How I Feel About the End of ‘The Real’

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guys eight amazing seasons 1 360 episodes 1 360 episodes i was on this show from 29 to 38 and like technically like just a few months shy of 39 almost a whole decade spent running my mouth what's up you guys so today is the day that our last episode of the reel airs it is the 1360th episode after nine years and eight seasons it is our farewell episode and i figured i jump on here to talk to you guys about some of my favorite moments on the reel and some of my not so favorite moments on the reel and just what i will miss and what my experience has been for almost a decade on daytime television i can't believe that when i first started auditioning for the real i was 28 years old i was living in new york city i knew that if i got the job i would have to move to la and if i'm being honest i was really excited about it crazy enough i always wanted to be a daytime talk show host i grew up loving shows like jenny jones richard bay sally jesse raphael was obviously my favorite but i also loved ricky lake maury povich jerry springer you get the vibes and i actually created my own show when i was like 10 or 11 years old called the adrian show and it's kind of crazy looking back at the footage because you can see that i took being a daytime talk show host very seriously i literally created my own theme song i had my own logo the adrian show a graphic that i created myself on my computer welcome to the adrian show today's topic is how my young daughter who needs a mega makeover i i was i was very serious about the fade out and the fade in of my theme song so obviously wanting to be a talk show host from such a young age it's kind of crazy when i got this opportunity on the reel to become the first ever latina daytime talk show host on english channel tv like like english language tv i've got to be honest with you when the press release originally went out and they're like oh adrian malone is the first ever i actually argued with our pr team and i was like please make sure that this is correct i'm gonna look so stupid if you guys are clowning me and you're like nope you're not the first to be honest it was really bittersweet for me it was such an honor but at the same time i was like how the heck is it 2013 and there has never been a latina represented on daytime television like that to me was really disappointing and at the same time i was like oh my gosh this is an incredible honor but like word we needed to do better 2013 being the first latina i definitely felt a lot of pressure but in a good way and i also recognize that although i was representing latinos on tv that didn't necessarily mean that there's only one way to be latina like that was probably one of the first things i recognized um when doing this show because there were people that were like she doesn't sound like me she doesn't talk like me why is she so urban and i was like um because i'm definitely urban latina from new york city born and raised in the projects in the lower east side and i'm always gonna be true to who i am i'm never gonna try to be you know there's so many other dope latinas salma hayek with an accent i don't think i i don't have an accent i think i have a new york accent but like there's not one way to be latina and this show really taught me that some of my favorite things about being on the reel was my dressing room i took my dressing room very seriously i had never had one before i was like okay we are going to decorate i put a full fireplace in there we had a parisian vibe going i feel like i have the best memories with my glam squad and just my whole team in the dressing rooms no we're talking singing celine dion at the top of my lungs and then i died fun fact now that the show is over i can also admit to the fact that we absolutely used to drink and take shots of tequila up in our dressing rooms and go down and have the best girl chats ever our best shows wednesdays was our three show day and in between show number two and show number three everyone would come into my dressing room was the first one up the stairs and i would either have tequila for everybody or we would have champagne listen there was something going on or we would mix drinks a vodka somebody and there was even some times that we would actually put a little something in our in our little coffee mugs but those sometimes were the most honest fun funny conversations and i think that they were the most relatable because that's how girlfriends chat when they get together when girls are hanging out and you having a little courage juice the truth comes out something that you maybe would not have shared if you were completely sober and and i loved those moments and those memories that we made in the beginning of the show the five of us would actually go have lunch together and we'd get cocktails at lunch and that was such a dope bonding time for us and i i really the one thing i will absolutely miss from being on the reel was the sisterhood that we built that will forever be my favorite memories it's not always the things that like were on screen my favorite memories are the behind the scenes moments of us laughing off of us sharing the crate like we would share a story on the table and then afterwards on commercial break be like oh and by the way this part too like what i couldn't say was this like we'd lean over to one another and be like um you know let's say the topic was what's the craziest thing you've ever done to get a man we'd say whatever our story was and then we'd be like oh and by the way i did that with two guys at this time like it was like like crazy stuff like that and then we'd die laughing about it so i will definitely miss that one thing i will not miss was how early in the morning we had to get up for all the years that we were live i easily got up almost every single morning at about four o'clock in the morning just got in the car what's up you guys oh yeah that it's too early for that that was wrong that was rough on my social life that was rough on my marriage that was rough a girl was tired okay another thing that i loved honestly i loved falling in love with my husband on the show it's kind of crazy because i have so many dope memories with israel on stage 10 and i have such an emotional connection to that stage on the very last day of the reel jeannie and i actually snuck back into stage 10 and we just walked around and we cried because it just was the end of an era and i have such amazing nostalgic memories here and one of my fondest was definitely falling in love with my husband and dating israel and he would come to set all the time and like spend lunch with me in my dressing room i remember him always being at the podium and so i would be doing my job and i'd look over and he'd randomly surprise me and be there in the morning and i'd like look over and like be like oh my god like he's there and and that for me those are memories that i'll never forget like i will i will keep that with me forever other things that i really loved about the real was that we got to speak up for injustice we got to really tackle the hard conversations that so many people um couldn't because it was about things that were happening in our community we could speak about it from a different perspective from our perspective and i i love that and i'm forever grateful that we were able to give a voice to the voiceless in those times and bring awareness to a lot of things that were being ignored on mainstream media so i i'm really really proud of how we tackled really difficult conversations and brought them to the forefront and some of our opinions were not we're not popular and i'm okay with that i i think when we started getting to the later seasons it was kind of crazy just to see how much we had changed from 28 year old 29 year old adrian to now almost being 39 years old it just it's just night and day and that was crazy to see the growth and just to see how we've evolved um from the beginning it was really really special there are three specific things that we talked about on the reel that i don't regret saying but i absolutely regret how they were flipped i will never forget the headline that came out that said i can't go more than 12 hours without having sex that one was like it felt a little exaggerated i feel like the headlines went crazy with it my mom called me like nana 12 hours i've been in with you for longer than 12 hours who you having sex with what you what you doing they pretty much were like if i'm with my husband how often do we have sex and how long can i go without having sex and i was like i feel like if you have sex in the morning before you go to work and then you come home and you have sex before you go to bed at night that's like a good 12-hour turnaround that's what i was saying i wasn't saying like if i'm on set all day i need to call israel baby get here asap it's 11 hours and 58 minutes and i'm about to go correct like that is not the case um the second one was that i don't wash my hands after using the restroom this one was the most frustrating because i felt like five seconds later corona happened and it was like she's the one to blame she is the reason for kovid and that was really annoying i feel like it's important to recognize that these segments are like three minutes long you have to give everyone a chance to speak and you can say half of your thought and then someone else starts talking or you move on and you don't get to have a full explanation for what you're saying so here goes the full explanation you never saw on the reel washing my hands i felt like everyone lies everyone lies and says that they are washing their hands every single time that they use the bathroom in life and the example that i was trying to use was in my home in the middle of the night while being drunk now you know good and while you lying if you're watching this right now and you say you're not even sober enough to take your eyelashes off but you're washing your hands when you go to pee you're asleep by the toilet you couldn't even you're not sober enough to walk to the bed but you're sober enough to wash your hands please stop pl please stop clarification this was always an example for peeing not number two obviously if you're out somewhere public you should absolutely wash your hands every single time if it is the middle of the day and you are wash your guys hi my name is adrian by loan houghton and i'm encouraging you to wash your hands [Music] also it makes the conversation on a show like the real really really boring if everyone has the exact same opinion now that's not to say that i ever took an opposing opinion uh just to like go against the grain but if i have a thought or a circumstance i'm going to bring it up does that make sense if i have a like oh well this one time then that makes the conversation interesting that's what makes us an interesting and entertaining show because if all of us were like guys how often do you wash your hands and everyone at the table was like every time all the time every time every every time all the time yeah every every time all the yeah you took me me too yeah that is literally so boring so i was bringing up the one time i don't to make the conversation interesting favorite guest that we've ever had on the reel definitely had to be jennifer lopez the takeover of jennifer lopez on the show was like a dream come true for me i feel like i got into this industry and i really looked up to her because she was someone that i felt like i could relate to she was a puerto rican girl from the bronx from new york i related to um her style the way she spoke the music she listened to her lingo her slang y'all be trying to tell me i look like her sometimes don't gasp me you know it's i love jennifer lopez so having her on the show was freaking awesome oh another favorite moment on the reel was sarah jessica parker wishing me a happy birthday yo the way that took me out you guys know i love sex in the city and i just felt like carrie bradshaw popped up on the screen said my name out loud and i i just couldn't take it that was one of my favorite moments if you missed it here it goes you guys we actually have one more fabulous lady who wanted to wish you a happy birthday too hi adrienne it's sarah jessica parker and i've been asked by all of your friends and colleagues at the real happy birthday much love and i hope it's a wonderful wonderful year that is the best birthday gift ever if you watch today's farewell episode you will see that we were very emotional i think it's important to explain why i in particular was emotional it's crazy because leading up to it i was like i'm definitely not gonna cry i'm definitely not gonna cry because i feel like you know we made our mark i was at complete peace with the show ending because guys i spent literally almost a decade on the show and i was ready and i'm excited for what's next and in the moment i was like there's nothing to cry about like this is you know it's it's it's the end of an era but it's also a celebration of what the show has done to some extent we have a trauma bond of being a part of this show because it was not easy it was not easy bearing your soul going through the changes of the cast members uh being attacked in the comments sometimes or because of the things that we shared and it was it was really hard and it made us stronger and it made us tougher and it made us wiser and it made us the women that we are today so that's where all those emotions definitely came from one of my favorite stories that i was like oh i wish we did more of these kinds of stories was um this incredible story it's actually really sad but at the same time it was just a beautiful moment a mother who had actually lost her three-year-old son uh in a tragic accident and he was an organ donor and actually they used his heart to save the life of another young man this was going to be the first time that the mother was meeting the young boy who now had her son's heart beating in his chest and they actually had the son and his fam the mom come out and then the the boy and his family come out and we had a stethoscope and she actually was able to put it on this boy's heart and cure her son's heartbeating and it was such a moving moment i can't even explain it but like those are the kinds of stories that i would love um to talk about i would love things like that i'd love to see families become reunited i haven't seen my you know my long-lost sister in 20 something years i love that sally jesse raphael connected chili to her father like i loved that sort of thing so if i ever got a chance to host my own talk show it would definitely be more of those vibes guys the first the first two seasons of the real we were playing games we were playing tug of weave it was literally a long weave and like we were pulling like we used to joke around and say no one does stupid better than us in daytime and we took real pride in that i will speak for myself i took real pride in being fun silly um honest like too too honest for my own i will tell you every and anything about myself i think it got difficult when i had to start talking about other people's lives and i just felt like i had no business doing that i'm an emmy award winning daytime talk show host because of the reel like this has been amazing i hope you enjoyed the last decade i spent telling you guys every single thing now you can tune in here for that but i love you guys don't forget to subscribe see you next week mwah peace i should hit this by the way we never got to find out who sang that song and i always wanted to cover it [Music] you
Channel: All Things Adrienne
Views: 731,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adrienne Houghton, Adrienne Bailon, All Things Adrienne, All Things Adrienne Houghton, Adrienne Houghton Youtube Channel, Adrienne, Kin Community, Lifestyle, Beauty, Fashion, How To, tips, Entertainment, Tutorial, the real, the real show, the real daytime, the real talk show, the real cancelled, the real daytime adrienne, talk show host, talk show, jeannie mai, loni love, tamera mowry, garcelle, garcelle beauvais, the real cast, daytime tv, daytime talk show, gossip
Id: lr-_OdnIbCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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