[Full Episode] Who Am I? ‘The Real’ DNA Results

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today on the reel on girl chat mom jeans I look like a dad that's what I look like and we've been tested the results are in and DNA doesn't lie and one of our very favorite couples stops by Pamela and David Mann are here on the reel [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] I saw a juicy article on a league daily that I had to share with you guys okay okay so check it out it asked the question can exes of the same guy actually become friends for example maybe you hated a girl like while she was dating your ex but now that he's done her dirty too you guys might have a lot to talk about right so you said live live if you don't think it's possible what absolutely not no no why but what we're not going to do is sit back and tell War story so my story can sound worse than yours no no indeed right if I'm gonna be miserable you're gonna be miserable and wonder about my misery I've always believed that negativity cannot lead to a fruitful friendship so I believe that yeah okay man they can share the same friendship I feel like yo if you are over that man then you really don't care like I've been in that situation yeah you know what I'm talking about maybe when you're mature but I'm very patient I don't plan on coming out of my bed I I'm being Betty I actually became friends with an ex's ex but I actually was trying to when they were together why go back what okay walk home because I liked her and I actually knew her before she got with him and I liked her before then and I just really don't care about home dude yeah I kind of have the same situation more than I I actually had the same situation happen to me I liked my ex's ex before they started dating I actually knew that they were dating before they they knew yes I knew that they knew yeah but I actually follow her on Instagram I think she's a very talented photographer I think she's really really cool yeah and she's pretty yeah exactly when they fell out we didn't share War Stories it was just like you I really don't care yeah you know um when I came here I came with my college boyfriend and then we broke up and then he got with another girl and I became friends with the girl because I really didn't know a lot of people out here and we've been friends for over 20 years wow as a matter of fact he divorced him I helped raise the kids and everything but wow you know but it's what you said is that you have to be over the guys then you're gonna have some Tamar and table you're over here a hundred thousand the question I just don't want nothing to do with you or your ex yeah I get that there we go yeah wait you guys you guys think it depends on who dumped who no no no but I have a weird scenario I have I had a friend a really good friend of mine he when I moved to L.A one of these girls that I just met liked him I was like okay you like my friend whatever uh-huh and I got to know her and she was really sweet and really nice and a really good person I was like I'm glad that you might be dating my friend because I like you then come to find out he was treating her badly ignoring her calls leading her on like I found out that he was a bad dude through this new friend oh okay so now me and her are even closer are friends because we dumped old dude and girl powered yeah together you know what I mean does that make me a traitor you think so yeah it depends on the type of friendship you had with the guy that was your friend first how do you treat a home girl but she wasn't together and I've been that girl where men were mean to me or men did bad things to me he just knocked that into you it's not his fault what about the book nobody remember that yeah have you ever had a boyfriend or a guy a boyfriend or a relationship where his family once you guys broke up they liked you better non-applicable okay well I believe this friend will always be honest with you especially if you start to put on extra few pounds oh yeah y'all ever got that before all the time that you can actually put on weight at the beginning of a relationship that's true yes that's right it's called love pounds and it happens when people become too comfortable and settled in with their new bow now Adrian you new and free to the day and gang when you focus on the cute little young hot tender thing do you lose focus on yourself Network too um I just want to make an announcement what I am not pregnant I just talked with that out there happy I am wearing slightly larger clothing it is making me very happy just as happy as the food you go on more dates yeah you do can you drink more you drink wine you have deep conversations while continuing to drink that wine and I think it's wonderful it is family happy it is very happy it is I gained 15 pounds when I first started dating Adam you did yes because he was whining and dining me so we went out we ate a lot we drank a lot and I was immersed so much in our relationship I forgot to work out so I gained like 15 pounds yeah okay I have a question but do they gain weight Adam didn't know no men lose weight I think Adrian is in love me too yeah so too you got that little Sparkle in y'all she got that little cute Shelby waiting at you Adrian Adrian I call it the love game yeah that means you are in love Missy yeah you oh thanks a good time Party People yeah it is well you know what the Party Pals that love Pals could turn into the breakup weight loss don't do it right so just be careful wait what oh my gosh I'm okay with that too okay you're okay with that too yeah okay well if you do find yourself packing on a few love pounds to the point of where you might need to get some new jeans you're in luck do you guys remember that SNL commercial from the 90s about mom jeans yes it was so funny well guess what I'm so happy about this oh God mom jeans are back in style of it Levi's has introduced their version of the mom Jean called wedgie fit denim Levi says the jeans are designed to solve that all too familiar awkward front bulbs when ladies wear vintage jeans or have two kids I'm just saying and so far people love them check out this picture of Kylie Jenner sporting a pig she looks sexy she looks good in fact one of our own Pas at our show loves to wear mom jeans Raquel where are you at hi Raquel hello okay Genie yeah would you wear mom jeans and are they are there any retro fashion trends you would like to see come back uh okay I love first of all Raquel I love that you're rocking those jeans I would have thrown a heel maybe just like a little heel but you look comfortable and you look fly because obviously you're a trendy girl with everything no she got the Retro ducks on his own with them yeah she killed it why do you wear them I love them because they're cute they're comfortable and they were only four dollars at the Vintage store oh hey [Applause] don't into a do yeah you got stuck yeah so I give you props for that so anybody who can wear mom jeans like I my mom had such fly fashion back in the days that like today when I get her things they're tailored differently than the trends today even those crazy like motorcycles so it motivates me like some of her things don't fit me well like she's got those Angela Bauer Blazers you know with the crazy shoulder pads and when I throw them on immediately you go 80s you're like bam and I love that yeah but let's be honest what look at Raquel Raquel you don't have no kids do you no yeah you ain't been through life have you yes you know what you ain't in your 40s are you back then baby I put on them jeans I look like a dad that's what I look like no I'm fine but if I put those on with my hips but you guys can see Adrian anything looks sexy don't even yeah yeah my hips and them pants no don't do that if you ain't up to the age of 25 don't you put on them damn thank you you can't do that okay so wait a second I have to ask you guys what other Trends fashion trends would you want to bring back what else would you want to bring back Jean but no you know what I got a kick out of but I didn't have enough money back to buy them this is weird but does anyone remember those hyper color shirts or you'd blow into them and it would turn different colors no no nobody you remember see you know what's up cause you look like a cool brother thank you [Applause] yeah you could blow into them and they turn different colors they were hyper okay raise your hand if you remember this kind of clothing yes no nobody one person because that's what the cool population is no they're cool I don't think Doc Martens should ever go out I love duck y'all remember Jordan's jeans they used to really yes a good one you know what people are doing right now you remember in the from the Clueless movie remember how they used to have the short skirts and then they had to like thigh like the thighs [Applause] I love it wait Did you guys ever take your jeans and Peg them Peg Leg will you fold them over and then you crease them when you put them up and it gives you a flower over here you got one more Genie one person over here that's all right anyway everybody tease me now because I I will not let it go it's 2016. right my slouch socks no you won't you won't let him know they look good they look good they wear it probably looks cool though wait did anybody here follow the Crissy cross Trend and wear their pants backwards yeah I remember that did you do it did you do it for like a day I had to go to the bathroom and stuff you know what else is coming back what you remember in the 90s we used to always wear the overalls the overalls with like a reason [Applause] [Applause] but if we could go back I'm talking Marie Antoinette corsets oh like why can't we dress like that yeah it's hot though it's just uncomfortable so being from New York City this next story Hit me hard a man named Riley Flaherty lost his wallet at a show in Brooklyn oh is that not the worst thinking his stuff was gone forever he canceled his credit cards and replaced his driver's license but a few weeks later he got a surprise in the mail it was all his credit cards along with a handwritten note that said Dia Riley Flaherty I found your wallet and your driver's license had your address so here's your credit cards and other important stuff I kept the cash the metro card because the fare is 2.75 cents now you know just so you know and the wallet because it's kind of cool enjoy the rest of your day toodles anonymous now Lonnie do you think this Anonymous man is a Good Samaritan or a thief I think he was a part-time Samaritan that's what he was you could be that no no I mean let's think about it he kept he I mean he gave himself a finder don't give me back half my stuff you're gonna take my cash and my wallet I mean those are the two things that are most expensive of course I've canceled my credit cards and I think he knew that you can't be you can't be a part-time he's gonna take something from somebody and it does not belong to you you are a thief [Applause] I give the money because I'm like me too thank you so much for bringing me back you give him money yeah finder's fee man oh he's out there you want to reward them do that honest you're not accepting money you're just being a nice person how about that of course why I got to give you something you lost it that's your fault that you lost it yeah why should you get paid for doing the right thing that's what I'm saying here trying to do I'm talking I want to thank the person that turned in my iPad did you find it they found it thank you thank you Justin you know what I always say to thieves you guys because I had a lot of money stolen for me cash but I had I had an entire suitcase you guys stolen yeah no I don't know it was a very nice suitcase it had mumus in it you know mumus cost a lot of money yes yes yes and you know it just I felt vulnerable but I always say this to thieves you know what what Karma it'll get you yeah [Applause] whoever found this did not steal it karma has everybody's address okay I'm glad you made all this stuff back all right when we talk about who we are it can be easy to think about it in very simple terms our parents our jobs where we're from but the truth is it's actually really complicated we're all made up of unique DNA that connects us to centuries of relatives that came before us and most of them we don't know the first thing about that's why a month ago the five of us took DNA tests to find out more about who who we are come take this journey with us on the road to Discovery this is who am I [Applause] here to help us understand our story is the host of PBS genealogy Roadshow Kenyatta Berry thank you so much for being here thank you so much we're so excited and nervous at the same time and Kenyatta before we get started what should we expect from the results because we did the the swabbing and sent it in and so we know nothing correct nothing you know nothing right so what you can expect is I'll tell you the results of that swabbing okay um and then I will also give you some additional information about your family and what it means okay as well and then share some pointers with you and of course ask any questions or answer any questions okay okay okay Tamara Oh Jesus okay the results of your DNA test uh resulted in 45 sub-Saharan African lineage really now what that means it's comprised of 22 percent Ivory Coast and Ghana oh Ghana wow 10 Cameroon and Congo wow nine percent Molly that is so freaking cool yeah that's really cool now I've always heard that I was from West Africa but I didn't know where yeah but now let's get to your European part okay so you're 21 British you knew you were British I'm obsessed with with Brits yeah that's good well you're also 12 Irish I thought it was just a little bit that's crazy I love I love Guinness okay I love Guinness and eight percent Iberian Peninsula never heard of that like the hotel well Spanish area but we'll have a map really only connection thought we look alike yes holy crap I had no idea yeah that is insane that's pretty yeah it's beautiful so that is the makeup of who you are wait a minute I have more European than African you do well that's not a surprise [Laughter] she's showing the places wow it's very emotional oh my goodness I have no idea it is yeah who's next Who's Next yes Genie oh me me okay are you ready yes I am your DNA results came back 87 Asian 83 of that was Asia East but you had 13 that was Pacific Islander which is 13 Polynesian Polynesian if you look at no I never know that wait there's a little p i in me like yes there's a little p you guys I I always wondered where there was like a weird little side of some swag that I'm not sure where it came from yeah now you know really wait where would that come from I know up to my great grandfathers and grandmothers and there's no Pacific Islander there so how would it how far back so when you think of DNA it goes back many many generations could be like seven or eight Generations back wow they're not a lot of Asian Americans that dig into their family history but I think it's so important because one of the things that you have that you didn't have or don't have with the West African is you have an ancestral home that is in one spot that 87 percent wow okay so am I related to like Bruce Lee or anything like that oh I'm serious like do we have is there any like Imperial Dynasty or anything like that um well to find that out it's going to take a little bit more than DNA okay um a little bit longer research more time you'd have to find out if you have any cousins that match you or anything like that okay but in doing the research I did not find Bruce Lee I'm sorry okay who's next all right Adrian my Palms are so sweaty right now okay okay I'm ready so your DNA results came back 28 Native American whoa that's cool [Music] I did not expect that I'm not done yet though 57 European 57 percent I'm white [Applause] we still have other regions to get to some other regions four percent there's more percent so there's 36 percent Iberian Peninsula 30 36 Spanish thing okay we have in the same yeah okay we look like in some of our pictures seven percent Italian slash Greek oh wait what seven percent Irish oh yeah everything five percent Western European wait you're seeing a lot of white stuff yeah I'm so confused right now wait I'm not done yet because I got four more for you West Asia you're eight percent Middle East so pretty much the Latinos get around here we we are open arms what am I anything else I got one more for you okay uh-oh you are seven percent African foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] oh my God you look like a cell phone coverage [Laughter] [Applause] yo oh my God I'm so confused okay am I as white as Tamara is yep yep yep so let's keep this going oh my God what do we have next next we have Lonnie love all right all right now are you ready so you are 83 sub-Saharan African that's right [Applause] 83 27 of that is Nigerian [Applause] to the left I was like I felt something 17 is Benin Togo that's like Warrior yeah no real talk that's like Lion King country [Applause] [Laughter] 15 South Eastern Bantu 12 Ivory Coast Ghana foreign from Senegal I love a place I want to go I only said 83 yes what's the other well you are 13 European women ten percent British whoa no more nope nope nope granddaddy was a white man that's why I like the queen but people laugh at me because I always put up stuff about the queen and I feel a relationship to the queen yeah here you go wait a minute wait a minute let me tell you some more about your results did I serve the queen is my people we don't know we don't know that yet but I will tell you like myself what's interesting is you are West African and East African and most slaves came from West Africa that were forcibly removed from their home to the U.S so being that East African part is a little interesting that's very very rare really yeah I've only seen a very few people wow I'm like special you special you're special another reason but to answer your question British oh my gosh part of the being British though is special for African Americans I'm also British is that because of slave trade again the famous or the big planters have plantations and had slaves and people didn't talk about it but we all know it went on right is that they had children with the slaves which is where that ancestry comes from wow okay let's get to the final person come on finally Grand Finale so Tamar you are 84 African really is that more or less than what Lonnie just was that's more one percent yeah you want you just had to do it then let me have one thing all right you are 22 Benin Togo 18 Ivory Coast Ghana Ghana also 17 Cameroon Congo cousin oh God what 12 Nigerian and nine percent from Senegal wow related yeah now the remaining 14 percent is equally divided between Western Europe West so we're thinking like France area oh oh God you're French also um the other seven percent makes up a little bit of British a little bit of Irish a little bit of finish a little bit of Scandinavian wow oh Tamar you're exotic that's so crazy no I'm shocked wow wow our next guests have been making us laugh in movies and on shows like Meet the Browns Madea Goes to Jail and man and wife now they're giving us a peek into their marriage and family life in the second season of their reality show it's the man's world [Applause] favorites tablet and David Mann foreign [Applause] [Applause] well thank you I'm working hard well first I did have a surgery okay but after the surgery was still a battle I tried to get her let me do it but she wouldn't let me do it even after the surgery I learned that it's still a mental thing yeah so it's like I gained a few but then I made my mind up I have a trainer and it's kind of helped I noticed it really worked so save it how much weight have you lost 40 pounds we just found a bit about our DNA have you had any surprises in your family history well David had the biggest well it wasn't a surprise I knew my father but I didn't know my father you knew you knew I knew of him I'd never had a conversation and after 48 years we had a conversation wow and it happened on the on the show yeah it happened on the first season of the show and what was crazy is we had the conversation that we talked and six months later he died yeah it happened for a reason yes and it was awful reason I you know I just thank God that he allowed it to us to just at least get some clothes that is what my DNA I'm the youngest of 14. but I'm the only one that have I have everybody else have the same father but me well and once I had some blood work done he was like well you know if anything happened you're counting like an only child and I looked up man I was like I'm not the only child I'm the youngest of 14. that's my those are my brothers she's literally gone I got an attitude because he was thinking like those are your half Brothers it's like no it's not so it was really you know it was yeah I was dude you're literally the white sheep of the family honestly I am because all my siblings are like darker complexions this color you know what wow wow black panther black but you know black people we don't play that we go now Brothers [Applause] [Music] yeah I love you guys so much you already know that now y'all know I've been doing reality TV for forever with the Braxtons and I know especially shooting with your family can be hard sometimes I have a question you don't want to do reality in the first place why did you want to do that we did you did not one because you know our kids we don't know what they're going to say they are unplugged and sometimes we have to say you know you can't say that like I'm grown that don't mean nothing you just can't say whatever you want to say right but we felt like after we made our minds up that we could share because we're a super blended family and we wanted to share that on how you can deal with your families without like choking each other out you guys work together all the time so Tamala what is it that you like about working together one thing that I prayed for honestly is someone that was in the business and like the same things that I like so I wouldn't have to explain coming in late from the studio coming in late from church or musical of course because that's I started in gospel music so it's like those things were like important to me in the beginning but now to have someone that's like-minded and we we have a good time we don't have to be spending money just sitting at home just chilling yeah it's like sitting in the bed foreign
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 122,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, therealdaytime, garcelle beauvais, adrienne houghton, jeannie mai jenkins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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