FULL MATCH - Team Cena vs. Team Authority - Elimination Tag Team Match: Survivor Series 2014
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Channel: WWE
Views: 121,390,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, Survivor Series, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, John Cena, Ryback, Kane, Luke Harper, Mark Henry, Rusev, Seth Rollins, survivor series 2014, wwe sting, wwe sting debut, wwe sting debut survivor series, wwe sting debut full, wwe full match, full match
Id: gD7qJ3TW1jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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I get irrationally mad that they didn't follow up on the aftermath of the match (Dolph pretty much singlehandedly winning the match to rid WWE of the Authority, along with Sting's help) by just having the Authority return about a month later.
Also, the video here misses one of the best parts from after the match, when it's just HHH & Steph left in the ring and the latter starts throwing a big tantrum upon realizing what just happened.