[Full Episode] Tamera & Adrienne’s Favorite Pet Names

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today on the Rio you loved their surprises now we want to know what happens after the camera's turned off you guys opened so many doors for me it's time to check in with some of our most memorable guests well ladies let me tell you [Applause] is [Applause] we got a choice [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yes ladies I'm telling you I've been dreaming hoping wishing and praying for this are y'all ready for some girl yeah are you sure yeah all right because let me tell y'all something first up do you ladies like it when somebody calls you hey baby it depends on who's doing it I agree well apparently being called Baby by your partner can actually be good for women that's that's what they say I'm here for it yeah I'm here for it too because it releases a chemical in your brain which helps relieve stress now calling me baby I ain't calling you Daddy I ain't calling you don't call me Mama don't no family members okay well then what do you like do you like what gets you going Lonnie no I don't like no I like that I like sweetie my love hi my love but you know what I think it's different for you married folks and folks that's in long-term relationships but when you're single and you're dating I don't like for a man to hurry up and call me that you know I mean I don't that's why I like my name because I feel like like if you just meet me and you call them then you not you may not think you talking to me you know you might be talking about somebody else or you might not remember my name so that's why I make jokes that's why it's very Destiny's Child Say My Name Say My Name yes you guys know what Adam and I call each other [Applause] in your phone yes it is I don't know how it ended up being Bubba but I think it's a uh I think it evolved from baby and in vape and I actually agree with you Lonnie when I was dating I didn't like just anybody calling me baby yeah I like what when my husband calls me bubba cause I know I'm his so it makes me feel it makes me feel yeah I feel comfortable right if that makes sense working Bubba what do you do that well one name I'm sure men wouldn't mind being called is handsome but a new study suggests that being handsome could actually be bad for a man's career I could see that I did I didn't know yes I know distracting I it seems that they're male bosses perceive them as a threat and they're less likely to be promoted oh haters this is happening Men actually are intimidated by males looks who knew that is so corny isn't that the corniest part okay if you think about some of the most successful men that are out there that are hot they're obviously not hurting like let's look at Tom Ford see I got an issue with like overly fine men in general like I mean for real like I don't need like 12 packs of ABS I don't need you know the hair you know to be like you know perfect I don't need the skin to be on fleek it's like that's for me right you know what I'm saying like I don't think competition with my man and then they they think they overly fine they just they they too much dog I'm waiting on you in the car that's not how that's supposed but no you supposed to wait on me on me that's what that's what makes it hard though like whether you agree with the guy being hot or you don't want him to be hot the hot gets in the way is if you're saying that men that don't look that good Excel more than men that look good you're not gonna tell me because every time I look at Forbes Magazine I don't see a bunch of tree monsters okay yeah they're all really good looking yeah good looking you know High suited up men that look amazing yeah so I don't hi I don't know but think about it when you're dating okay if you saw a really good looking man who was interested in you okay what was usually your first thought like he's really he's really really hot or he's prettier than you are he's probably dead that is okay I do agree with you yeah yeah I do think that so you think that when you see a guy that's like really really good looking or like super buff and hot you watch how he carries himself to see him he knows he's good looking I don't want him because I think he's probably super Vain and stuck up yeah I don't know I'm not very nice of that I think super fun guys so boring come on now everybody I will say it's refreshing when you do find a good looking guy that has a great personality to go along with it yeah I will say that they do exist yeah they do unfortunately people do judges yes yes completely well speaking of men's looks let me ask you guys this okay do you ladies think it's a turn off if a man is too vain right so he's fine he's handsome he's whatever but he's also conceited I read a list online of all the things guys do that make women see them as less of a man so some of these things included Cockiness being sexist and disrespecting their partner oh no Lonnie can a man like what can a man do in your eyes that would make him seem less attractive and I had no money [Applause] like a lot of my single girlfriends they meet a guy and they're like yeah I meant to soon and everything and then they automatically start letting the guy you know influence them on in their life yeah you know like they can't do certain things well you know I gotta ask right right I gotta I'm like you gotta ask okay now you're losing yourself right you know I mean and it's different when you're a man right right because that's like a partnership I'm talking about when you first started you know dating it's been a couple of weeks like a month or whatever it's like I hate that and a lot of women do that because they feel like well I don't want to lose this dude but it's like you're gonna lose them anyway so I don't I don't like men that take over women's lives like that yes that are really unattractive right that's right true I don't like men who don't take responsibility for the kids oh God absolutely like that at all well don't like man up to States yeah always who don't play like the victim all the time right you know what I mean they're always blaming everything yeah it's a Baby Mama fault everything oh Lord Jesus hold me back I can't stand the liar oh okay that's a good one so cowardly especially when it's the ones that lie about little white rice hey baby you made me yeah I made that no you didn't though no you got come on you got that from a Cheesecake Factory I just got that laughing right now about dumb stuff yeah you know what I'm saying oh man I lost my wife well just say you know you're up to your ATM limit say something right I mean come on like right I can't do rifle be truthful because you never know where you stand well with a liar right yeah whenever I meet a guy the first thing I ask him I said how many how many girlfriends you got right and if he tell me a number then you know I know at least what I'm dealing with you know what I mean yeah but if he's like I don't have nothing why because lion is so cowardly it really is like it takes real courage to just keep it real and be honest and guess what no matter what you have to respect the truth [Applause] we can move so much further if you just be telling me the truth like yes I mean the things that you don't even want to say to people like dog like I got with this girl now she gonna stop calling my phone instead of you know the phone ringing and we are you acting like that's my phone going on we could move so much further like you just said okay I'm gonna I'm gonna pick something really surfacey that's only happens once in a while but I don't know if it's happened to anybody else have you ever met a guy who for whatever reason when you touch their arm they Flex oh my God wait can I call you out or no you wanna okay she's pointing like this you guys so who are you pointing at tell us your friend here well why you do that oh yeah just did it what does that mean are you guys together this is my oh I'm sorry this is my husband of 22 years [Applause] you can joke like this because you guys love each other and you know himself I have a son who's 20. and he does the same thing what does he do explain it yeah what does that mean where am I he's my son says you got to show him what you got Mom why you do that she kind of likes it so she's an enabler yes exactly [Applause] 22 years when it comes to relationships it's natural for couples to make sacrifices for one another but I just read this article y'all what's that it's an article that listed nine things you should never give up in a relationship they were your Independence your happiness your dreams and goals your self-respect your beliefs your friends and family your privacy your identity and your ability to make decisions yeah I have to say I'm guilty of two I'm working on it guys I have to be honest I have to say some of these things um it kind of happens naturally and then you have to remind yourself not to give up on that thing yeah uh one is number eight identity I love being a wife yeah yeah I love being married and for the first three years that's all of of of what I became right I was just I I was just so focused on meaning just being just being his wife yeah you were playing wifey that you kind of forgot I forgot about myself I'm just being honest I forgot about I forgot about me I forgot that and I forgot about well this is the thing I realized you know you you you you have friends and family outside of of your marriage it's not just you know that you have a career outside of your marriage but most importantly you can't forget about who you are and and the things you like and what you want to do the other thing thing is I love that my man loves to do things for me he loves to make decisions but I actually got to the point my mom is the one who showed me this I know you know this thank goodness she said honey do you even know how to take care of yourself wow I got so used to Adam taking care of me and it's not like he you know forced this I mean this is what I allowed you enjoyed it you don't have no responsibility Ty yes yes I did it yes but I didn't know how to take care of myself wow so now we've almost been married for five years uh around like the the third year that's when I started to realize wait Tamara Don't Lose Yourself no no no no no and you have to know how to take care of yourself yeah I appreciate my man I do thank you I get it that's right yeah okay another one that we ain't talk about why what's that well oh I'm a real Santa we don't gave up everything we over here preaching uh well no no no privacy well because you got to get that up dog if you want a successful relationship well yeah what you mean what's private example I'm talking about PIN numbers oh no yeah yeah for sure yeah private or when you're going out yes I need to know where you're going where are you going you shouldn't have to no shade but I know I might lose my home girls right now but what time what time you coming back dog both ways excuse me yeah should I expect you that's like a respect that's respect every time you come out let's just put it this way if your man ever told you take it this way if your man ever told you you asked him something and he turned and said that's private oh no no no no no no exactly that throughout the season we received so many letters from people asking for makeovers because we get really good ones here whether they were busy moms Workaholics or just needed a confidence boost we brought several lucky candidates in to give them a new look in 60 minutes or less take a look so let's check out how Erica looks before using our hollaback hologram foreign [Applause] this is absolutely amazing oh my God oh my goodness do you like it I feel sick my mom looks so beautiful [Applause] [Music] wake it up for using our hollaback hologram LaShonda come on out I've never looked like this ever and I don't like three rip it off foreign [Applause] it was such a wonderful feeling to make all of our candidates feel good about themselves again but there was one young lady who stood out amongst the rest LaShonda she told us she was lacking confidence in self-esteem due to her battles with cancer and lupus which had changed her physical appearance she just wanted to feel beautiful inside and out I'm happy to say the mission was accomplished and things are looking up for her let's find out what LaShonda has been up to roll it hi everyone it's me LaShonda quick update since the show I just wanted to say thank you so very much you guys opened so many doors for me I got so many accolades on the makeover um people saw me reached out to me that saw the show and were like totally impressed I am now dating a friend that saw me on the show and he reached out to me and all he could say was wow so I want to thank you guys so very much I feel like a butterfly who just escaped out of her cocoon thank you so very much guys I really appreciate it story is remarkable you guys not only did she look amazing but that makeover lifted her spirit she went out and got herself a man yes for Veterans Day last year we dedicated our entire show to new and expecting military moms one deserving mom Christine got a baby shower she'll never forget take a look [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay thank you and welcome to the show well being in the military means you often have to like move in a moment's notice how has that been has that had an effect on you yes because me and my mom we are extremely close like like bread and butter and it's just been extremely hard do you have other siblings yes I have two brothers and a sister and I have a half brother oh wow so trying to keep in touch with them missing birthdays is just well we know how tough it's been so we actually ask them to record a video message for you for your upcoming baby shower take a look oh my God hey Christine sorry I couldn't make it to your baby shower I really wish I could have been there one thing that's missing is your mommy and I wish I was there for you but hoping that this short video will give you comfort knowing that I'm so so happy for you and I love you T I love you so much oh I love my mom and dad how does it feel to see that it feels good because I know they love me and just I just wish they can be here got it well we here at the real are a family and we know how tough It's been and just seeing you watch that video we were like oh we know that your loved ones are so far away so since you're here in our home and you're eight months pregnant we thought we'd like to throw you a baby shower and it wouldn't be a baby shower if we didn't kick it off with some games right so I love it so get ready to play better know your baby okay Adrian you're up okay true or false you are eight months pregnant oh that's hard true all right well let's see the prize it's the Dr Brown's lovey pacifier and teether holder and two different sizes of options bottles which is a convertible bottle that grows with the baby giving parents options and the lovey pacifier is a soft plush animal that provides Comfort to baby and you and our whole audience is going over there I love when everybody wins okay Tamara what's the next question okay the next question true or false think about this one this is a hard one your baby has gotten bigger over the past eight months it's a hard question very hard true or false it's true beauty and brain yes yes okay let's see what we have it is oh one of my favorites the Cloud B sleep sheep the Sleep sheep offers soothing sounds and is the perfect companion for a calm and restful night for both baby and parents you get the Sleep belt baby support system the Sleep belt is used to support skin to skin contact it's fast and easy to put on and there's no strain on the wearer's neck back or shoulders and baby can be in his or her most comfy position Medical and now Christine you and our entire studio audience are going on okay we hope you make it this far Christine now we're getting the first two right you've got a chance to win our grand prize Lonnie what's the grand prize well sorry audience this one is just for Mama but the question is really really hard in fact it's so hard it has three possible answers so here you go if you could have one family member attend your surprise baby shower would it be a your mom Lakeisha or B your sister Michelle or C both your mom and your sister oh here's your chance to throw some shade which one would you pick see both see [Applause] your grandson hi Stephen I love you Michelle um what does it mean for you guys to be here to celebrate with Christine really important and I want to make sure you had a baby a great baby shower you could really tell just how much Christine's family means to her which is why we were so excited when we found out that Christine's family got a little bit bigger check it out okay you guys here's the update from the Rios family thank you so much for the baby shower and bring my mom and my sister out it was amazing we went to the Universal Studios took some pictures and we actually went into Mario Lopez and I took a picture with him I had the baby December 1st he actually came 10 days early but he was born six pounds six ounces and 20 inches long sometimes I can't sleep at night because Sean wants to wake up and just play and look around and it's just it's amazing to have another child thank you once again for having us we had so much fun bye [Music] [Applause] one of the things we're known for on our show is our games oh my God we have so much fun doing them and we love big competitive ways for our fans to win cash and prizes and we even have a game to help you pay your bills you guys know which one right bills bills bills well last year we did a mega version of bills bills bills segment and found an amazing fan Tais with two bills that were standing in the way of her achieving a major dream when we heard how important this was to her we knew that we had to help out but we had to have a little fun with her first yeah we turned our general knowledge trivia game into a super tough trivia game and had one of our producers play her as an opponent take a look to the 11th Place what is three times pi Jeff is it um 9.424-7796-077 [Applause] oh Daddy oh see y'all need to pay attention in school yeah but whoa whoa whoa Lonnie this is a show called the real and I've got to stop you right there why all right is it just me or what those questions extremely difficult well Tice it was just an elaborate setup to mess with you this man here is actually an imposter that's right he's not a contestant he actually works here [Music] say hello everyone to Alex he's one of our producers yes we heard that you are a Lead Foot and that you know you have the speeding ticket for 300 but we also heard that you know you also have another speeding ticket that has racked up to 700 in fees and we know that these two tickets are stopping you from your lifelong dream of joining the Navy so why is joining the Navy so important you guys see you're emotional what does this mean to you it's all right take your time [Music] for the longest time I've been going to school for nursing right and it just seems like it's like I'm not getting anywhere with school and it's I keep taking classes after classes and I feel like going to the Navy will help me reach that a lot quicker you know it's hard going to school working two jobs and going to the Navy I know it will help me that would help me with school that helped pay for school and and I just want to you know make my dad proud because he's a veteran and so and so the two tickets are keeping you because you can't get in the Navy [Applause] you know what we're going to help you my dear okay you can consider both of these bills paid we gonna pay them for you everybody that was funny we were all taken by our story and how lovely she is so we had to check in and get an update Tais and her dad are here with us today [Applause] so tell us what did you do after you left the show with the cash well ladies let me tell you I wasn't playing when I said I was gonna go straight to the courthouse and pay those tickets off so the next day I paid that thousand dollars and I'm debt free yeah and right after I called my mom and my dad and they were so happy and excited for me now where do you stand now in terms of joining the Navy as of right now I've been talking to a recruiter and been studying going doing practice tests in a couple of weeks I will be taking the final test and I will find out that same day if I and goodness if I'm accepted I'm sorry oh my God that is Major maybe you could be accepted and joining the Navy pretty soon dad you must be really really proud of your daughter I'm very proud of her and I want to thank you ladies for helping out with his dad [Applause] yours and gave them a chance to pitch their ideas for a prize these capreneurs showed up and showed us they are bound for the business big leagues take a look all right listen up everybody I'm Joseph Cofer owner schmancy popsicles and I'm here to make life sweeter one popsicle at a time we create popsicles for cancer patients going through treatment we create popsicles for fundraisers for schools it's just grown into something more than words can describe what's that smell this ends with some boys of course girls today are bore products made by who knows who and they simply are made with 20 teen girls in mind we make body lotion body spray and Novelty soap once on power girls everywhere all girls are created equally different angels and time boys not your mom's perfume by me Madison and me Mallory is it fancy smashy pops or angels and tomboys drum roll please [Applause] yeah come on down you stay here with me after their episode aired we heard from Madison and Mallory and from the sound of it their business angels and tomboys it's growing and the sister Squad is taking off check this out hi this is our parents are the real angels and time boys has been on the rise as the Tomboy sales have been bullied up like never before when we're in school even at dance practice are you famous are you rich and they want to take puppies when we were on the wheel we are 2500 from Shopify we use the money to launch our new non-profit organization growth Foundation we make entrance homework give baskets and give to the shelter for her and Abused Women we also use the money to launch our new video called the double dutch and our new collection monkey farts it's a 2016 summer fragrance we want to give a big thanks to the Shopify and the real for my entrepreneurs angels and tomboys Madison and Mallory and when we want to keep empowerment girls all over the world thank you yo I am not even gonna lie I have to say that I'm a huge fan of their lotion you guys it's actually in my dressing room right now and I use it all the time it's the watermelon flavor that I love so good you told me it smells really good smell so I can't wait for them to come back on the show and to also show us their new products they're so awesome
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 14,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, therealdaytime, garcelle beauvais, adrienne houghton, jeannie mai jenkins
Id: tlEBnRdujRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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