FULL MATCH - 15-Man Royal Rumble Match: SmackDown, Jan. 29, 2004

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[MUSIC] Okay, here comes Angle, baby. >> The number one entry. [MUSIC] >> Into the MCI entrance, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, [SOUND] [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle! >> Sunday at the Royal Rumble pad, Kurt Angle lasted nearly 30 minutes. And how disappointed was Angle when he was eliminated? Tonight, Kurt Angle vows to revenge, but he needs to go through 14 other superstars. >> It's gonna be tough. It's gonna be tough, can Angle do it? We're gonna find out, man, Royal Rumble is now! [MUSIC] >> And from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in 275 pounds, Rhyno! >> This will be a great start to this rumble- >> Yeah. >> Rhyno and Kurt Angle. >> This is gonna be 90 seconds right now, you heard the rules. The man beast and the first ever Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle are gonna collide right now. >> Rumble drops back down again the rules are simple to match start every 90 seconds and other superstar enters your eliminated when you go over the top rope in both feet hit the floor, the last person in the WWE title shot at no way out February 15 in San Francisco who is going to do the countdown? And Kurt Angle [INAUDIBLE] out of the corner [INAUDIBLE] right hands to Rhino, the man beats [INAUDIBLE] again, reverses the US. >> [INAUDIBLE] what a [INAUDIBLE] >> Who's the man? >> I'll tell you what Angle might be in trouble here, Rhino now has to get Angle over the top rope. Kurt Angle might be done here. >> Right, I'll try to move dead weight so to speak. >> Kurt's hurt. Kurt's hurt. >> He might have broke a rib or something. >> You see [INAUDIBLE] exploding with that door? >> Kurt Angle can't get lifted up because I guess his ribs hurt. Damaging that arm. >> Look at the impact here. Listen to this. >> Man. >> Very impressive that why don't right now [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle using his amateur background to gain leverage there, but why don't we spin on a major role the last couple of weeks. He's really turning it up here yeah Phylo look really impressive and a great outing, Rumble close to the volts. You gotta be careful.angle slam <inaudible> who's coming up next, back down superstar. </inaudible> The Royal Rumble. [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> [INAUDIBLE] That's Hoss. >> Charlie Hoss from University in the reign of former tag team champion [CROSSTALK] Right to work on his former mentor, Kurt Angle. >> Good point, [CROSSTALK] That charged and repaired neck by Angle being >> It's every man for himself in the Royal Rumble match here tonight. The winner gets a shot at champion at no way out. >> I mean, a network telephone ferge, Cole. We're >> Kurt Angle with [CROSSTALK] drop kick by Kurt Angle taken a lot of punishment nearly going in [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Mocking Kurt Angle [INAUDIBLE] Back to run on that spot right there by house. >> Oo >> Hanging off to the ropes. >> In danger of getting tossed over the top rope by Rhino here, remember you're eliminated when you go over the top rope and both feet the floor. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> And look at Kurt Angle buy his time, and now attacking Rhino from behind. >> [INAUDIBLE] for Kurt Angle but wait, [INAUDIBLE] there and wait [INAUDIBLE] and then [INAUDIBLE] Rhino get's [INAUDIBLE] from behind. >> That was one of your keys to victory, when we talked about the Rumble Match [INAUDIBLE] this past Sunday. >> Which one? >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] what happened later in the match [INAUDIBLE] here. It's in their conditioning. >> Yes, I know them they were mine [INAUDIBLE] >> Well why don't you repeat them then? >> And look at this, Kurt Angle maybe going over, he is over the apron, slid under the bottom rope he's not eliminated, both feet must hit the floor. >> Three seconds. >> Two one. [SOUND] >> Who is, This will be good. >> It has to be [INAUDIBLE] >> Shelton Benjamin and remember it's every man for himself, and how will Benjamin and [INAUDIBLE] get along in this one? >> [INAUDIBLE] the same though? >> Kurt Angle after his former pupil Shelton Benjamin. >> Benjamin the great suplex Kurt Angle, and Angle has been the [INAUDIBLE] target of every attack here tonight. >> The world greatest tag team going after their former mentor and Rhino [INAUDIBLE] >> Hang up at the top [NOISE] [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle [INAUDIBLE] picking his spot, [INAUDIBLE] German suplexes, one for Benjamin one for >> Angle shots to Rhino midsection there [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle on the attack here, trying to keep all men down, as Kurt Angle, with a [INAUDIBLE] suplex to Shelton Benjamin >> [INAUDIBLE] Angle, these [INAUDIBLE] suplexes are all over the place. >> But again Kurt Angle is at a disadvantage, based on the fact, that Kurt Angle entered this Rumble Match, as the number superstar. You gotta go through 14 other to get a shot at the title. >> [NOISE] >> Nine. >> Eight. >> Seven. >> Six. >> Five. >> Four. >> Three. >> Two. >> One. [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> It is Bradshaw. [MUSIC] Man, [INAUDIBLE] things are gonna get rough now. >> Well Bradshaw [INAUDIBLE] on Sunday, with both balance [INAUDIBLE] >> A big clothesline by Bradshaw, shot to Rhino. >> [INAUDIBLE] clothesline from hell is Rhino, kick to the midsection, [NOISE] >> Bradshaw look down now with the corner >> Finals in trouble with Kaden [NOISE] >> Benjamin shot to the midsection on Bradshaw reversal. >> Here's Benjamin >> What a pull by Bradshaw. The number seven entry Tajiri in to the Royal Rumble Match. >> Look out from behind. [LAUGH]. >> Well during the commercial break, the cat was eliminated from the Rumble Match we will show you what happenned in just a little bit. But look at Rhino going after Tajiri. Rhino eliminated Tajiri from the Rumble Match in the past Sunday. What a shot. By Tajiri. >> Well now let's take you back and show you how the cat entered his Royal Rumble Match up here tonight. Former the Tag Team member all this [INAUDIBLE] but Uh-mm, you should prank really quick. I mean the Royal Rumble was on Sunday. And the bond swiftness [MUSIC] Got a bit catching maneuver start. >> [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle, yeah Kurt Angle is not too impressed [INAUDIBLE] >> and [INAUDIBLE] was eliminated by Kurt Angle. [SOUND] >> And I like the [INAUDIBLE] I like the [INAUDIBLE] somebody call his momma. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> He's got a haircut like you. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Look at Charlie Us. >> Five four three two one. [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> Billy Gunn [INAUDIBLE] and Billy Gunn's back here tonight on Smack Down. >> Billy Gunn on the [INAUDIBLE] clothesline, [INAUDIBLE]. >> [INAUDIBLE] to Bradshaw. [INAUDIBLE] Billy got his wallet here. Wow. >> I'm telling you, Benjamin hanging on here tonight to. >> [INAUDIBLE] Siri to the center of the room. >> That's what's up? [INAUDIBLE] just the cat. >> I just like, say this name one month. Yeah, look at [INAUDIBLE] totally hospital. <inaudible>. [INAUDIBLE] Elbow connecting. >> That's risky doing that kind of move, in a match like this by Tajiri, taking the risk I'm impressed with that. >> Boot up underneath the [INAUDIBLE] of Kurt Angle and look at Tajiri, [INAUDIBLE] >> Ankle Lock, Kurt Angle with Ankle Locked into Shelton Benjamin. >> [INAUDIBLE] in trouble. >> [INAUDIBLE] what a right hand by Billy Gunn. >> [INAUDIBLE] handle slam, on Tajiri, four seconds. >> Who's gonna be next and who's gonna make it to San Franscisco at no way Out for the title shot? God. >> I'll tell you Big Show look at the stars. >> They realize what this means, how dominating was the Big Show Sunday at the rumble? >> Extremely dominant Big Show's been on a tear. The cast freeze off the big giant has been ruthless. And all the Smack Down superstars know it's on. Right now, they wanna eliminate the Big Show quick, Big Show lasted nearly twenty three minutes Sunday at the Rumble, he was the last man [INAUDIBLE] match up and the superstars, trying to eliminate the Big Show early here. >> [INAUDIBLE] giant strategy, and [INAUDIBLE]. >> Big Show just cleared everyone out. >> Feeling the power baby. >> And Big Show exploding this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble, the Raw and Smack Down superstars had that strategy a couple of times I think so. >> And size does matter. >> Look at this. >> Look at Tajiri. >> Uh-oh, look out. >> Tajiri's in trouble. >> Here Tajiri. >> Goodbye. >> Chokeslammed over the top rope with one arm. >> Tajiri's out. >> [INAUDIBLE] in trouble. >> Somebody [INAUDIBLE] >> I'll tell you Big Show now, again [INAUDIBLE] every man for himself but [INAUDIBLE] team work, team mates here. >> The Big Show >> I suppose again, how powerful is this? >> But a big step as big Bradshaw big clothes like coffee, but the big show [INAUDIBLE] Going for a German Suplex the Big Show the big bad, [INAUDIBLE] I think that needs her and that is not good on Sunday, it is Cena. Showing no intimidation here tonight. >> [NOISE] By the seat of Japan going on Big Show working on the job Sina back here in the Rumble match in this is the reason why the course of breaks. John Cena eliminating Nunzio, but again, injuring that left knee. >> And the Big Show like a shark smelling blood, going right to work on that knee and John Cena. Remember, Big Show and John Cena have a history. Big Show really wants to get back at John Cena after everything they've been through the past few months. >> [INAUDIBLE] don't you worry [INAUDIBLE] [SOUND] Remember the Battle Ram? >> Yeah I remember. Now here we go! >> Wait a minute, we heard Eddie regained his [INAUDIBLE] Eddie [INAUDIBLE], can it be? >> No, he's not here, there's no way, can't be. >> Wait, it is Eddie, Eddie's back! Eddie [INAUDIBLE] was taken to a medical facility. >> What the hell? >> But Eddie's back! >> Unlucky thirteen, I think that's his lover. >> I don't know if this had all his wits together here and Adrian realize that it goes round the assaulted Eddie Guerrero [INAUDIBLE] I'll tell you that if I had to grow that, >> And now it goes to work on Philly gun, but Tino, he tried to fire up fresh off the bed on his deaf mute and the big show waiting in the corner, stalking his prey, the big show >> Looking for his spot and his spot is now. >> Guerrero looking to eliminate Electric Trip possibly hit by the Big Show. >> And Eddie Guerrero you see on the far side with Charlie Haas Eddie Guerrero. >> How the hell is Eddie Guerrero in this match? The man was taken out of this match. >> I don't know [INAUDIBLE] Got a stretcher they actually did strapped to his mouth. He was put in an ambulance. [INAUDIBLE] [SOUND] [MUSIC] Man. >> Somoa beef. Big Kish. >> Rikishi. >> Number fourteen there's one left. Man, I tell you, Big Show Watering John Cedar. We got to be careful over Casey pig and Richie quickly into the ring. Rick Casey goes to God, really good. >> A title shot and no way out is on the line. >> Sub-set flip zebras in trouble. Billy got knocked up. Both feet didn't touch the floor. >> Rikishi with a right hand. Kick to the Big Show. >> These are two big bulls right here. >> Two largest men in the match up right now. Now. Big Show's in trouble. >> Angle. >> Clothesline to Angle. This could change the complexion of the match. >> This is the biggest Stink face in the world's coming. My God. >> Big Show with a face full. >> You know your ass is big when the Big Show's head fits in it. >> Great point. Rikishi- >> God. >> Is rolling. >> Poor Big Show. Now Shelton. [INAUDIBLE] Philly. [INAUDIBLE] he can do whatever he wants. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> This is the final entry. [SOUND] >> Here in Rumble Match, [MUSIC] Chokeslam. >> Hardcore baby, Hardcore Holly, and you know you would love to win this match tonight, [INAUDIBLE] on Brock Lesnar again at no way out. >> Hardcore Holly's temper has gotta be flaring like a [INAUDIBLE] of hemorrhoids. I'm telling you, Hardcore, he could come out win this thing, I'm still sticking with the Big Show. >> Hardcore Holly, with a right hand, all 15 superstars have been in this matchup. >> And Angle, Angle might be going. >> And Kurt Angle again, trying to hang on to the top rope. >> Look at John Cena. >> Man, Cena, well, Cena got guts, I give the man a credit. >> [NOISE] >> Hardcore Holly is working on Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle is in this matchup number one and look at John Cena, John Cena maybe eliminated by the Big Show again. John Cena on the apron, it's nice 225 and John Cena eliminated by Big Show, but what an effort by John Cena literally on one leg. >> Look at this, now, looks like some of the superstars Angle, and then Rikishi seeing the opportunity of possibly getting rid of The Big Show, cuz one leg is strangled over the top rope. >> Angle realizing Big Show maybe the largest threat in this matchup right now. >> And I still and I don't understand how Guerrero is still in there, The Big Show might going, no, that's [INAUDIBLE] .. >> And Angle trying to get everybody to help The Big Show. >> No! >> John Cena, John Cena getting involved, Big Show, Big Show eliminated, John Cena with some payback by John Cena. >> No, no, no, no, that's a bunch of BS and that ain't legal. How could Cena get away with that? >> We are count to seven superstars, a title opportunity at No Way Out, February 15th is what the winter gets [INAUDIBLE] Royal Rumble match, a network television. And Shelton Benjamin close to being eliminated perhaps, my God, nobody home off the top turnbuckle. >> Crashed and burned there, Billy Gunn crashed and burn, and Shelton Benjamin might go, but now, Angle's pin pointed by Haas. >> Charlie Haas, working on Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero on Billy Gunn, Rikishi with Shelton Benjamin. >> Hardcore Holly buying some time here. >> Rikishi is gonna help there, trying to get Shelton all tied up in the ropes like a pretzel. >> And I say, some of the superstars eliminated in this matchup first [INAUDIBLE]. >> You get a shades of the Royal Rumble this past Sunday [INAUDIBLE] >> Tajiri one arm by The Big Show. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Yeah, right, look at the power right here by the big giant, Tajiri, the [INAUDIBLE] and Bradshaw with a huge boot into this time. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Well, The Big Show had the wherewithal to get out of the way and now, look at [INAUDIBLE]. Eddie Guerrero fresh off the turning from a medical facility, tossing out the 350 pound A-train. >> [NOISE] >> Rikishi back and Eddie Guerrero in the corner. Remember, Eddie Guerrero was a medical facility in an ambulance unconscious just a bit ago He's back in this match. >> One of those 350 pound off rear edge of Rikishi in the back, Guerrero,he'll be back in the hospital. Eddie Guerrero is here just like the rest of these superstars, cuz that's what WWE title opportunity means. >> Both title opportunity goes very far and to between, but- >> Eddie Guerrero caught by Charlie Haas, Eddie Guerrero- >> And Eddie, Eddie trying to right off top the rope, look at this. >> Charlie Haas eliminated by Eddie, Charlie Haas lasted nearly this entire Rumble match as he entered in number three. >> Very impressive by Latino Heat,Eddie Guerrero and now, we're down to six- >> Careful. >> Including number one entry, Kurt Angle, Shelton Benhaim eliminated. Kurt Angle eliminated his former pupil. >> What a shot to the head by the big [INAUDIBLE] on Angle, look at this Angle slim away [INAUDIBLE] the Angle Slam to the 350 pounder. Eddie Guerrero to the top rope, frog splash, connecting. >> My God, wow! >> Uh-oh, it's gonna get a chance to meet block Lesner at No Way Out. >> What the hell Angle doing, Angle slamming to be [CROSSTALK]. >> Hardcore Holly eliminated by Kurt Angle, we are down to four, Billy Gunn, Rikishi, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle. >> Final four here and Holly's hot, it was Kurt Angle from behind. >> And look at Hardcore Holly all upset. >> [NOISE] >> Get a word from [INAUDIBLE]. >> Hardcore Holly, Kurt Angles has got both the- >> [NOISE] >> Take another look at the elimination of Hardcore Holly. >> Cool, all right, yeah, we'll get to see this. >> Whoa, [INAUDIBLE] Holly, I mean, that's tough right for Hardcore. >> You've gotta go. >> [NOISE] >> And then the trash talking [NOISE] >> And Billy Gunn going after that head with those rights hands, to Eddie Guerrero who knows what the man's condition is. >> [NOISE] >> Eddie is in trouble, yeah, trouble for a monkey flip of Billy Gunn caught him. >> Eddie Guerrero, [CROSSTALK] Eddie desperately trying to hang on.here and he does. Eddie Guerrero, man, what happened [INAUDIBLE], it is Angle some. >> Okay, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Rikishi left, what's the strategy? >> I'll tell you, I think if I'm Angle and Eddie, that's it, go after Rikishi, Rikishi's got that big size advantage. >> And Angle and Eddie Guerrero, stalking a 350 pound Rikishi, Rikishi trying to battle back. >> While Rikishi play possum there, that's one big ass possum Rikishi. >> Uh-oh, uh-oh, clothesline. >> Rikishi is rolling, Rikishi could be prime for a title chance. >> Angle is in trouble. >> And a [INAUDIBLE] kick to Kurt Angle. >> [NOISE] >> Eddie Guerrero [CROSSTALK]. >> I'll tell you what the big [INAUDIBLE] might be how [INAUDIBLE] battle, Cole. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Rikishi is stealing it here. [SOUND] >> Look at Rikishi, the 350 pounder with a shot to the chin of Kurt Angle dominating here. >> Right to the back with that modified chokeslam, Rikishi is climbing on that. >> And that big bottom is gonna fall out on Angle. >> My God, look out! Kurt Angle [CROSSTALK] Rikishi, my house just shook. >> [LAUGH] My God. >> Rakishi in trouble as Kurt Angle rolled out of the way. Eddie Guerrero back to his feet as well. >> Eddie Guerrero gonna seize this opportunity if he could watch that thing trying to get the 350 pounder offover the top rope. Eddie Guerrero's hands are in no man is land. And he's trying, he's struggling, and Rikishi with an elbow knocking Eddie Guerrero down, Kurt Angle. >> Look at that, look at Angle right there, that single and trying to get of Rikishi. I don't think one person can do this, one person can't eliminate Rikishi, he's too damn big. >> Kurt Angle was the number one entry in this thing and Kurt Angle. >> No [CROSSTALK]. >> Here's the double team, Rikishi eliminated. >> Wow! >> We're down to two, Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero. >> Look at this. >> And isn't this ironic, it comes down to these two superstars. Angle has been a counselor of sorts for Eddie Guerrero, trying to be a peace keeper for the Guerrero family and now, it has come down to this. >> And Brock Lesnar's gotta be watching this, you know that. >> Who's it gonna be man, pick them, Cole, pick them. >> The number one entry, Kurt Angle- >> Who do you like, who do you like? >> I'm not sure, cuz this is why, Angle is the number one entry, he's been in this entire matchup. Eddie Guerrero may be suffering from some sort of concussion after going to the medical facility, I think it's a toss up here. >> I don't know, I'm gonna go with Angle, I'm gonna go with Angle, nice go behind take down there. Kurt going back to his roots, look at this, whoever think this late this Rumble match, you see in pure mat wrestling, I'm impressed the conditioning of both these world class athletes. >> Eddie Guerrero with an elbow to the face of Kurt Angle, Kurt Angle looking at Eddie saying why did you do that? And Kurt Angle said [INAUDIBLE] >> Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! >> Kurt Angle [INAUDIBLE] from the top rope, Kurt maybe eliminated [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle. >> Angle lands on the apron, so close for Eddie Guerrero, so close for shot at Brock Lesnar and look at the right hand by Angle, battling back against Eddie Guerrero. Hell yeah, yeah this is it, see Guerrero's hurt man, Guerrero point out not to beat a dead horse but Eddie Guerrero, Latino Heat, was taken to a hospital [ in an ambulance earlier tonight. >> Well Kurt Angle protested Eddie Guerrero's injury, but now he's trying to exploit in the spirit of competition. [NOISE] Take it to Kurt Angle the winner of German suplex by Kurt Angle who's got his fingers classes dance class, he's gonna sit on German. >> [NOISE] And again,the back of the head of Guerrero is rocking it for that matter on Kurt Angle. So disappointed when he was eliminated Sunday, looking to win this match up, dedicated to the US Armed Forces, Eddie Guerrero, showing the guts and the resilience >> Hanging on the apron, Kurt Angle believes he won. >> Watch out. >> Now he realizes he didn't. Declared easy and Kurt Angle between those some [INAUDIBLE] haymakers. [NOISE] [INAUDIBLE] let's move Angle reverses into an ankle lock of his own. >> That's reluctant. >> Goodness Angle. >> How impressive was that? >> Kurt. >> My god, what a counter. >> Angle knows his own move better than anybody. >> Kurt Angle very upset early on, and then he went to the hospital. >> Stand up, [INAUDIBLE] Man. >> And Kurt Angle trying to exploiting the head injury, now with the Angle Lock locked in, with Eddie Guerrero caught up on the top rope now listen to Eddie. >> [INAUDIBLE] Angle, Angle. >> Eddie Guererro, just hanging on, by about seven inches it looked like, this is how much the WWE title means to these two. >> Let's see a replay [INAUDIBLE] Hey, Kurt angle. Favorite that name? Eddie Guerrero. Favorite in the angle also. He might have been concussed earlier on, Kurt Angle with a big right hand. >> [INAUDIBLE] remember Eddie had [INAUDIBLE] Ankle Lock, put on Angle. >> Remember no submission or pin fall here, you have to eliminate your opponent by [INAUDIBLE] off the top rope and both feet, hitting the floor. >> [INAUDIBLE] opponent to those ropes you've gotta be careful. >> It's a strategy here wow. Wherever your opponent down well, >> [INAUDIBLE] This is spinach girl is triple verticals. I think the strategy is to try and stay away from the ropes that's obvious a blind man could see that. >> And Curt Angle In all kinds of trouble here is Eddie Guerrero. Perhaps the limit Angle in this matchup. >> [NOISE] >> I'm shocked that Eddie's in this match. I still don't get it. >> Can you see Eddie hurt though? Hold his head there, his equilibrium maybe off a bit. >> Yeah but, >> Knocked unconscious, screwing around. >> This is bad. [NOISE] >> But I don't agree with this question >> I knew it, I told you >> Battling back against daddy in a tumbrel medicine funnel here yeah and is a troubling statement on a top >> Corner the top pro Pokemon hanging on in any state the city should make. He went to the rocks he Eddie is hanging his leg is caught up in that rope. >> Kurt Angle's back in the ring, Eddie Guerrero is on the apron, Eddie's gotta get back on those ropes and back in the ring, and I think he did, [INAUDIBLE] the referee looking on, Eddie's gotta get all the way back in here. Eddie is in the ring and so is Angle, no rushing, you've gotta pick your spot, this is just human chess [INAUDIBLE] proverbial words [INAUDIBLE] >> 13 SmackDown superstars were eliminated, these two remain, the winner to meet Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at No Way Out. >> Eddie, Eddie. >> Eddie chants starting to fill the [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle sleep holder. >> Smart, that's so smart to go for sleep. Never expected to see any of these athletes display this magic spot sleep or baiyang there's two reasons for the sleep. One any girl was only knocked unconscious here. And number two if any girl just stayed here and does go and catches again Kurt Angle just kind of lift them up. Easy like Sunday morning brother. You choke your man out and shut them over the top. It's a night off. Off, and that's what happened, the blood flow's stopping to the injured Eddie Guerrero. Who knows what Eddie's condition was. Remember, when the paramedic took him. >> All we know is, Eddie was unconscious, and he may become unconscious again here, as Kurt Angle continues the pressure on Latino heat in this Royal Rumble Match. The crowd slide to get any girl back in this thing, Eddie lifted both arms up here, Latino. He desperately tried to battle his way back into the match up, but I have to believe that any Guerrero is just about, I think Eddie, I think you're right. Cole. Eddie is fate, not hit fading out here. >> Eddie's eyes are open though. Eddie's eyes are open but Eddie Guerrero need to know how to do something desperate here to get out this. >> Yeah of that pit bull like Kurt Angle keeps the hold on, the holds working and that's what makes Kirksville suspect successful. Keep it on. It's working keep it on. >> Kurt Angle knows what it's like to wrestle Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title, he may get another chance if he wins this match up against Latino Heat here tonight. >> Look at how close Kurt keeps his body, to Eddie Guererro, keep the seperation to a nail to nothing, keep the pressure on the neck and the [INAUDIBLE] >> Eddie back to his feet, and Eddie trying to create separation. >> [INAUDIBLE] Angle. >> My God. >> Almost delivering Eddie Guerrero almost caught Kurt Angle there. >> Big time impressive right there by Guerrero. But that might've been the last burst of energy for Eddie Guerrero, Cole. >> Kurt Angle's gotta capitalize here. Realizing that Kurt Angle has gotta take advantage of Eddie Guerrero. And a right hand by Latino Heat. Angle's in trouble. >> Man. >> Angle's teetering here. If Angle's feet hit the floor, he's eliminated. >> Another right hand by Eddie Guerrero. Kurt Angle barely hanging on. >> Angle's in trouble. >> Another one >> [NOISE] The current angle still hanging on Kurt might be playing possum tornado saw the opening, saw the opportunity to capitalize to say it. I just think of [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] don't do this. >> [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle [INAUDIBLE] Kurt Angle's disappointed, but Eddie Guerrero, [INAUDIBLE] the odds, Eddie Guerrero heads to No Way Out, Eddie Guerrero meets Lesnar, for the championship. >> That's right, that's exactly what's gonna happen >> <inaudible>and looking up disappointed,great match </inaudible>
Channel: WWE
Views: 4,129,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2020, SmackDown, Kurt Angle, Rhyno, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, A-Train, Tajiri, Ernest The Cat Miller, Charlie Haas, Bradshaw, Shelton Benjamin, battle royal, wwe full match, full match, smackdown, wwe smackdown, smackdown full match
Id: ulS6pv0wUqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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