(1 Hr) Lively Chair Yoga Class with Tatis Cervantes-Aiken at Yoga Vista

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hi everybody my name is t cantes Aken welcome to chair yoga and welcome to this beautiful yoga V studio and before we start the class I would like to offer two recommendations first it's important to listen to your body we all have you know injuries or physical limitations so listen to your body and only do what is right for you uh I know that there are a lot of shoulder injuries so instead of lifting the arm all the way always find your happy place for any of the poses and your body will appreciate that and the other one is also pay attention to to your breath it's important to breathe through the poses and we're going to be doing the uay breath or yoga breath which is uh means inhaling and exhaling through the nose smoothly and deeply and the breath allow us to create energy and it also creates deeper movements and helps with flex ibility so with that in mind let's get started and we're going to start by sitting very comfortably in the chair find your comfort zone Place The Palms on your lap relax your shoulders relax your neck and I'm going to invite you to um close your eyes and let's take a moment to quiet the mind and become aware of your breath inhaling and exhaling through the nose smoothly and deeply find the natural rhythm of your [Applause] breath and when you're ready open your eyes and we're going to take three deep breaths together by bringing the arms to the sides Palm facing up and on the inhale we're going to LIF the arms all the way up lengthen your spine look up exhale bring the arms down again inhale leave the arms all the way up exhale arms down last time inhale lift exhale this time bring the arms back to your lap relax your shoulders big exhale we're going to start by working on the neck and the shoulders we're going to bring the chin towards your chest and on the inhale very gently we're going to lift the head up and on the exhale bring your chin down inhale lift again exhale bring it down one more time inhale up exhale down and now bring your head back to Center and now we're going to turn the head to to each to the right side and then turn it to your left bring it back to the right back to the left and now bring your head back to Center and we're going to LIF the shoulders on the inhale leave your shoulders strug them up and tighten your muscles and on the exhale let them go in inhale up tight exhale release one more time inhale up tight exhale release now we're going to bring the arms to the sides Palms facing down and on the inhale we're going to turn the Palms up just notice how your body is lifted with just simple movement and on the exhale rotate your arms inhale Palms up EX exhale turn inhale up again this time bring the arms all the way up to the sky lengthen your spine look up exhale bring the arms back return to your left relax your shoulders good now we're going to bring the right ears towards the shoulders to stretch the neck and bring it to the other side to the right again and and to the left we're going to stay here this time we're going to bring the right arm to the side fingers pointing at the floor feel the stretch on your neck from the top of your neck shoulders to your arms and on the inhale turn the Palm facing up and on the exhale rotate the arm like if somebody's twisting your arm just make it feel good inhale turn turn it up exhale rotate inhale bring it up again this time bring your head back to Center and continue to bring the arm all the way up to the sky exhale bring the arm shoulder High turn your head to the left inhale LIF the arm all the way up exhale bring the arm down and back turn your head to the left once again leave the arm up exhale arm shoulder High turn to the left inhale arm up again exhale arm down and back turn to the left and on the next inhale bring your head back to Center return your palm to your La Big exhale good we're going to do the other side bring your right right ear TS your shoulder this time we're going to bring the left arm to the side fingers pointing at the floor feel the stretch on your left side of the neck and the shoulder and on the inhale turn the Palm up exhale rotate the arm inhale bring the arm Palm up exhale rotate inhale Palm up again and bring your head back to Center continue to bring the arm all the way up to the sky exhale bring it shoulder High turn to the right inhale arm goes up exhale arm down and back inhale leave the arm up look up exhale arm shoulder High turn to the right inhale arm up this time bring the arm down and back turn again to the right on the next inhale bring your head back to Center return your palm to your lap big exhale now we're going to work on the shoulders but we need to move to the front of the chair to allow space in the back to do shoulder rolls bring feet on the ground PS on your LA and on the inhale we're we're going to lift the shoulders bring them towards your ears and on the exhale we're going to rotate bring the shoulder blades back open your chest and release again inhale up exhale rotate and bring it down again inhale up exhale rotate one more time inhale up exhale rotate the arms bring the arms down shake them up good shake the arms shake the hands and bring it back to your La good so now we're going to stretch the arms we're going to start by stretching the right arm all the way up to the sky lengthen your right side and bring your arm down now we're going to bring the left arm inhale up exhale bring it down inhale right up again exhale down one more time the left up exhale bring it down big exhale now we're going to do both arms bring the arms to the sides good and on the inhale ring the arms all the way up from your hips lengthen exhale bring it down inhale up again this time on the exhale bring the arm the right arm to the side and on the exhale lean towards the right keep your chest open feel the stretch on the left torso inhale bring the arms all the way up exhale lean to the left inhale up exhale into the [Applause] right inhale up again exhale to the left inhale up this time on the exhale we're going to open the arms to the side gentle twist inhale up exhale open the arms to the left inhale up again exhale to the right last time inhale up exhale gentle twist to the left on the next inhale bring the arms all the way up on the exhale bring the arms to the side shoulder High relax your shoulders do not lift your shoulders just relax activate your arms strong arms good and on the inhale we're going to lift the Palms up you're going to feel your muscles being activated you can feel them now and then bring it back inhale up exhale back one more time time inhale Palms up exhale down bring the arms Down release the shoulders yeah they're waking up right good all right so bring the arms back to your lap very good so now we're going to do a airplane arms bring the arms to the sides good and on the inhale we're going to bring the arms all the way up on the exhale we're going to Le forward keep your your spine and your head aligned and bring the arms back beautiful Superman inhale up exhale fly arms back inhale up again exhale fly inhale up this and bring your palms together and bring them to your heart center big exhale we're going to do Namaste hands to continue working on the arms we're going to bring the hands a little bit away from your chest apply a little pressure so you continue to feel your underarms and your muscles take a big inhale and on the exhale shift the elbows to the right and look to the left take a deep breath here next inhale breath your arms to Center exhale shift it to the left turn to the right next inhale come back to Center interlace your fingers and open your palms and place them in your heart big exhale the next inhale we're going to turn the Palms out and stretch the arms and the hands do not LIF the shoulders this is just a stretch for your arms and your hands and your fingers exhale bring it back inhale stretch exhale back inhale stretch exhale back inhale stretch again this time we're going to continue to bring the arms all the way up feel like if somebody's lifting you up you can look up or look forward whichever feels good for you and keep breathing do not hold your breath take a big inhale exhale bring the hand back place them back to your heart big exhale now we're going to bring the hands keeping your um fingers interl bring the hands below your chin and on the inhale we're going to lift the elbows like beautiful Wings exhale bring it down inhale lift exhale down inhale lift again exhale bring it down release the arms shake the arms shake the fingers shake the everything good let's do one more airplane arms bring the arms to the sides and on the inhale we're going to lift the arms up exhale bring it back spine ahead align inhale up exhale back inhale up again this time interlace your fingers and bring the hands behind your back and just rest your head make it feel good nice rest release your fingers release your hands bring the hands to the back of the chair and let's open the chest look up exhale release release the arms bring them back big exhale how are we doing good warming up yes very good okay so now we're going to work on the spine it's important to keep our spine healthy and moving and flexible so we're going to do a cat and cow uh movement so we're going to start in Mountain pose sitting tall and straight feet on the ground PS on your on your lap and we're going to start we're going to take a big inhale and on the exhale we're going to round the back bring the chin to the chest round your back on the next inhale we're going to bring the shoulder Place back arch your back and look up for cow pose and then exhale round the back again chin to the chest inhale Arch again exhale round and on the next inhale we're going to come back to neutral pose big exhale we're going to do extended cat and cow now we're going to open the knees to open the knees uh toes pointing out heels pointing um inside and your hands on your La this extended cat and cow is going to allow us to stretch the lower back the tissue in the lower back which means that um we have a beautiful diamond shape in the back with tissue that when we grow older you've heard that before it gets it gets more dense and um stiff so we're going to do stretches and deep breathing to relax the lower back area and actually to release also lower anyone with lower back pain so this is a good stretch for that so we're going to take a big inhale and on the exhale we're going to tuck the tailbone under round the back and Chin to the chest and on the inhale we're going to lift the tailbone arch your back back look up shoulder blades back exhale round the back chin to the chest inhale lift the tailbone up again Arch look up exhale round the back inhale up again exhale round and on the next inhale come back to neutral exhale now we're going to stretch the Sid of the Torso we're going to bring the shoulder to the opposite knee you don't need to touch it just we're going to do um the stretch take a big inhale and on the exhale bring the right shoulder towards your knee feel the stretch and then come back exhale bring the left elbow towards the knee and come back and the right side bring it back one more time and bring it back next time we're going to bring the right arm we're going to stretch the back keep your spine stretched and bring it back we're going to left arm now and bring it back and the right arm and back last time left arm extended bring it back and we're going to bring the knees together again for few more cat and cows to relax the back take a big inhale exhale round the back chin to the chest inhale Arch the back look up exhale round on the next inhale bring the arms with you open your arms wide exhale round the back give yourself a big hug inhale open again wide exhale round on the next inhale open your arms wide let them fly exhale bring it down roll your shoulders big exhale good okay so now turn to um stretch the legs grab the chair and we're going to move to the back rest your back in the chair and we're going to start by lifting the right arm all the way up and then we're going to bring the left leg up flex your foot beautiful and then bring it down other side left arm comes up right leg bring it down other side and down and the left and down Shake take the legs good now we're going to start with both arms bring the the arms to the sides and on the inhale we're going to LIF the arms all the way up lengthen your spine and make sure to bring bring your belly in we're going extending the um the TS all the way up exhale bring it down inhale up again exhale bring it down next time we're going to bring the legs we're going to start with the arms inhale leave the arms B in towards the up exhale bring the arms up Flex the feet exhale bring it down again inhale arms up legs up exhale Let It Go Again inhale arms up legs up this time we're going to stay here for a few deep breaths this is like a down dog in a mat don't hold your breath if you hold your breath you went too far find the rhythm of your breath this is an beautiful L you're working your qua you're extending the Torso the arms and the legs beautiful take one more inhale exhale Let It Go Okay so let's do the hello pose or happy pose we're going to open the arms to the side and exhale cross the arms inhale open again exhale cross now we're going to bring the legs and say hello open wide exhale cross inhale open exhale cross inhale open cross again don't fall inhale open and cross next time we inhale and open on the exhale release the legs good I hear deep breathing that is really good okay so now that we stretch almost everything there is one more thing that we need to stretch the brain I don't mind being 95 year old lady as long as I have my Sharp mind right so in order to do that we need to work the brain so we're going to do um we do that by creating Mind Body uh coordination and sequences so we're going to come to the front of the chair and we're going to go slow the first time so so don't worry it's going to be fun so we're going to bring the arms to the sides and we're going to go slow we're going to first bring the right arm to the top extend the left leg and flex the foot beautiful and then bring it down now left arm to the top and down and we're going to go sideways grab the chair I want you to fall to the side other side and going down and down down now we're going to the left top and then left right corner we're going to come to the front and the front now you're going to touch your left toes or try and then the right toes and then we're going to go two tops other top arms back arms back left corner right corner and back again and back again so that's the sequence got it you get lost don't worry so we'll do it again so ready to the top and top side side down down left corner right corner to the front and front your left toe right toes to top top and back and back and left right top and back again and Back Again awesome we're doing it again now your experts we're going to go again top top side side I forgot down down down left corner right corner to the front and the front your toes and Toes top and top and back and back left corner right corner and back and back and we survive yeah good job really good okay warming up y okay we're going to do now Cactus and Eagle pose and we're going to start by crossing the right leg if this is too much you can always put it uh just on top of the other one that's fine but if not cross the leg and then bring the arms to the side so when ready on the inhale leave your wings all the way up exhale to Cactus happy Cactus yeah this is the side this is a happy Cactus and then hands and elbows together inhale open exhale close inhale open and close inhale open on the next exhale bring the right arm on top and bring your hands to your shoulders this is step one you can stay here which is good or you can bring the back of your palms together step number three is to bring the Palms together this is is challenging so just find your happy place okay and on the inhale we're want to lift the elbows or the arms and then exhale bring all the way down all the air comes out inhale lift exhale Lean Forward inhale up again exhale for on the next inhale we're going to lift and on the exhale we're going to open your wings exhale bring it down roll the shoulders uncross your leg bring the hands to the back and open your chest and release good we're going to do the other side cross the left leg one of the benefits of Eagle pose is that it compresses the main areas where the lymph notes are which is the armpits and the groins and those compressions uh help us eliminate toxins from from the body so that's why Eagle pose is so good so bring the arms to the sides and on the inhale we're going to lift your wings up exhale to Cactus hands and elbows together inhale open exhale close inhale open and close inhale open on the exhale bring the left arm on top of the right and your hands to your shoulders you can stay here or back of the palms or interace your palms whatever you are is fine and on the inhale leave your elbows of your arms exhale Lean Forward all the air comes out inhale lift exhale fall inhale lift again exhale fold on the next inhale we're going to lift and release the arms let your wings fly exhale bring it down roll the shoulders good uncross your leg and let's bring the hands back and open your chest for a nice stretch and release good are we doing good yes yes all right Sun salutation which is probably the most common um sequence in yoga and it's a great um workout for your lungs and your and your heart and also helps with flexibility so we're going to start by sitting with your feet on the ground arms to the sides again and on the inhale we're going to leave the arms up exhale come to Cactus and then hands to your la inhale lengthen and on the exhale we're going to roll all the way down inhale come back halfway hands on your left look up exhale roll inhale lift the right arm up exhale down inhale left arm up and down inhale both arms all the way up to the sky exhale hands to your part if you have some problems are going all the way down you can stay halfway right here and from here lift the arms okay so play safe ready inhale up exhale Cactus hands to your La inhale lengthen exhale roll all the way down inhale halfway up look up exhale roll inhale right hand goes up and down inhale left and down inhale both arms all the way up to the sky exhale hands through heart again inhale up exhale Cactus hands to your left inhale length exhale halfway or all the way down inhale come back halfway exhale down inhale right hand goes up and down inhale left and down inhale both arms all the way up to the sky exhale hands through heart we're going to take a little break here we're going to do the prayer twist take a big inhale and on the exhale we're going to gently twist to the right and you can rest your arm on your leg if you can and then we're going to take two deep breaths here continue to breathe now come back to Center one more inhale exhale twist to the left rest your arms on your leg and come back to Center inhale we're going to bring the arms all the way up exhale cactus hands to your left inhale lent exhale halfway or all the way down inhale halfway up exhale down inhale right arm goes up and down inhale left and down inhale both arms all the way up to the sky exhale hands to your heart close your eyes and take few deep breaths here just note your body and just see how it feels how your heart is going faster take note of that now open your eyes bring the hands to the sides we doing good yes ready to stand up okay before we do that let's warm up the legs and the knees let's wake them up say hey hello ready good and once we're ready hold the chair and then place your feet on the ground and bring your arms all the way up to the sky Big Stretch big big stretch exhale bring the arm down big exhale good I hear a lot of deep breath so we're going to walk behind the chair for balancing poses good we're going to start by just doing an easy one we're just going to lift one heel at a time just to test the legs how we're doing up and down you can let go of the chair if you want good you can smile too good finally I see Smiles okay so let go and now we're going to grab the chair and on the inhale we're going to lift the heels up exhale bring it down and we're going to lift the toes stand on the heels to stretch the caps and then inhale lift the heels exhale bring it down lift the toes inhale lift the heels and now we're going to stay here you can let go of one arm or one hand and then the other this is balancing one and one this is one bring your hands to Your Heart Center Center if you can or keep grabbing the chair if you need to good take one more inhale exhale Let It Go shake your legs good let's do the Tandon pose we're going to walk to the right side of the chair and grab it with your left hand and we're going to put all the weight on the left leg and activate your muscle find your safe place now we're going to leave the right foot and place it in the front of the left if this is too much you can only do you can do it halfway but if you can bring it all the way to the front and once you find your balance you can let go of the hand and bring your hands to Your Heart Center this seems easy but it's challenging so keep grabbing the chair if you need to good keep breathing the one more inhale exhale Let It Go shake the legs good we're going to go the other side walk to the left we practice balancing because when we grow older our sense of balance goes down and the chances to fall go up right so it's important to practice um balancing so grab the chair all the weight on the right leg once you're ready bring the left foot and place it in the front and when you're ready let go of your hand and bring it to your heart center this is also good for the legs you're going to feel your back leg grabbing to the ground yes good keep breathing and smiling I lose my back balance when I do that one more inhale see exhale let we go shake the legs good all right we're going to do Warrior poses that are good for the for the um stretching the legs and the Torso we're going to start by grab the chair and we're going to bring the right leg back I'm going to move my chair so you can see me we're going to bring the right leg back and bend the left leg the knee should be aligned with your um with your ankle not not forward just align grab the chair your hips should be aligned with the with the chair facing forward and once you're ready we're going to lift the right arm up so your right side is all extended now if you can let go of the other hand and come to warry one bring your belly in lengthen your spine if you can look up beautiful stretch keep breathing one more inhale and on the exhale bring the hands back to your chair we're going to do push-ups take a big inhale and on the exhale using your core muscles come towards the chair keep your elbow was close to your torso good inhale up exhale come forward inhale up exhale fold inhale up on the exhale bring the right foot back sh release the hands shake the legs are we doing good okay let's do the other side now we're going to bring the left leg back should I move the chair we're going to bring the left leg back bend the right knee hold the chair good hips facing forward and on the inhale LIF the left arm up and when ready bring the right arm all the way up lengthen your spine B in look up and keep breathing beautiful Warrior one one more inhale exhale bring the hands back to the chair and we're going to do a pushup inhale bring your chest up exhale bring it towards the chair keep your elbows close to your chest inhale up exhale forward inhale up exhale inhale up again and on the exhale bring the leg back shake the legs shake them up good so now we're going to do a warrior sequence this is good for balance so we're going to start the same way we're going to bring the right leg back the foot should be 45 degree angle and left foot is bended hold the chair and when ready leave one arm first and then both once you find your balance take a big inhale on the exhale we're going to bring the arms to Cactus extend your wings big inhale and on the exhale use your core muscles and leg to come forward hands to the center inhale up exhale Cactus extend big inale inale exhale fly hands to the front inhale up exhale Cactus extend inhale exhale forward inhale up again exhale return the hands to the chair bring the legs back I told you it was a balancing pose it's good for the legs and good for balancing okay so let's do the other side left leg back bend your right knee find your comfort place and when ready leave the left arm first and then the other one good big inhale exhale Cactus extend your wings inhale exhale fly hands to the front inhale up exhale Cactus extend big inhale exhale lean hands to the front inhale up exhale Cactus extend inhale exhale forward hands together inhale up exhale bring the arms down hold the chair ah we doing good a lot of stretches a lot of balancing good okay let's do something fun it's time to work the the hips so grab the chair we're going to uh move the hips and we're going to um it's important to keep your hips uh healthy so we're going to start by lifting the he the knee three times good and then we're going to do the other side one two three now we're going to alternate if you want to let go of the chair that's good if not just keep grabbing lifting up and up and up that feels good very good let's do two more in each side one and two and let it go one more thing to rest bring the hands to the back and then and pull your hands down open your chest big nice stretch open exhale release shake your hands are we doing good time to go back to the chair okay so let's go back and find your chair sit on the front now that we warm up the legs and the hips it's time to move the upper body yes we're going to do a power walk so it's very simple we're just going to move the upper body you don't have to go fast we're just going to move from one side and the other this is easy and gives you no excuse for not walking when you're watching TV yeah and it feels good moving good two more very and let it go very good so now we're going to do um let's do the hips we're going we're going to do the windshield wipers just let go of the hips and the legs just make it fun one side and the other don't lock your knee your hips just let it go good good one more time and now we're going to work on the hip flexors we're going to continue and this time we're going to sit with the right cheick on the chair grab with your right hand grab the chair and the left leg is out hanging out the left knee is pointing towards the floor tuck your toes under I want you to be safe good that's awesome very good okay your arm left arm close to your leg and when ready on the inhale we're going to lift the right the left arm up exhale bring it down inhale up exhale down inhale up again this time on the exhale we're going to lean towards the chair extend your left TOS inhale up exhale lean inhale up again exhale L inhale up this time bend your elbow bring it shoulder height good and take a big inhale and on the exhale we're going to swing the arm to the front and on the inhale we're going to open the chest gentle twist and then swing again inhale open exhale swing inhale open open again exhale the next inhale open the arm all the way up exhale bring it down close to your leg release your shoulder big exhale good release your toes and we're going to place the top part of the foot on the ground for a reverse stretch that that should feel good yes good very good and on the inhale bring the left leg to join the other one and now we're going to turn to the front and we're going to do the other side this time the left hip is on the chair right leg is hanging out knee pointing at the carpet good tuck your toes under right arm to the side and when ready on the inhale we're going to LIF the right arm up exhale bring it down inhale up exhale down inhale up on the exhale bring the arm towards the chair stretching the right torso inhale up exhale lean inhale up exhale inhale up this time bring the arm bend it shoulder height take a big inhale and on the exhale we're going to swing to the front inhale open exhale swing inhale open exhale next inhale open the arm all the way out Bring It Down roll the shoulder release the toes bring the top part of your foot to the ground beautiful beautiful next inhale bring the right leg up to join the other one and come to the front more windshield wipers let's release the legs again yes that feels good that's just fun very good one more and come back to Center all right let's do pigeon uh we're going to bring the right leg um placing the right ankle on the top of your leg if this is too much you can always just uh cross the leg or putot in the ground either way is fine we're going to sit up tall and straight bring the hands to The Chins um chins of the leg and we're going to take a big inhale lengthen the spine and on the exhale we're going to lean forward keep your spine and your head aligned Do not drop the head if you want a deeper stretch you can just bring the arms to the front and that will create a deeper stretch that you feel good pigeon is the um probably the best posst to open the hips and also stretch the periph foris which is if you have ever had a sciatic pain this is the best stretch for you keep breathing [Music] bring the hands back to your legs take a big inhale come come up grab the right knee take a big inhale and bring the knee towards your chest and turn your head to the right bring your head back to Center release the knee release the leg shake it up good let's do the other side bring the left leg to the top Flex the foot to protect the knee hands on your knees not knees on The Shins good take a big inhale exhale Lean Forward keeping your spine and your head Aline you don't have to go too far you you can feel the stretch right away yeah good keep your spine and your head align Do not drop the the head good release the hands grab the knee and bring it towards your chest and turn your head to the left come back to Center release the legs shake them up let's do one more stretch we're going to bring the right leg out Flex the foot and we're want to place the hands on the opposite leg this is to stretch the back leg on the inhale lengthen your spine exhale come forward keeping spine and your head aligned again you can feel the stretch on your back leg yeah yes that feels good okay keep breathing now press your hands to help you come up retrieve the legs shake it up we're going to do the other one stretch it hands on the opposite leg big inhale lengthen exhale Lean Forward good feel the stretch inhale push your hands up okay retrieve the leg shake it up let's do one more thing we're going to grab a a knee and lift it and then extend the leg and bend it extend and bend and now we're going to do ankle rolls just move them to one side other side or up and down whatever feels good and then release the leg grab the other one lift we're going to extend and bend extend and bend and now roll make it feel good good up and down release the leg to the ground bring both hands to the back of the chair press them a little and then open your chest exhale let go ready for chasa yeah okay grab the chair and come all the way to the back of the chair but before we do chabas let's do a really nice stretch lengthen your spine your arms touch the ceiling exhale bring the arms down bring them back to your lap and I'm going to ask you to relax your shoulders and your neck and I'm going to invite you to close your eyes for the next few minutes we're going to completely relax into chasa relaxation pose in yoga start by relaxing the crown of your head relax your neck relax each muscle in your face your eyes your mouth your cheeks relax your shoulders and your [Music] arms relax your chest and your abdomen relax your back and your hips relax your legs and your feet just let go of any thought any concern that doesn't serve you this moment [Music] bring awareness back to your body to your breath bring your hands together to Your Heart Center and take a moment to scan your body and just take note on how it feels now after your practice open your eyes and we're going to take two deep breaths together again bring the hands to the sides inhale leave your arms all the way up exhale down one more time inhale up exhale hands to your heart thank you for allowing me to guide you through your yoga class today the lightting Within Me honors the light in within you Namaste Namaste thank you everybody for coming today I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank [Music] you
Channel: Yoga Vista (aka YogaJP)
Views: 2,026,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tatis cervantes-aiken, yoga vista studio, chair yoga, chair yoga class, yogajp, sherry zak morris, senior yoga, yogavista, online yoga, free yoga class
Id: 4eCb3TFHnTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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