Fairy Tail Ep. 1 | DUB | The Fairy Tail

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in a land far far away lies the kingdom of fury a small peaceful nation of 17 million and a place filled with magic found in every home bought and sold in every marketplace for most magic is merely a tool a mundane part of everyday life for some however magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to its practice these are the wizards banded together into magical gills they ply their skills in search of fame and fortune many such guilds dot the landscape of fury but there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest one from which countless legends have been born a guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future its name is fairytale [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] say goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the port town of harjian excuse me sir is he all right he's fine this always happens when he travels never i'm never riding a stupid train again if our information is correct then we should find that salamander somewhere in this town let's go just give me a second would you [Music] [Music] uh oh there he goes [Music] mean to tell me there's only one magic shop in this whole town so the people around here are more fishing folk than they are magic folk i reckon most people in town don't even know how to use magic i built this shop to sell to the wizards who happen to be passing through oh man i came out all this way for nothing now now don't say that little lady i have all the latest goods let me show you a few this colors magic is popular all the young girls really seem to like it it lets you change the color of your clothes any time you want purple i already have one of those what i really want are some powerful keys geekies huh that's a rare request yes but that one's not very powerful you know i know but i really really want it so how much 2 000 i'm sorry but how much was that again i said 20 000 jewel ah come on how much is it really worth surely you can cut me a deal [Music] i can't believe he only knocked off a thousand jewel stubborn old geezer must be blind that trick usually works so much for using my feminine wiles [Music] who uses fire magic you can't even buy in stores isn't this dead in town i wound up riding the train twice you've got to get over that motion sickness now i'm so hungry i could eat my hair too bad we don't have any money for food hey happy the salamander we're looking for has got to be igneal right ah it has to be because the only fire dragon i've ever heard of is it neil that's true [Music] salamander well speak of the devil we're in luck today happy [Music] why is my heart beating so fast what's gotten into me all of a sudden you ladies are all so sweet [Music] is it because he's a famous wizard is that why my heart's throbbing out of [Music] [Music] who the heck are you who am i i am salamander surely you've heard of me before hey wait a minute now now that's enough my lovelies let him go i'm sure the poor boy didn't mean anything malicious by it [Applause] and here's my autograph kid now you can brag to all your friends no thanks guess it wasn't him after all definitely not him well i'm afraid i must be going ladies i have business to attend to leaving already time for the red carpet [Music] [Applause] i'm having a soil ray on my yacht tonight and you're all invited [Applause] who the heck was that guy i don't know but he was a real creep thank you for your help and then my name's lucy it's nice to meet you there goes the money i saved at that old geezer's shop evidently that salamander guy was using magic a charm spell to hypnotize the ladies in town into thinking they were in love with him charm spells have the power to attract people to you against their own will but they've been banned for years nobody even sells them anymore he must have gone through a lot of trouble to get his hands on it what a creep i totally fell victim to his spell but i snapped out of it thanks to you bargin when you did i really can't thank you guys enough no problem i know it may not look like it but i'm a wizard too so oh i should probably explain huh see guilds are these organizations where wizards come together to share information and find work and things like that unfortunately you aren't considered a full-fledged wizard until you become a member of a guild there are tons of them all over the world i've heard it's really tough to get into the more popular ones and the guild i want to join is the most popular one there is they're the greatest and they're always featured in sorcerer weekly oh if i can actually convince them to levy and i think i'm just about done yeah oh i'm sorry i guess all this wizarding talk must sound like a bunch of gibberish to you huh but i'm telling you i'm definitely gonna join that guild someday and then i'm gonna take all kinds of exciting jobs and make tons of money oh yeah you talk a lot oh man i almost forgot you guys came here trying to find somebody didn't you we're looking for igneal we heard a rumor that a salamander was going to be coming through this town so we came here to see him turns out it was somebody else yeah that guy didn't look like a salamander at all no kidding i bet that poser can't even breathe fire like a real dragon uh i don't get it your friend igneol looks like a dragon no you got it all wrong he doesn't look like a dragon he is one fire dragon even in this magnificent world of magic dragons are considered extraordinary mystical creatures they are rarely seen by the human eye why would a fire dragon show up in the middle of town it's totally ridiculous well i should get going enjoy the rest of your lunch and maybe i'll see you around thank you ma'am please come again thank you for the food thank you [Music] you're embarrassing me look it's cool you guys helped me out earlier so let's just call it even i feel bad though because we weren't even trying to help we or something oh i know here this is for you no way [Music] this is the wizarding magazine sorcerer weekly oh my looks like the fairy tale guild's out there causing trouble again demon bandit clan wiped out but seven homes destroyed talk about going overboard oh the centerfold mirror jane she's so pretty i wish i knew how to get to be a member do you have to apply or maybe interview with them i don't know but i am so gonna join fairy tale they're totally the coolest guild ever what was that you want to join fairy tale salamander i've been looking all over for you i wanted to personally invite you to the party i'm having on my yacht tonight your charm spell won't work on me that magic's weakness is awareness it doesn't work on people if they know you're using it just as i thought i guess you were a wizard the moment i laid eyes on you no matter the invitation still stands well you can forget it i wouldn't be caught dead at a party being thrown by a creep like you a creep why would you call me that your spell using it to make yourself popular don't be mad my dear it's all in good fun i just wanted to feel like a celebrity at my own party can you blame me this just proves that even famous wizards can be big idiots you wish to join the fairytale guild right have you ever heard about salamander one of fairy tales wizards well yeah you're telling me you're him you're that salamander that's correct and if you want to join i could probably put in a good word for you [Music] i would love to go to your party tonight wow that was even easier than i thought it would be so you really think you could get me into fairy tale no kidding i don't see why not but you can't say anything about the charm spell good then i'll see you at the party tonight you got it mr salamander sir he got me i was pseudo-charmed but he's gonna get me into fairy tale i just have to keep my mouth shut and try to be nice to that sleaze bag until then [Music] hey that was quite a meal a happy hi hey look do you think that's the boat where that salamander guy is having his party i'm gonna hurl oh come on it's not like we're going aboard my gosh that's salamander shot isn't it i wish i could have gotten to his party who's salamander whoa you've never heard of him he's a super famous wizard who's in town right now yeah and he's a member of fairy tale uh-huh fairy tale oh no so he's in fairy tale izzy it's lucy right that's a lovely name yeah thanks i'd like to toast your beauty now open up wide lucy savor the taste of each flavorful drop as it enters your mouth i'm strong i can get through this [Music] what do you think you're doing i know what you're up to you're trying to use sleep magic very impressive my dear look i don't want to give you the wrong idea yes i really want to join the fairy tale guild but i'm not gonna date you to make that happen you're quite a handful aren't you what's going on here welcome aboard my ship and you'd be wise to behave yourself until we make it to bosco don't make me angry we're going to bosco you said you'd get me into fairy tale forget it i just said that so i could lure you here and make you one of our slaves how could you you're gonna kidnap all these girls that's our salamander all right we got a big haul this time why you these are gatekeys so you're a celestial wizard only the wizard who is contracted can use this magic so these are absolutely useless to me whoops you used magic to take advantage of others you're the worst wizard alive hey i know [Applause] this was a you idea you are so lame hey what are you doing here lucy oh happy this jerk tricked me he said he was gonna get me into fairy tales hold up since when do you have wings i'll explain that later okay after them we can't let them report this to the magic council cat's quicker than he looks hey guys what do you mean what problem my transformations [Music] forget about them let's continue on towards bosco the fairy tale guild you're a member here we go [Applause] [Music] not for you that was awesome that's the power of a celestial wizard whenever i use my gatekeys i could summon spirits from other worlds to help me listen up aquarius i want you to use your power to push that back into the porch you're supposed to come for the spirit world to help not to give me attitude it wouldn't make her any angrier lucy let's get something straight the next time you so much as think about dropping my key you're dead it won't happen again is what's the big deal you think you could have tried not to sweep me up with the ship oh that was an accident i didn't mean to get the ship wait that means you were aiming for me don't call me for a while i'm going on a week-long vacation with my boyfriend and he's hot you don't have to rub it in i've got an idea if the fish lady gives you any more trouble you can call me to take care of her i don't think i can handle much more of this stupid cat what happened that ship was thrown into port that hurt so you claim to be a member of the fairy tale guild so what's it to you go get em man sir let me get a closer look at your face watch out don't worry about him i probably should have told you this earlier but he's a wizard too my name is natsu i'm a fairy tale wizard and i've never seen you before you've got to be kidding me not sue is a fairy tale wizard that mark on his arm this guy is the real deal for up don't call me that you fool i know him that's for the prominence rumor has it he was kicked out of the titan nose wizard killed a couple of years ago because of bad behavior i have no idea what you're trying to do here buddy and i don't care if you're a good guy bad guy or what i'm not gonna let you dirty the fairy tale guild's name and what are you gonna do about it stop me providence typo [Music] [Applause] that's the way it goes the bigger the talk the weaker the man yeah this is so gross are you sure that you're really a fire wizard because these are the nastiest blues i've ever tasted [Applause] yeah thanks for the grub poser what's going on here who is this kid fire magic doesn't work on natsu i've never seen anything like that now i've got a fire in my belly that's raging to get out hey borah i swear i've seen this guy before the pink hair and the scaly looking scarf there's no doubt about it he's got to be the real one i hope you guys are paying attention this is what a fairytale wizard can do here so he eats fire and then attacks with it but how does he do it is it some kind of spell he has dragon lungs that allow him to breathe fire dragon scales to help him to dissolve the fire and dragon claws for attacking with fire his friend of fire magic is one that allows his body to take on all the qualities of a dragon it's an ancient spell that's rarely used anymore seriously this particular magic was originally used to deal with dragons [Music] was the one who taught it to him [Music] now that was a hefty meal you're not doing too bad but i'm about to cook you like a smoked fish you're gonna do one to me get ready don't be silly natsu everyone knows you smoke food with smoke not fire oh wow that was amazing but he overdid it oh shut it cat the army oh crap we gotta get out of here the heck are you taking me just come on you said that you wanted to join the fairy tale guild didn't you so let's go [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] okay [Music] i'm sure that before i joined fairy tale they're gonna make me interview with them first impressions are important with things like this so i'm gonna practice greetings my name is lucy no that's probably way too formal for them hiya i'm lucy what's up uh to teenage girl next time fire dragon monkey and bull i've gotta be more energetic and see something they'll remember me by i am lucy whoa that was just scary [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music]
Channel: Crunchyroll Dubs
Views: 466,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funimation, Fairy Tail, fairy tale, fairy tail episode 1, full anime episodes, free anime episodes, shounen anime to watch, fantasy anime, fairy tail, fairy tail anime, fairy tail ep 1, anime dub, dubbed anime, free anime, english dub, the fairy tail, fairy tail dub
Id: wdycCaWWX7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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