I know you won't, Krabs, because I'm at the Krusty Krab right now stealing that formula. Oh-oh, sure. Whatever you say, old-timer. How would you be doing that when you're all the way over here in Dullsville, hmm? [laughing] Because I'm a decoy look-alike robot! Gotcha! [cackling] So what'd I miss? What? In your face, Krabs. Ha! [singing a tune] Krabs? SpongeBoob? Why aren't you in Dullsville? We never left, Sheldon. The Mister Krabs and SpongeBoob who followed the robot you to Dullsville were also robots. Gotcha. [laughing] Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate! So the way I see it, Mister Krabs and Plankton are just using us as pawns in their dumb secret formula war. Agreed. Yeah, I mean, who cares if that guy steals the secret formula anyway? Grow up, that's what I say. Agreed. So you're the real Krabs and SpongeBob. Gimme that! Ooh. [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] Ooh, cold knees. Oh, you say you got cold knees? Icy joints, Siberian patellas? What you need is a pair of long pants. Long pants? Well, I don't think I'm ready for long pants. Nonsense. No fella should walk around with shiver shins. Give yourself a leg up. Join the trouser troops. Hup, hup, hup! Don't be a slacker. Wear slacks. Uh, well, I don't--uh... Okay! [blows whistle] You can see who wears the pants in here! Is that my daddy? I wish. How is that Patty treating you, sir? Are you an angel? No, merely a man. A man in long pants. Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Oh, my precious long pants! What's wrong, slick? You're not having trouble with your pants, are you? Nothing like that, Mister Krabs. I just don't think I'm maitre d' material. Yeah, you're right. You're too good for this place. [burping] As much as I'd hate to admit it, I've outgrown the Krusty Krab. Time for me to move on. [whistling] Where is he going? A place called manhood. Eh? Congratulations, you passed your driver's test. Wahoo! You know, I never took the driver's test with long pants. I'll do it! There goes a real man. Let's try parallel parking. Now take it slow. A little faster. Oh! Oh! Whoa! Ugh! [groaning] Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this. I was gonna fail you and send you to jail, but because of those long pants, and all the blood rushing to my head, you pass. I finally got my driver's license! Lock your doors. Bar your windows. It's the end of the world! I'm sorry you can't come in. This movie is too silly for a cultivated gentleman of your pant length. House rules. What? "Rated for those in knee-highs only"? Oh, I hate these pants! [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] Get off! [honking] Aah! Ah, now I know I'm an adult, because I've been ripped off by these defective pants. [crying] What's going on? How pathetic. A man in long pants crying. [sobbing] Mister Krabs, why aren't you watching the movie? How can I watch the movie with all this blubbering going on out here? Oh, Mister Krabs, I'm not ready for long pants. I want my short pants back, but I can't because these are stuck on me. Oh, for Pete's sake. Sorry about the legs, boyo. [laughing] It's okay. I'm a sponge, remember? Ha ha! Well, good! Then I want you back on the grill tomorrow morning. And if it makes you feel any more manly, you can do your grilling outdoors. Sounds great! And I'll be driving to work. Wait a minute! Oh, no, you don't. Not with those short pants. [grunting] I don't know what that was all about, but I'm glad it's over. I cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Oh, come now, Mr. Squidward. Catering is a great way for you to make a little extra money. And me to make a lot! [screaming] Any ideas? How's that? Perfect, now get out there and feed the rest of those kids. They all seem so... full of germs! Why, of course they're full of germs. They're kids. Why do you think I'm wearing this full-body latex covering? Okay, I'm going in. Krabby Patty? Krabby Patty? Ooh, ooh, oh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. You're contaminating the food! Just pick one! [sneezing] [yelling] [groaning] I've been infected! [vomiting] [screaming] Hey, kids, I'm a... [screaming] No, no, no! Hey, I'm not paying you to play hide-and-seek. These children want to be entertained. Get down here. I want a balloon animal! Uh, um. -What is it? -A rock. Whoa! Okay, birthday boy, take a swing at that piñata, son. Oof. [chuckling] Don't hit nice old Mister Krabs. It's the piñata you want, son. Me money! Do I look like a piñata to you, boy? Yes, get him! [screaming] [screaming] Higher! Go higher! Uh, don't forget to take your shoes off before bouncing. Ow! We have to get out of here. These children are menaces! They tore off my head. [groaning] Maybe we should make a break for it, Mister Krabs. I want my birthday cake. Cake, cake! [screaming] Come on, men, let's cheese it! [screaming] Making everyone's day with my nutty butter really gives me the warm and tinglies. In fact, demand's been so high, I scienced up a way to increase my production. SpongeBob here scoops acorns onto the conveyor belt. Then the tubes take them inside, where I turn them into nutty butter. Sandy, according to the shalmon's book, we shouldn't try to force nature to give us more than she's able. Don't worry about my tree, SpongeBob. Worry about the crowd of nutty butter fans outside. We want nutty butter! We want nutty butter! We're gonna need a lot more acorns to feed them all. [whistling] Uh oh, Sandy's tree's not looking so good. I don't think it can take much more of this, Patrick. It's like Sandy said. "Something, something, something, science." And who are we to argue with science? Oh, no. The nuts stopped. Hold on. I got this. [grunting] [screaming] [screaming] Oh, no. Patrick, we have to do something. Sandy'll never forgive us if we ruin her tree. And I'll never forgive her if she runs out of nutty butter. Please, please, no pushing. I'll make more. Remember, Sandy's the squirrel you can count on. Whoo-hoo! Oh, no. What in the sam hill is going on around here? -The tree got real sick. -Don't worry. I made more nutty butter with the rest of the nuts. You used all the nuts? Jumpin' jiminy. Time for another dose of fertilizer. Sandy, wait. I don't think that's what your tree needs. The boy is right. Why do you hurt your tree? A tree would never hurt you. Ouch! Dang splinters. Shalmon? Wait, you're the one who said I should feed my nuts to the people? Indeed. But to feed so many from a single tree... Let me share with you a story. Long ago, before fish walked the seas, there lived in the sky one sun. [laughing] One star. Hello. And one moon. What the-- <i> During the day,</i> <i> the star would play with the sun.</i> <i> At night, the star would play with the moon.</i> Get away from me! <i> The star did not want to let his friends down,</i> <i> but he alone could not keep up with both the sun and the moon.</i> Finally, some peace. <i> That is when the star had an idea.</i> [grunting] Oh, no. There goes the neighborhood. <i> By creating many copies,</i> <i> the star was able to keep the sun and moon happy,</i> <i> without wearing himself out.</i> Do you understand why I tell you this tale? Hello? Wake up. I didn't know there was gonna be a test! Oh, I got so wrapped up in not letting anyone down that I asked too much of my tree... and my friends. Perhaps with many trees, you could continue serving your community in a natural and sustainable manner. I mean, pretty much anything is better than this mess. Yeesh. Thanks, Shammy, but I'm a one-tree kind of squirrel. I'm gonna do what I should've done in the first place: order the ole girl some nutritious new dirt from Texas. [humming] Well, my work here is done. It's time I return to my people. Let me offer some sage advice. You must listen to the earth and the stars, for only they can guide you... to my stop at the corner of Olive and Victory. Sir, stand behind the white line, please. Typical. It never ends. Huh? You stopped in front of the prison? Never mind! Any place is better than in this boat with you! [groaning] [alarm ringing] What are ya waiting for? Step on it! You must be the new driving instructor. Student driver. That's me. I just don't take a bad picture, do I? Uh, yeah, yeah, sure. I'm your new driving instructor. Great! Look at how I can tune the radio. -<i> Breaking News!</i> -Huh? <i> Notorious criminal Sticky Fins Whiting</i> <i> has just escaped from prison.</i> Very good radio tuning skills. Now, drive as fast as you can! Stop! SpongeBob! Come back! I can't believe I said that! Sticky Fins, where are you? I can't be that late. Follow that sponge! You ain't Sticky Fins. And you ain't a chocolate cake! Now, step on it! Yes, ma'am! Dorsal Dan at your service! [siren wailing] [siren wailing] Crater-face! We're being followed. Lose that tail! I thought it'd made me look cool. Guess not. Not that tail! The cops behind us! Drive crazy! Ohhhhhh, that I can do! Yah-ha-ha-ha! Oh, yeah! Wow! He's driving like a psycho! Who taught him how to drive? Good baby? Waaaaaahhhhh! [screaming] You're going the wrong way! Turn this thing around! You got it! Turning around! [screaming] Oh, you're a great instructor! What now? Just...go with the flow. Here's your next test. Follow me. Distracted drivers are dangerous. I want you to distract that salesman in the store. I don't understand how this is gonna help with my driving. It's, uh... abstract thinking. Hey, I've heard of that! Welcome! Distract with the abstract. Hey, shapes and noises! I love it! [honking] What's the next lesson? The nearest electronics store. Oh, you really know how to challenge a guy. [cackling] [grunting] Ah! Get me outta here! Aww, you must be hungry. I've got some of Gary's Snail Snacks. <i> This is the police. Pull over!</i> Right turn! Make a right turn! Aye, aye, professor! Yes! I'm back! Thank Neptune! Don't let me out ever again! It's not safe out there! Lock me away! Forever, and ever! Huh? [screaming] Hey, a splinter! Okay, well, it's been nice knowing you, but you have got to go. Now. Okay, out we go. Ugh, well, that kind of hurts. Come on! Oh, that really hurts. Oh, barnacles, this hurts! [panting in pain] Conch-shelled manatees, this is painful! [panting] [crying] Okay, you're tough, you're smart, and you're charming, but you are still no match for me! Look! A bald eagle with a mustache! Okay fine, stay. But I hope you like making Krabby Patties! [dialing] Please pick up please pick up please pick up! -Patrick? -Yeah? Oh, thank goodness you're there. -I got a splinter in my thumb-- -Mm hmm. I see. Well, I'm pretty booked today, but I think I can fit you in. -Thanks Patrick. -No problem. You called the right person Mr. SpongeBob. [grunting] Now, let's see where the problem's at. Hmm. Interesting. [sniffing] Uh, Patrick? Hmm. Interesting, Patrick? [mumbling and gargling] Patrick, this isn't helping. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a doctor. I'm not. Oh but I'm sure you can figure it out with your 12 years of med school. Patrick, you didn't go to med school. -So? -Patrick I'm sorry, I really need your help. Oh no it looks like you have things under control. Please Patrick! I don't want to go home early! [crying] Okay, but we play by my rules SquareBob! Well here's your problem. But don't you worry, buddy. We're gonna make it go away. Thanks Patrick, you're a lifesaver. [screaming] There appears to be a little bit of swelling. This garbage compress should help that go down. That doesn't look good, [beeping] Yeah, but my shift is over. Call me in the morning, if you can still dial a phone. [sighs] [gasps] -What's that? -What's what? -Behind yer back! -You mean this? Put yer hat on, boy! Show some company pride! [chuckles] Company pride, of course! -Uh, SpongeBob? -Yes? Have you always had three legs? -Yes. -Interesting. What's this about a splinter Squidward's been telling me all about? [gasps] All right boy, let's see it. [whimpering] Come on, SpongeBob. It's just a little splinter! I mean how bad could it-- [groaning] Oh merciful Neptune! Okay, no problem, no problem. -Problem sol... -[deflating] Phew! For a second there, I thought I was going to have to pay you workman's compensation. What's worker's compensation? You know, when you get paid for sitting at home. You mean, I can get paid while I'm at home? What do ya think "compensation" stands for? -[clattering] -[grunts] Uh, Squidward? [banging] [grunting] Can I get my compensation now? Sorry, Squidward. Your shift ended over two minutes ago. [groans] Now, if you just listen to your heart, you'll be able to pick out the right pet as soon as you see it. Hmm, too big. Too sloppy... too stupid. -Hey SpongeBob. -Hey Patrick. -Oh, oh, what about this one? -Are you kidding me? Algae on a rock? I want a pet, not a plant. It's no use. There's nothing for me here. Oh no, Plankton! You know, I can't say I'm surprised. [barking] Hey there, little guy. [barking] Looks like we have a winner. Aww, so cute! What you going to call him? He looks like a Spot to me. [growling] That name provokes a violent reaction. Spot it is! [barking] Okay Spot, today you'll learn how to be an attack pet to guard the Chum Bucket from intruders. Now Spot, pretend I'm a burglar. Attack! [squealing and panting] You're not getting this? Come at me! Uh-oh... losing balance! A little help? [barking] On second thought, what do I need a guard dog for? I can't even give chum away. What I really need is a retriever. This is your target. I want you to retrieve the Krabby Patty. Now security is tight, so I've devised a plan... Wait, where are you going? You're not ready! [sniffing] I'd like a large... What was that? Didn't see it, don't care. [barking] Holy plot twist! It's a Krabby Patty! It's... a miracle! Karen, look at what Spot brought home. That's wonderful. Spot deserves a reward. He can have anything he wants, up to half my kingdom, uh, laboratory. I think he wants your Krabby Patty. [panting] [screaming] No! You've been very bad amoeba! Bad amoeba! I'm afraid you'll have to be punished. You need a time out. I'm just going to tie you up out here until you learn to behave. Shouldn't take more than five minutes. [whimpering] Aww! No, no, I must be strong. [whimpering] I can't do it! Spot I'm sorry. Spot! I think it's closed for the night. Oh, it's dark in here. I'll find a light switch. A-ha! Nope, that's not it. A-ha! Found the lights. Uh SpongeBob, what was that first switch for? I don't know, I think it unlocks the pens. I thought so because now the animals are loose! -SpongeBob? -Run for it? Yep. [panting] I think we lost them. SpongeBob, before we are torn to shreds, I'd like to thank you for helping me look for Spot. Aww, it was nothing. Hey, speaking of Spots, did you always have a double pupil? A double what? Spot! Thank entropy, you're safe! You were hiding on my optical cornea the whole time, you sneaky little amoeba, you. [barking] [laughing] Aww, I'm glad you found Spot. Unfortunately, the animals found us too. Goodbye Spot, I guess this is the end of the road for us. [growling] [barking] Spot, no! [barking] [laughing] [growling] [growling] Wow, Spot! You saved us! I taught him everything he knows! [barking] So, am I ready for the beach, SpongeBob? Uh, sure. A little sunscreen, and I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm spending the whole day at the beach with my best friend. [groans, grunts] You're hurting me. Nothing quite like the joy of sand castling, eh buddy? How you doing over there? Everything's dandy in Patrick's Kingdom. Oh, a structure like that can't protect a king and his subjects. Here, let me help you. First, you should start all over. Whoa! What are you doing? You destroyed my castle! I'm just trying to help, buddy. I don't need any help. Here are those architectural plans you requested. Why, thank you. Here's a little something for you. Oh, I suppose I should just tend to the affairs of my own realm. And I'll start by making a queen to rule by your side. Now we're even. Alright, Patrick, have it your way. You keep to your territory and I'll keep to mine. This will show SpongeBob he's not the only one who can build a castle. Let's see SpongeBob destroy this castle! I should build a wall just in case King Pinky gets any funny ideas. Oh sir, you built onto my side. - So? - So, you don't do that! There, that restores the integrity of our shared border. You tyrant! You've done it again! I'll show you what for. What for what? [screaming] Now we're even... again. OK Patrick, I can accept that. No more destruction from this point forward, OK? OK, back to square one again. Ah-ha! I hereby propose a non-aggression treaty to end hostilities between our two kingdoms. Patrick, by signing this historic armistice, you have brought peace to our lands. May your kingdom prosper. Oh, that went well. What are you doing? What about the treaty? This treaty ain't worth the sand it's printed on. Oh, is that so? Well, if you think you can take down this castle, my answer is bring it on! [laughing] [neighing] [neighing] Patrick, I'm trying to be the nice guy here, okay? Let's call this silly business off. No way, you started it. Fine! Have it your way. Whatever. Oh no, no no no! Ah! [cackling] [horn blowing] [yelling] Whoa! Oh hello... and goodbye. [screaming] A-ha! [screaming] Come on! How you like them apples? [screaming] [cackling] <i> Behold this idiot and beware, for trident trouble comes.</i> -Sorry. -Hey. <i> See?</i> Oh, the toppings haven't been prepped! I wish this lettuce and tomato would just cut themselves up! Let's do this! Yeah! Cut me up good, girlfriend! Huh. I guess I did chop the toppings up after all. 37 Krabby Patties! Fast! 37 patties? How am I gonna flip 37 patties? Huh, has my spatula always had three heads? No! And it is not a spatula. Get them patties out here fast SpongeBob! Arrgh! Oh, I wish these Krabby Patties would just serve themselves so I could keep cooking. Whoa! Yay! Yeah! Woo! Woo! Woo! Whoa, my spatula never did that before. Krabby Patty! Krabby Patty! Huh? [laughing] [giggling] I don't know how you're doing this, boy-o, but keep it up! Folks will pay every cent they have to watch Krabby Patties dance! Look at how cute they are! An ice cream geyser! [panting] Brain freeze! I can't eat it all! Ugh, I've never been more disappointed in myself. [screaming] Oh, I like... Oh, the creamy delicious... Save us SpongeBob, save us! Oh wait. Okay, now save us! Stop, ice cream! Stop! Stop! [screaming] Oh, I just made it worse. Patrick, I've ruined everything. Oh, SpongeBob, I wouldn't say that. Our baby! I'll never mow you again! -Take me money! -Ow! Okay, SpongeBob, you ruined everything. No sponge should have this much power. We told you so. Not helping. Well, maybe I can help. I believe I have something of yours. My spatula! Then what's this? That is my trident! Well, take your trident. I don't want it anymore. [screaming] That wasn't me. Too long away from its true master, the trident has run wild. What a jerk. [snickering] Sorry! Pardon me! It's stuck! [grunting] Ahh! Make it stop! [yelling] You have been one naughty trident! [whimpering] Oh, I can't stay mad at you. Now let's see if we can fix all of this. Give me back me money! Mow us good! You know, SpongeBob, your spatula is just as powerful as my trident. Really? Ha! Not even close! [laughs] But it's still pretty great. Order's up! One perfect Patty on a pristine plate In a squeaky-clean Krusty Krab. Man, oh, man, do I love my job! Hey Mr. Krabs, what's the good word? Well, actually, SpongeBob, There's two words, and they're not very good. You're fired. Oh, what? -Fired? -Well, you see, I've been doing some calculating and, you know, crunching the old numbers, and it turns out that I'll save a whole nickel if I cut your salary... Hey what about me? Can I get fired too? I'm afraid not, Squidward. -You've got seniority. -Oh yeah. No, it's got to be you, son, you're canned. Here's your pink slip, I'm giving you the ax. Greetings, purveyor of elongated sausage products. I would love to work at your establishment. Well, you do look enthusiastic. Hmm, all right kid. Let's see what you got. Hmm, there's something not quite right about this food, but I'm not sure what it is. A-ha! Hey, where are those weenies? Your weenies sir. What in the name of Davy Jones's gym shorts are these? They're Weenie Patties! What are you, some kind of nut? You've ruined my weenies! You're fired! Oh, but Mr. Krabs, why? -Mr. Who? -I mean Mr. Weiner! Just go! Excuse me, Mr. Pizza man, you need a fry cook? Oh boy, do I! Can you make pizza? Eh, probably. Oh, that's amazing, congratulations, you're hired. Cool. Well, it's no Krabby Patty, but perhaps I'll find contentment. Hey buddy, how's the pizza coming? Almost done, but I did change the recipe a bit. Heh heh, no problem. A few extra toppings never hurt anyone. Huh? What have you done? You turned an innocent pizza into a pizza patty! It's an abomination! Yeah. Of deliciousness. You're fired. But who will make the Krabby Patties? Krabby Patties? What do you think this is, the Krusty Krab? You're fired! And take your noodle Patty with you! Oh, I'll take it, all right. I'll take it to go! Hello? Hmm. That's odd. I could've sworn I heard a knock at the door. Mr. Weenie? Congratulations, SpongeBob, you've been promoted. But you just fired me. That's mustard under the bun, my boy. The important thing is, My customers love your little sliders. Now get to work! Hey, kid. You need help outta here? Pizza pete! Yes, please. That weiner has me chained to the grill, And he really seems to be relishing it. I have something to free you. Pizza sauce? Whoa! Hey! Where are you going with my fry-cook? [screaming] [cackling] I'll take one fry-cook to go! [screaming] Get him! Stop! Unhand that sponge! It's a killer Patty! [grunting] Here, take him! Just don't hurt me. Phew. Well, here we go again. Ah, this place is terrible! The Krusty Krab has really gone downhill. Wait, come back! That was my last customer. SpongeBob? Squidward, you found him! Oh, Squidward? I'm afraid so. -SpongeBob. -Yes Squidward? You know I hate you, right? Yes, yes, I do. Well, I hate the smell of burning Krabby Patties even more. Please come back and be the fry cook again! Well, if it's okay with you, Mr. Krabs? Oh laddy, I should have never let you go. The Krusty Krab is falling apart without you. You're rehired, boy. I bought some life insurance for Patrick and myself and now we can never be hurt. Yeah! To test out the life insurance, we even built a super dangerous obstacle course across the street! We call it, "The Sushi Maker." Squidward, I think you need this more than I. I would like to present you with my life insurance policy. [screaming] Actually you better take two, since you're kind of a klutz. Better take two? Life insurance? Oh, you giblet heads! No piece of paper can protect a person from getting hurt! Yay! It works! You're untouchable! Oh, that was a coincidence! Driving's hard! [screaming] Yay! Life insurance! You are magically protected. -Woo hoo! -Woo! Oh, it was just luck! Dumb luck! Look, I'll prove it. You stand here. [groaning] Huh? Hmm? Oh. You see, Squidward? You're immune! You can't be hurt! Yeah! You are a cast-iron Squidward. Life insurance! Life insurance! Wow, I can't believe it, but you two sub-geniuses were right somehow. I can't be broken. I'm indestructible! I am shatterproof! Watch this. What goes on, boyos? Squidward is gonna try out The Sushi Maker. Why does he want to do that? Oh, don't worry, Mr. Krabs. He's got life insurance. He can't be hurt. That's not how life insurance works. It's not? Course not! Life insurance is money the beneficiary gets when a person dies. By the way, who gets the money? Well, let's see. No name here. Hooray! Eugene H. Krabs. Go, Squidward! Yay! Fly high! Do or die! Preferably the latter. [chuckling] D-d-d-d-do or die? Squidward, come down! You're not invincible! Life insurance is not what you think! You were right! Oh, it was just dumb luck! Now I'm yelling too! Oh, what are those ninnies going on about now? I can't hear you! Just shut up and watch me! Nah hey! Come back, Squidward! Don't do this! Would you stop shaking it?! [screaming] [screaming] [groaning] No. No. No. No! [mumbling] [grunting] [groaning] [groaning] [screaming] [grunting] [screaming] [groaning] [yelling] [groaning] Hey Squidward, guess what I learned today. Apparently a life insurance policy doesn't protect a person from injury. How about that? [groaning] Squidward, how did you survive The Sushi Maker? It had to be this. Sea spider! I don't want to hear another peep from anyone until we get to Food Con! -Peep. -Not a peep! -Peep! -Not. A. Peep! Peep! Peep's Cliff! [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [sighing] Mister Krabs? Blink if you're alive. Oh, thank Neptune we're all okay. Well, at least we have plenty of food while we're stuck out here. [burping] It was an accident! They fell into my mouth. [screaming] Don't worry, guys! We can still win Food Con. There's one Patty left. We gotta get moving, the judging starts tomorrow! Now since you boys caused the accident, you'll be haulin' the trailer. Yeah! Hauling the trailer! Hey, SpongeBob, you look tired. You want me to guard the Patty for a bit? Thanks, Patrick. That'd be great. [snoring] Patrick, no! I can't believe you thought I would eat it. Patrick I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm just hungry and tired and I feel like I'm all alone doing the right thing and I want that... -Hey! Hey! -But I'm hungry! [groaning] [chuckling] Hey there, boyo. I've taken the liberty of creating a safe to secure our precious Patty. Great idea, Mister Krabs! Just put it right in here. I'll even step away while you do it. Pew, smells really bad in there. Okay, just do it already! -No! -Enough of this. I am your boss, and I order you to give me that Patty! No, Mister Krabs, I will not. But I will give you these. Nature patties! -Oh, boy! -Oh, delightful! Dig in, boys! Oh, it's like eating the inside of a lawn mower. I think mine is mostly stones. Out here we call them forest tomatoes. Enough of this! Mister Krabs, remember Food Con! You can't win Food Con if you've starved to death! Now, give me that Krabby Patty, boyo. No! I'm doing this for your own good. I'm protecting you all from yourselves! Well, in that case, you leave me no choice. Get him! [screaming] [yelling and panting] Food Con! [chattering] Get him! Guys, we're here! Hungry, hungry, hungry! You don't have to eat the Patty. And I hereby award the golden cornucopia to... Please, try a delicious Krabby Patty! What's this? A late entry? Nature Patty! Krabby Patty! Oh this is the most complex organic, irresistible flavor I have ever had the pleasure of tasting! The winner is, mmm, the Krabby Patty. Excuse me, sir. That's not the real Krabby... Quit your chirping, boy. We won! [cheering] Oh, boy! Aren't dentists' offices fun? [gasps] Oh, they've got colorful, wooden beads on wires! Mm! Ah. Whoa! Look at it go! Slow down, SpongeBob! This place is scary enough without you going crazy with the beads! [whimpering] [maniacal laughter] [whimpers] [giggles] <i> And that was The Incidentals, with a startling number</i> <i> Called "Dramatic Music Stings."</i> <i> Comin' up, here's The Spookers</i> <i> with a haunting little tune called "Ominous."</i> Patrick Star? We're ready for you now. [ominous music] [whines] -Aw, come on, Patrick! -No! The doctor will fix you right up. Sit here, please. Dr. Mundane will be right with you. Ahh! [teeth chattering] Agnes, please turn down that radio. [music stops] I'm Dr. Beige Mundane. You must be Patrick Star. What seems to be the problem? No problem. I was just leaving. [grunts] No, Patrick! Sit! [water spraying] [blubbering] Good boy. Ow! [laughs] Let's take a look in your mouth. Open wide please. [ship horn blares] Mm-hmm. I see the problem. Your friend here still has a baby tooth. -Ooh, I wanna see! -[gulps] [gagging] Aw! Coochie coo! [crying] [grunts] [laughs] I still have a baby tooth? Yes, and the pain is coming from your adult tooth trying to push your baby tooth out of the way. [straining] [gasps] That's not right! It's the natural way of things. If you want the pain to go away, then I need to extract the tooth. You leave my baby tooth alone, you monster! Zoom! Patrick, come back! Oh! [panting] [barking] [panting and whimpering] [barking] [panting] [barking] Not wanted. That fixes it. [barking] [whimpers] [growling] Oh. [barking] Mipsey, Pipsey, you bad girls! You get back on this leash. [whining] Well, you may have called off your worms, but I'm not coming down. Patrick, they weren't mine. A likely story. [sighs] Patrick, can I show you something? [grunting] What's that? It's a scrap book of all my baby teeth. Heh, that was a good one. I remember every tooth. Even though they're no longer in my mouth, I still keep the memory of them in my heart. [laughs] I thought you kept them in the scrapbook. Patrick, don't you think your baby tooth wants to see all his old friends on Tooth Island? Don't listen to him! I still have all my baby teeth, and look at me! Ahh! [maniacal laughter] Okay, SpongeBob, we can go. [mechanical whirring, squeaking] I'm ready, Doc. Do what you have to do. Ahh. [yanking] I'm done. That's it? That's it. Aw. Aw, you're going under my pillow so you can go to Tooth Island, my sweet boy. Are you tired of playing with the old stick and a cup? Yeah. Well, say good-bye to boring, and hello to Whirly Brains, the exciting new toy that puts you in the driver's seat of your own mind! It's so simple. Just flip your lid, attach the propeller, and watch your brain soar hundreds of feet into the air as you control the action. Ahhhh. [groaning] Get your Whirly Brain today, and free your mind! Free my mind! Free my mind! Free my mind! -I want it. I want it. I want it. -No, I want it. -No, it's mine. -I want it. I want it. I want it. Sorry to hear about your TV, SpongeBob. Whirly Brains available now at Bikini Bottom Toy Shop. Whirly Brains! Whirly Brains! Whirly Brains! Whirly Brains! Whirly Brains! Okay, Patrick, just let me flip your lid, so I can attach the propeller directly to your brain. [grunting] Step one... oh, I see what to do. [screaming] It's just me, Patrick. Oh. [sighing] Now you do me. -Boo! -[screaming] It's time to free our minds. Whoa, Patrick. I've never seen the world from this angle before. And the propeller tickles my think folds. [laughing] Hey, SpongeBob, eye bump. Eye bump! Patrick, no more eye bumps, okay? [laughing] Brain freeze! Meow. [laughing] Hey, Patrick. I know who we can spy on. [laughs] Ahh, the sanctity of my bathroom, the only place in the world where I can let it all hang out. Ahh, me. Hey, where's Squidward? I'm sure I saw him in here. Well, maybe he fell in the toilet? I'll check. Squidward, are you in here? Did you fall in? Squidward! Stop serenading me, you sap. It's my day off. Now, go away. -[screaming] -Found him. Yup, that's him. Hi Squidward! Aliens from Mars! It's an invasion! Waaahhhh! [screaming] [screaming] Whoo-whoo! Whirly Brains are go! [giggling] She spit in his face. [laughing] Mrs. Puff, we've been dating for 16 years now, so I was sincerely hoping that today might finally be the day that... Yes, Eugene? That I steal a little kiss? Oh, Eugene, I thought you'd never ask. C'mere you. [farting] Oh! What a woman. Oh, Eugene. Hey! Look at what you did to me. You better fix my nose or you'll hear from my lawyer. Are you sure? Yeah, you'll be ugly again. Yes, I'm sure. Hmm. How to fix his nose? Why don't you turn the bottle upside down, maybe it will shrink it. Patrick, that's brilliant! No, wait, don't. -[shrieking] -Didn't work. Try it again! Hmm. I think I'll just even him out. First, a bigger head. [yells] -Now his body is too small. -Right! Too small. -Arms are too short. -[sprays] -Legs are too short. -[sprays] -Other arm. -[sprays] -Feet too small. -[sprays] -Teeth. -[sprays] -Belly button. -[sprays] [blows kiss] Perfect! I look horrible! [rumbling] [both grimace and cough] [both] He inked! Well, pardon my anatomy! What's happening? [both] All right! What did you do to me?! I know, I know! Uh, made you a monster! And a giant! [both] A giant monster! I don't want to be a giant lumbering monster! -What'll I do now? -That's easy! Play giant lumbering monster tag! Yeah, yeah. You chase us. And we run around and scream like crazy! Try and catch us, Giant Monster Squidward! [both laugh] SpongeBob! Come back here! [footsteps thundering] [screams] This is really fun! [screams] I know! We should do this... [screams] ...more often! [both scream] [screams] Monster! [cranking] [both scream] [skidding] [all] Monster! Monster! [angry yelling] Huh? [both giggle] [pants heavily] You are very good at pretending, Squidward! Look how you're all sweaty and angry! And you got the whole town to play along! -[yelling] And you got the whole town to play along! -[yelling] -What the...? Let's skin him and make back bacon. Scoop out his eyeballs and use them as giant misshapen soccer balls! [all] Yeah! Good idea! Wait! Maybe he's a nice monster! Like in my storybook. [sizzling] Oh, right. I hadn't thought of that. Well? Are you? Oh, goodness gracious, yes! Squidward is the nicest giant of them all. Yeah, Squidward! Tell them about all those times you didn't punch me in the face! Even though you really wanted to. D'oh! Quiet, you moron! [gasping] He hurt the little one's feelings! Why, that's not very nice at all! Take him down, boys! [angry yelling] [screams] [angry yelling] [grunts, groans] This oughta fix him. [laughs] OK, OK! I'm nice! Now, will you leave me alone? Oh, yeah? Then prove it! Yeah! Are you nice enough to... um... Compliment me on my new hair-do? Yeah, sure. Whatever! [giggles] Thank you. Let the Junior Guppies camp out under your toenails? [snoring] Take me to the top of Mount Humongous? Whee! Blow on my windmill? [inhales, blows] -Do my homework? -Dust my attic? Feed my snail? [pants heavily] Wow! This giant really is friendly after all! He taught my grandmother how to read! He helped me start my own blimp ride company. He helped me build a... [sneezes] [all] Bless you. Gesundheit. [all clearing throats] -What?! -[gasping] He didn't say, "Bless you!" Get him! -[angry yelling] -[yells] [angry yelling] -Where'd he go?! -Is that him over there?! Uh, I'm a lamppost. Oh. Let's go check down by the creek! We'll teach him to dip his feet! [angry yelling] [laughing] It's beautiful. And a good ice cream day to you, sir. Yes, it's a good day for ice cream! And what's your pleasure? Oh, I want your bestest ice cream for my bestest buddy, SpongeBob! Excellent choice, sir. One Heavenly Paradise coming up. [cheering] SpongeBob won't mind if I just take a little taste. [buzzer sounding] Aw, this coupon's out of date. Expired two years ago. Sorry, we can't honor it. No ice cream for SpongeBob? [grunting] I demand that you honor my coupon! Temper tantrum in center aisle! I'm on it. Take my coupon! Take my coupon. Take my coupon. Take my coupon. Ah, take my... You poor, miserable creature. I'm miserable. You wretched, worthless, shabby... Hey, don't you think you're being a little harsh? Not really. Look at him. Yeah. Never mind. Continue and bump it up a little bit. Listen, buddy, there is one person who can honor this coupon; the person who owns this store. The Ice Cream King himself. The Ice Cream King? Oh, yeah. He lives up there in that mansion. Wow. Do you need a push? Yeah. Would you, please? Whoa. [screaming] Hello? Are you the exterminator? Ha ha! No. I'm not the extra gator. I'm here to redeem my coupon for a free ice cream! It's for my bestest friend, but it's out of date. They're all out of date because I don't know what year it is. I don't know what anything is. Are you smart or dumb? Apples? Genius! Let's see your head. I can't feel your brain. It's down here today. Mine too! High five! Secret handshake? [grunting] [grunting] Perfect! You don't know the secret handshake either. Hey, I don't know your name. Hey, you're right! This may still be redeemable according to the fine print. [grunting] I didn't bring my reading eyes. Try my glasses! Oh, ooh. It says "garbaldy goop." But spelled backwards is... The King's Challenge! Ooh. Ooh. Your butterscotch style is strong, Low Fat, but it is no match for my brownie bits! Ha, ha, ha! You'll wish your cone was a cup when I whip you into cream! Hi-ya! [grunting] [panting] [grunting] They told me you had scoops, but your serve is soft. I see you've studied the ancient art of failure! Redeem my coupon! Think fast... rainbow sprinkles! You have played with skill and courage. I will honor your coupon. [cheering] One free ice cream cone! Everyone seems to really like the Krabby Patty! Some people started calling it the "SpongeBob Patty." What? That's ridiculous, it's always been the Krabby Patty. One SpongeBob Patty, please! Huh? Maybe you should change the name of this place from the Krusty Krab to "SpongeBob's Place!" [laughing] Hey, that's a great idea! SpongeBob's Place! SpongeBob's Place! [cheering] SpongeBob's Place! SpongeBob's Place! Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! Krusty Krab! Krusty Krab! Krusty Krab! Krusty Krab! Come on, guys! Krusty Krab! Krusty Krab! [cheering] SpongeBob's Place! SpongeBob's Place! Admit it, without SpongeBob, you'd be nothing. Well, that's not true! I'm the one who made the SpongeBob Pat I mean the Krabby Patty! <i> ♪ Let's all go To SpongeBob's Place, ♪</i> <i> ♪ SpongeBob's Place, SpongeBob's Place! ♪</i> Whoa! All right, Mr. Krabs, if you think the Krusty Krab is haunted and needs ghost-busting, I'll stay away for a while. Haunted, eh? Don't you believe in ghosts? Oh, admit it. You're jealous of SpongeBob. Of course not! But I'll be cooking the Krabby Patties from now on. Krabby Patties named after me! Mr. Krabby. Ouch! [humming] <i> ♪ La la la la, Do do do do do do do ♪</i> [humming] Okay, everybody, order up! Guess I'm used to making Krabby Patties in mass quantities. Ooo! Ooo! How's about making some more of those delicious patties? I drew two more mouths on my face so I can eat three at a time! Okay, you guys. Just make yourself comfortable. More patties on the way! [grunting] [meowing] Oh, hello, Mr. Krabs. Place your order with Gary, please. And drop your money anywhere. I'm running out of places to put it. I really don't have time to count it. [groaning] Here, try one. Oh, it's delicious. Sorry, I ran out of napkins. You'll have to use a $100 bill. You deserve your own place. [sulking] Mr. Krabs, don't go! I need you! Ah, what do you need me for? You got everything: a magic touch for cooking, lots of customers, money! I could use a boss. Someone to take all the credit and all the money. Huh? Hmmm. Well, I suppose I could do some bossing. How's a 99% for me and 1% for you? Oh, that's more than generous! [snoring] Ahem, are you the owner of this food establishment? Well, I do own 99 percent of SpongeBob's Place, so I guess that's a yes. But you'll have to stand in line if you want to place an order. Yeah, well, I have an order for you. An order to shut down your restaurant. It's against city health codes to sell food in a pineapple. Say, Andy, you gotta try these patties. They're delicious. Carl, you're eating contraband. You're not the boss of me. Uh, yeah! I totally am the boss of you! Oh, what's going on? We've been shut down. Well, it was bun while it lasted. [laughing] You know, I've been doing some thinking. You're a big part of this place, boy-o, and I believe I should share the name with you, take a gander. I don't get it, Mr. Krabs. It looks the same. Well, climb up there! Get a closer look. Where? Under the words, "Krusty Krab!" "The Krusty Krab..." And "SpongeBob's Place." Oh, Mr. Krabs, you're the best! Whoo! Ow!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 14,621,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus
Id: TXkEmU4i-Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 53sec (4553 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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