FULL MATCH - Royal Rumble Match: Royal Rumble 2000

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No submissions,only one way to be eliminated,and that's the big bone on the top row,and here's our first competitor, It looks like, the number one. >> Very lucky you know? There certainly isn't, the tallest mountain to climb here. The when the Royal Rumble number two at the same mountain [MUSIC] Grand Master Sexy and D'Lo Brown to start it off here. Another competitor will be in the ring in 90 seconds. >> Amd speaking of bad breaks what about those guys that didn't get in the Royal Rumble Night? A lot of upset WWE superstars back there. >> They got a good reason to be upset. >> Wait a minute, I think Grand Master might dance for 90 seconds. >> I don't, D'Lo Brown is gonna do some dancing now. With those right hands on Grand Master Sexay. >> I think the objective is to throw your opponent over the top rope and make sure that both your opponent's feet touch the floor. >> Grand Master Sexay, nice drop kick on D'Lo Brown. 30 men will enter here. Want to go and the luck of the draw has a lot to do with this thing we know that x poppy is number 30 got his foot right in the face of Grandmaster sec say come on Grandmaster I got faith in you no Power bomb was counted in the hurricane, Rhonda by Grandmaster sex a Well, that was close. I still can't get a jar. Every time I look down at this table, all this blood in front of us, I can't get over it and amazed. I'd never get over. Seeing Mae young. Now I'll never get over this. >> That was shocking but what we just witnessed in that title match, I'll remember for rest of my career I'll assure you. >> [LAUGH] >> And I'll remember May Young for the rest of mine too. >> [INAUDIBLE] than I did. >> Come Grand Master. >> And Grand Master succed >> There he goes. >> And do made the U turn landed on the apron and that is Does not constitute elimination remember? What the Counting down? >> [SOUND] Was it gonna be my headbanger [SOUND] [MUSIC] [NOISE] >> And last one right after,Grandmaster Sec, sec K. >> [NOISE >> Wait minute, wait a minute Hey, They are not in a, they are not in Rambo [NOISE] Those guys that were mad they weren't in the rumble. rumble but they're not in this room and I'll assure you folks, and he wishes he really wasn't somewhat physically censored by the, Competitors in the ring. >> Man! >> [NOISE] >> What kinda wrestling entire in this that matches got on? >> That's what an orthodox and there. >> Somewhat. >> The alternative lifestyle that they [CROSSTALK] give him a break. >> [NOISE] >> Look at this! What a powerful powerbomb by de lo Brown. >> I think it knocked him right out of his. >> And Grandmaster sexy come with some offensive zone here. >> I think that's hurt, Matias ankle. >> Yeah, Matias barely able to stand there for one ankle On one foot I should say as the left ankle looks to be hurting him. Front Face Lock applied by [INAUDIBLE] as we get inside ten seconds to our fourth Rumble participant. >> Four, three two, one. >> Even the, to begin with, who's it gonna be? >> [APPLAUSE] >> And it's Christian [MUSIC] >> There is a Christian in here, our fourth official contestant. >> And he's greeted by Mash. >> [NOISE] >> So four minute have gone and no one has been eliminated yet. >> [NOISE] >> Man. >> Nice move by Christian. To take him down mosh he still has a having some ankle problems there from the earlier exchange Don't forget Jr. This is every man for himself. No, no friends out here tonight. Where's the viewer in the print anyway? >> Well, whatever. >> Grandmaster sex. >> I how what a shot >> What a shot is right kitchen Christian walk and run into that foot. >> Gotta admit that grandma's pretty cool. >> He is cool. >> There you go. You go below the low brown hold on the bottom row. He loves hands. That's not going anywhere. >> He doesn't go anywhere out Marsh back up. Now I'm trying to get right back in the fray. Every man for himself as Jerry, the King Lawler pointed out and the winner of this will earn the opportunity to meet the Tiffin at WrestleMania. [NOISE] Look out these four men. >> Throw him down. >> Rodigo Brown. >> Over the top rope. >> In a precarious position there, tittering on the top rope. >> Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. [SOUND] He's won over 400 pounds. [SOUND] These are the nicked up number 400 pounds of business, [SOUND] Over 400 pounds, I guess he qualifies for group insurance all by himself. >> Rikishi- >> There you go. >> Just eliminated Moss. >> He gone. >> [APPLAUSE] >> look out. >> Look out! >> Rikishi gives new meaning to belly to belly suplex. >> And Christian, my God, Christian An airborne Rockies yes cleaning house. Watch yourself the running neck breaker on rock PC. Below the leg drop and rock QC bounces right up. Turn around. Don't turn around every man for himself here. No. >> And Rikishi. >> Man. >> Man, that was one of the most devastating maneuvers you'll ever see. Rikishi with his version of a piledriver, and over goes D'Lo. >> Rikishi, has just cleaned house, except for >> Wait a minute >> his pal, Remaster Scoty >> You heard what I said earlier I don't think there's any friend every man for himself, hey look remember how we danced together, yeah we buds, me and you.c >> I'll tell you what, I don't Six, five, four- >> Grandmaster Sexy trying to convince himself or Rakishi? Do you remember Rakishi doesn't get that. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Wait a minute. >> Scotty Too Hotty. >> Now what. >> So Scotty Too Sotty. Grand Master Sexy- >> Yeah. >> And Rikishi. >> Now we're cooking. >> [APPLAUSE] >> I got ya. Look at this arena. Madison Square Garden. Get a shot of this, look at these people. >> [APPLAUSE] >> I think. >> Look at that. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Too Cool. >> I don't think they want to see them fight, they want to see them get down. Look at this. >> [MUSIC] >> Am the- >> This is the Royal Rumble. [LAUGH] >> We've seen it all. >> [LAUGH] >> We're gonna dance a little while. >> He's rumbling, he's stumbling, he's getting down. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> And the fans in Madison Square Garden. >> It's the worm. >> Are on their feet. >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> Rikishi there, Rikishi [INAUDIBLE] >> What. >> He just took down these boys. Remember it's every man for yourself here. >> Wait a minute. >> And Rikishi has eliminated Too Cool simultaneously. >> What a rotten dance partner. >> It's just business. Rikishi wants to get that shot at the title at Wrestle Mania >> Scotty, he can't believe it, he's shocked, his hair is standing on end. He can't wrestle with those glasses on, can he. I think there's still. He still knows it's something about business. It's about the WWF title. >> Look at this. [MUSIC] >> Almost 20,000 fans most on their feet. And this over 400 pounder is busting the move in the world's most famous arena. >> [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE]. >> This guy is huge, I bet his bathtub has stretch marks. [MUSIC] Look at this, man [LAUGH]. [MUSIC] >> Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. [SOUND] [NOISE] >> Here comes Steve Blackman the lethal weapon, one on one on with Rikishi here- >> Here in the Royal Rumble no dancing. Now Blackman is all business and a martial arts kick brought to the sternum of the over 400 pounder. Bob Blackman is lethal with his hands and his feet. >> Especially those feet. He's light and quick too. Not much personality but- >> He's a silent assassin- >> He'll hurt you. >> He's Steve Blackman, he'll hurt you too badly and enjoys doing it. From what we hear. >> [NOISE] >> Blackman trying to strike quickly here. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Look out, this Rikishi driver. Just bounced Blackman's head right off the canvas. >> You know what, we've talked about your Kanes and we've talked about your Big Shows. >> There goes Blackman. >> And we've talked about The Rock. But I'm wondering who can eliminate Rikishi. Do you think anybody can. >> I'll tell you what, I don't think there's one man that's gonna do it. >> It'll take a crane to pick him up and throw him over the top rope. >> So Rikishi is standing tall, In the center of the ring, here at the Royal Rumble. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Let's see that again. >> Blackman [INAUDIBLE] those using his quickness and his explosiveness. >> [SOUND]. Saw a little success there but after the Rikishi driver. It was Rikishi. >> [SOUND] >> Unceremoniously throwing. >> Who's next. I think that's the question now. Rikishi is ready for anyone. >> It's a good strategy to eliminate whoever it's quickly and you got 90 minutes to rest. >> Or 90 seconds. >> Or 90 seconds. >> Look at this. >> My god. >> This man is bigger than Rikishi. >> My God. This Viscera, close to 500 pounds. >> [MUSIC] >> This is the old unstoppable meeting the immovable, and they're both unliftable. >> [MUSIC] >> Now, I'll tell you, this gonna be a tour, Viscera is almost- >> [NOISE] >> Was about six 10 close to 500 pounds. And Rikishi not backing up an inch here. >> But neither is Viscera. >> No way, he got him. >> [NOISE] >> Power slam. What a belly to belly suplex that was. >> This whole arena, the Madison Square Garden shook. >> Look out. >> [NOISE] >> [CROSSTALK] >> Right in Rikishi's face by viscera. I tell you what, Viscera came to play. >> Play. I don't think he plays well with others. >> Vigorous speech, but he's gonna go over the top rope between these two. >> I don't know, but I'll tell you what, whoever. Whoever survives out of these two is my pick to win the Royal Rumble. >> You may be right there. >> Viscera, moving that close to 500 pounds around. >> He moved the whole ring, did you see the ring, the ring actually, it moved. >> Ring moved off center no doubt about that as Viscera now, stomping away at Rikishi, here at the Royal Rumble. >> Who will advance to WrestleMania. Look out, here comes. >> Boom, man. >> And Rikishi. >> [NOISE] >> What a shot. What a super kick by Rikishi. Not one, but two. And Viscera staggers. >> He can't get him down, he got him, no. >> Teeter, that's three. >> He's still up. >> Rikishi getting ahead of [INAUDIBLE]. >> No, he gat him. >> No. >> [NOISE [APPLAUSE] >> And Rikishi has eliminated Viscera. This is the story of the of the rest Royal Rumble Matchup. >> I told you Rikishi is my pick, he's my favorite. >> Four. >> He's gonna do it. >> Two, one. >> He eliminated one by one. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> And here comes the veteran from Kalb County, Georgia, The Big Boss Man. >> [MUSIC]. He is as sadistic as anybody you'll ever meet, and knows what it's like to win the big match, I'm guarantee you. He's that alright, but I guarantee you he's gonna reluctantly step in there with Rikishi. What'd I tell you. You're right, Big Boss Man is smart. >> Rikishi has been intimidating everyone thus far in this matchup. >> Too smart to just to walk in there one on one with Rikishi. You need to have some sort of advantage. >> Boss man is certainly a veteran as we pointed out. [NOISE] >> He knows all the tricks of the trade shall we say. And right now it looks to me. >> I think Boss Man is trying to wait out these 90 seconds so he can get some help out here. >> I think you're exactly right. Boss Man is not gaining any popularity as if he cared. Here at Madison Square Garden. >> [LAUGH] >> [NOISE] >> He's practicing one of Cut Angle's three eyes. He's showing some intelligence right here. >> Quite frankly there's no rule that says that the Boss Man has got to enter the ring right away. >> He hadn't officially gotten the answer. He can walk around. Keep both feet on the floor. >> I remember one year when you. >> When surveillance from the outside the ring it lasted him for half an hour in the Royal Rumble. >> Yeah. >> So what's my point right. >> He needs surveillance. >> And Boss Man is. >> And I don't know if this is. It could be smart, on the hand it couldn't be because, Rikishi is getting a chance to catch his wind right now. >> Here comes another competitor, Boss Man has just bought himself 90 seconds. [MUSIC] >> Here comes Test, Test to the Boss Man, Test well he is fired up on the Big Boss Man. >> [INAUDIBLE] man. >> And Test spine first into the ring post. >> That didn't last long. >> [NOISE] >> Good grief, and Boss Man back drop to the floor. By Test. >> [NOISE] >> Test is. Talking all sorts of crazy last week. He is showing abundance of it. And now the Bossman tossed inside by Test. Test not. >> [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] the nose covering. I think he might have worn out of it. He got knocked over. >> [CROSSTALK] >> He did get knocked out. >> And he got [INAUDIBLE] >> Every man for himself and a low blow by the Big Boss. Who has remained in the ring for, another low blow by rock QC and down goes the Boss Man. Man, that's legal though. Isn't you're absolutely right again. I'm right on top of your game. Look at that Dave. Look at that site. Freighters. >> I always thought you'd like to dimple it too. >> It's like that eclipse the other day. >> Hi, now. Positioning Test back in the corner, here comes the Boss Man, [NOISE] three man bar still eligible in the Royal Rumble. All the predecessors have been eliminated, as we await the arrival of another competitor. >> Look at the Boss Man go he's got both of these guys reeling. [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] >> And [INAUDIBLE] from the British Bulldog. >> [NOISE] Here comes The Bulldog. >> Our fans watching live in the UK on channel four, I don't know what their feelings are toward The Bulldog but he would love to win the Royal Rumble. >> I get the feeling that they're on their feet right now. >> They're countrymen. >> I somehow doubt that in the event we have four men in there that is their country. >> Nope. >> What a shot by Test that caught the Boss Man right in the face. >> I saw a tooth fly out [NOISE]. >> Uh-oh Boss Man's gonna gonna go out here hanging precariously over the rope. Boss Man almost. >> He's teetering at the bottom of your feet. >> Boss Man holding on for dear life here. And Rikishi will teach you how to do on the other side. Stepping up to the second row, with the Bulldog. Low blow and that will and that will slow any man down. >> Even Rikishi? >> Even Rikishi. >> [NOISE] >> Boss Man gaining the advantage on Test, look at- >> Test now, Test is gotta be [INAUDIBLE] out here, The Bulldog. >> He is actually trying to lift Rikishi? >> Bulldog pound for pound with the strongest in the WWF, but Rikishi is a load. >> Got that right. >> [INAUDIBLE] Bulldog is trying to get that over 400 pound load, over the top rope. >> Impossible, I think. >> Look at Rikishi, his rear end has gone dead weight. >> [LAUGH] >> I don't care who you are. >> You're right. >> And that's an ample sized posterior, folks. >> Five, four- >> Got its own zip code. >> Two, one. >> Edge hammering away at the Boss Man. [NOISE] Who's next? Here's Gangre [INAUDIBLE] another human being. >> I agree. >> Absolutely anybody can win this thing JR. [INAUDIBLE] [MUSIC] >> [INAUDIBLE] in the ring, so for much for his ceremony there. And [INAUDIBLE] in the ring to be double teamed by the Boss Man and [INAUDIBLE] every man for himself here at the Royal Rumble. >> Gangrel's the kind of guy. >> What the hell? They're back again. [INAUDIBLE] and there goes Funaki. >> [INAUDIBLE] fellows [INAUDIBLE] just. >> And there Otaka. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Sayonara, Taka. >> Kaientai just won't take no for an answer they're not in the Rumble. >> Well, they have been twice already. >> They certainly have, but not for long either time. >> Five men in the ring. Look at Rikishi. >> Watch Rikishi, he's smart. Rikishi has been in the ring the longest of these five individuals, and he's look out. >> [SOUND] >> Rikishi's backside just wiped out, no pun intended, Test and Gangrel. >> Wiping Rikishi's [LAUGH] backside, that's a horrible thought. Forget toilet paper, that'd take queen size bedsheets. >> Tanka to the 203 area code on that one. >> You know what? You know what? I'll tell you something about Tacker, [INAUDIBLE] these guys were told earlier in the week they were gonna be in the Royal Rumble. >> Yup. >> And then they came here tonight all ready to go and all of a sudden [INAUDIBLE] in. >> Nine, eight, seven, [INAUDIBLE] >> Six, five, four, three, two, one. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Here comes edge. Look at Edge, a smile on his face. He is happy to be in Madison Square Garden, and so are we. And thanks for inviting us into your homes, wherever you are. [INAUDIBLE] live tonight. >> [NOISE] >> Look out, [INAUDIBLE] got Edge, Edge in the red zone here. >> I can't remember, but hey, welcome to the, I buy Edge fair but Legos. I think that's oxymoronic, but legal talking about her teaching again, Rocky, she's just taken over though on the bus. [NOISE] >> Test [INAUDIBLE] the rail, Edge Bulldog, Rikishi Boss Man. >> I wanna see Rikishi hit this. >> Rikishi. >> Watch [INAUDIBLE] >> Lord. >> [NOISE] >> Not telling what that could do your inside. [NOISE] >> I think something just ruptured. >> [INAUDIBLE] what that could be. >> [NOISE] >> Look at this man. >> He landed right on his face. >> [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] for doing that. >> [NOISE] >> He got Test and Edge who are great friends, every man for himself here at Royal Rumble. So whatever take you what is his business here. [SOUND] [MUSIC] What, the? >> [NOISE] He's got [INAUDIBLE] >> The [INAUDIBLE] >> Yeah. >> Who has got his workout attire on. >> [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] former champion, a surprise entrance, in the Royal Rumble. >> You're not kidding, [LAUGH] this is Madison Square Garden is shocked, they're stunned. >> [INAUDIBLE] no stranger to Madison Square Garden my. They almost got a little bit close to the backside of Rikishi. Wait a minute, Rikishi's at the top. Took every man in the ring to eliminate Rikishi. >> And these people aren't too happy about that. >> It took six men to eliminate Rikishi. [NOISE] >> I told you, he wasn't gonna win it. >> Right, it was down the rock. If he beats Rakishi and this sir. Remember that? >> [NOISE] Who do you picking, Bob Buckland? >> Hey, anybody can win this thing. >> We'd run it for office in Connecticut. You ever run for dinner. What's wrong with that? >> [NOISE] >> Every man for himself and Bob Backlund. >> In Connecticut. >> I think that's been Cole in Connecticut. I think that Cole has been all over the northeast. Come on, Bob! >> Not a lot of bigs time for Mr. Backlund. >> [NOISE] >> [CROSSTALK] >> Look out, Edge. >> We've been out do you think he kisses the babies and shakes the hand? >> Yeah, And Edge. >> Got both his arms hooked on the top rope. Afghan girl does all he can to get heads over but it didn't work. >> How bad must be this? >> The Test have been missing a long time. [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] >> Y2J. >> Y2J. >> He is the undisputed Intercontinental Champion, but everybody wants to go to the big dance to become the Champion. >> Wait a minute, he became the undisputed Intercontinental Champion, now he wants to win the >> The Rumble and go be the champion look it that one >> Everybody in this roster wants to be the champion. Look out, Chris Jericho, just eliminated Bob Backlund >> Man, I knew Bob wouldn't go in >> This could be Jericho's lucky night, in the same arena that his father played hockey for the New York Rangers. >> You're not gonna get any votes in there Bob. Around ringside and Edge and Jericho, two guys have a lot of respect for each other hammering away. Every man for himself here at the Royal rumble and Mr. Backlund has been eliminated. >> Look who's still in there though. Boss Man even been there a long time back, went back on the campaign trail. >> Boss Man and Test had been in there. The. The longest of these competitors that are currently in the ring. >> [NOISE] >> Mr. Backlund is going, he missed the exit. >> He is right he is campaigning. >> His looking for Connecticut registered voters. [NOISE] >> And Edge, boy, Edge balanced himself on the bottom rope. And remember again you've gotta go out over the top and both of your feet have to touch the floor to be eliminated. >> Andy [INAUDIBLE] he's from Connecticut, isn't he? >> I don't know. >> Deborah Harry from Blondie sitting right there, she's from Connecticut. [SOUND] >> They probably live in Greenwich, that's where all the rich people live. [SOUND]. Now look it here comes Crash Holly. Now I tell you what. Stranger things could happen. >> Right. Even the Rock could Crash Holly >> I think somewhat tongue in cheek but be that as it may, you never know who's gonna survive in the Royal Rumble. >> Hang on, Crash. Hold on. >> And I >> Aww wait a minute. >> That will straighten him up maybe well maybe it's got what resilience is coming right back bricks. Off man token Chris Jericho. That's not gonna get him over the top but I guess it makes preparing for such. And now double team by Edge Bulldog and Crash double teaming Edge. >> [NOISE] >> Can't get him >> Edge's got both arms again hooked under those ropes, you can tell all these men I've studied the previous Rumble taps they know what they are looking for Bob. >> Look at this, look this. >> And Edge gain, low blow by Edge hovered on that apron, his feet didn't even get close to the floor and that is. Okay, cheap shot, somewhat of a discount shot. Your Bulldog would not have done that to anybody. Would he? >> No, of course not. Not the Bulldog with his character. Everybody wants to win. So whatever they do, I'm conscious. I've got to be their guide. >> Rewards are two great, there's a Rock. There's gonna be the Rock. I predicted that this is round one >> Chyna >> Chyna >> Chyna? >> Chyna, for the second year in a row entering the Royal Rumble. The first woman ever in the Rumble last year. >> Look at her go right to work. >> Chyna, she wants to go right to Jericho. >> You're not kidding. Chyna involved in that triple threat match the Intercontinental problem earlier tonight. With Rock the Jericho who is the undisputed Intercontinental Champion. >> It's every man for woman. No >> Chyna over the top but she landed on the apron great balance for the ninth Wonder of the World great athletic move there by her. >> It's really not supposed to be personal. >> Wait a minute, Chyna, Chyna. What is she going to do here? >> Wait a minute. >> What she gonna do here? >> Wait, wait, wait >> Chyna, just used her leverage. The boss man just knocked turned off the apron. Both Chyna and Jericho are gone. >> Can't believe it. [INAUDIBLE] >> Boss Man eliminated Chyna. Chyna eliminated Jericho. >> I was thinking about picking Chyna as my favorite but I >> Watch this JR >> Chyna suplex Chris Jericho right out onto the floor. And then she's enjoying her defeat. Boss man bang's her right off. Boss man has her foot wide in the throat to Crash Holly. We're back down to six man here. >> And again after the Boss Man and Test >> Your changing your original pick right? >> Boss Man is my original pick >> Who's this? Planned on mood I guarantee you. Farrooq >> What the hell is that? It's a posse. They're not in the rumble. They've been. Discriminated against, but they're taking matters into their own hands. >> Posse going right after Farouk here. >> Look at this. >> The posse not in the rumble, and the Boss Man eliminating Farrooq after the posse beat up Farrooq three on one. >> This has not been a good night for Farrooq >> That was a hit and run attack by the posse. It has not been a good night thus far for the Acolytes. >> I think I just said that. >> And you're right, it was worth repeating. >> This poor little Crash is getting hammered but he's hanging in there. >> This crowd is on their feet. This has been a roller coaster ride here tonight at the Royal Rumble. It has been one hell of a night, and it's far from over. >> Come on, Jr. Give it up for Boss Man, my pick. His been there the longest. >> We gotta hit to the Boss Man. I think Test came out right before Boss Man. Did he or did he not? >> You're right. I'm wrong. [NOISE] Tape recorder out >> And Bulldog and in ground double team number Test catching a knee over there. >> It's gotta be the Rock. >> It might be the Rock. Who knows who's gonna be? >> Do you smell what the Rock? >> No >> Road Dogg >> It's a Road Dogg >> New Age Outlaws >> And it's every man for himself, and the Road Dogg went running to Test. >> Road Dogg got hit, with the special. >> He got hit in the south side of the dog pound. >> [NOISE] Not good dog biscuits for the Road Dogg who's in [NOISE] somewhat of a hurting way right now to say the very least >> A ya limp biscuit >> We want Rocky, [APPLAUSE] we want Rocky. [APPLAUSE] >> Road Dogg again getting back to the face of Test, as we all know >> [NOISE] >> Look at [INAUDIBLE] >> That's Holly hanging in there I'll tell you. >> He's hanging and he's hammering away on The Boss Man. >> Hey he's not [INAUDIBLE] >> They won't crash Hollywood Smackdown against Viscera last week was pretty incredible effort. I thought [NOISE] >> The Road Dogg is merging those stinging right hands to the face of Test. I'll tell you these guys that are in there right now don't realize how lucky they are that Viscera and Rikishi aren't out here anymore. >> Crash Holly made the old U-turn again, came out back in under the bottom rope so he's still eligible. >> [NOISE] >> And Boss Man- >> All right, here we go. >> Well placed foot here. >> Five, four, The Rock says, The Rock >> Gotta be The Rock. [MUSIC] >> No. >> [INAUDIBLE] so >> [MUSIC] >> The somewhat unbalanced Al Snow has not made a lot of friends coming into the Royal Rumble. Every tag team he's tried to join forces with has ended up on the outs. >> Somewhat unbalanced, putting it mildly. [INAUDIBLE] as a kid. >> The Road Dogg just eliminated The British Bulldog. >> Bulldog's out! >> So the one dog eliminated another and Al Snow's thumping away at Test. >> Dogs do that. That was a little dog fight right there, eliminate each other. Test and Boss Man have got to be exhausted, King. They've got to be exhausted after being in here this long. I haven't putt a watch to it. >> These guys are ready. Everybody that entered the Royal Rumble knew if they were gonna win this thing they're gonna have to be in there a long time. They're ready, they're conditioned, especially Boss Man. >> Boss Man driving those knees into the kidneys of Gangrel who's on the apron. He's got to go to the top, remember. And now Crash Holly's thumping away at the knee, the knee joint of the Road Dogg. >> Gangrel, now, he can go over the top rope. He just kind of went under and you go under the rope and put your feet on the floor. >> You got to go over the top. >> [NOISE] >> Nice high cross body by Edge and the pace here especially with the Boss Man and Test have been there so long. >> [INAUDIBLE] Al Snow. >> Al Snow freshest man in this match up right now, just came in 90 seconds ago. >> It's, it's, it's. [SOUND] >> It's Val Venis! >> And Val Venis, it's funny how these guys are going right to Test knowing that Test and the Boss Man have been in the ring the longest, should have the most fatigue. They've been singled out have a Boss Man attempt. >> What the? [NOISE] >> Funaki. >> Funaki is back, where's the talk has been taken to the hospital. >> Ha? But you expect he landed right on to his face last time he got thrown out. >> Funaki is just, doesn't understand that they are not [INAUDIBLE] In the Royal Rumble. [NOISE] >> Come on, look at Boss Man. >> Here's why we will not see probably [INAUDIBLE] obviously tonight unless he makes a print out of the hospital. >> Yeah, I love this show it again. >> Knocking yourself out right there face first on the floor after going over the top rope again. >> I can't see that enough. >> Look at bulldog, look at the Road Dogg's position, almost in a fetal position under the turnbuckles, holding on like he was hanging out on an airplane door. >> He's laying there like a slug, which is the best natural defense. >> And now- >> That's smart tactics, actually. >> Going into the fetal position? >> Well, as long as these other guys don't see you, if you just kinda hide over there, look at Road Dogg now. >> Al Snow unbalanced in more ways than one on the top rope. >> [LAUGH] [NOISE] Pick, JR, who's it gonna be? >> Your guess is a good as mine. [SOUND] >> Uh-oh, it's a big man. It's Prince Albert and I guarantee you- >> He beat the music out here! >> He may wanna, Edge has been eliminated and now we didn't get to see the future brother-in-laws Edge and Val Venis who had it very long there. >> Yeah, but look, we're gonna see the former partners go at it, I think. >> Road Dogg. >> Road Dogg with a shot, hit and run a shot on The Boss Man and Prince Albert. You know Prince Albert and The Boss are gonna find each other sooner than later. >> Prince Albert was smiling when he saw that match between Triple H and Cactus Jack and they landed on those thumbtacks. Those were a lot of piercings. Prince Albert's entire body's pierced. Look at Crash Holly. Somehow Crash Holly has survived this ordeal. Yeah, for the moment. >> Well, for the moment is rather the power of Prince Albert, Boss Man in a far corner over there. And look at Road Dogg, everybody's taking up a territory in a corner. Have you seen Albert's tongue? It's pierced, have you seen that? >> I have not looked at his tongue or any other parts of his anatomy that closely, quite frankly. Look at Road Dogg. Again, this Road Dogg has got some strategy here that may be unorthodox, but it certainly seems to be effective. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! >> Here we go! [SOUND] [MUSIC] Hardcore Holly, came to Madison Square Garden to become the Intercontinental Champion. That did not happen earlier tonight. But he's got a shot now to wrestle the Champion at WrestleMania if he can win the Royal Rumble. >> Boy, he's determined. Again, Hardcore Holly first man in, goes again after Test. >> Now if these cousins were smart, Hardcore and Crash, they would work together here and eliminate everybody, use a little teamwork. Then when it just got down to the two of them, they could finally find out who's the toughest cousin. >> I don't think Crash was a valedictorian. I don't think Crash is a Mensa member. >> What? See what I mean, knocked down by Al Snow. Crash goes down. Boss Man has finally found the Road Dogg and >> Road Dogg's still in the fetal position. There he goes again! Right back on the bottom rope with a death grip. Prince Albert eyeballing the Boss Man. >> Right in the back of the head, Prince Albert nailing the Boss Man. >> [NOISE] >> Yeah. >> [NOISE] Yeah. >> [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Rock ever gonna come out here? >> [NOISE] >> He's entering, is The Rock. >> If you smell >> Whoa! >> [NOISE] Ask and you shall receive! The ovation is [INAUDIBLE] for the Rock who has guaranteed he will win the Royal Rumble tonight. And The Rock getting in the face of The Big Boss Man. Right hand, Boss Man eliminated by The Rock. >> Poor Boss Man, I knew he wouldn't make it. He's just a jabroni to The Rock, there's a bunch of jabronis in the ring. >> Al Snow and Val Venis trying to single out The Rock. >> [NOISE] >> Well The Rock got a lot of jabronis to eliminate. [NOISE] >> And a lot of guys didn't appreciate being called a jabroni. And now there's Test and Val trying to eliminate The Rock. >> I hope the Big Show is next. That'd be great, wouldn't it? >> That would be awesome, absolutely awesome. Hardcore Holly hammering away at The Rock. >> You've gotta admit Big Show is definitely the favorite. >> You're darn right, I admit it. >> Look out for The Rock. >> And The Rock, who's guaranteed victory here tonight, is just about to be eliminated by Hardcore Holly. >> He did, he guaranteed a victory, but unfortunately the Rock also painted a big bullseye on his own back when he called everybody a jabroni. >> Tremendous powerbomb by Test on Crash Holly. Taking the air out of the Holly cousin. Waiting for that taxi cab to come riding down here next. >> [INAUDIBLE] Holly up on the top rope! Rock has about got him out. [SOUND] [MUSIC] Whoa, Mr. Ass. Another new age outlaw, another member of DX, both outlaws are now in this matchup. >> Another guy that didn't take kindly to beingcalled a jabroni apparently. [INAUDIBLE] very fortunate, to retain the tag team titles earlier tonight, might not have happened if it hadn't been for the teammate X-Pac. >> Check out The Rock, no. >> Mr. [INAUDIBLE] going right for the Rock. >> [NOISE] >> And now the Road Dogg is back up, knocking down Hardcore Holly, with a right hand. >> He didn't knock him down. He blasted him. Crash, help your cousin. >> Crash after the Rock, is he crazy? >> Rock with a DDT on Crash and [INAUDIBLE]. >> [NOISE] >> I told you my friend, the other Holly cousin, Hardcore, getting him some of the Rock. >> Yeah, couldn't Hardcore afford a full size cousin? >> That's Albert, they say they're over 400 pounds each. >> Crash, or that's condensed weight. >> Yeah, really. His face is solid, that's very sad. I love the strategy of the Road Dogg. >> We've talked about it all night long. He's been in that death grip on the bottom rope. >> Well, as long as you stay down there, you're a long way from the top rope. But you gotta be thrown over to be eliminated. >> That a boy. That's what I analyze it. >> Watch yourself there Crash, somebody's coming. >> [NOISE] [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> I guarantee you that this is gonna pick up here at the Royal Rumble. >> Here we go! >> He's 7'2, 500 pounds, the Big Show. Everybody's pick right there. >> And The Big Show found out two things. [INAUDIBLE] The Rock is in a world of trouble. >> The Big Show doesn't straddle the top rope but he's in now. >> Whoa man, look out. The Big Show has [INAUDIBLE]. >> He is a machine. >> In ten seconds he's eliminated two men, that's the Big Show. >> What he got now? >> Headbutt knock down now by Val Venis. >> The Big Show, now Snow. He is towering above everybody in the ring. Here's The Big Show and now he's going for The Rock. The Big Show is taunting The Rock. >> He's just kinda playing with him like a toy. Look at this again. Look at The Big Show, he got rid of test and then right after that Gangrel. >> With ease, quite frankly. And now, hardcore, look. My god, look at this. My God! >> What a gorilla slam from, that's got to be nine feet in the air because the Show, he's 7'2". >> Why didn't you just throw him out of the ring like that? >> And the Big Show putting down Prince Albert who ain't no lightweight. [SOUND] >> What do we got now? [SOUND] >> Uh-oh, it's Bradshaw, another accolite and another accolite in a foul mood. >> You're not kidding. >> You've got to think Bradshaw's going after the Outlaws. That's a posse again. >> They're going after Bradshaw, but unfortunately they're not having the success they had with group. Look at Bradshaw go. >> God, Bradshaw is dominating. >> There. >> And wait. >> The New Age Outlaw's eliminated Bradshaw. >> Well Bradshaw eliminated the Posse. The Posse got their job done. Now the are five man posse down the hallway. >> Faruk's back, where did he come from? >> Faruk and Bradshow taking apart the Posse. >> Do not venture down that hallway, it's dangerous. >> But the outlaws have eliminated Bradshaw. >> Now Snow knocking down The Rock. >> And Snow, pushing with everything he's got trying to get The Rock out of there. >> Five, four, three, two, one. >> Now we're ready for. [SOUND] >> God damn. >> I gotta pick Kane. He's gonna win this thing, JR. He's got a late number. Machine like Atari, The Big Red Machine. They wipe them all out. >> She's sending her man into battle. >> And [INAUDIBLE] to meet Kane. >> [NOISE] >> With that death grip [INAUDIBLE]. >> I'm telling you I'm picking Kane. And now Kane going right for Al Snow. >> [NOISE] >> Kane dominating Al Snow with a right hand there, and Kane now getting some the Road Dogg and here comes The Rock for Kane. >> Road Dogg is still down there hanging onto that bottom rope. >> The Rock not avoiding any confrontation here, with Kane or anyone else, and now Kane has the tables turned on the people's champion. >> [NOISE] >> Big Show still blasting Kane with that big head of his. >> Big Show 500 pounds, 7'2". There's a lot of beef in the ring right now. >> I told you beefier than the show. I told you, The Rock had painted a big bullseye on his own back. He has not exerted much offense since he got in there but everybody been on The Rock. [NOISE] >> Al Snow trying everything he can, knocked down by the rock wall. >> [NOISE] >> Al Snow tried everything you could think of on Big Show didn't work. >> [NOISE] >> Remember you got to get your [INAUDIBLE] so, it's two step. >> [INAUDIBLE] [SOUND] I can't just eliminate the [INAUDIBLE]. [MUSIC] >> Baby [INAUDIBLE] his way to the ring. [MUSIC] >> And [INAUDIBLE] eliminated by [INAUDIBLE]. >> Wait a minute. >> Wait a minute. >> Look who's back in here. >> For the love of Pete. >> [NOISE] >> Okay, so not because our funnel has been eliminated for about a time tonight. >> Because he had a good view there for a second. >> [NOISE] >> Can we see [INAUDIBLE] get eliminated one more time? >> I love him. >> I love this. >> Watch in slow motion, watch his face, watch his head. >> Point, his head snapped back there. And he's on his way to the hospital as we mentioned earlier. >> [NOISE] >> Big Show now hammering away at the Godfather. >> The ladies are saying good night. >> Well the godfather's got business on his mind here. >> And here's our authority. >> Well he got the lucky draw. And knowing X-Pac. >> Well he actually earned the lucky draw. >> Yeah right. >> Yeah right. >> [INAUDIBLE] with the McMahon held the influence, and X-Pac going right for The Rock. >> He had to win a tough match to become the number 30th. >> And he had plenty of help doing it, didn't he? >> All right, they're all in here. Who's gonna win this, JR? Give me a pick. >> 30 men have entered now. >> Right on the line. Pick somebody. >> It's hard to say. How do you pick against the Big Show? >> They want Hardcore Holly. Big Show is just so large, it's gonna take a concerted effort by multiple competitors to get The Big Show over the top rope in my view. >> Not to pick the godfather but You can withdraw that out here. >> Big Show hammering the Godfather six eight, and over 300 pounds himself, and look at that, that is amazing. Amazing power, brute force for the Big Show, eliminating the Godfather. >> Well the reason that I pick Kane is because of what I saw Thursday night. >> You had Kane, you had The Big Show and you had the Rock at the ring left was Kane. >> Rock just eliminated Earl Snow >> [NOISE] >> The Rock just elimined Earl Snow, and again at the river here. Just eliminated this partner, the road dog at every man for himself, quite understand that thinking, but pain of those big time, upper cuts that caught it. And there goes, Mr. Ass gone are in the room. Can you just went out under the rope,he's still legal under the bottom row with the top there in front of us, Jr. Or down to the final four minutes, the spinning he'll kick the mics out, taking a time out here, my God [NOISE] >> The referees are out there trying to break up the fight between Kane and the Earl. >> Rocking Kane, Rock and Big Show, final four of the Royal Rumble. >> [NOISE] >> There's a play back fair game right there King. >> Man. blender with both feet in his back right on the floor with the rep raised we're not in a position to see it How did he even get back in there after that? The next chain is gonna try to load up the show. And Iraq hammering on that spot [NOISE] Spinning heel kick by a club knocking down the rock eliminates the rock look out. >> The show's got the toes grip. The favorite machine does a very good show. Still Standing, no. >> My God. >> Full of power Cain. >> Have you ever seen? [NOISE] >> It's extremely 500 pounds [CROSSTALK] Kane's eliminated. Expert of Kane. >> But wait,expert got noisy >> That's noisy buster. I thought I'd never see that. >> I think Edge faught. >> Look out. >> I think Edge part is gonna win this thing and face Triple H. >> Look out. [CROSSTALK] The cap. >> You can do it. >> [NOISE] >> Edge, Brock eliminated officially. >> And I think [CROSSTALK] >> Just have the two, The Rock and The Big Show. >> [NOISE] >> One of these two men are going to WrestleMania. >> [NOISE] >> Jr. electrifying moves. In Madison Square Garden history, there it is. >> [NOISE] >> People's Elbow! >> The People's Elbow from the heart of The Big Show, he's right back up. >> How did he do that? >> The Rock almost had The Big Show up and my God! What a chokeslam, The Big Show trying to break The Rock into pieces with that chokeslam. >> He Crowd you will cheer for me. He said he hates the round and he's gonna win the Royal Rumble in the paperwork. After Jerry. Nobody could go one on one face to face man, the man with a big show God [NOISE] Two seconds away from being eliminated here. >> by rock picking the Big Show. toy is picking us picking the side. There you go.Oh would you [INAUDIBLE]. [APPLAUSE] The Rock, The Rock has won the race. >> What? >> [APPLAUSE] >> How did it happen? How did The Rock stay in? >> The winner, The Rock. >> How in God's name did that happen? It looked like The Big Show was gonna eliminate The Rock. >> I knew The Rock would win, he's done it! >> The Rock guaranteed a victory at the Royal Rumble. >> He can't And The Rock has kept his word. He has done what he said he was gonna do. [MUSIC] And The Rock will now go to WrestleMania to meet the WWF Champion. >> The Rock guaran-damn-teed it, and he's won. [MUSIC] Let's get with the sweetest victory, for The Rock ever, in Madison Square Garden, it means the Rock will meet, The WWF champion, at WrestleMania 2000. >> With the flame fire what is happening? >> I thought The Rock was history but somehowhe broke that top rope, and saved himself Before the break [NOISE] WrestleMania >> is coming up that's gonna be >> what a WrestleMania is going to be a royal rumble. It has been here not, >> We came on the air so we thought this will be an extraordinary night. It was more than that. My god what a night. What a pay per view and the millions and millions are chanting the rocks name now seen as the rock
Channel: WWE
Views: 4,598,235
Rating: 4.7897644 out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2020, Royal Rumble, The Rock, Big Show, Kane, Funaki, Taka Michinoku, Joey Abs, Pete Gas, Rodney, D'Lo Brown, Grandmaster Sexay, Tori, Godfather's Ho, Kaientai, Too Cool, Mean Street Posse
Id: tBYeDSrm-uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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