Full Workout With Weights For Seniors | 35 Minutes | Intermediate

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So let's get in to the warm-up now we are going to   start by standing up nice  and tall next to our chair we are going to start with some calf  raises so we are coming up onto those toes whilst we are holding onto the  chair we are up nice and high we are holding, stretching out those feet and coming down, and we are going to do  that two more times let's go coming up nice and high, holding slowly coming down and let's do that again, coming up nice and high holding slowly coming down, excellent  work let's shake out those legs great work - let's just do some ankle  circles so we are coming round in ways bringing those feet around, and three two and one - great work let's go the other way now one two and three good work - let's do the same thing on the  other side in ways three times let's go one two and three - and let's go the other way one two and three - now let's get  straight into some toe raises  we are up nice and tall holding on to  the chair let's bring those toes up rocking back onto those heels feeling the stretch in the back of the leg and holding, three, two, one - coming  down and now let's do that again coming up feeling the stretch in the back of the  legs holding, three, two, one - coming down let's go once more coming up holding and slowly coming down - excellent  work again shaking out those legs  what we are going to do is just  bring the legs back like this bending at the knees we are not going to come up   very far to start with we are just  going to bring them up a little bit just like this easing our way into it excellent work - now let's bring  those legs up a little bit higher that's it and now let's go even higher again let's go three more each side and three two and one great work shaking out those legs taking a slow deep breath in and a gentle breath out nice and slow - excellent work so now what we are going to do is work those hips we are up nice and tall we are just  going to bring our leg back like this hold, bringing it forward and let's go for three one two, hold bring it back together and three excellent work - let’s do the same  thing on the other leg now bring it back hold bringing it back together again bring back, hold and last one, bring back hold bringing back together now what we are going to do  is similar to what we just did we are just going to bring  our leg through like this  we are keeping the leg straight  just using momentum to bring that   leg through and we are relaxing into it we are not straining just back and forth trying to come up a little bit higher each time excellent work - not going too far just  feeling a light stretch and let's go for three two one - great work let's do the  same thing on the other side again relaxing into it letting momentum bring that  leg through keeping it straight coming up a little bit higher each time but  not too high just until you feel the stretch that's it great work and let's go for three two one - excellent work again  let's shake out those legs now let's hold on to the chair let's come  into a partial squat so let's sit back feeling those legs working and let's come all the  way up now let's go a little bit deeper this time into the squat - coming down coming up and let's go once more coming down sitting back into it, holding coming up excellent work - let's bring  our hands on our hips like this feet hip width apart and let's just  do some hip circles coming around three two and one - great work and let's go the other way three two and one - coming all the way around standing up nice and tall next to your chair we are just going to come down  to one side like this and then   we are going to alternate over to the other side so let's go to each side one one two and two - excellent work now  what we are going to do is just make sure our arms are nice  and relaxed we are just going   to rotate around like this from the hips getting that back into it as well let's go two more each side one one two two - excellent work let's  do some shoulder rolls now coming up back and down again coming up back and down, let's go three more one nice big shoulder rolls - two and three excellent work - now let's go the  other way let's come forward, one two and three - great work let's now place the back of our hand into the small of  our back and the palm of our hand on the back of our neck and what we  are going to do is just alternate that like this so the back of  the hands in the lower back   front of the hand on the neck and let's  alternate around continuously let's go for three one it's still one two two and three three - excellent work shaking out those arms taking a deep breath in and out let's step out to the side now bringing that  leg out to the side and let's go for five one two three four and five - let's change sides let's go one two three four and five - excellent work let's do some hip  abductions now three out to the side like that let's go for three one two and three - great work let's change sides bringing that leg out to the  side again doing the exact same   thing toes are facing the front let's go one two and three holding on to the chair  what we are going to do now   is just bend the knees like  this get that ankle moving we are just going to go for about ten  seconds just doing this repetitively getting those knees moving getting  those ankles moving as well and five four three two and one - great work let's just finish off now  with some marching on the spot for ten seconds up nice and tall let's go ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one excellent work - taking a deep breath in and out  we are going to be using light  dumbbells for this exercise video if you don't have light dumbbells you  can use tin food or some water bottles  pause the video now go grab those and once you've done that you've got your   dumbbells it's time to get into  it so we are going to go through five exercises I’m going to  go through the exercises first  you know how to do them and then we are  just going to go straight through it in two circuits so the first  exercise we got our feet   slightly wider than shoulder  width apart we squat down hinging at the hips the weights  are between our knees we come   up to the stand position we bring those weights up and we come into a push so that's the  first exercise practice it with me we come up come up in to the press position  like this and then you push up  it will be more of a fluid  movement when you're doing this for the exercise but that's the first exercise  the second exercise we are going to do is a row  we hinge at the hips we keep our back straight and then we just pull up like this so notice   my back's straight it's not  rounded my shoulders are back I pull up just like this - excellent work the next exercise we are going to do are some side steps and then we are going to throw a punch as we come to each side that's the third exercise,   the next exercise we are just  going to do some matching with the weights so we are  going to do that for the time and then the fifth exercise is some boxing so we are  going to stand with our feet just about shoulder width apart and we  are going to be throwing those punches out just like that keeping that upright posture  as I said make sure the weights are  light, we are going to be doing each exercise for thirty seconds going through  it straight getting that heart rate up  when you're ready we are going to get into  the first exercise standing up nice and tall feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart the weights between your knees  and we are going in three two one - let's go following along with me  thirty seconds you can do it let's get that heart rate up  this only goes for five minutes and doing your best we come down, squat up and press that's it doing it with me guys excellent work - keeping that chest up really pushing through the ground  with the legs when you do it as well got about five more seconds to go excellent work and last one - coming up great work - now let's get into the rows  so we are hinging at the hips we come back let's go for thirty seconds  following along with me squeezing those shoulder blades together excellent work guys remember to breathe you're doing great that's it pulling those arms back  squeezing those shoulder blades together and three two one - excellent work let's get into the side stepping and the punching great work - just stepping to each side that's it keeping that chest up excellent work guys keep stepping side to side you're all doing great just keep it up another five more seconds and three two and one - excellent work now  let's get into that punching  if the weights are too heavy for you  at this stage you can pop them down and just follow along without  the weights in your hands excellent work guys twenty seconds to go keeping that upright posture  don't slouch over shoulders back ten seconds putting it in you can do it keep that head up punching out excellent work - and five four three two and one - great work popping the weights down taking a deep breath in and out we are just going to have a fifteen  second rest and we are going to get   back into that circuit again you've all done a great job and I know you can  put it in and do well with this next circuit picking up your weights again remember we are going to start  with that squat into the press  getting ready feet slightly  wider than shoulder width apart we are going to go in five  seconds getting into position and three two one - let's go thirty seconds you can do it, make sure your squat down you come up great work guys putting it in, thirty seconds you can do it following along with me we have got fifteen seconds to go excellent work coming down, coming up five seconds and three two, last one one - great work now let's get into the rows standing up tall hinging at the hips keeping  that back straight thirty seconds let's go pulling the weights back if your arms start to fatigue pop the  weights down continue with the exercise as you continue with this exercise you'll be   able to do it with ease you  just need to stay consistent excellent work ten seconds you can do it and five four three two and one - great work taking a deep breath in and out let's get to that side to  side stepping and punching out great work following along with me keeping in time thirty seconds for this one  as well two to go after this great work guys keep it up excellent work ten seconds keep those arms up as well don't be punching down two more excellent work - let's get into the  next exercise the marching let's go keeping that body upright swinging  the arms bringing the knees up thirty seconds excellent work guys let's keep it up ten seconds to go one more exercise after this and five four three two and one - straight into that boxing  let's go thirty seconds last exercise you can do it excellent work guys if your arms start  to get tired pop the weights down let's keep that going and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one excellent work guys popping the weights down taking a deep breath in and out we are now going to work the front of the body  and the back of the arms we are up nice and tall getting into that chest press, slight bend in the  knees, hinging at the hips, we are coming down focusing on those arms, pushing up,  excellent work and let's go for ten one two three four five six seven eight nine - and last one ten - excellent work shaking out  those arms taking a deep breath in and out picking up your weights again we  are going to get into those rows  let's stand up tall, feet shoulder  width apart, slight bend in the knees,   bending forward, arms straight, let's pull back hold coming back down let's go for eight, coming up squeezing those shoulder blades,  together coming down, and one two three four five six - and last one seven - excellent work placing those weights down taking a deep breath in and out so we have got three exercises to go we  are now back to working the lower body we are going to start with those partial lunges  we are up nice and tall getting  into that split stance position coming up onto those toes and to  that back foot, we are coming down and we are coming up let's go for five one two three four last one five - excellent work let's change legs let's do the exact same thing get yourself in the right position and let's go one two three four - and last one five - excellent work back onto that other leg let's go coming down one two three four - and last one five - excellent work five more to go other leg let's go one two three four - and last one five excellent work - shaking out those legs taking a deep breath in and out grabbing on to one of your hand weights we  are going to get back into that sumo squat  feet wider than usual up nice and tall we are going to hold onto the weight   like this bring it in nice and  close shoulders are back and down keeping it close to the body locking  it in we are going to sit back and then come up remember we are squeezing  the front of the thighs and our glutes as we come up we are keeping the body  upright throughout let's go for eight one two three four five six - two to go let's go seven and eight - excellent work taking a deep breath in and out we have got one exercise to  go let's shake out those legs we are going to finish off with those calf raises five repetitions holding for  two seconds as we come up so we are coming up nice and tall on to those toes coming down, and let's go for five one two - remember to hold three four - and last one five excellent work shaking out those legs taking another deep breath in filling up those lungs slowly breathing out taking a seat on your chair placing your weights on your thighs just at the front of your  thighs you're sitting up tall in your   chair and you're just coming up nice and high onto those toes, so let's go for ten, one two three four five six seven eight nine - and last one ten excellent work - now we are going  to do some bicep curls let's go, one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten - excellent work straightening  your arms coming forward in the chair we have got our arms by our sides and what  we are going to do is just come up to 90 degrees like this and we are  going to go for ten let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine - and last one, ten excellent work - sitting back  in the middle of your chair let's go through that again so  starting with the calf raises sitting up tall shoulders back and down we  are coming up onto those toes let's go for ten one two three four - nice and high on those toes five six seven eight nine and ten - we are going to go for two more so  slowly coming down let's go up nice and high excellent work - and again, coming up great work - now let's get into those  bicep curls sitting up tall let's go, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and last one twelve excellent work - now sitting back in your chair  sitting up tall we are going to get into that arm raise to the front so arms  straight, shoulders back and down lifting up coming down, and let's go for twelve one two three four five six seven eight nine keep that upright posture - ten eleven and twelve - excellent work  bringing the weights down,   placing the weights on your  knees, taking a deep breath in and out now sitting in the middle of your chair what  you're going to do is just straighten up your leg like this, following along with  me we are going to do this for   thirty seconds maintaining that upright posture let's go one leg after the other, bringing it up sitting up tall and following along with me excellent work guys let's keep it up you're doing great we have got ten seconds to go and five seconds let's go, five four three two and one excellent work taking a deep breath in and out let's bring the weights to the front like this with our palms facing towards the front we are going to just come up nice and  high, we are going to go for ten, let's go one two three four keep that stomach tight, five six seven eight nine - and last one ten - excellent work keeping the back straight we are going to lean   slightly forward our arms are by  our sides we are going to lift up squeeze those shoulder blades together,  we are going to go for ten, let's go, one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten - excellent work bringing the weights down   now let's go through that  again we are going to start thirty seconds lifting the legs up in that  upright posture we are straightening it out we are going to go for thirty seconds  let's go following along with me lifting those legs up excellent work bring them up nice and high great job guys we have got fifteen seconds to go now don't slouch over excellent work ten seconds lifting the leg up nice and high and five four three two and one - excellent work let's  get into that shoulder press now   lifting up nice and high we are going to go for twelve let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven last one twelve - excellent work leaning forward keeping that back  straight keeping your chest up let's do some rows now let's go for twelve  squeezing the shoulder blades together and one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven - last one twelve - excellent work bring the weights down placing them on your legs taking a deep breath in and out let's pop the weights down let's shake out those arms let's do some shoulder rolls three two and one - excellent work  sitting back in your chair just relaxing and taking another deep breath in and a slow relaxing breath out  focus on relaxing that body and just sit here for a while  allow that heart rate to come down  if you did get tired using the weights that's fine  pop the weights down continue with this exercise as you stay consistent the better you'll get  the fitter you'll get the easier this all gets let's sit up we are going to start in an upright posture as  we always do with our shoulders back and down we are going to work or stretch  the muscles of our shoulders  placing your arm out in front  crossing it over your body getting your other arm and you're hooking it in  hugging it into the body just like I’ve done now keeping that arm straight we are going to hold for thirty seconds maintain that upright posture excellent work fifteen seconds to go and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one great work let's do the  same thing on the other side crossing that arm across your body using the other arm to hook it  over and hugging it in to your body excellent work - we are holding for thirty seconds twenty seconds to go maintain that upright posture feeling the stretch in your shoulder and let's go for ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one great work - shaking out those arms taking a deep breath in and out now we are going to stretch out our hamstrings we are sitting up tall coming forward in the chair placing one leg out in front  with your toes facing the ceiling you're maintaining that upright  posture placing your hands on your hips  what you're going to do is just keep  that chest upright that back straight with your toes facing the  ceiling you're just going   to come as far forward as you feel comfortable feeling that stretch in the back of your legs and we are holding for thirty seconds we have got twenty seconds to go excellent work feeling that stretch making sure your  toes are still facing the ceiling and ten nine eight seven six five four three two one excellent work - now let's do  the same thing on the other side legs straight toes are facing the ceiling you're seated in that upright posture shoulders are back and down,  chest up, back straight,   let's lean forward feeling the  stretch in the back of the legs your toes are still facing the ceiling excellent work - coming as far forward as  you feel comfortable, feeling that stretch got twenty seconds to go,  or just under twenty seconds and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one excellent work - sitting  up taking a deep breath in and out now we are going to stretch out our spine again we are in that upright posture we  are placing one hand up like this   if you have trouble getting  your arm into this position just place it by your side, what we  are going to do from this position is just lean directly over to one side feeling that stretch in the spine and  down your side that's being stretched over excellent work maintaining that upright posture don't  come forward directly to the side let's hold for twenty seconds excellent work - remember to  breathe don't hold your breath and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one great work - let's do the same thing on  the other side sitting up nice and tall bringing that arm up again if you can't do it you can't lift your arm all the  way up just leaving it by your side we are going to come over as far as we feel comfortable  to the side feeling that stretch keeping that body upright excellent work - thirty seconds relaxing into it don't hold your breath great work fifteen seconds to go and ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one - great work coming  up taking a deep breath in coming up into a good posture and  slowly breathing out relaxing into it get into that slouch posture what we are going to do is come up excellent work - bring those shoulders up coming  back around we are in that good posture now what we are going to do is take a  gentle deep breath in nice and slow and a nice relaxed breath out as  we do that we are slouching down now let's get back into that upright  posture what we are going to do are some shoulder circles backwards let's go one two and three - excellent work now we are  just going to shake out those arms again get into that relaxed slumped  over posture you're just relaxing letting your body do what it needs to  just coming down into that relaxed  posture, shaking out those arms excellent work - we are coming  up bring those shoulders back let's take another breath in hold for one second and a gentle slow breath out just relax for a bit focus on relaxing your body every  single muscle from your neck to your shoulders to your back excellent work - your chest coming down to that mid back that core that lower back excellent work - so whilst you're going through  that you're relaxing every single muscle,   you're sitting back up great work - now let's just shake out those legs one leg at a time bringing them out in front great work excellent work - now let's just tap our  feet down like this in a nice relaxed motion  don't try and force it you just  bring those legs up and down excellent work - bring them out again focus on relaxing them taking a deep breath in and out alright now let's bring one of our legs up just  like this so bringing it in hugging that leg and just relax into this stretch don't force it focus on relaxing your whole body slowing down your heart rate that's it hugging that leg bringing it  in nice and close to your body great work bringing it down let's change legs now that's it bring the leg in nice  and close hugging it into your body great work again continue to focus on relaxing  that body slowing down your heart rate excellent work - sitting up now what you're  going to do is slide your hands down your legs just like this, excellent  work, bring that head down let's come all the way up stretching out that body pushing up to the ceiling stretching out those fingers excellent work - slowly coming down great work - bringing your hands out like this what you're going to do is squeeze  those shoulder blades together that's it excellent work - really focus on  squeezing those shoulder blades together stretching out that chest as well bring those hands back and five four three two and one - bring those hands down let's take another deep breath in nice long relax and a gentle breath out and let's do five shoulder circles one two three four - and last one five - excellent work shaking out  those arms shaking out those legs I hope you enjoyed that longer exercise video  if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up also let me know how you went down  below and if you would like to see more exercise videos like I’ve  done today with this exercise video also subscribe to this channel  for regular exercise videos to   help you improve your health and fitness and head over to MoreLifeHealth.com sign up to the mailing list for free   four week exercise eBook to help  you improve your health and fitness that's it from me for today I will catch you  again soon for more exercise videos until then keep moving, keep happy, keep smiling, keep doing   whatever you do that brings  joy and excitement to your life I will catch you next time
Channel: More Life Health Seniors
Views: 159,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumbbell exercises for seniors, seniors weights exercises, dumbbell exercises for seniors video, seniors dumbbell exercises, full workout with weights for seniors, seniors exercises with weights, exercise at home for seniors, exercises for seniors, senior health
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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