FULL EPISODE The Big Sneeze! | Sid The Science Kid | The Jim Henson Company

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[Music] hey is this thing on hey sid what do you say what you want to learn today i want to know why things happen and how and want to know everything now oh yeah how does this thing work why does that stuff change how does that do what it just did what's up with the sky you think i could fly the world is spinning and i want to know why i got a lot of questions and big ideas [Music] and then i shall be in charge of all the ice cubes in the world because i am dr beaks ha ha hi i'm sid welcome to my room hey sid breakfast is almost ready bless you dad thanks sid dad's got a cold mom and dad keep telling me if i don't want to catch dad's cold i gotta wash my hands hmm wash your hands before you eat wash your hands before you sleep wash your hands after you go to the bathroom oh boy pretty soon i'm gonna have to wash my hands before i wash my hands yeah well what i want to know is why why do i gotta keep washing my hands sid breakfast time cool i'm really hungry [Music] oh boy breakfast time hey mom hey zeke hey dad bless you bless you thank you morning sid hey dad so let me guess you're washing your hands so that we don't all catch your cold oh very good you remembered what i told you about washing your hands i totally remembered high five away no hives fives oh yeah your mom's right i've been sneezing all morning so there's germs all over my heads yeah so um germs are the things that make you get a cold yep that's right hmm well i don't see any germs on your hands well you're right sid oh here let me show you something you know we can't see germs with just our eyes you can't even see them with a magnifying glass what well here take a look germs are so small that you need one of these to see them it's an electron microscope cool looks like a giant robot or something yeah it kind of does doesn't it hmm so is it like a super duper duper duper magnifying glass that makes little things look much much bigger yeah that's a pretty good way to describe it hmm oh i hope i'm not getting your dad's cold oh i hope so too well i don't want to catch a cold either so after breakfast i better investigate this more at school ah now that sounds like a great oh a false life you thank you yeah thanks guys i love my mom uh-huh my mom is cool but now it's time for having fun in school hi [Music] i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you there's gabriella watch what i can do [Music] wow i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you hey there's gerald yeah check out my moves i'm looking for my friends i'm looking for you hey there's man may i show you [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you hear the one about the kid who wanted to know everything about everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now it's time for the sid survey coming through hello i am sid roving reporter with today's survey the question do you know what germs are and you can think about what germs are too let's go get some answers [Music] hey um so do you know what germs are um i think that they're those teeny tiny teeny itty bitty itty bitty bitty bitty bitty little things that make you sick i think yeah i think that's what they are too really thanks me yeah you're welcome hey gabriella i have a question do you know what germs are oh i know that they have something to do with sneezing or having a cold or something like that hmm i agree thanks gabriella sure thing hmm do you know what germs are um where'd he go hi c whoa hi gerald say do you know what germs are oh um well i think germs are little things that get on stuff and then that do things to stuff and and they make you sick and stuff wow gerald you sure know a lot of stuff about germs thank you welcome mr speedy on the go go guy mr speedy and now the results of my survey may says that germs are teeny and they make you sick gabriella says germs make you sneeze and gerald says they're the things that get on stuff that makes you sick and maybe you thought about what germs are too and there you have it i am sid roving reporter and sort of a germ expert everybody rug time oh that's teacher susie yay it's rug time come on in rug time take a seat rug time [Music] [Music] so i'm guessing you've all been talking about germs yeah little germs that make you sick yeah my mom told me that germs are so little you can't even see them with your eyes oh you're both right we can't see germs with our eyes but here's a picture of a germ that's drawn really big so you can see what it looks like fuzzy yeah you know what this is the kind of germ that gives us a cold my dad has a cold and he told me not to touch his hands so i don't get his germs what you can get someone's germs from touching their hands you sure can i'll show you let's say gerald has a cold and he sneezes into his hands oh just pretend gerald oh okay um ah now gerald has germs on his hands and let's say he shakes sid's hand just pretend wow here she yeah now sid has germs on his hand and then sid shakes hands with me now i have germs and i shake with mei and she shakes with gabriella and then we all touch our eyes and our nose and our mouth and germs get inside of us so guess who gets a cold now [Music] [Applause] so to make sure you don't spread germs try to sneeze into a tissue and if you don't have one you can sneeze into your arm just like this ah [Music] that's it and does anyone know the very best way to keep germs away oh i know i know uh wash your hands with soap and water you got it hey can't we just wipe our hands on our pants that gets them pretty clean yeah good question gerald i think it's time we investigate how washing our hands can really help keep germs away okay scientists you know where we're going let's go [Music] investigate explore [Applause] today we're going to find out the best way to make sure your hands stay nice and clean so you can keep the germs away that's right okay first you're going to try cleaning your hands with just these paper towels and then you're going to try cleaning your hands over here with soap and warm water um but my hands aren't dirty well then maybe this will help [Music] you can all dig your hands into the dirt and rub it in really well then try cleaning your hands with a paper towel and you can use these magnifying glasses to help you look really carefully at the dirt on your hands and fingernails and if the paper towel doesn't work then we use soap and water you got it okay scientists go for it it's time to get dirty [Applause] hey you're a scientist you can try this too come on in this investigation we're going to find out the best way to get your hands really clean first cover your hands with lots and lots of dirt when your hands are really covered in dirt try wiping them clean with just a dry paper towel are your hands really clean they look clean now let's take a closer look with a magnifying glass hey wait there's still dirt on your hands wow magnifying glasses are great science tools they show us up close how much dirt is still on your hands now wash your hands with warm water and soap to make sure you wash long enough don't stop scrubbing until you've sung the entire alphabet a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z now wipe off all the soap and let's look at your hands wow compared to how they look before your hands are really clean let's explore with a magnifying glass for a closer look hey there's no dirt on your hands let's draw some observations in your journals what did your hands look like when they were dirty and what did your hands look like after you used soap and water washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to clean your hands and it's also a great way to keep away germs so who wants to share some observations from our investigation oh i do i put my hand into the dirt and here's a picture of what it looked like when i used the paper towel to clean it and here is a picture of my hand after i washed with soap and water all clean oh very nice gabriella your pictures really show how the soap and water worked great okay sid may we look at your journal oh um okay well first i squished my hands into the dirt i like that part and then i looked at all the dirt on my hands i even had dirt on the little lines on my hand then the soap and water got rid of all the dirt oh i like the way you used your magnifying glass to make your observation sid thank you wow all my scientists made some great observations it sounds like everyone learned a lot about how to keep germs away i think it's time to play with all your new ideas yay go for it okay [Music] it's time for [Music] knock knock who's there etch that's who [Music] hey gabriella yes um what's the worst thing about being an octopus oh i don't know what is the worst thing about being an octopus it takes so long to wash your hands before dinner uh yes what do you get when you take a germ and then another germ and another germ and another germ and then i don't know me what no i'm not done and then another term another term another term then another yeah are you telling a joke yeah okay and then another germ another germ another germ another germ and then a million zillion germs um i don't know what do you get when you take all those germs you get a cold shoe [Music] thank you now that's funny [Laughter] well all i know is i don't want to wear that baby bonnet again you guys you guys do you want to look at more pictures of more germs okay oh yeah okay i'll show you the picture and i'll read what kind of germ it is okay oh wow gabriella can read the names are here on the back oh uh oh this one has a funny name it's called a [Music] [Music] [Music] look at it [Applause] i am a big fuzzy yucky hairy germ oh no we gotta wash our hands i've got you now i'm gonna give you a cold yeah and now it's time bye susie to sneeze no just kidding to sing [Music] why thank you thank you you know to really figure out how germs get around maybe i should become a germ oh she says he's gonna be a german here i go i'm gonna shrink on down i was minding my own business living in robert's nose i'm just a teeny tiny germ here's how my story goes i'm always ready to travel though my trips are never planned it was time to hit the road when robert sneezed into his hand so here comes his old buddy bill his handshake was so firm i climbed aboard his hand and went on the journey of a germ now billy needed milk and eggs so we walked into the store he left me on the doorknob when he opened up the door corinna touched the door and said hello to mr sands they chatted by the vegetables she forgot to wash her hands my name is sheldon sherman most people call me sherm i was traveling with corinna on my journey of germ hand-to-hand hand hand hand that's the way i travel corinna bought a ticket and she hopped onto the train the conductor shook her hand and said enjoy your ride to maine we got off in bangor we were happy to arrive the conductor met the mayor and gave him a big high five the mayor shook hands with a senator running for a second term and he shook hands with a majorette on my journey of germ majorette was at a football game her baton had hardly twirled i'd given her a cold and traveled halfway around the world she sneezed into her elbow i thought i was gonna cry she washed her hands no but i don't want her i'm a germ you can't get rid of me wow oh yes i can i just wash my hands oh no soap and water i washed my hands too no cold for me mr germ yeah and i sneeze into my arm so you can't get me germ oh well i give up okay [Applause] wow my sneezing scientists are all germ experts i'm so proud of everyone okay time to go home follow me now where's my seed right here grandma [Music] now okey-doke let's roll let's roll woohoo [Music] okay kiddo how was your day it was great grandma i learned all about germs you know what you gotta wash your hands with soap and water so yeah don't get germs you're right well i remember when i was a little girl i learned about the scientist who discovered that washing hands helps to stop germs from spreading around he was a one smart cookie and his name was ignat semelweiss what igna woohoo yes that's his real name and he was a real scientist for years after i learned about him i couldn't so much as wash my hands without thinking of good old ignat summer weiss and how he helped people be healthier that's right thanks to him we know that washing hands helps you not catch a cold thanks ignites well he sounds like a really cool scientist yes guess what grandma hmm i'm gonna name my toy panda ignat simelice now that's a good idea wow my grandma knows a lot of cool stuff i learned something cool something cool today i know it upside down and inside out i learned all about germs scientists in the house yeah [Applause] how's my favorite scientist i am awesome guess what i learned today oh what i learned that there are lots of different germs and they look really yucky and just like you taught me if you wash your hands with soap and water you can keep those germs away very nice sid sounds like you and your friends did some investigating today yep oh oh and another thing i learned a new way to sneeze that won't get germs all over your hands you sneeze into your arm like this see that yeah go ahead dad try it oh well you know sid it's funny but i haven't sneezed at all in a while i think my cold is getting a little bit better oh [Music] mom sneeze into your arm all right mom oh boy you know your sneeze is a lot different than that yeah sure is good pretend sneezy good boy zeke oh do it into your arm hey mom guess what else we got to do at school today what's that i play with dirt indoors indoors well how did that work out well um teacher susie brought out a big plate of dirt and we got to stick our hands right in it ooh playing with that yeah [Music] hey ignat semmelweiss how's it going ignat's old buddy wow what a fun day huh you know i learned that you can keep germs away by washing your hands with soap and water and another way to keep germs away is to sneeze into your arm like this go ahead dr beaks you try it just sneeze into that old flipper fin thing of yours or not you know all this sneezing into my arm has got me thinking what if everybody had a tissue ready all the time in case they had to sneeze okay i've got it here's my super duper upper shmooper big idea i'm gonna invent an amazing new invention the detecto sneeze it's a box of tissues that can hear as you go super fast it pops out a tissue before you can say it can listen and it can recognize every different kind of sneeze like the way i sneeze and the way mom sneezes and and the way dad sneezes and even the way a grizzly bear sneezes and that's my super duper smoother big idea thank you thank you oh and thank you to eggnuts hmm hey you know what huh huh been a great audience hey thanks for investigating germs with me sid the science kid [Applause] and remember keep asking lots and lots of questions see you later scientists boy all that sneezing totally wore me out oh here comes another one [Music] [Music] wow oh hi we're just checking out our website you can explore with us yeah great idea come join us visit pbskids.org there's a lot of great information for grownups too i think we look pretty good in the computer investigate explore discover hey i know how to investigate explore and discover and i bet you do too investigate that's when you want to find stuff out explore that's when you look at things in the world around you discover that's when you investigate and explore and you find out something new be sure to check out another episode full of amazing science my friends and i will learn how to use science tools investigate how things change discover our senses and explore how to keep our bodies healthy see you next time on sid the science kid [Music] so hmm [Music]
Channel: The Jim Henson Company
Views: 19,067,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sid the Science Kid, Hand Washing, hygiene for kids, Sid the Science Kid PBS Kids, Jim Henson, wash hands
Id: n6DuZjePTXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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