FULL EPISODE: Secrets of the Merkaba Light Vessel

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[MUSIC PLAYING] >> We come here to learn. We're here for a pursuit of knowledge. We have an emotional connection to everybody in this room. We're here for a reason. Today, you're going to learn. Listen to Billy. Please, Conscious Life Expo 2020, welcome my friend, Mr. Billy Carson. >> Thank you. [APPLAUSE] >> Thanks, Jimmy, I really appreciate that, man. So today, This is my logo for the mystery school, which was made by Gaia, actually, years ago. It's one of the first images they ever gave me to promote the Gaia program when I was on "Deep Space" and a few other things. It's like a marketing piece, but it's a phenomenal piece. It's really showing, to me, the elevation of consciousness in walking through that, which is really a star tetrahedron at the top, kind of in the seed-of-life pattern, which is a merkaba. But today, we're going to talk about merkaba quantum walking, and we're going to talk about the merkaba, what it is, but I'm going to get very scientific, OK? But I'm going to do it in a way that everybody's going to be able to understand what I'm saying. The way that I do my lectures and the way that I teach is more based on physics, and sciences, esoteric wisdom, and knowledge from ancient sages and handed down verbal histories as well so I can give you a breakdown of how this stuff works. Because the biggest problem that I find in society is when it comes to knowledge, is we've learned how to memorize the answers, and we don't know how to get to the answer. If I give you a multiplication test right now, everybody in here, I hope, I hope can give me the answer to 2 times 2 and 4 times 4 and so forth and so on. But how do you know the answer? Because you memorize the answers. You just went down the answer column as a kid, and you memorized, oh, when I see this, it's this. But did you ever take the time to figure out why 2 times 2 equals this, why 5 times 5 equals this? A lot of people have never taken the time to do that. And that just transcends into every other aspect of life. We're taught to just know answers. We're taught in school to be good test takers, OK, but never really understanding the process to get from A to B. And so what I like to do when I teach these things-- because we're dealing with spirituality, but spirituality is deeply entangled with quantum physics and quantum mechanics. You can't escape it. You just can't. When I show you today what I'm going to show you, you're going to realize it can't be separated. They both two go together. Science and mainstream wants you to think spirituality over here and science over here. That's another divide-and-conquer tactic to keep you from reaching your ultimate goal of spiritual attainment, OK? So we're going to talk about the fundamental underlying basis of why this stuff actually works. And we're going to spend some time on that because when you walk out of here today, the main thing I want everybody to take with them is, now, I understand when I think this way, when I think that way, when I pray this way, when I do this or when I do that, this is why it's working. Because you will be able to see the step-by-step process and actually visualize something in your head that's actually, really truly happening. And I think when you can visualize what's happening, you know what's happening versus relying on thinking it's a magic sky daddy with a magic wand like, bing, it happened, some kind of genie coming out of a bottle, your wish is my command, I think when I take that part of it away and give you the power into yourself and let you understand, oh, the power's in me, and I can do this, and I can do that, and this is why I can do this and I can do that, I think it's going to be a lot more-- a lot better for you, and a lot better for your family, and people that you try to show the information to. So without further ado, let's get into it. [MUSIC PLAYING] I always play my little intro here. I like this intro. I'm that red guy. [LAUGHS] Like Jimmy said, I'm a field researcher, and this is important for me to say because people need to understand I'm not just on Google searching images-- and not to take anything away from people that's all that they have access to because that's better than the average person. But to get to the level that I'm teaching at, you have to get out in the field and you gotta get your hands dirty. You have to get out there and talk to homegrown researchers. You have to get out there and talk to homegrown archaeologists, people who come from that area, from that region, indigenous people. You can't just rely on this generalized Wikipedia-type information. And sometimes you can't really rely on everybody's YouTube videos, either. You gotta go out there for yourself and get some answers for yourself and then compare it to everything else that you heard, saw, and read, and then take the information that you can best do it and piece it together. Here, I'm am at the Great Pyramid of Giza. I'm inside the King's Chamber, and I'm standing right next to that box that they call a "sarcophagus." I can't even fit in that box. I'm too tall. I'm six foot 4, and my feet come up to my chest when got inside of that thing. But what's really amazing, it's the exact dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant, and the Ark of the Covenant used to sit inside of that box. And the reason why they chased Moses-- who was really truly Akhenaten-- the reason why they chased Akhenaten down if after fled from Egypt, well, first, Akhenaten fled from Egypt-- he was kicked out of Egypt I should say because he was defacing all the gods. The sun disc, Aten or Amun-- Amun-Ra, Amen, the Amen, gave him the order to deface all gods. There'll be no other god but him. He ushered in monotheistic mindset into Egypt, and he was erasing the history of the hieroglyphs. That's where all the broken faces and noses come from, sorry to say. I thought initially, too, when I had heard the rumors-- you see why you can't listen to YouTube and stuff like that? Until I got on an airplane, and went out there for myself, and saw temples that had 8,000-year-old hieroglyphs that were all chipped off, there was no nobody going, I gotta chip these off to hide the fact of who these people were. No, I'm sorry. That was done by Amun-Ra. It's the glyphs. Amun-Ra ordered it. And Akhenaten fled out of there and left out of there with that Ark of the Covenant. And when the pharaoh realized that he took the source of power, the new pharaoh, they had to chase him down. And he didn't cross the Red Sea. That's the mistranslation in the King James Bible. He crossed the Sea of Reeds, a much closer and much smaller sea as well. And that's just by translating down into Aramaic, and you can easily figure that out. But a lot of people know about it in terms of the people that are teaching the information, but they'll never change the story because it just sounds-- the historical version, the mythological version sounds too fantastic. Yeah, so it's really amazing stuff. The ancient Egyptians had meters per second. They had the metric system in ancient times. Forget about what you know about, oh, we just got the metric system and so forth and so, 1960 or whatever. That's garbage. Whoever that was, I forgot the gentleman's name in this moment, he probably found these proto-Sumerian tablets that were found in Mexico, which are well documented that they had a metric system back then, proto-Sumerian. Proto-Sumerian found in the South Americas, OK, on this side of the ocean. They had a metric system. And what's really amazing is the speed of light can be discovered-- the longitude of the Grand Gallery is the same digits of the speed of light in meters per second. This whole structure was designed this way for a specific reason, to let us know how technologically advanced these beings were. And they turned the Great Pyramid into a multi-functional stone computer. This is me at the Temple of Abydos. So I'm standing there actually pointing directly up-- it's kind of blurred up here, I guess. Maybe it's better on the corners. I'm pointing up at these glyphs. It's about maybe 40 meters above my head. But these glyphs were not re-etched over, recarved over, what the mainstream would tell you. If you get the homegrown archaeologists like I had, they will tell you that they're told to say that by the tourism board, to tell everybody that, oh, these are just mistakes. They're accidents. They didn't really exist. No, he said not only are they carved that way, but there's many more around the region, and he showed me the other ones, OK? And some of those I had to pay off pyramid priests and guards to go into underground crypts and stuff to get down there to see these things and take pictures of them. So they're real. There's not just this one spot at Abydos. There are depictions of advanced technology all over Egypt. I'm at the top of Ollantaytambo in Peru. This was an amazing trip. I saw so much stuff there that would just blow you away. I'm at the Osirian Temple, which is right by Abydos, where they discovered the flower of life symbol, I don't know if you can see it from where you are, etched into a pillar by-- etched into it like on the atomic level, not carved or chipped into the stone, but atomically etched directly into the pillars there, the flower of life, which is everything to do with the pure energy that creates everything we see in the third dimension. They knew about that 10,000, 15,000 years ago. I think the Osirian's even older than that. My opinion of Syrians probably around $50,000 to $60,000 years old. Here at Machu Picchu, just kind of giving you guys an idea. I mean, I've been all around the world, Sacsayhuaman. This is my guide here, Elvis. His name is actually Elvis. And he's a homegrown indigenous. Behind these stones here-- the reason why I took a picture at those stones, right behind those stones is gold. It's protected by the military. Still gold behind a lot of these stones. And here I'm in Cambodia at Angkor Wat. Here, I'm at Ta Prohm and showing there's dinosaurs. This is just one place in the world that you can see dinosaurs and human beings at the same time-- dinosaurs with the meat on their bones, which means they knew what they looked like, obviously. It's hard to kind of just extrapolate what this thing would look like, but if you go to Gobekli Tepe you got those 13,000-year old columns with dinosaurs. You go to Lake Michigan, and they discovered a Stonehenge in the bottom of Lake Michigan, etched into it what? Dinosaurs with the meat on their bones. So man and dinosaur walked the earth together at the same time. Here, I'm in Akrotiri Greece at a dig site. This is an ancient dig site, one of the Atlantean civilizations. And what was so amazing here was that they still had flushing toilets from the second floor level down, and it had a suction system to suck away the smell away from your house. We need those now, I think. [LAUGHTER] We need to incorporate that new technology. You saw blocks that were maybe 8 to 10 feet thick, with tiny holes starting from one side going all the way through to the other. Incredible. And plumbing piping that looked like PVC plastic, all here at this dig site. I did a huge article and showed a lot of the photos. It's on my blog on Forbidden Knowledge. Here, I'm standing on the top of the Pyramid of the Moon, which Thoth dedicated to his wife. It's actually eight pyramids built into one. That's what the Pyramid of the Moon is. And behind me is the Pyramid of the Sun, and the Avenue of the Dead is down below. I've been to the Yucatan. I mean, I've just been to so many places. So the point of this is just to say if you didn't know, I'm a world traveler. I've been around the world 2 and 1/2 times now, and I'm continuing to travel. In 2020, I've got the Kailasa temples, the Ellora temples, both are mountains that are carved out from the outside going in. I'm going to do a documentary on both those and the technology used to cover those. I just came back from Australia, eight miles out in the Australian bush with fires all around. One site we couldn't get to, it was already destroyed, it was a cave painting, 8,000-year old cave painting site. And already, it was gone. And it wasn't documenting, which is the sad part. It was poorly grained images and videos-- you couldn't really make out what was there. But when I got to my site, the fact that I really, really went for it Kariong nine, I was able to very clearly document these proto-Egyptian glyphs and also Pleiades glyphs-- Pleiadian glyphs. So this Gosford glyphs documentary is going to be mind-blowing. And I got to get with elders and everything else. And the craziest part was, we're eight miles out in the bush, we decide to camp out on a cliff face, take a break, and we hear the bushes rustling behind us. And we're like, there's nothing but the cliff and this bush. Is this the animal? Two people come out the bush. They're stumbling around completely lost. It happens the guy-- the guide said sometimes people are there for three or four days. They were so happy to see human beings. And the guy goes, mate, you're Billy Carson! I got your book! I said, what? Can I take a selfie was his next-- not water, not food. He didn't want to give his girlfriend anything. She was looking completely deranged. And I'm like, OK? And we helped them get out of there and everything. That was wild. Like, you can't just stumble into the bush and find these glyphs. I mean, even if you gave me a map, I wouldn't have found them. That's how difficult it was to get to. And there's a ritual to get to these glyphs. For the aborigine elders, if you walk down on one of these ancient sacred sites, it's an insult. It's like slapping or spitting them in the face. You have to come from the bottom coming up, which means a glyph or an area that has artifacts that can take you maybe 15, 20 minutes to get to might take you an hour and a half because you've got to go all the way around the long way so you can come from the bottom coming up to show respect. Yeah. So it's a lot to it. It was a great day. It was a great day. I've done that-- I've been hiking 37 miles in the Cambodian jungles, 100-degree temperature, 100% humidity every single day. So, yeah, it's just been an amazing ride. So I'm here to give you information today to talk about some of the information I've learned from the pyramid priest with regards to the merkaba. And when I learned this information and how powerful it really truly is, I learned it had a lot to do with light, actual light, and becoming a light being and understanding that we are a light being. So we're going to talk a lot today about light, and the aspect of light, and what light is really all about. And we're going to talk about how that interacts with your consciousness and how it allows you to manifest your reality. So a variety of a variety of mystery religions existed in the ancient world, such as the mystery of Demeter at Eleusis, Mithras, and Orpheus-- you know you heard of Morpheus on "The Matrix?" Well, Orpheus is actually a true religion, believe it or not. That's where they got it from. A lot of things will correlate with "The Matrix," as you'll see throughout my presentation. Swearing oaths to keep proceedings secret. As result the substance of their beliefs and the nature of their ritual has been almost entirely lost. So we're like a species with amnesia, which you've heard before. What happens is, in these mystery schools, which were handpicked people, what would happen after a certain amount of time, the information would get lost because new initiates wouldn't be selected. As these deified gods would leave, disappear, die, go wherever they go-- it's just like if I started a rumor here with this man in his ear and whispered to him and said, pass it on. By the time it got all the way around through everybody and got back to this side, this lady will have a slightly different story than what I told you. And that's what happens in this whole thing about these secret societies and these ancient mysteries. When it's all handed down verbally, you never really get the exact same story that went in. And then over time, things get forgotten. So if by midway through that journey of the information going around, there's a cataclysm and now a whole generation has passed before somebody that was a last survivor who heard a little bit from their mother when they were eight years old can now tell their children, now it's a little bit more conjecture in there. So we have lost a lot of information. We all know how to use a cell phone, but if there was an E&P post right now that knocked out all electronics, none of us in here, maybe somebody in here can, but most of us couldn't make a cell phone. And if we could, we can't make everything else that needs to work along with the cell phone system to make it a functioning system. So it's a very tricky thing, and it's very easy to get this amnesia. People always wonder, how do we lose all of this? It really is so easy. We've only been existing for literally less than a blink of an eye on a geological timescale, less than a blink of an eye. Less than the time it takes you to blink your eye, human beings have been on this planet, if you look at a geological time scale. And when a small cataclysm, a small kingship that dominates or whatever takes over like the papal inquisitions, if we didn't have the papal inquisitions, the Arabs would have been on the moon in the 1800s. That's how fast they were advancing. In the 1800s, they would have been on the moon. The papal inquisition killed 80 million people and dominated Catholicism around the entire planet through, unfortunately, murder, rape, and torture, and force. And that's how come everybody speaks these various languages, not their indigenous languages. But it's just the fact it happened. But that slowed down. So things like that pop up from time to time and then just squash out a lot of our advancement and take us back down that rabbit hole into this amnesia state. The force is real. And that's primarily what we're talking about today, the force, the energy force, the thing that really, truly binds us like Yoda says in "Star Wars." It's really a true statement. I mean, if you look back at "Star Wars" after being more conscious, you realize how many super nuggets were dropped, like knowledge bombs were dropped in "Star Wars," right? I mean, amazing stuff. They really went and got some real gurus to drop some of that dialogue. And the force truly is this energetic grid that we're all sitting on right now. We're all part of this energetic grid, and we're all connected. So the illusion of this separation here gives us the feeling of individuality. But in truthfulness, I'm up here talking to you guys, but I'm talking to myself. I'm talking to myself. And when you're talking to somebody, you're talking to yourself. There's only one consciousness. The only thing that's different here is that consciousness has literally separated itself into trillions and trillions of entities to experience itself subjectively from different perspectives because it wants to collect information. I just came from a spiritual panel, and we were talking about-- I talked a little bit about how the brain is encased in darkness. And the brain doesn't know anything. It doesn't see, smell, feel, hear. It doesn't know nothing. It's encased in darkness. But it has friends, your senses. So it says to its friends, go out there and collect some information. This is as above, so below. Keep this in mind. So the brain, it would be consciousness, the creating consciousness of this entire third dimension. Think about it that way. The brain sends out hearing, smell, touch, feel, sight, and they come back with data digital bits of information. Information that the brain now can collect and process, and then the brain projects a hologram as to what's going on outside, and you'd navigate through this electromagnetic matrix base off a hologram projected from digital bits of zeros and ones collected by a sensory system. So if you take that and bring it up to above, now think of the mass divine consciousness that creates this entire universe. And we are the friends of that consciousness that have now broken off, and we're out here doing, what, collecting data. That's your mission here. You're collecting data and sending it, you're going to find out, directly back to source on a consistent basis. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you're uploading information back to source non-stop. And that's really what it's all about. Nikola Tesla had a famous saying. "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries in its existence." Think about that. We're talking about non-physical phenomena. We're talking about the unseen. But we're going to take away the magic sky daddy with the white robe and the wand. We're taking that away. I'm sorry. If you believe in that, then you may not want to stay through this presentation. And I'm not saying that there's not a divine creator, because I believe in a divine creator because quantum physics tells me that there's a divine creator of this realm. The energy in you is divine, making you divine, making you a creator as well or nothing would be here. This book wouldn't be written. This podium wouldn't be created. This laptop wouldn't exist. All of us are creators because why? As above, so below. We're duplicating what the creator does. So what I'm saying to you is there's a process to get to this level of understanding to be able to make this creation and manifest reality, and that involves quantum mechanics and quantum physics. That's the underlying basis. That's 2 times 2. All things in all universes move according to law, and the law which regulates the movement of the planets is no more mutable than the law which regulates the material expressions of man. One of the greatest of all cosmic laws is that which is responsible for the formation of man as a material being. The main objective is to reveal the workings of the law, which connect the man, the material, and man the spiritual. The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual man, for the mind partakes of both the material and immaterial qualities. The aspirant for higher knowledge must develop the intellectual side of his nature and so strengthen his will that is able to concentrate all powers of his being on and in the plane he desires. The great search for light, life, and love only begins on the material plane, carry it to its ultimate. Its final goal is complete oneness with the universal consciousness. The foundation in the material is the first step, then comes the higher goal, the spiritual attainment. Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface. Light of knowledge brought to bear on these tablets will open many new fields for thought. Read and be wise, but only if the light of your own consciousness awakens a deep-seated understanding, which is the inherent quality of the soul. We're talking about some deep stuff here today, guys, and we're going to go in. We're going to really get deep. The universe runs on natural laws. And these are some of the laws that I talk about quite a bit. Binding immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior; general principles of natural law; the principle of mentalism, which we're going to talk about right away; the principle of correspondence; the principle of vibration; the principle of polarity; the principle of rhythm; the principle of cause and effect; and the principle of gender. The principle of mentalism, which is really, primarily, the majority of what we've got to talk about today is understanding it all is mind. Everything is mind. As above, so below. We are most likely living in a fractal holographic conscious mind matrix. And so when you look and analyze the way that the synapses occur between the neurons in the brain, you begin to realize that it creates this holographic type of a field that your brain projects, and it's the same exact thing for the universe. So we're living in a fractal holographic matrix. And that doesn't take away the fact that it could be a biological entity. It's just that's the format that's used to generate this illusion of reality. The fact that you think you're sitting here is even an illusion. There's $7.5 billion people on Earth. But if I take away all the empty space and the atoms of every person on this planet, I can fit everybody into one sugar cube. You're not even here. You're not even here. This is what you've got to understand. As a matter of fact, one of the white papers I'm working on is talking about atoms are 99.999% percent empty space. And one of the white papers I'm talking about with-- working on trash dumps-- is removing empty-- using a specific type of energy source to remove the empty space, collapse the empty space between the atoms and the trash. You can have 50 tons of trash be less than a crumb if you can remove the empty space. So that's the future of trash management. It's not going to be burning, and trying to turn it into gas, and all this other kind of crazy stuff. It's going to be just removing the empty space in atoms, and it's gone. Memory. So some scientists got 20 people together, and they took them out into a city area and said, let's just go for a walk-- didn't tell me exactly what the study was truly about, just went for a walk a few blocks and came back to the laboratory. And they wanted to see what people's minds were picking up subconsciously, subconsciously. Because your mind records every single thing. Every person that you saw on your way to this event, every person's clothing or outfit every car you saw on the way here, every license plate that you didn't realize you saw, all that's stored in your brain. Every single bit of it's in your brain right now-- all of it. Every fine, minute detail is inside of your brain right now. So they took the people back and they started asking them what did they see? And they gave them some very mundane answers-- oh, people walking, a few cars, some offices, and some stores. Then, they put them under a hypnosis when a real hypnotist. And they started tapping into the subconscious. And people started recalling license plate numbers. They started recalling what they saw in store windows and what kind of jewelry it was. They started recalling conversations that they heard as they were walking down the street that people were talking just as they walked by. They even noticed buildings and signs of stores that they would never even think of going into, but they knew the names of those stores now, and they knew the names of the signs on the outside of the buildings. This was a real scientific study that was done. Now some people may want to say it's kind of a pseudo because they used a hypnotist, but it was duplicated several times. And when you duplicate something and the same thing happens, you got to kind of say, this might have-- this might not be a coincidence. The human brain is really picking up everything. Everything is mind. Everything is consciousness. You're downloading information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, nonstop. They really were able to recall all these different aspects of the walk that they went on, and they were, themselves, completely surprised about it. So we're going to talk a lot about the mind today. We're going to talk about the neocortex. You know the movie "The Matrix?" Neo? Well, they got the name from the neocortex, OK? And the neocortex is Latin for "new bark" or "new rind." It's also called the neopallium. It's part of the brain in mammals. It's the outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres and made up of six layers labeled one through six, six being the innermost and one being the outermost. And the neocortex is the part of the cerebral cortex, and it's also sometimes known as the archicortex or paleocortex. They're cortical parts of the limbic system in humans. But the most important part about this is it's involved in higher functions, such as sensory perception, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought, and language. So it's not just a name. They called him "Neo" for a reason. Conscious thought is the biggest part of this. Spatial reasoning, understanding the world around you, being able to navigate through this matrix and how it works, and seeing beyond the veil. So we're going to talk about how light equals intelligence. Light is actually intelligent-- not only light. We're going to finding something else is intelligent, but it's really going to blow you way. But light definitely equals intelligence. This is from physics.org, the first ever photograph of a what was a light wave and also then becoming a particle. So light can be a wave, a frequency wave, and once consciousness interacts with it, it can collapse into a particle. And this is the very first photo that was taken of light converting in the middle stages of going from wave to particle. What does that mean? Everything in the third dimension exists as a light wave first-- everything, including your body. Your body is a wave of light, a wave of potentials. Electromagnetic frequencies, that's all you really-- your avatar body is. But your subatomic frequency will reassimilate back to the structure that you recognize as you when consciousness collapses it into that format. When conscious observers-- in other words, a person observing you from the outside or you even observing yourself collapses yourself back into what you recognize as a solid object. Right now, you're not at home. Your home doesn't exist as a solid object. Your home is a wave of light, a wave of potentials, with a specific frequency in every block that creates the actual property, the actual structure. When you get back to your house and you get close to it, it collapses back into your house again. Now you're saying, well, somebody's is at my house right now. They see the house. Consciousness collapses electromagnetic frequencies into solid matter. And we're going to show you this in real science, real peer-reviewed science in a second here. I'm going to go to Dr. Quantum. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> What taught us at school isn't really the way it is and that our senses are playing tricks on us. You just gotta wonder, what is this reality that we find ourselves in? Quantum physics says it's all just waves of information. Do I believe that? Ah, I hope so! Yikes! And here we are, the granddaddy of all quantum weirdness, the infamous double slit experiment. To understand this experiment, we first need to see how particles, or little balls of matter, act. If we randomly shoot a small object, say a Marvel at the screen, we see a pattern on the back wall, where they went through the slit and hit. Now if we add a second slit, we would expect to see a second band duplicated to the right. Now, let's look at waves. The waves hit the slit and radiate out, striking the back wall with the most intensity directly in line with the slip. The line of brightness on the back screen shows that intensity. This is similar to the line the marbles make. But when we add the second slit, something different happens. If the top of one wave meets the bottom of another wave, they cancel each other out. So now, there is an interference pattern on the back wall. Places where the two tops meet are the highest intensity, the bright lines, and where they cancel, there is nothing. So when we throw things, that is matter, through two slits, we get this-- two bands of hits. And with waves, we get an interference pattern of mini bands. Good so far. Now, let's go quantum. An electron is a tiny, tiny bit of matter, like a tiny marble. Let's fire a stream through one slit. It behaves just like a marble, a single band. So if we shoot these tiny bits through two slits, we should get, like the marbles, two bands. What? An interference pattern! We fired electrons, tiny bits of matter through. And we get a pattern like waves, not like little marbles. How? How could pieces of matter create an interference pattern like a wave? It doesn't make sense. But physicists are clever. They thought maybe those little balls are bouncing off each other and creating that pattern. So they decide to shoot electrons through one at a time. There is no way they could interfere with each other. But after an hour of this, the same interference pattern has seemed to emerge. The conclusion is inescapable. The single electron leaves as a particle, becomes a wave of potentials, goes through both slits, and interferes with itself to hit the wall like a particle. But mathematically, it's even stranger. It goes through both slits, and it goes through neither. And it goes through just one, and it goes through just the other. All of these possibilities are in superposition with each other. Physicists were completely baffled by this, so they decided to peek and see which slit it actually goes through. They put a measuring device by one slit to see which one it went through and let it fly. [LAUGHS] But the quantum world is far more mysterious than they could have imagined. When they observed, the electron went back to behaving like a little marble. It produced a pattern of two bands, not an interference pattern of many. The very act of measuring or observing which slit. It went through meant it only went through one, not both. The electron decided to act differently, as though it was aware it was being watched. It was here that physicists stepped forever into the strange never world of quantum events. What is matter? Marbles or waves? And waves of what? And what does an observer have to do with any of this? [END PLAYBACK] So you see, the act of looking, observation, conscious intervention collapses waves into potential solid objects. This is science fact, not fiction. So when I tell you that your house is an electromagnetic wave of light when you're not there, that's what it is. If you play a video game-- as above, so below never fails. A video game is the exact reproduction of how we live our lives. The next frame appears as you need it in the video game. And as you move forward, the next part of the frame appears and the next challenge appears. And there's even reincarnation and video games. As soon as you don't learn your lesson and you get killed, you get another life and you start all over again. As above, so below never fails. Never. And that's what we're doing. So a human being exists both as solid matter and a wave of light. So you are light. And what do we know about light and what do we know about electrons? They're intelligent. Light has intelligence, OK? This is something that you really have to understand because this is the fundamental basis of getting to the next level. Understanding that every single atom in your body is intelligent. And the reason why that's important is because you have trillions and trillions of atoms in your body that make up your body, OK? So add all that consciousness together. It's really incredible the amount of potential that a human being has. Now word of the week, electromagnetic spectrum. Obviously, you can see here-- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet you guys know of are the light waves that we normally can see as human beings. Everything else we can't see it. We just can't see it. And it's a good thing. Because if you can see everything that was going on in this room right now, it would freak you out. You couldn't handle it. I'm just telling you. If you can see in gamma, you can see X-ray, if you can see in multi-spectrum, ultraviolet, infrared, you'd see all kinds of things happening all around us right now. And you'd be like, what? So we've been set up with this limited perception of what we call "visible light," which is what you see when you see a rainbow, as light goes through like a fraculate. It's broken off, and the different light rays break off, and these are the only colors that we can actually see. So visible light, the electromagnetic waves of your eyes, that your eyes can detect, oscillate between 400 and 790 terahertz. That's several trillion times a second. The wavelengths are roughly the size of a large virus. So we see nothing that's truly, really going on out here. And like I said, here's gamma rays. You have ultraviolet light, radar. We have this small slither that we're given that we can get access to. But everything is light. Every atom in your body is made from light. And it even goes deeper than that. This is an image from the Very Large Baseline Array that shows a galaxy M33, what it looks like, if you can see in radio waves. This is the image map of the atomic hydrogen gas in the galaxy, and the different colors that map velocities in the gas. Red gas is always moving away, and blue is moving towards us. And the reason why I'm showing you radio waves, I here ever heard of "I Love Lucy?" >> Yeah. >> OK, it's an old show. I'm aging myself. I used to watch it all the time. But those shows are still going through space, traveling through space right now. Those radio waves that created that show or that emanated that show are still traveling through space time, and some distant future of some alien races able to decode those radio waves, they can watch "I Love Lucy." So think about that because that's a very important statement I just made. By the way, I just rotated it just a little bit and look what happened. I'm just messing with you guys. [LAUGHS] [INAUDIBLE] galaxy. Now it's really amazing that it is in that shape, though. It really, truly is. It's kind of weird. Let's take a look at this video here. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> So this research is about alternative ways of storing data, digital data, for archival purposes with DNA. >> The initial thought was, you know, I don't care what I'm building, and so why don't we just build Moby Dick or something? I'll just encode it in DNA, and we'll just build that because I don't want to worry about the design at this point in time. >> Siriam and I debated what we should encode, what would nicely represent the digital universe, and we wanted something that represents sort of a modern digital. So we use an HTML version of a book that I wrote recently called, "Regenesis." The HTML form, let's say the web form, includes images, digital images. It includes JavaScript programming language that actually does perform something interactively with the person. And so we encoded that into zeros and ones and then into DNA. [END PLAYBACK] >> That's important. And the reason why that's important is because DNA stores memory. So I mean, it's kind of a long video, but to summarize what he's saying is, these scientists discovered that DNA can store digital bits of information. So they discovered how to use the light codes in DNA to store data. And now, that e-book that he was talking about, they replicated it 80 billion times onto one gram of DNA. A gram is a drop on the tip of your finger. So one gram of DNA can store 80 billion copies of that book. It can store 433 petabytes of digital data, zeros and ones. And it can be not only downloaded to the DNA but uploaded back to the server again. And they discovered that it's also wireless. So now, they've realized that DNA sends and receives information wirelessly. When you're picking up-- this laptop is connected to a Wi-Fi signal right now or I wouldn't be able to give this presentation because some of my stuff is linked through web, right? What is a Wi-Fi frequency? What is Wi-Fi? Wi-Fi is light. Light. Light that then carries zeros and ones. So this laptop right now is sending waves of light out to a receiver and downloading information from that same receiver back and forth with light waves that have piggybacked zeros and ones on top of it. Light is the trick here. Light is the secret. Scientists discovered how to turn light into a physical matter. It was an 80-year quest. And basically, what happened is at this [INAUDIBLE] University, these guys got together, and they started talking, and Max Planck walked in, and they were having a cup of coffee, trying to figure out what Thoth talked about in the "Compendium of the Emerald Tablets" here, turning the light into solid matter in ancient times, right? Well, they just figured out how to redo it. They just rediscovered it. And they now-- this is physics.org. By the way guys, they now have turned light into solid matter. So everything that the ancients were doing, we're just now rediscovering. But if we can turn light into solid matter, Thoth talks about being able to do it with your own consciousness, you see? This is where I'm going with this. We're doing it technologically and figuring out the basis of how to make it happen, but there's a way that he was able to tap into it with his mind. He manifested blocks to build megalithic structures. He didn't have to go quarry them. This is the level that we are trying to ascend to. Contemporary science tells us that the universe is made up of energy, matter, and light. Those would be what alchemists call sulfur, salt, mercury respectively. According to Einstein's equation, E equals MC squared, energy and matter can be transformed into one another through the constant of light. In alchemy, sulfur and salt are transformed into one another through the intermediary of mercury. It looks like if the little C in Einstein's equation really stood for "consciousness" instead of light, there would be no difference at all between physics and alchemy. Just that one little tweak will turn you from physics to alchemy. And let's assume that consciousness is light. And in that case, the emerald tablet for the 21st century might look something like this. "Truly without hype, religious exploitation, or commercial consideration, you can experience higher truths. You are as much part of the material as you are part of the mental, and you are as much part of the mental as you are the material. In order to accomplish miracles of light and just as all things come from this light through constant thought and concentration of consciousness, so do all creative things originate from this light through the transformation of thought. Its father as energy. Its mother as matter. The spectrum carries in its belly. Its nurse. It's the earth. It is the origin of all consecration of the whole universe. Its inherent strength is perfected. And it is materialized. Separate from matter from imagination, subtle from the growth, gently is the deepest meditation. The light rises from Earth to Heaven and returns again to Earth, thereby containing within itself the powers of both the mental and the material. Thus will you obtain the light of the whole universe. All darkness will be illumined to you. This is the greatest force of all powers because it overcomes every mental thing and penetrates every material thing. It is the way that the universe was created. From this comes many wondrous manifestations because of this formula. Therefore, this deals with three parts of reality and shows the underlying relationship between energy, matter, and light. Now, we have completely explained the fountain of consciousness." OK, so we're going in, guys. This is some deep stuff. Mapping magnetite crystal in the human brain-- so how do we download this light information? What's the mechanism, the actual biological technology that's inside of our avatar bodies that allows this to happen? Mapping the magnetite crystal, we've got magnetite crystals-- billions of crystals inside of our brain of magnetite. Now animals use this all the time to navigate the planet. Birds flocks out for the winter. Turtles know how to get back to their nesting grounds, right? Whales navigate the oceans using magnetite crystals. Guess what? We have them, too. But we've been disconnected from them. Now they put human beings-- not that we've been disconnect. Somehow a veil's been put over for us to detect it. They put a human being in an actual laboratory with a magnetic field, a very strong magnetic field, and then they put the cap on its head with electrodes to detect magnetism. And they say, oh, he's detecting it. Then, they would move the field around the room. And no matter where they move the field, they were detecting that the magnetite crystals were following the field in the brain, human brain. We still have the capability today. But we've been disconnected from it. We've got to regain it through meditation, through thoughtfulness, through research and investigation, through studying through all these different things for this whole-- this whole expo is about-- just to get back to where we're supposed to be. It's a process. When you look at tsunamis that come inland, you never see the wild animals dying in the ocean. You never see that, but you always see human beings getting swept away. [LAUGHTER] The animals are-- good question. She said, why is that? The animals are in human resonant frequency with the earth. They're utilizing their magnetite crystals. They're downloading, uploading information directly from the planet itself because Earth is conscious. And they're getting warned two, three day, sometimes a week in advance before cataclysms happen, and they go to the hills or to the mountains. Human beings, we go right to the water, and then we stand there with the selfie stick and watch it come in. And we go, look! And then, boom, we're out of there. I mean, we've really been disconnected. [LAUGHTER] They got us good, man. They probably sit back and just laugh, you know? But we have the capability. And to get back in that frequency, to get back in that resonance, to get back in tune with the earth, and our inner self, and the universal consciousness, it takes some thoughtfulness to be thoughtful and mindful that it actually does exist, and it's not some mystery hokey-pokey thing, right? But it's a real thing that does exist in your body. And this is where the magnetite crystals are located. I'm showing you the evidence that this stuff is real, and it really exists so that you could take away the mysticism of it, OK? Here's something that's really interesting as well. The neural correlates of consciousness, the parts of your brain that generates self-awareness, researchers at the Allen Institute for Brain Science discovered three giant neurons, one of them is projected across the cortex like a crown of thorns. I wish I had a whole nother show to go into and talk about what these stones are really about because this is really what it's about. It has nothing to do with the other thing, but that's a whole nother show. But this is real. This is real science. This is real science. So between the neural correlates of consciousness, the neocortex, and the magnetite crystals, you now have a technological device anchored to this avatar body that allows you to upload and download information directly from spacetime. That's right. Something to get excited about. So when you hear people say, I'm getting a download. Sometimes people smirk at them when they walk away. No, they're getting a download. Everybody's getting a download. Anytime you go, oh, I had this great idea for this invention. No, you downloaded it. Yeah. All information, and I mean all information, already exists in spacetime. Already exists. What happens is it exists as what? An electromagnetic frequency of what? Light. And then, your neural correlates, your magnetite crystals, and your consciousness matches a subatomic frequency or a subspace frequency of that information, that data packet, and then you actually download it into your body. And if you're lucky-- because everybody downloads it probably at the same time, a lot of people, but you discern it, and you're able to then regurgitate it, put action behind it, and bring it into fruition. That's how things happen. That's how things happen. So this entire realm is all about uploads and downloads. So when you hear people say that, you can't laugh at them and think they're crazy because you're getting the same exact thing, you just didn't realize it before. Yeah. The neurons connect to the claustrom. And the claustrum, like the conductor of an orchestra, it coordinates the inputs and outputs-- inputs and outputs-- this is a technological device we're talking about-- which help to download consciousness. This is coming from biological books, some physics books, some peer reviewed science books. I'm not giving you stuff that came from some hocus pocus magazine about spirituality. I'm giving you real science here. You are downloading information, and this is the mechanism used to do it. And this is important to understand because you can't get into a merkaba meditation without understanding these tactics. Now some people have been able to do it through going to different gurus that can teach you how to do it. Some people are able to get into it right away. Some people, it takes them a very long time. Some people don't really understand why it work, but they follow the guidelines, and they've done the deal are the basics that were taught to them by the gurus, and they're able to get into it. I want to show you something that not only will allow you to get into but also allow you to pass it on to other people and explain why it works. So the people go, you're just another one of crazy gypsies. I don't want to hear what you're talking about. But if you can explain something scientifically and show source material and say, no, this is real science. This is not hocus pocus. You might catch somebody's ear. Let's look how powerful and how intelligent light is. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> transformed its ability to move. The result of a project by a group of international scientists who were able to bypass the injured part of the animal's spine. >> To decode the brain activity is not really new. To stimulate the spinal cords is not really new either, but the association of both and to make the link between the decoding of the brain, and the stimulation of the spinal cord, and to make this communication exist is completely new. >> If you have an injury of the spinal cord messages from the brain on table to reach beyond down the nervous system, resulting in paralysis. Scientists created a brain spinal interface on a monkey with a paralyzed leg, implanting electrodes onto part of the brain that controlled the limb. The activity and information it recorded showed the movement the monkey intended to make and was sent to a computer. [END PLAYBACK] So what's being transmitted from the brain? Waves of light-- intelligent light that then get picked up by a receiver below the broken spine and then decoded into the DNA and to the muscle fibers and told, hey, move this leg. That's the power of your mind. You can do this without the technological devices if you have a broken spine. There's gurus that have bypassed being crippled through spinal injuries, through thought power, through the power of thought. This is adding a little piece of technology that allows the decoding of the light waves coming from the brain to do that. Every single thought you're thinking right now, every thought you're thinking is generating an electromagnetic wave that's penetrating your skull bone and going out into spacetime forever. Every thought that you ever thought since you had conscious thought is in spacetime-- every single thought. The Akashic Records, real. The Book of Life, real. Why? Because Stephen Hawking said it best. He discovered that when you go into a black hole, oh, guess what? I made a mistake earlier, guys. Things don't become destroyed. All information as it enters into the black hole is stored at the rim of the event horizon. So nothing is ever lost. Information can't be destroyed. It can only be transformed. All knowledge, all information that ever has been is always here and always will be here. Nothing is missing. Nothing is gone void. Nothing has been taken away from this universe. It's all here. So every thought that you think is permanently going out. So the thoughts you think are very powerful because they can affect other people. Because I could be thinking a negative thought from up here that can then interact with your field, your biofield, and your DNA wave, your torus around your body that's operating your Wi-Fi DNA can download my light wave into your body and affect you biologically, physiologically. That's how powerful thought could be. And just the opposite, you can walk through a room of people just like this, and you can directly affect every single person in the room with the power of positive thought without even saying a word. That's how powerful thoughts are. And that's why some people walk in the room, people say, I can feel the energy. That's real. Like, that is not an imaginary thing. That's truly a real thing. Kal El, I thought, this was just very interesting. Kal El means "light god" in Hebrew, which is what Superman's name was. I just thought it was kind of an interesting tidbit. But can brainwaves interfere with radio waves? They don't interfere with radio waves, but the reason why I showed this is because it says here that-- let's see here-- the human brain also admits waves, like when a person focuses her attention on or remembers something. The activity fires thousands of neurons simultaneously at the same frequency generating a wave, again, proving this is more physics here, school of engineering, waves of light are coming out of your head. Radio waves, which include radio and other wireless transmission signals as well as other natural signals in the same frequency peak through around 50 to 1,000 megahertz. That's between 50 million and one billion oscillations per second. So every thought that we have as well also isolated a specific frequency. So this is what I'm talking about, frequencies matching information in space time. When you match that frequency of information in spacetime, you can download it. It even goes further than that. Quantum walkers, like I'm talking about, "quantum walking" is a real term in quantum mechanics. And it's a real term. And how I stumbled across it, I was doing a walking meditation on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which I typically do every two or three weeks. It's like a five-mile walk. And it's walking meditation. I felt like I phased out of this reality for a into another place, but the place was still here, but it was more technologically advanced. I went home and I said, I just feel like I quantum walked. And I looked it up, and it's actual real term in quantum physics. And that's when I started researching quantum walking and how it interacted with merkaba light meditation and also how it interacted with what Thoth talked about in the "Emerald Tablets." So as above, so below. We learned in a little cartoon there that electrons were conscious because once the electron realized that it was being watched, it decided to act like a particle, right? When it wasn't being watched, it decided to act like a wave. So as above, so below. So you're talking about looking at planets. So you see here, you're looking at an orbiting-- a sun with planets orbiting it. You look at an atom with electrons orbiting it, right? Planets are conscious. As above, so below. Planets are conscious. This planet is conscious. And this planet emits a specific frequency. All planetary frequencies have now been recorded by the space agencies. You can actually go online and download the sound of every single planet and every moon in our solar system. And each one has a different frequency. And when you take the sound waves from NASA.gov or European Spac-- wherever you download them from, they're available, and then put them into an audio program and slow it down a little bit. It sounds like conversations. That's really interesting. It sounds like conversations. But it's really important because your light waves also interact and directly affect the planet as well. And one of the biggest problems or one of the biggest things that I see with human beings so far on this planet is that we're not in a resonant frequency in harmony with the planet itself. In a lot of ways, we've been like a virus on the top. And we've got to really change that. And we are changing. We're in the process of doing it now. We've got to become more in tune with the planet itself and more respect of what the planet as a sentiment being, not just a rock to build a house on. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> Emotiv is kind of this wild technology. It's a way for you to control things with your mind. It has all sorts of new use cases, and I'm here at their offices today to get into it a little bit more. >> This goes behind your ears. And so you want your hair to be out of the way. And so I'll just put this on like that. >> On the brain crown, OK. >> Uh-huh, and then this goes behind the ears, so we'll just slide this down. >> OK. >> So this is my brain right now? >> This is your brain right now-- >> Oh, my god. >> --in real time. >> This is wild. >> It's pretty wild. What you're seeing is the localized activity right now and the concentration of activity. So if there's a particular area that there's a huge amount of synchronization and activity, then you'll see it light up. So right now, we're seeing a lot of activity there in the frontal and then parietal occipital. So parietal occipital-- >> We have them watching this. >> Yeah, so we can look at facial expressions. So we can tell if you're blinking, you're winking, looking left and right, furrowing your eyebrows, raising them in surprise, smiling, clenching your teeth because you might be nervous. So all of those things we can detect very, very easily. >> Emotiv has been prototyping its wireless EEG technology for the past few years. Proven in the research sector, they are now developing a consumer product for market. >> And so this is a really simple-use scenario, where the idea is I can just will this car to drive forward, just with my thoughts. >> There you go. There you go. >> The way the detections work is that you show the machine learning algorithms how you think about driving the car forward. >> But so, I mean, when you're actually-- [END PLAYBACK] >> I can't watch the whole show because we got time here. But you can see transmitted light waves, telekinesis. These are natural innate abilities that we're supposed to have without technology. This is the disconnected DNA that they're calling "junk DNA," which is not really junk. It's real, powerful stuff that's still inside of your body right now that needs to be reactivated, which is why we're here this week and a lot of people are getting these reactivations, or these ancient memories, or finding a way to go into researching, and study, and meditation to tap into the abilities that we already have innately inside of our bodies. Moving things around, I truly do believe that our ancient ancestors before we became Homo sapiens sapiens, we found the bones all over the planet, I believe that they were much smarter than us. I don't think they were dumber. I think they were smarter. And I don't mean technologically smarter, I think spiritually smarter. They probably didn't even have to speak with their mouth. They probably had telekinesis, telepathy. They were in tune with the planet. They could receive and send information directly from the earth itself. They were in resonant frequency with everything in nature. And like I said, we're inside-- I believe that we're inside of a conscious entity, which we're calling the universal consciousness, some call it God, some call it divine Sophia-- whatever you want to call it, I believe that this is what we're inside of. And the mechanism used to generate the illusion of the third dimension is a hologram, just like your brain projects its own hologram so that you can maneuver through the third dimension. A scientist observing an atom is actually a group of atoms observing itself. [LAUGHTER] That's what we're doing here, right? I'm just a compilation of atoms that existed since the beginning of what we call "third dimensional time," and it's been regrouped into this avatar format. Before it could have been-- I could have been a piece of a rock, piece of a star, you know? But we just keep reformatting. And the beautiful thing about these atoms that are in my body that make up this avatar body, they have memory. Memory can be written directly onto each individual atom now in science laboratories. This is something they're doing now. So DNA? Oh, now, we're writing on atoms. Atoms store data. So if atoms store data, imagine how much information is in your body right now. The history of the entire universe is inside of you. So when we tell people that the power's in you, we really mean the power's in you. We talked a little bit about DNA storage. This is an old clip that I used to use. It's 5.5 petabytes. They've got it up to 433 petabytes now of data on one gram. They found out that a human body can store 13.5 billion years of data, which, ironically, is the age of the universe. So the universe, literally, is inside of you. Literally. This is why human beings are some of the most coveted entities in the universe because of our special capability, our storage capacity, our diversity, all the things that make up who we are, and we still haven't truly realized our true full potential yet. The reason why they continue to put out their boot on our necks is because if we ever realized-- phew, oh my goodness. We would be creating universes. That's how powerful we truly are. We'd create universes. And we're working on that now, believe it or not. People are trying to create their own universes in science laboratories through technology. But we literally have the power to be divine creators. Because the divine source and the spark is inside of every single atom inside of our bodies. That is about DNA computing. I just want to read this one real quick. Of course, I have to skip a couple of these because you know how it is. "Described in the Journal of Nature, researchers working at an IBM research facility in California found that when the holmium atoms were placed on a special surface made of magnesium oxide, they naturally oriented themselves with a magnetic north and a magnetic south. Why is this important? Because that's how you get zeros and ones. So they discovered that depending on the magnetic field that they interact with an atom, they can get it to spin up or spin down. A spin up would be a 0, a spin down would be a one. And by doing zeros and ones, I can create digital code, which is what's making this computer show you on the screen right now. The internet runs on zeroes and ones. Your GPSs runs on-- everything's on zeroes and ones. All your TV shows are on zeros and ones. Everything is zeros and ones, digital bits of information. Not only that, Professor James S. Gates, professor in supersymmetry and theoretical physics discovered that spacetime, the ether of spacetime, runs off of something called Adinkra codes, which were discovered by the Dogon tribe in Mali Africa thousands and thousands of years ago and depicted in artwork. When you take them and turn them into three-dimensional structures, you discover that their error-correcting codes. The same exact codes that Professor Gates discovered are the same ones that run search engine browsers and websites. So the ether of spacetime that we're living in runs off of the same technology or same programming code that runs websites and search engines. That's what we're living in, guys, a program. We're living in a program. So brain scans can reveal your conscious decisions seven seconds before you decide. Some people have heard me talk about this years ago. So they took some people, put them in a room, and then they put the cap on their head to read the light waves coming out of their skulls. And they were showing images 10 seconds apart, right? And so they would show a bed of roses. 10 seconds later, they'd show a woman hugging a baby. 10 seconds later, somebody getting stabbed. 10 seconds later, maybe somebody getting run over by a car, just horrific scenes and serene scenes. And then what they were trying to do was discover-- map the human brain, what the brain lights up like, what it looks like lit up for specific feelings and emotions, right? What started happening was up to seven seconds before the next image even showed up, the brain was transmitting to the computer what the next image was going to be-- horrific or serene. So then they said, wait a minute. This was an accident. We weren't even looking for this. And they started doing it over and over again and duplicating this experiment and found that it happens-- no matter how many times you do it, there's always this build-up of advanced knowledge before the thing actually happens. So what does that mean? We're not living in real time. We're living in the third dimension, the third density. It takes time for the conscious stream of information to funnel through multiple dimensions because we're multidimensional beings until it hits the third dimension avatar body and it gets deciphered and discerned into what's going on. There's a delay process in that. That's like if I turn on a DirectTV satellite on one TV and I put on cable on the other, the cable is going to be more current. The DirectTV is going to be delayed because the signal has to go to space and then come back. That's what that is. So that's what's happening. Right now, you're not seeing me in real time. You're looking at me as I was. Why? Because it takes time for a photon to bounce off of me, hit your retina, go to the back your brain, get deciphered, project an image of what I look like. But by the time that happens, I've already moved. So you're not seeing me in real time, either. Nothing is in real time. So this is where discernment is extremely important in your life. Because you need to be able to discern future events before they happen at the cusp that things are getting ready to happen so that you can make the adjustments and navigate through this matrix. Otherwise, you're going to consistently get caught up, and caught up, and caught up in things and get blindsided over and over again and not be able to detect things before they actually happen. You've got to get ahead of that time wave. So we talked about the fact that light is conscious. We talked about the fact that electrons are conscious. Everything is really conscious. Your body is made of light. So we're going to talk a little bit about the merkaba now that we have the basic understanding. The merkaba, spelled "merkabah" translates literally into, "light, spirit, body." The merkaba symbol is a shape made from two intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions, socounter rotating directions, creating a three-dimensional energy field. This is around the human body. And this is literally a vehicle of ascension. There are gurus that can travel the universe in these, including Thoth the Atlantean could travel throughout the universe using one of these merkabas. Thoth went to many planets. He said, I traveled to many worlds watching civilizations rise and fall using his merkaba light vessel. So it's a counterrotating tetrahedron is what you're looking at here. So these two triangles or these two pyramids, and that basic shape around the outer edge of the body is like your tourist energy field. And those points intersect with the most powerful points of your energy field, the ka and the ba, those are the super-hyperactive energy points within the merkaba. So I know that some of you see this before. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> He's going into arrest. >> Locked. I got him. Now, tag, now. [AGONIZED SCREAM] [END PLAYBACK] >> So this is the representation of being born again. Being born again has nothing to do with some of what these religious stories is about. It's the elevation of consciousness. He transferred from the fake illusionary world into the real world through consciousness, through realizing and understanding that what he was involved in was an illusion. Now, he's woken up in the real world. Another thing that people will say is, why would machines want to use human beings as an energy source, right? Well, every single cell in your body is at 0.07 millivolts of electricity. And you have 35 billion cells. Multiply that, and you're at 2.65 trillion volts of electricity in your one body. You're a walking nuclear explosion, literally, every single one of us. This is where the qigong energy comes from. This is where Reiki healing energy comes from. It's extracted directly from the cells in your body. It's not mysticism. It ain't magic and all this hocus pocus. No, it's real. When you understand how to tap into the energy meridians in your body and extract the energy directly from the cells in your body and focus them, you now have healing powers. This is where Jesus went when he left out of the scriptures. His name is Yeshua, not Jesus. Jesus means, "hail Zeus." When he left out of the scriptures, he went to Egypt to learn the mystery school, and then he went to Tibet to learn Reiki healing with his hands. And then, he went to India to learn the mystic arts. And this isn't the gospel of the holy 12. It's a real person that really did exist, not a mythical person. A real person really did exist and really had these capabilities through understanding how the body works. So let's get into a little bit more about this. So now the merkaba is fundamentally based off of the seed of life. That's the fundamental basis. This is where it begins. This seed of life structure, which is six circles with a seventh one, so you have one circle in the middle with six circles round. That creates the seed of life. And this is a really important structure because this is the fundamental basis of reality. As a matter of fact, this structure is in the base of your spine right now from the time that you went through mitosis and generated these first seven cells, they're still there. Everything else divided out from there, but this fundamental basis of these cells are still there. This is a cross-section of DNA. So as above, so below. No matter how low you go, how deep you go into this realm, you're going to discover the similarities that we're in a fractal, holographic universe. And in a hologram, if you take a small piece out, that smallest piece you took out is going to have a picture of the entire hologram in it. The only thing you lose is a little bit of resolution, OK? This is important, though. This is part of the merkaba. This is cell division through mitosis. As you can see, how we all go to the flower of life and developed life forms from this. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> This person is the most balanced and optimum form for eight spheres existing in direct connection with each other. The reason why this is called "the egg of life" is because nature uses this form in the embryonic creation process of every single living organism on this planet with no exceptions. [END PLAYBACK] >> OK, with no exceptions. This is the symbol etched into the stone at the Osirian Temple, which I showed you earlier. They knew about this eons and eons ago. Of course, that's me walking into the temple there. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] >> Here we are at one of the world's oldest sacred sites, the Osirian Temple at Abydos, Egypt. >> Very little writing is found in the Osirian Temple. However, there is one very significant piece of information in that temple. It is a very faint but clear and precise drawing. It's not etched into the rock. It's not carved. It's burned into the atomic structure of the rock in some extraordinary way. [END PLAYBACK] So the ancients had access to this information. So now, we're going to talk about Metatron's Cube. Because now, we're going from the sea to the Metatron's cube, as we build up into where we get into the merkaba. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] [MUSIC PLAYING] Not enough time for this stuff. >> There is a fascinating aspect to sacred geometry known as Metatron's Cube. And this is what it looks like. I've been making mandalas based on this archetype for a really long time, over 20 years. Thinking about it, contemplating it, meditating on it, just listening to it all these years. So the first question is, who is this guy Metatron? Who is this being known as Metatron? Where'd he come from? If you investigate, you find that metatron was an arc angel who is mentioned in Islamic, Judaic, and Christian mythologies, medieval mythologies. He was considered to be the scribe of God. So this would make the archangel Metatron the equivalent of the ancient Egyptian scribe of the gods known as Thoth, Hermes. Now according to legend, a scribe of God would understand the root principles of creation, which are almost always associated with sacred geometry. In fact, the archangel metatron is many times pictured with or holding a cube. So that's a little bit about Metatron, the guy Metatron. But the graphic known as Metatron's cube didn't show up till later when a medieval Italian mathematician named Leonardo Pisano discovered it. So the next question is, why and how did Leonardo come to call this particular graphic Metatron's cube? Beautifully illustrates-- and so Metatron's cube create. It's very easy to get a perfect blueprint of both the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. This is really significant. And this makes Metatron's cube actually work as a perfect blueprint. [END PLAYBACK] >> What I wanted to show you here is you see that dodecahedron there over his head? Inside of Metatron's cube, you get this form called vector equilibrium. And so the vector equilibrium is a source of unparalleled power. This is the energy source for the medieval. This is what I was trying to get to, but I'm running out of time. So inside the merkaba is this particular form. And this form is literally the source for zero point energy, not only zero point energy where we can literally power everything without plugging anything in, but also it's the form of spiritual energy that can transmit your body to anywhere in the galaxy, anywhere in the universe. Through Metatron's Cube, through this technology, tapping into this vector equilibrium, you can literally create portals and wormholes in spacetime according to some of these ancient sages, like Thoth the Atlantean, where he talked about going through the [INAUDIBLE] and opening up these portals, and going through these gates, the gates that they're talking about in a lot of the religious texts aren't pearly gates to go into this golden-plated heaven thing. It's really the gates to go to gates. Star gates is what they're talking about. If you look at the ancient texts where a lot of that stuff came from, you'll find that talking about star gates, which is what I'm talking about on Monday, star gates and portals. And I'm going to show star gates and portals, not only on Earth but also on other planets in our solar system based off of official NASA images and European Space Agency images. So unfortunately, we're running out of this time, but I really wanted to get all the way to the end of this thing. But these are all the same things. So you have the torus energy feel, the Shri Yantra, the merkaba, and the aura. They're all the same thing. All of these are the same exact energy fields. And how do you get into the merkaba? I'm going to wrap it up now, guys, because I know we're running out of time here. But to get into the merkaba, the first thing that you have to do is you have to be-- you have to eat right. And this is important. Now some people don't want to hear this. But when you're talking about creating an energetic body, it requires energetic foods. OK, I'm not saying you need to be a vegan and all this other kind of stuff. What I'm saying is if you're trying to focus on merkaba meditation, which there's a merkaba meditation that you can just look up, you can just go to Google and type in "merkaba meditation." There's a lot of them that will pop up. You can go to 4biddenknowledge.com, with the number four. There's a merkaba meditation on my website. You can watch it for free. And you'll get a lot of information there as well. But eating right is very important because you have to eat energetic foods, which means a plant-based diet. So if you're in the process of working on merkaba meditation, focus on a plant-based diet for that time period. I'm not saying you've got to wipe it out of your body forever, meats or whatever, but for that time period, focus on energetic foods. Focus then also on unconditional love. In order to get into a merkaba meditation, you need to be in a mindset of unconditional love. Because unless you're in a mindset of unconditional love, you're not at the right frequency. The 528 Hertz love frequency is the frequency that will give you the capability of getting into the right mind state in the meditation to then see the merkaba. And what happens is you'll see this video on my website that's going to show you the meditation. And during the process of the meditation, you're going to envision yourself standing outside of the merkaba. Even though it's part of you, you're going to see from another perspective. You're going to see two counter-rotating tetrahedron. Once you get about 15 minutes into the meditation, you're going to step inside of it. And then, you're going to allow it to just take you. And why will it take you? Because the frequency in the video is at 936 Hertz, which generates movement. And that movement's going to take you places. And you just have to let yourself go and go with the meditation. But now, you understand why it works. It's working because everything is light, and the consciousness is light. Every thought is light. And those light waves create the merkaba. Those light waves create the reality. Those light waves create everything around us, including this entire universe, all right? I'll be outside selling my book. Thank you very much. I appreciate you guys' time. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]
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Id: NbfscLZUQZs
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Length: 79min 23sec (4763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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