[Full Episode] Why I Called Off My Engagement

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today on the Rio [Applause] Enterprise we're putting our heels to work in our first ever heel toss but we are going to show you how to take five pounds off your face the drinks that'll take five pounds off your face you must be prepared dog to go what on the reel [Music] this is [Applause] right now [Applause] oh let me tell y'all something today is the day and guess what today means what does it mean what does it mean it is now first up I want to give an Uber oh we're a big thank you to all of my girls here for coming and supporting me on my first dance it's really honest to God girls with the entire world to me especially because my sisters really couldn't be there you guys really did feel those big ten and a half you were phenomenal I thought you were amazing your lines oh my gosh that's not like the hardest that's like one of the hardest dances but you you you killed it how did you feel though seriously I felt amazing you know I'm always going to be hard on myself because you know the only reason why I signed up to do this because I wanted to challenge myself and I do think it's life outside of twerking at times so in those few times Adrian in our lives we must be prepared dog so therefore I just wanted to learn how to dance like a grown-up yeah oh yeah so effortless So Graceful thank you the faces you were making and along with that girl you're back yes did anybody so what we're trying to say is you scored a 10 to us and every time you will be on there you are going to score a 10 and [Applause] and for those that didn't see the show oh my God we were so excited we brought signs to support our sister and we did it right kids and somebody forgot on the right guys honestly wait we literally okay first of all first of all let's be honest Genies actually had the idea right do the pens on our hands it was her idea and then these two okay first of all I saw a little role for you to bring these out here because this is a little bit of trauma for me right now oh my god when I saw it I chuckled I was like oh Genie it's so Genie okay first of all when I saw that when I I had no idea we put up our tens because you're excited and I couldn't believe your performance I really was like get the tens on oh my God you're like trying to put them on at the end and when you put them on you put okay one zero I put a one zero okay does it wait is that is that right okay not sure right so I turn around behind me see the two people behind us that is Rey that's right and last hairstyle that's Tanya so I go Ray am I cool are we good oh you're good to go boom live television [Applause] wait let me finish so I'm rocking it right you you sit down this is how crazy and scary social medias within moments I hear tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet Genie you got your zero and your one backward Genie you can't even do your math you need to say that Tamar he's an Asian and she don't know her numbers so while I'm dying Lonnie's laughing my phone I turned off because I thought I'm moving I'm gonna move back to Vietnam I really was like I'm not living here anymore then Adrian's like no the worst are you ready Maria Menounos yes I'm throwing this out yeah you hi Maria comes over and she goes guys I love you you're so funny and I'm like oh thank you for the real thank you for the show that 10 backwards I'm tweeting it that was hilarious what die when Maria Menounos yeah I was like you know what to think the person that saved her because she was really feeling bad Tim ings I'm gonna I'm telling you to I was waiting to see what you was gonna do because you gonna do it but I was like just in case I ain't putting up nothing so you guys as I'm dying this one here no seriously not this one this one turns around she goes I got you girl a little face tune a little Photoshop boom she gave exactly the score that I wanted to give Miss Tamar Braxton my 11. so we fixed it I'm just joking but I'm just joking right that was that was the one of the sweetest gestures I've ever seen thank you girls when I was driving home you called me out of nowhere and you were like Genie not anything else I was like yeah she's like thank you for supporting me that meant so much for you to come out yeah [Laughter] you get scared you know oh thank you very sweet dreams thank you well okay so we got that out the way what's your next dance yes well this week I am doing um the salsa she likes to Cha-Cha I'm so excited um the Charleston oh wow I'm gonna be real excited about that yeah a little twist with the leg a little bit I don't know how to do it I see my parents do when I was growing up yeah okay let's talk about one person though other than you oh Lord who we gotta bring this up Gary Busey look at him look at him I enjoy Gary Gary is hilarious Gary is so funny you guys didn't see this off camera afterwards you know they take a few audience shots where you applaud and he you guys just had to stand up there right Gary is over there screaming in a corner like this ready action and doing these script we were dying was he serious yeah is it only me but he slightly scares me no no no no no no no and the best part is Gary is having a good time [Applause] all that well uh because I was there and I saw it so we oh my gosh who oh I know exactly [Applause] a part of that conversation because my name Bennett nine in it that's between y'all I have a question for you darling who do you think is your biggest competition um I think myself I love that answer I promise you I have straight tunnel vision you ain't compete with nobody next up I got something else I really want to talk about y'all to hit the news yesterday it looks like the Terminator than Trump Donald oh yeah yes y'all I'm talking about the announcement this week that Arnold Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger is replacing Donald Trump as the host of Celebrity Apprentice okay um Donald's replacement I just want to hear him say you're terminated [Applause] Donald Trump might own that you're fired thing the way he says oh so he has to say your tour money that would be amazing I'm not gonna lie okay you're Terminator I've got a funny friend I love the Terminator I'm just saying did you watch that the Terminator the movie like in the 80s yes I don't really remember no I only wanted thank you here's my question we remember the Terminator but I know America also has you know a sense of loyalty for people who are doing good things and with Arnold's recent goings and his things with his marriage do you think that America is going to overlook yeah I wonder if America will consider that as he is hosting a show that has nothing to do with that kitties hanging around somewhere but I'm just saying that you know like for me I remember him being the governor more than anything else amazing yeah absolutely I remember him being the governor that got his housekeeper pregnant you see he was never mind [Applause] as a governor I remember he went he trans he you know transitioned into being into Politics as a governor yes but like I wouldn't hold any of that against him if he's really good on the apprentice and I was going to say should we hold things without people that's not really fair because people make mistakes Lonnie exactly yeah Lonnie just want to throw shade go ahead get another job say it again say it again what did Arnold do go he got his house Pete he got his house he birthed yeah knocked up okay but he was running around in the house how could you not tell that little boy looked just like his other son I'm just saying oh my God that's true can we talk about something else yes okay yes how else would you hire if you didn't know that's a great question who else could be if I think Gary Busey wasn't Gary Busey on there yeah he was quite entertaining yeah what about like if it wasn't available what if it would be like what if you invented Spanx no no I would relate well as a woman who came up with an idea because a lot of women out there have amazing genius ideas and then they have to take the journey to actually go and patent it and bring it to fruition and the woman who invented Spanx people something old above in our closet [Applause] I think someone that does great stuff for philanthropy because that for philanthropy because that's how you say that yeah that does great things for philanthropy because that's what it's about it's about raising money celebrities getting out there and doing things you know selling hot dogs in Times Square someone that does great stuff like that exactly yeah Andrew but I still want to get my life while watching it too because that your fire used to give me life every single week yes but even crazier you guys Donald Trump put out this tweet this tweet that said that uh you know he wouldn't be able to be a part of apprentice that he apologizes to the fans because you know he's so he's so busy uh running for a president but that's not true guys he was fired by NBC [Music] yeah he was so it's not that you're too busy though you can one thing about Donald Trump he gonna always turn it around in his favor that's why the Apprentice worked for him yeah so that's why this is going to be a challenge no he needs to keep it real you didn't choose not to be a part of The Apprentice because you're busy running for president you got fired how about that it's time for a little more girl chat now you guys know that we like to keep it real with you we keep it honest and straight up and um you know that also includes sharing the good as well as the hard times that we go through but that's what makes us real right guys yes and and my prayer has always been that even in the not so great moments that you remind yourself that everything in life happens for a reason and that um hopefully it'll be to benefit somebody else to help somebody else in their Journey when they're going through hard times and that maybe somebody out there can relate and know that uh they're not alone right so I know that a lot of you guys have been asking me whether it's been on Instagram through social media you know where is your ring are you still engaged and it's been a very hard decision for me to make and and the girls have known this you know they these are my true friends and my sisters and they've been with me through this journey and I thank you guys for giving me my time and and letting me figure it out in my time and when I was ready um but coming into season two it's such a blessing to be back here and I didn't want to um to come into it and put adapter damper on our celebration of coming back for season so I didn't want to you know bring down the morale because we're so blessed and so grateful right yes and um you know through this summer I went on my little Eat Pray Love journey and it was a time for me to come to terms of my own truth and my honesty and I am not engaged anymore and we have uh we're in a good place it's not an awe thing I promise you uh we maintain you know we're going to be great friends forever and I think that um it was a hard decision to make when you're with somebody for such a long time I think as women we have a hard time with change it is hard for me but you have to be true to yourself you have to be honest with yourself and I think having time on my own gave me that absolutely well so I just I'm so grateful I have girls that love me and support me and we're gonna be okay everybody's gonna be all right say I am so happy you followed your heart and because there are a lot of women who sometimes don't follow their heart out of fear or out of the the fear of change but you fought through it and you did it my mom always said this it's better to cry now than to cry later for a very long time so I'm very proud of you for just following your heart even though it was a very tough decision girl I was engaged in 1992 1999 2004 it might have been 2005 too so let me tell you something you young you're gonna go through a lot of ups and downs I'm gonna be on it was odd to say it felt embarrassing as you feel like um it feels like like it feels a little like a failure but you know that in the long run it's it's for the good does that make it yeah but in the moment you feel like I'm jumping out the window because you just feel uh scared and I think it's a natural thing to be afraid but um I I know that it's going to be okay you know and I know that I have the right decision and I know that I want him to be happy you've got your family you've got your friends and you make a decision marriage is nothing to play with and a lot of people play with marriage is nothing to play with especially in the position that you're in young lady so remember what I told you so you coming into yourself I said when you you get into them 30s you become a woman you are becoming a woman you took that trip you decided and that's your personal business and we don't have to talk about it anymore now you all know you are right there you guys all know these girls are playing too much over here because they love games all right we love games around here we've got a brand new one with a whole lot of souls today we're giving someone here the chance to walk off with 500 dollars guys and if you've got good aim then you're a shoe-in so let's kick things off it's time to play heel toss [Applause] [Music] thank you all right here's how this works Tamar and Jeannie will each be paired up with a member of our studio audience each team will have 30 seconds to toss as many of these Rings right here onto our giant wall of heels as they can check it out now whichever team hooks the most rings wins a 500 gift card to Seoul Society now this is an online retailer for all things shoes so you can get some heels of your own okay let's get this started when I call your name get to your feet playing on team Tamar is Crystal Flores [Applause] stand up get on down here girls come on come on down [Applause] [Music] Krista where are you from L.A born and raised are you good at aiming Crystal good oh yeah I'm competitive so it doesn't really matter all right but you were the right person all right where are you from I'm from Chicago and are you good at playing games um I like to win so we'll see so are you guys ready to do this very yes you're up first gather your rings so I'm thinking we put the rings on our arms like we were kids here we go you guys you guys ready almost you got enough yeah all right let's put 30 seconds on the clock ready set toss you got one already okay time is up all right you guys have a total of one two four rings team Tamar if team Genie doesn't top that you and Crystal will win the grand prize and team Genie if you want that spot in the Winner's Circle you and L better bring on your A game so take your marks please yes come on now are you all ready we got this yeah yeah right how you guys gonna do this you're gonna do the arms technique or well I'm thinking a little underhand right yeah right babe and l l wants some shoes so you're gonna get this right all right so let's put another 30 seconds on the clock Ready Set toss foreign [Applause] thank you we have a winner guy and it looks like it's team Genie [Applause] I'm salty that means you are taking home five hundred dollars [Applause] sorry girl but you're not going home empty-hanceed you are going home with an exclusive t-shirt from the real right now we have got something very fun and helpful we are going to show you how to take five pounds off your face [Music] [Applause] so you guys know I just had a baby this past summer and after having a baby you can't help but feel like there's leftover baby weight still like camping out especially in my face right so I'm really excited to learn these face slimming tips and here to help us out is makeup artist Jackie Aina please welcome Jackie thank you for being here now you know what when people think that they have a fuller face and you tell them hey I can slim it down how do they feel about that people are so shocked I think sometimes we're so used to seeing these pictures of celebrities and we're like oh my god did she get a nose job yeah she get like chin implants don't they try it they try it I know they really try it although you would really be surprised with the Witchcraft yeah with makeup a little contouring maybe yeah absolutely okay so Courtney wrote Into the show telling us how she has around her face and wanted to learn how to slim it down take a look hey ladies how you doing okay look I got a quick makeup question for you Queens of makeup um so I've always had these chubby cheeks of mine weight up way down it doesn't matter they don't go anywhere but I heard there are like a few tricks that I could use to use makeup to slim my face down a little bit so I was wondering if you all would help me out with this I greatly appreciate it and I thank you in advance trust me I know about having chubby cheeks we had Jackie slim down Courtney's face with some great makeup tips so here's what she looked like before check it out and here's how she looks now [Applause] let's take a look side by side let's check it out wow wow seriously Jackie she looks amazing wow tell us what you did so Courtney pretty much told us that she feels like she has around her face so essential let's just Define what contouring is we're basically working with the Shadows to make things that recede look like they're receiving even more like the fish face so basically what I did is I started off by taking a darker Foundation that's a couple Shades Darker than her skin tone and what you want to do is you want to pretty much hit like the perimeter of the face the easiest trick that you can do if you don't know how to Contour properly is what I like to do is turn the face to the side and I like to draw the number three start at the top of the forehead round the cheekbone around that jawline oh that's a good try and it's the easiest foolproof for any facial yeah so now that you've controlled her face what's next so after I've contoured we're trying to make the face look more Slimmer right so the next key thing is highlighting so what I did was now I'm taking a concealer that's a little bit lighter than Courtney's skin tone and I'm working in kind of like a triangle shape so I start at the innermost corner of her eye okay I work down to the corner of the nose but the key tip here is taking that concealer and dragging it up towards the corner of the eye now the higher you go up the more lifting it's going to give and it's going to be kind of like that facelift that's the final tip to make it look slimmer I have one more which so with brows this is what I actually learned the hard way because I already have a narrow slim face so I noticed that whenever I would try to make my brows look too arched it would just look too harsh on my face shape so with Courtney she is quite the opposite her her face is a little bit more round so I find that anytime you Arch the brow a bit more it kind of like lifts the face up a little bit and it just gives the illusion of a more narrow face slim sole slime what would we do without Jackie an incredible viral story caught our attention an Air Force vet was on a desperate search for a little girl he once saved they met in the aftermath of Katrina and have not seen each other since today that's all about to change but first let's take a look back at the devastation that brought them together we lost everything house clothes Job Corps [Music] I just want to see my family I want to just hold my children and they don't know what I'm dead or alive wow with 80 of the city covered in water many people were stranded they needed rescuing and our next guest did just that then staff sergeant Mike moroney risked his life to save those who were trapped but one rescue always stuck with them and we can't wait to share his amazing Story please help me welcome a real hero to our stage Master Sergeant Mike moroney [Applause] I love it [Applause] I love a man in uniform Wow Mike thank you for coming here to the real you guys this man in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina saved over 140 people oh now tell everybody what a pair of rescue man is so uh we are the Air Force's uh search and rescue okay we do it all uh combat civilian wow uh jungles mountains water oh my goodness War you know everywhere we're trained to do everything uh you know when people need help yeah that's where we're at thank God you are also a single father to two sons so what do the boys think about their dad oh you they look just like you by the way yes yeah they're pretty proud they um yeah they're oh all right yeah why does that bring you emotion um because I I don't do this job for Pride or I don't do it I'm not a hero you know I went to a funeral yesterday two of my friends were killed in Afghanistan a couple weeks ago no no no and those are real heroes you know the the guys on the train in Paris that took down that guy those are heroes you know I'm just a guy that does my job wow now I know that things have also been rough for you because you recently got injured and then not able to work so what happened well over the it's a rough life you know jumping out airplanes and hitting the ground and picking up heavy loads running up and down Afghan Hills uh so both my shoulders were torn uh it's just kind of artificial disc in my neck I've got a TBI I've got PTSD from Too Many Bodies unfortunately post-traumatic stress yes mapping so I it's not any one thing it's just 19 years of a hard life will take its toll on you yeah with every thing that you've been through out of everyone that you've rescued one little girl has stuck with you please tell us about her well um most time when I rescue people they're unconscious they're dying so you don't really get to talk to them and so um and I don't have any pictures of it myself and anybody you know I'm not taking selfies with people while we're working yeah and so they just happen to snap a photo of this little girl who really for me made the day because it was a rough day there was a lot going on it was seven days in the Katrina earlier in July just got back from a deployment in Afghanistan it was my worst deployment you know nobody was we didn't pick up anybody wow so to go into that and see New Orleans underwater and destroyed just really took a toll on me and um so when she gave me that hug you know I wasn't even on the planet at that point wow wow well that picture was pretty iconic but you were never able to find that little girl tell us about your search for her well about the fifth year I had the idea I was like oh you know I put it on Facebook see if anybody's looking for and I got 42 likes nothing I'm like oh and and up until last year nobody ever nothing and a young man named Andrew took it up wrote me an email and said hey it's my life's goal I'm going to help you find this little girl wow and he blew it up on Instagram and hashtag you know young people they know how to do that kind of stuff exactly why are you looking at me when you say young people like oh I got you now Mike you told us that you've been trying to find the little girl that you met during the Katrina rescue and um a photographer managed to capture the moment and you didn't even know they were taking this picture no ma'am you didn't know at all that hug and that smile that's what got you it meant a lot well you know that beautiful little girl her name is Lachey Brown she's now 13 years old she's a straight A student with dreams of becoming a lawyer she has few memories of what happened that day but she does know that Mike saved the lives of her and her family and now the time has come for you to meet her so Mike are you ready I'm ready [Applause] foreign [Music] [Laughter] this is the man that rescued you and your family how you feel I feel good yeah Mike what's going through your mind right now if I can explain to you how important your hug was that's that's a small gesture that would it it helped me through bad days and dark days and I mean you have a beautiful smile and it stuck with me and it's helped me and and has meant a lot to me so I'm I'm indebted I you rescued me more than I rescued you oh [Applause] oh my goodness Lachey is there anything you'd like to say yes I didn't want to see thank you for saving me and my family and I was just happy that that hugged me that much to you for you technically look for me oh my goodness Roche I know your family has been going through a rough time since Katrina and I know your mom is in the audience here um how are you guys doing we're doing a little good with things things are still kind of hard like my mom and she having a difficult time finding jobs she walks to work and we just it's just not as good as it used to be mm-hmm oh my goodness uh this is life y'all yeah yeah and it was just a difficult time Katrina was a difficult time New Orleans and the entire nation and we heard your story and we wanted to do something nice for the both of you yes because both of you guys are heroes to us in our absolutely absolutely so Lachey here at the Reel we want to help we want to help you guys let's say we know that it's been a hard time for you and your family so we're giving you and your family ten thousand dollars to say and Mike I don't know who told you that you are not a hero but to us you are a true American hero thank you so much for risking your life for rescuing everyone that needs to be rescued and just giving yourself freely and openly and just doing everything you do you're definitely a hero thank you so much and for that for your commitment your hard work we have something special for you also we have a check before ten thousand dollars as well [Applause]
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 206,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, therealdaytime, garcelle beauvais, adrienne houghton, jeannie mai jenkins
Id: 6959AfQkpgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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