FULL MATCH- NXT vs. Raw vs. SmackDown - Survivor Series Elimination Match: Survivor Series 2019

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I had to check the date they put this on youtube.

I was like "No way they pick THIS match to put up right now"

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/RKO-Cutter 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for posting this up. I'm getting back into wrestling for the first time in a good few years, and at only 6 minutes into this match I'm loving what I'm seeing. I get the vibe that WWE isn't so solid nowadays, but this match is pretty sick, very entertaining.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/PantsMcDancey 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Watching this just reminds us how laughable/maddening it is they released Lee

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/mweinrib 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

WALTER getting pinned in a few minutes clean was outlandish

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/PenApplePineapplePem 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

WALTER looked like average dude in there. There's a reason they call WWE the land of giants. Kross looked average on Raw as well.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/TenThousandFist 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

The spirit bomb on roman is one of the best close calls that ive seen in recent memory

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zeebeebo 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

The night they put over NXT hard af and it lead to nothing

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/FuegoDelSun 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

This match was fucking amazing. Aside from WALTER getting kinda squashed, everything was perfect.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Mrbrickjojo 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
[NOISE] >> One of those unique chants from the NXT Universe. It's what makes it a real family affair? And we've mentioned it tonight ad nauseam, that everybody on the NXT roster realizes the opportunity at hand. What coming out of tonight as the supreme brand could mean for Wednesday nights going forward. >> NXT came in here to Survivor Series with a lot to prove, and I dare say they've done it. >> And again, just to clarify the rules of the Five-on-Five matchup here. You must tag your own teammates, pinfall, submission, count out, disqualifications. Once you're eliminated, you head back to the locker room. And it looks as if Braun Stroman starts for Smackdown. Team captain Seth Rollins for Raw and Tommaso Ciampa starting for NXT. >> Look at that can that size differential. >> [NOISE] >> And you can hear the tone of the universe, chanting out for Tommaso Ciampa, but there's Strowman, Corey. Your point, just the strength of the unstoppable force. >> There is nobody arguably in NXT on the roster as strong as Strowman. But this is a wise decision out of the gates by Champa and Rollins to double team the much larger monster. >> And Strowman just throw a dropkick! >> [NOISE] >> That's 385 pounds flying through the air. >> That is scary agility for somebody of that size. >> And a tag made, here comes Drew McIntyre. >> Rollins wants none of it. >> Wait a second. >> Look at this showdown! >> Yeah, their ring general, the United Kingdom champion, Walter. >> [NOISE] >> And Walter and McIntyre teaming up, and again, the strategy. Trying to cut down Braun Strowman of SmackDown. And Walter and McIntyre are all over him, a monster among men. >> [NOISE] >> Walter, a throwback to the great champions of the past. >> Big fan of Walter and what he's capable of inside those ropes, as Braun Strowman's finding out first hand. >> Wow! >> Wow, have you ever seen a strike thrown by Drew McIntyre with as little impact as Walter just showed? >> [LAUGH] >> Wow! >> This is coming! >> Look at the welts starting to form on both men. And McIntyre getting the upper hand for a moment. McIntyre. >> What a right foot by Walter. And Walter riding on top of Strowman and then just squashed McIntyre. >> Seated senton by the NXT UK Champion. >> Imperium in the house. >> Strowman just decleaning Walter. And now hoist up Mclntyre looking for the power slam. >> [NOISE] >> McIntyre put in a, wait a minute, German suplex. >> [NOISE] >> No way, no way. >> No, no, no way. >> [LAUGH] Wait a second. >> I think Walter just angered the monster. >> Walter has never seen that. >> Walter, right now, standing toe to toe with Strowman. >> Credit to Walter for standing his ground. >> Drop kick by Walter. Strowman is down. Claymore kick. >> That's gotta be it, Walter's done. >> Cover. >> One, two, three. >> It is. >> Walter from Team NXT has been eliminated. >> The United Kingdom champion, a strong showing. But just too much with the Claymore. >> No rest for the weary. You saw McIntyre lock eyes with Damien Priest. >> [NOISE] >> Damien Priest obviously the freshest of McIntyre. That's sick from Strowman. >> Nice chop delivered. >> Look at that, look at that, combination my Priest. >> Rowing elbow has MacIntyre rocked. >> Clothesline look at, it's Damien Priest ducking everything from Strowman. >> Wait a second. >> Didn't duck that. >> Strowman into the post. >> A tag was made. I believe shorty G is now legal for Team Blue. >> Watch out! Beautiful moonsault connects. Down goes Priest. >> What was made to Ricochet, I think, in the opposite corner. >> I think you're right, Nigel. >> Ricochet flying through the air with ease. >> [NOISE] >> Look at Ricochet. >> Wow, astonishing offense, but wait a second- >> Ankle lock, center of the ring. Ricochet sense it, able to roll through. That athleticism on display now. Ricochet answers, almost with an elbow. Shorty G staying one step ahead. >> Nope. >> No, no, no. >> Deceptively powerful, here's Shorty G. >> Whoa. >> What a German suplex! >> Wow. >> That's folded Ricochet right in half. >> Chaos really, a terrible landing for Ricochet. >> And Riddle just tagged in. Matt Riddle for NXT. >> [NOISE] >> Chants are bro, bro, bro throughout the arena. The Original Bro there making use of his MMA bred, run a great screw to avoid the single leg from the former Olympic athlete. >> Yeah, Corey, but Matt Riddle's trying to go move for move with Shorty G? >> You're absolutely right. We're about to see exactly how skilled Matt Riddle truly is on the mat. >> Because it simply doesn't get much better than Shorty G. >> This is a delight to watch. >> A roll through. Riddle looking for a submission, and he's got the ankle-lock in on Shorty G. >> The irony. >> Is Shorty G gonna tap out? Able to roll through into an Ankle Lock of his own. >> Shorty G got a crank and twist with everything that he's got. >> And with no boom, that's gonna make it much easier to get a submission. Wow, hold on. >> Riddle was looking for the PK, Penalty Kick. >> [NOISE] >> We've got ourselves a stalemate. >> [NOISE] >> You can hear the WWE Universe sold out in Chicago. >> [NOISE] >> This will be a great test for both competitors. Tag was made, I think. >> And Tommaso Ciampa is lethal. Shorty G just found out the hard way. >> Great ring awareness by the veteran, Ciampa. >> [NOISE] >> Able to execute a blind tag that gave him a momentary advantage, but not for long. >> Keeping up long, wait a second. >> Here comes Ricochet! >> Both Shorty G and Ciampa go down. Breathtaking offense from Ricochet. >> Reach out, there's a tag. And in comes Kevin Owens. >> Who's Owens gonna aim for? >> Eruptions, Eenie meenie miney! >> Owens, a frog splash onto Shorty G. >> One. >> Cover. >> Two. >> Count. >> Three. >> And Shorty G has been eliminated. >> Shorty G from Team SmackDown has been eliminated. >> I knew it. Kevin Owens' loyalty, his heart still belongs with NXT. Last night Owens kissed the NXT logo when he left the building. >> Well, now Roman Reigns has entered, uh-oh. >> [NOISE] >> Wow. >> Super kick by Owens and this is the descension, Graves. >> It was a cheap shot. >> And it was the descension referring three, two men that thought they were the captain, whoa. >> Owens looking for that stunner to put away King Corbin. And Owens right outside, another superkick. >> [NOISE] >> Clear the deck. >> Cannonball. >> [SOUND] >> [NOISE] >> Owens all for Team Raw, and now Owens right back on top. Looking for the stunner, got it! Owens got the stunner on King Corbin. >> No, this could be it. >> Wait a second. >> Widow's bell into the cover. >> A cover. >> He's got it. >> Ciampa just eliminate him. >> Kevin Owens from Team Raw has been eliminated. >> Well, that tells you a lot about the mindset of Tommaso Ciampa. Just like last night, Kevin Owens coming to his aid. >> Yeah, but take a look guys, now is no time to pat yourself on the back Ciampa, a viper has slithered into the ring. >> Ciampa has seen him. >> [APPLAUSE] >> [NOISE] >> Looking for the RKO as Orton, Ciampa able to counter, Orton to the outside. This champion did his homework. It was all too Raw. You can't trust the Viper. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Didn't drink drag Orton far enough into the middle rovers are known for the draping DDT as well, hold on. >> Like Randy Orton, no one has ever been better in Survivor Series and Orton has the most eliminations, the most team wins, 3 times solo survivor. Orton knows what it takes to survive. >> Don't question Randy Orton on a first pink first bow hall of fame, hold on, oooh, wow! >> Spine first goes Ciampa and think guys, everything Ciampa went through 24 hours game in war games. >> That's absolutely incredible that Tommaso Ciampa able to compete here tonight. >> Randy Orton will be damned if he's gonna let anyone in NXT make their name in WWE at his expense. >> [NOISE] >> We've seen this in the past graves, just slowly, methodically destroying the opposition. Any limb touching the match, The Viper so calculated in each one of his movements, just raking his knee across the temple and eye of Tommaso Ciampa. And Orton, Ciampa one step ahead, makes a tag. Damien Priest now legal! >> And Priest is legal! >> To the right, looking for the reckoning. >> Whoa, counter, RKO again! Cover him, Randy, cover! Out! >> [APPLAUSE] >> Damien Priest from team NXT has been eliminated. >> The herd beginning to thin at the hands of The Viper, Brawn is looking for a knee! Able to roll through, shoulders down and Orton [CROSSTALK] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Randy Orton from Team Raw has been eliminated. >> Can you believe it? >> I saw it, but the answer is still no. >> Yeah, and The Viper strikes! >> As you said, Orton wasn't gonna be taken lightly. Wait a minute. King Corbin! >> [CROSSTALK] Three. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Matt Riddle from Team NXT has been eliminated. >> Our fearless leader, King Corbin, single-handedly dispatching of Matt Riddle. >> What a snake. >> Only two superstars left, Nigel, for NXT. As Braun Strowman tagged himself in. >> [LAUGH] Look at the eyes of Strowman. >> [APPLAUSE] >> There's a lot of beef in that ring right now. >> [APPLAUSE] >> McIntyre. Again Randy Orton was eliminated. No one stepped up for Raw. McIntyre's now in. [NOISE] >> McIntyre to Roman Reigns. >> They've got knocked off the apron in our feet, but look out behind. >> Strowman with a clothesline. And Strowman now clearing house of everyone on team red. >> Look who's left in the ring? >> I don't think we need to be looking in the ring, Nigel. I'd be where have been on the outside right now. >> Team Blue with the advantage. Four superstars remain for SmackDown. Ciampa just sending him over the barricade. >> Don't stand on the tracks when a train's coming through. Ricochet mauled. >> [NOISE] >> Good Lord, like a locomotive. >> [NOISE] >> Go. >> [NOISE] >> And It's Strowman again. >> Yeah, rounds the pass on that one. >> Wow, Keith Lee just sacrificing his own body to slow the momentum of the monster. >> But have you ever seen the momentum of Braun Strowman stopped so empathically? >> Not by one man I sure haven't. >> There's moments ago did you see the eyes of King Corbin. A look of concern on Corbin's face. >> Unconcerned, Corbin just surveying the situation. >> And that Claymore Kick! A Claymore Kick by McIntyre! >> [NOISE] >> Referee's count is climbing. >> King Corbin like a great- >> Referee's at eight. >> Great general, just- >> Keith Lee beat the count. McIntyre beat the count. I don't think Strowman beat the count. >> No, no, no, no. >> Braun Strowman from Team Smackdown has been eliminated by count outs. >> This has to be a mistake. >> That's a disaster is what it is. Take a look here. The Claymore Kick to the jaw took down the Monster Among Men who could not took the count. >> Now look at Ricochet, a superstar who does moves you only can create in video games. Flying through the air, taking out Mustafa Ali. >> [NOISE] >> Ricochet on a roll. >> Ricochet one of the three members left for Team Raw, to the mid section of King Corbin. Boom, what a kick. Turnbuckle right between the eyes of The King, Ricochet flying through the air. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And for Ricochet to be back on the offense. >> My Lord. >> Whoa, Ricochet bringing the fight to the Big Dog on the outside! >> Ricochet willing to risk it all for Team Red, for Monday Night Raw! >> Keith Lee in the wrong part of town when Ricochet's on the top rope. >> I don't think you're ever safe if Ricochet's on the top rope, no matter where you are. >> Looking to fly! Ricochet able to roll through. And now dazed, cover by King Corbin, and [NOISE] >> Ricochet from Team RAW has been eliminated. >> For Monday night RAW, Drew McIntyre, team captain, Seth Rollins. For SmackDown, Mustafa Ali, Roman Reigns, King Corbin and Team NXT, Tommaso Ciampa and Keith Lee. >> Ali tagging himself in, wants a part of this action. >> But a spinning heel kick put out Rollins and Rollins is pretty fresh guy, Seth Rollins has not been in. >> Same could be said for Mustafa Ali to this point but the tides can turn in a moments notice. >> [INAUDIBLE] advantage for Ali to hear WWE universe come alive. >> Ali rolling through gets launched. >> They just caught Ciampa, now Ali trying to turn back around. >> Rollins looking to capitalize. >> And Ali we've seen this in the past graves, looking for that Tornado DDT got it. >> Rollins got spiked. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Mustafa Ali. Feeling some kind of way, whoa! >> [APPLAUSE] >> King Corbin, Tommaso Ciampa, Seth Rollins, all launched into our announce desk. >> Did you feel the impact of that? >> I mentioned it earlier, but wait a minute, from behind, Ciampa, ooh, super kick! Ciampa down to one and Mustafa Ali looking to make his way back in. >> What the? Wait a minute. >> What are you doing? Your time, you need to go, what are you doing? What are you doing? Wait a sec, the stomp, the Stomp by Rollins, cover and another number of SmackDown gone. >> Ali from Team SmackDown has been eliminated. >> It's blatantly obvious, Mustafa Ali disrespected the general. >> [APPLAUSE] >> What's your problem, fool? >> [APPLAUSE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> That's on him, not us. >> That's on you. >> That's on you. >> Well, guys, it's only two members left for each team. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Whoa! McIntyre laying waste to the Big Dog. >> Well, McIntyre right now getting Ciampa back into the ring. >> [APPLAUSE] >> McIntyre starting his- >> Nice elbow by Ciampa, again, two members left for SmackDown, two for Raw, two for NXT. >> Ciampa looking for the boot, but instead, McIntyre forces through. >> Yeah, Ciampa might be going for the ride. McIntyre, planting Ciampa center of the ring, inverted Alabama slam, does that get second on and finish it, Ciampa, Ciampa kicked out. >> The impish malevolence of the former NXT champion >> Let's not forget if NXT is able to win this match, we cannot be caught. >> Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, because right now McIntyre. >> Get up! Get your ass up Ciampa, I'm gonna kick your ass back to NXT. Get up! Get up! Get up! >> Fire burning in McIntyre! Spear by Reigns. >> One, two, three. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Drew McIntyre from Team Raw has been eliminated. >> Seth Rollins is the only superstar remaining from Monday Night Raw. From behind goes Rollins, cover, great, Rollins, Reigns just kicked out, nice kick by Rollins. But Seth Rollins, Rollins has no one now to tag, Corey. >> Rollins a man without any allies in this matchup, the devil in his eye. And Reigns and Rollins who know each other so very well. One heavy handed right from the Big Dog stops Rollins, boom, drive by, Rollins is rocked. >> Can Reigns capitalize? Wait a minute. >> Willow's Bell into the cover now? >> Willow's Bell connects? Ciampa now, looking from a Fairytail ending, Reigns able to counter out, superman punch. But Reigns, slow to follow up. >> And now, King Corbin, the only hope for Roman Reigns. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Which superstar can get over and make a tag first, well, the pivotal effect in this match. >> Keith Lee reaching out for a tag, we talked about the dissension between Reigns and King Corbin since the very beginning. >> Get up. >> Wow, look at this. >> And Corbin, a cheap shot on Lee. >> Smart move. Brilliant move by the fearless leader of the Blue Team. >> Unfortunately, I've got to agree, Corbin doing what it took to make sure that Ciampa couldn't make a tag. >> And Corbin now, dragging Reigns over to Team Blue's corner, tag made, in comes King Corbin. >> That is leadership. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Corbin trying to motivate Reigns to get back in this fight. >> STE, STE, STE, STE. >> King Corbin now looking at Tommaso Ciampa. >> Everybody in Chicago knows King Corbin's a super tough dude. >> And, no, SmackDown was looking for the advantage. Superman Punch Roman. >> Reigns spear on The King Corbin. >> Yes, thank you, Roman Reigns. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Ciampa unsure what to think. Ciampa into the cover. >> One, two, three. >> Count. >> [LAUGH] >> Baron Corbin from Team SmackDown has been eliminated. >> SmackDown stands with just one man left, that is Roman Reigns. I have never been more disappointed in the Big Dog than I am right now. >> Seth Rollins all that's left for Team Raw, Ciampa, Keith Lee remain for Team NXT. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Graves, what's your strategy be now, I mean, do Reigns and Rollins team up? >> They know each other, they know each other, sure. I mean, I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this particular scenario. >> [APPLAUSE] >> What does Ciampa do here? By the looks of things, it's two on one. Here we go. >> Ciampa going right at Reigns, going right at Rollins. Seth Rollins the captain of Team Raw, Reigns the captain of the Team SmackDown, beating down Ciampa. In comes Keith Lee and right back to work. Raw and SmackDown working together to beat down NXT. NXT of course, with the three-one-one advantage here at Survivor Series. >> Alliance of necessity at this very moment. >> Absolutely, it has to be with a two-one-one advantage in this match. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And- >> Wait a second. >> Ciampa to the outside. >> What? >> Well, you are looking at two superstars both wanna be the best. Well now, is not the time to flex your ego, Roman already put SmackDown at a disadvantaged by spearing our captain. Uh-oh, I'm out of here. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Come on, Ciampa, do you wanna run this place? >> This does not bode well. >> Graves, what's through the mind? I think Roman and Rollins, gotta be considering a trip down memory lane. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Are we gonna see it one more time for old time sake? >> No, no, no, come on. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Up goes Ciampa! And Keith Lee! >> Keith Lee just bulldozed over the entire pile. 320 pounds, flattening Reigns, flattening Rollins and saving Ciampa from the moment. >> Whoa, Nigel, what's on the mind of Keith Lee? >> NXT for life, hold on. >> Saw the desperation, Reigns able to break through, but now, back into the ring, it's Ciampa and it's Rollins. Ciampa charges in with a knee, Ciampa with a right knee, trying to follow up. Hoisting up Rollins. >> Could be it, Project Ciampa- >> Cover. >> Into the cover. >> No, this is it for Raw. >> This is it, this is it. >> And Rollins kicked out. >> Can you believe it? >> Ciampa certainly can't, Tommaso Ciampa beside himself as we take another look at the impact from Project Ciampa right to the lower spine of Seth Rollins, but the architect fights on. >> Well, Graves, you know Seth Rollins, Rollins says he loves the pressure. He wants the pressure on his shoulders, a lot of pressure on the shoulders of Rollins. >> Certainly not only for his own sake, but the entire Raw brand. >> And Ciampa could be looking for that Fairytale Ending and Rollins able to counter out of it. Superkick. [NOISE] >> Again to the midsection, here it comes! >> Looking for the stop! >> Does it connect, Ciampa with a boot! >> [NOISE] >> Rollins answers with an elbow perched on the middle rope. >> Rollins got caught with a knee! Another knee to the face, Ciampa following up, looking for the fairy tale ending. And Roman Reigns Superman Punch, Ciampa rocked Rollins stopped center of the ring, Rollins into the cover, into the cover. >> One, two, three. >> One man left for each team. >> Tommaso Ciampa from Team NXT has been eliminated. >> And in this moment the fairy tale and he has become just another broken dream, thanks to a Superman Punch from the Big Dog. >> Hats off to Tommaso Ciampa though Nigel everything Tommaso went thorugh 24hours ago at War Games but right now is down to Roman Reigns, it's down to Seth Rollins and it's down to one man on NXT, Keith Lee. Keith Lee right now has gotta feel like a man without a country, not an ally in the world, not to mention standing off with two-thirds of the most dominant trio in WWE history. >> And remember, it was Keith Lee who competed inside War Games. >> Bask in his glory! >> Lee may be on his own in this match, but with the NXT Universe firmly behind him. >> He's gotten the support of everybody. >> Keith Lee wiping out Rollins and Reigns, and this is what it's down to, final three in the matchup and whoa! >> Keith Lee freakishly strong, freakishly athletic. >> [NOISE] >> Reigns and Rollins working together but the balance of Keith Lee just too great. >> Watch this. >> Two for one! >> [APPLAUSE] >> A man built like Keith Lee should'nt move like Keith Lee. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And Keith Lee now hoisting up Rollins. >> [NOISE] >> And whoa. >> Rollins able to land on his feet, ooh nice kick. >> Enziguri connects, Keit Lee down to one knee, super kick under the jaw, look at Rollins. Rollins can he rally, can Rollins rally for Raw? Here we go, Rollins looking for the Frog Splash. Rollins into the cover to eliminate Keith Lee. >> No, no, Keith Lee has black and gold in his blood. >> Graves, you have seen Seth Rollins put many a superstar away. >> NXT, NXT. >> Seth Rollins was about a half second away for being able to call himself the Keith slayer, but Lee just too powerful, too proud to stay down. >> Now it's frustration on the face. >> [NOISE] >> Rollins yelling I built it, I'll tear it down, I'll burn it down, down with NXT. >> Rollins has been re-fueled over the last several weeks and wait a minute, Rollins on the shoulders! >> Jackhammer. >> Cover! >> Two, three. >> Yes. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Seth Rollins from Team Raw has been eliminated. >> Well not only has Seth Rollins been eliminated, everyone from Team Raw has been eliminated. Will it be Keith Lee in NXT or will it be Roman Reigns in SmackDown? >> Chill the Ciampa's. >> Bask in his glory, >> On the verge of a moment. >> Well, that moment might as well be miles away Nigel, because Keith Lee is standing in The Big Dog's yard. >> Bask in his glory, bask in his glory, bask in his glory, bask- >> Lee conducting, >> [NOISE] Keith Lee, whoop, whoop, Keith Lee, whoop, whoop, Keith Lee, whoop, whoop, Keith Lee, whoop,- >> In a matter of moments Keith Lee will either be celebrated as a sole survivor. >> Whoa, Superman Punch,- >> Or just another name. >> Missing wildly. >> Boom! >> Roman connects Superman Punch, Lee rocks center of the ring, second Superman Punch, Lee's down, Reigns into the cover for a team SmackDown W, what a- >> I think the ref hit three, I think the ref hit three. >> No no no, no no no. >> I wanna see a replay, call this one, I don't think Keith Lee kicked out. >> Reigns is gonna be careful let's take a look then Corey. >> I don't have a fight in here my team is gone, Team Raw's out. >> Okay, so you can be unbiased with me. >> Boom, Superman Punch, cover, one, two. >> Give me a different angle, I think this one's over. >> The officials decision is final. >> But now Reigns, from our point of view when we couldn't really see Corey to your point, but now the point of view. >> Because the end is nigh. >> The point of view now for Roman Reigns, Keith Lee in his sights, Roman Reigns looking to strike. [SOUND] >> One final Spear, whoa Keith Lee, Powerbomb, into the cover. >> One, two. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Yes. >> No, no way, no way. >> Keith Lee though, Keith Lee sensing it, he's not waiting, Keith Lee no waste of motion, Lee from NXT going to the top rope. Moonsault nobody there, Reigns moves out of the way by Spear turns Lee inside out Reigns into the cover,- >> [NOISE] >> Hooks the leg. >> Two, SmackDown victorious. [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> Here are your winners, Team SmackDown. [MUSIC] >> I said it all along, Roman Reigns would be the guy to lead Team SmackDown to the promised land. And tonight the prophecy was fulfilled, hats off to Keith Lee and NXT, but this is still, The Big Dog's yard. >> Roman Reigns with the victory, some controversy around it, I'd like to see another replay if we can, yeah. >> There's no doubt about this one, a Spiritbomb, puts down Reigns. >> I'm watching those shoulders, two and, whoa. >> I'm gonna say, unbiased Roman kicked out, but here is the, undisputable. >> Bang, what a spear by Roman Reigns, and Roman Reigns earns the victory for Team Blue, it's now NXT three, SmackDown two and Raw one, as we take a look at the standings here at Survivor Series. I think you can call it a night pal you better pack it in and head back to the hotel because this is SmackDowns like to lose, it's just a matter of time, before we catch NXT and Eclipse on the night. [MUSIC] >> [APPLAUSE] >> A much earned show of respect from Roman Reigns to Keith Lee, respect for a battle well fought. >> Reigns knows what he was up against tonight, as was Team SmackDown. >> Roman Reigns comes out standing tall for Team Blue, and no matter all the questions we had, about Smackdown heading into this matchup, you go back to what the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels said on the kickoff show. Victory would be put aside, you would band together, NXT did that. Still some questions though about Team Blue and King Corbin in Roman Reigns but a victory, a victory nonetheless. >> What, you're trying to stir up controversy Vick, I mean, the fact is Team Blue won, SmackDown was the superior men's team this year. >> Are you trying to ease things between your body and the Big Dog, but ultimately, there will be some conversations to be had on the blue brand. [MUSIC]
Channel: WWE
Views: 26,303,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2020, Survivor Series, Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, King Corbin, Mustafa Ali, Shorty G, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, Ricochet, Walter, damien priest, matt riddle, keith lee, tommaso ciampa, survivor series 2019 full match, survivor series 2019 mens 5 on 5, raw, smackdown, nxt
Id: 1nm8cDf3sek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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