FULL MATCH - Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar – No Holds Barred Match: WrestleMania 29

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How is he lifting those 45ton solid tungston steel steps?!?!?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Jess_S13 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair. Both were forced to retire at WrestleMania. Triple H may follow in their footstep tonight. No holds barred versus Lesnar, Triple H loses, his career's over. And Triple H trying to unload on Brock Lesnar. He's got to stay away from the Kimura lock guys, which broke Triple H's arm. >> [SOUND] >> And again, this is right in the wheelhouse of Lesnar. No holds barred. Massive knees and already these guys are outside the ring. >> Yeah, we knew this was gonna happen. The squared circle was not gonna contain these two warrirors tonight. And Triple H, taking the fight, to the destroyer Lesnar. [NOISE] Triple H has to make sure that Brock Lesnar is not able to get the upper hand at any point in this match up. And now Brock Lesnar bounced right off the announce table. >> Wow. >> Nearly crushing it here. >> And now Triple H. You got to remember how emotional this is for Triple H and how personal it is. Brock Lesnar, attacking him and his friends, his father-in-law, Mr. McMahon. And now Lesnar. Kidney first to the apron. >> It's no holds barred. Triple H wants to get a little payback for that broken arm. >> Yeah, Triple H wants to get payback but he has got to keep focused. He has got to realize and keep his eye on the prize and the fact that if he loses in any kind of way- >> This guy's an animal. >> His career is over. >> This guy's an animal. >> Again, this is legal. Remember steel chair you can use, no holds barred. Brock, watch out. >> Triple H. >> Brock Lesnar's got welts built up all over his body all ready. He's got a mouse under his right eye. >> And Brock Lesnar just landed hard on the back of his head. >> And his right shoulder. >> Brock Lesnar. Watch this impact, watch how Brock lands. >> [SOUND] >> Aah! >> Triple H tried to use the steel chair and Lesnar countered. And now it's Brock Lesnar on the attack. >> This is a beast who won two World Championships in an octagon. This is right up Brock Lesnar's alley. [NOISE] >> You gotta realize it's also up Triple H's alley. >> And Triple H- >> I can agree with that. >> With a high knee to the jaw. We knew this match was not gonna be for the faint of heart. And look at Heyman. Heyman, wisely, removing the chair. >> No holds barred. >> You're right because Triple H was just about to use that chair to his advantage. >> Brock Lesnar won a WWE Championship in WrestleMania. Triple H has been involved in some of the greatest matches in WrestleMania history >> And we could be seen his last match. >> Difference is, Brock loses, he loses some respect, Triple H loses, this the last we'll see of him. Come on H. [NOISE] >> Watch out here these steel steps, and Lesnar bounced skull first by The Game. [NOISE] >> This match is already what is it, a couple of minutes old and it's already been so physical. >> You knew it was gonna be. Look out, not on the floor, no. >> By Lesnar. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Do you see how quick Lesnar countered, pivoted the hips. >> No. >> And the smile crossing the face of Lesnar. >> Yeah, he knows just got the upper hand big time in this match. >> Yeah, that's what we talked about. Triple H cannot allow himself to get into this position. >> Look at this move. This is a [INAUDIBLE] right here on the floor! >> Break the hold! >> Just so strong! [NOISE] >> Watch out here. Now Triple H bounced head first off the announce table. You're looking in the eyes of an absolute beast. >> This guy's an animal, absolute animal. >> No emotion, no remorse. Just a fight. >> Watch out, Big- >> [NOISE] >> [SOUND] >> And the end, yeah, the end could be near for triple H. >> And his career. Watch this again. [NOISE] >> Paul Heyman said that Triple H was committing career suicide. And Lesnar can methodically take his time, pick Triple H apart, punish The Game. [NOISE] Aah. >> Every time he delivers the punishment. >> No. >> Not again. >> Good grief. >> My gosh, this is frightening. Is there no? >> Look at him. >> The referee's just powerless, he can't do anything, he knows it. >> And Lesnar's sick. I think hurting people. >> Watch the landing on this. >> Gets this guy's blood going. >> Triple H says Lesnar loves to hurt people. One of the things he doesn't like about him. Says he has no respect for this business. >> Aah! >> My God this guy is a nutjob. >> Lesnar's in this world for one person that's himself. >> He's made a career out of hurting people. >> And he loves it, Michael. >> Of inflicting pain as you just said. >> He is a 13 times World Champion. >> Look at this, now he is after Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels is just trying to get in position and see if Triple H is okay and Lesnar sends him scurrying. >> Lesnar has- >> I've never seen Shawn Michaels run from anyone like that. >> Lesnar's lost it. >> That was the smart thing to do. >> [SOUND] >> Well we saw David back the last year, the fact that Triple H's COO wouldn't give Lesnar the contract he wanted. >> You get the impression that Brock is just enjoying every second of this. >> Of course he is. >> Yes. >> He wants to punish Triple H. >> This looks like it's just a matter of time now. >> Brock is in Heaven right now, look at him. >> Triple H going through Hell. >> Brock wants to enjoy punishing Triple H for what may be the final minutes of Triple H's illustrious career. >> This is an animal feasting. >> Triple H, still some fight. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Sometime or just momentarily. >> [SOUND] >> Lesnar cover could this be it? Could this be it for Triple H? >> One count away for Triple H's career being over. >> You can't compete with Brock Lesnar. You know what? >> Heyman may be right. >> Stay down. >> Let's go, Lesnar! >> Go into retirement! >> Triple H won't stay down, I can guarantee you that, but he might should. [NOISE] >> Shawn Michael's just having to look on, he's helpless. >> Triple H still trying to fight back. >> [NOISE] >> And just like that, Lesnar back in control. [NOISE] >> Ohh, man. >> Triple H able to get both feet up just in time to stop Lesnar but no not again. >> Another slam by Lesnar. Crawling to the cover. Will it be after The Game, the end of the line. Kick out by Triple H. >> They might have to stop this for Triple H's safety. >> You can do this all night long. Well, if they stop it, his career is over. >> I don't care. If you don't, it's his health. >> Well, his arm and shoulder definitely hurt [INAUDIBLE] on the floor. >> And again, but this guy isn't gonna stop. Lesnar is not gonna stop, you know that. He's enjoying this. This is gonna get dangerous. >> Again, John, I think you get a bit carried away. I think it's a little premature for you to be calling on the referee to perhaps stop this match. We've seen Triple H try to fight. [CROSSTALK] >> I didn't say to do it yet, Michael, I said it's something he better think about. >> A great throw. >> Are you watching what I'm watching Michael? >> Of course, I am. >> Why do you put yourself through this? Stay down, it's over. >> 80,000 people here right now. >> Here's the cover again by Lesnar. And again, the fight of Triple H, a 13 time World Champion. He's had his back against the wall before. >> It's hard to believe what we're seeing. >> You gotta start fighting. You gotta start fighting, man, come on! >> Now it's Shawn Michaels trying to will on his friend. >> No! >> And again, Lesnar. He is just tossing Triple H around the ring. And again, Lesnar covers shoulder down and Triple H this time more meekly kicks out. >> Barely able to get his shoulder up. >> Little bit frustrated when Triple H was able to get the shoulder up again that time. >> I don't know if he's frustrated or just that made him a little more angry than he already was. >> Guys have mentioned the, the arm going through the table before by Triple H, one that was broked twice by Brock Lesnar. And here comes Triple H again. And not a game, the cerebral assassin trying to unload on Lesnar. >> Nope, too much strength, redemption. >> My lord. Get up, Hunter, get up! >> [NOISE] >> Shawn Michaels wants to try to go to the aid of The Game but- >> Yeah, there's not much he can do on his own. >> That glare from the Beast is enough to back you away. [NOISE] You suck, bro! I hate you, bro! >> Triple H believes he is fighting for his family, his career. >> This is not good now, look at Lesnar. >> Triple H! Triple H took advantage! It's almost like Shawn Michaels lured Lesnar in, and Triple H saw the opening and attacked. [NOISE] >> But is it enough, is it enough for Triple H [INAUDIBLE] area? >> And now suddenly Triple H is starting to build a little bit of momentum. >> Unbelievable. [NOISE] >> Watch out here, watch out here, look out! >> Brock Lesnar had a steel chair in hand. And now it's Triple H! And now Lesnar- >> How gutsy is Triple H? >> Is on the other end! [NOISE] >> Well actually, if you think about it, The Game's got no alternative. He's got to do something. >> That or his career ends. This is it, run till the gas tank's empty. Michaels again willing Triple H on, Triple H back to the ring. Now it's Brock Lesnar- >> Not again! >> And yet another throw, this time shoulders are down. >> One, two. >> Triple H's career! >> Brock, Brock, Brock, Brock, put him down! >> Shawn Michaels- >> Put him down! >> Look out, Shawn! And Lesnar Just leveled Shawn Michaels. [NOISE] >> Shawn hit right in the mouth. >> And now Triple H, spine buster. [APPLAUSE] >> This is back and forth but you've seen this before, just when The Game thinks he's building moment, this- >> Look at this going for the pedigree. >> Pedigree. >> Going for the pedigree. >> No Lesnar. >> F5, F5. >> Went for Sweet Chin Music. Shawn. F5 from Lesnar. [NOISE] >> No holds barred. Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. >> Triple H now. He went for the Pedigree, Lesnar went to his knees. Now Triple H hits it. Cover- >> He may have him. >> Hook to the leg. And Lesnar kicked out at two. [NOISE] >> Watch this again as Shawn Michaels up on that ring apron, blasted with that elbow from Lesnar right in the mouth, that led to this. Shawn coming back trying to go for a Sweet Chin Music. Instead he got the F5, he got planted. God! >> Yeah, but that F5- >> Hey, look at this! >> Lesnar, Triple H sledgehammer. >> Sledgehammer in hand, completely legal. The trademark of Triple H. Lesnar, Lesnar. >> [SOUND] >> There goes the career, that's the career. >> It's over, hook to the leg Triple H kicks out. [NOISE] >> Come on! Come on! [NOISE] >> God, what a battle! >> The will to win is a war by The Game. >> Triple H with that, well he had sledgehammer in hand but it was caught, and watch this devastating F5. >> [SOUND] >> Yeah but Triple H, he kicked down on pure instinct. Triple H is writhing around here in the ringside Lesnar with a steel chair and now the assault begins. [NOISE] >> I'm playing with chairs too. [NOISE] >> Imagine the power of Brock Lesnaar, that beast, swinging a steel chair. No holds barred, they can do [SOUND] anything to each other. Shoulder to the steps. [NOISE] [APPLAUSE] Kill him. >> My God. [NOISE] >> End this for real, Brock, come on. >> Such a destructive force. >> Whoa. Not good at all. No, stay down, stay down Triple H. Stay down. >> My God, Lesnar with the steel steps. >> Look out! >> Right of the skull! >> [NOISE] >> Lensar's out of control. He's completely out of control. >> No, are you kidding me? Look at this. Look at this guys. >> Lesnar's lost it. >> I'm telling you, he's out of control guys. [NOISE] >> Lesnar is untamed. [NOISE] >> Tossed those steel steps in the ring like they were a toy. >> Lesnar's gonna make sure Triple H remembers his last match >> King, he's been tossing around a 13 time world champion like a toy! >> Retirement time! [NOISE] >> No holds barred. [NOISE] >> Lesnar. >> I mean, it said no holds barred but there's gotta be a limit. >> Lesnar. >> Get up. [SOUND]. And again, on the shoulder this time. This could be it. Will be it? >> Two and a half. >> It's okay. [INAUDIBLE] all night long. Make him feel the pain. >> [SOUND] And again a cover again. >> Okay. >> Well, Hayman's screaming torturing him all night long, make him feel the pain. >> I don't know if Lesnar's getting frustrated or just angry or- >> Well Lesnar is torturing him but how's Triple H continuing to kick out and kick out. >> His career's on the line. >> Brock Lesnar is- >> It's kick out or go home. >> It's over now, retire. That's just- >> [SOUND] >> What? [NOISE] >> That might have been the biggest mistake triple H has ever made in his career. >> Triple H now, Lesnar screaming retire, little in the game. >> Lesnar so quick. Come on. >> He's got in. He's on the ropes. >> Yeah, you can't break on the ropes. Come on lock the same look at his arm twice. >> [NOISE] >> Triple H desperately trying to hang in there Lesnar. Look at Lesnar. >> [NOISE] >> I'm afraid it's pinfall or submission, it looks like, well it looked like there was gonna be a submission. >> Well triple H- >> Get back to the >> Again. >> Got it. Triple H we're right back in the look at Triple H trying to fight out of this with Brock Lesnar. >> [SOUND] >> Broke here again. Lesnar, a third time. >> He's relentless. He's trying to break in he's trying to break it. >> Triple H's gonna be useless at this point. [NOISE] No, no, no. >> John look at this. More torque more leverage on that arm, he's getting, look at look at, legs locked around the waist and again. Look at the pressure here. And look at Lesnar's face, he's trying to break the arm. >> He's loving this, Lesnar's in his element. Absolutely it had him. >> But look at again, he's lifted up Lesnar, what's he gonna do with him. Triple H, he breaks it. But has the damage been done? This is amazing. How much pain and torture can these two men endure? >> He's a man, you're a beast. >> Shoulder first. Man. Now Triple H. >> [SOUND]. >> Legal. >> Legal, completely legal. Well desperate times call for desperate measures. >> Triple H says to do something he's gonna stay in this, he better capitalize now. Is trying everything. Look at- >> [APPLAUSE] >> This is the game, 13 times world champion. Look out, not wanting to go into retirement yet, not this way. Not today. >> Got another steel chair. He's got a steel chair and he's got Lesner's arm locked around that pole. [NOISE] That's his arm, that's his arm. He's returned the favor. >> Right on the elbow. [SOUND] >> Again. >> [SOUND] >> And now Triple H, Triple H, to it come on. >> You so watch your rib Brock. >> Triple H you need to come on, global practice. >> This is poetic justice, what goes around comes around and two chance of the. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Brock can tap, [APPLAUSE] >> I can hear Lesner screaming and heaving help. >> Wait wait wait, what's Heyman doing? [INAUDIBLE] [APPLAUSE] >> Come on lock still in, Lesnar with a way to go. >> [SOUND] >> What's Lesnar gonna do? Is he gonna tap? >> Even the ref won't help him. >> Further from out of Lesnar. >> Lesnar give me Brock. >> [SOUND] >> What is this little talk here, and again my God look at Lesnar, Lesnar. >> This guy is a beast. >> Look at Lesnar. >> Absolutely beast. [APPLAUSE] >> My God. [SOUND] >> How did Lesnar withstand all of that? >> [SOUND] >> He's got. >> He's got him back. Come on. [APPLAUSE] Unbelievable. >> Triple H may have found the salvation to his career. >> And again, Lesnar with a- >> [SOUND] >> Twice on those steel steps. [APPLAUSE] >> A third time. He's gotta watch it again. >> Third time with a kimura lock. >> He's gonna tap. >> The game The beast is gonna tap. >> [NOISE] >> Lesnar trying to somehow power out again. >> What an fortitude. >> [NOISE] >> Lesnar >> We did it, did it had. >> I think broke his own head there. >> He topped the two. >> [CROSSTALK] >> DDT Brock Lesnar. >> Yeah I think Triple H he counted at DDT I think. >> He heard DDT. >> Let's see what with that. >> Watch Lesnar head here yes, Lesnar head dribbling into those. >> That's right Triple H is the rival assassin. [LAUGH] But can The Game capitalize now? The hammer, the hammer. >> A physical test to the wills of both men. >> Here it is. >> He got him! >> [APPLAUSE] >> [APPLAUSE]. >> But is that enough? >> I don't know, Lesnar should be unconscious. >> [APPLAUSE]. >> But can Triple H put Lesnar away? If he does this he will >> My god Triple H. >> Wow. >> Are you kidding me? On the steel steps. Cover. >> One, two, three. >> Triple H slays the beast. [INAUDIBLE] Triple H. [MUSIC]
Channel: WWE
Views: 17,594,114
Rating: 4.6395721 out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2020, WrestleMania, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, Shawn Michaels, triple h vs brock lesnar, brock lesnar vs triple h, triple h vs brock lesnar wrestlemania, triple h vs brock lesnar full match, wrestlemania 29, wwe full match, brock lesnar full match, triple h full match, wrestlemania full match
Id: CgJ18rBMm1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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