Full Build: Two Stroke Amphicar?!

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I don't know where to go from this you know painted uh Lamborghinis Ferraris Porsches all kinds of Exotics Customs Hondas Toyotas but this it's like the icing on the cake man who else you know it's made a penguin the year was 1962 while the world was dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis Pango Limited in Ottawa Canada was creating a masterpiece the penguin yeah I st he going Ro [Music] tonight be well if you were a knucklehead where would you be over there let's go okay this is what we got this is a two-seater amphibious vehicle called a penguin penguin yeah from uh like the 1960s it runs on land and water it needs a little help needs a little work but he says he guarantees that it was 100% running even though people always say that yeah and there's a couple of websites I found that are really dedicated to these things he said it'll do like 30 to 40 on land forward forward and reverse let's get these two things off the trailer's for something else but this is going to be awesome I'm stoked Penguin man woo mixing gas and Hauling you know what you can say ass we're on YouTube now mixing gas and hauling ass we need somewhere to test it Ricky I've got a big pond that's what we do then hope you can do a good fiberglass isn't Richard having a new pool M at his [Music] house so Richard bought this uh penguin which is like an amphibia little I don't I mean I don't know what you'd really call it amphibious car type thing go-kart SL something or another Canada but yeah they're made in Canada um and supposedly they're super rare I mean this first time I've ever seen one you ever seen one never seen one but they're uh actually powered by a little two-stroke um like little motorcycle engine and then they you drive them on land take them in the water but I don't know he drag it up and he wants us to fix it so right now we're taking it apart and we're going to see where we we can go with that Ricky you're going to build a motor that's right yep and if youall haven't noticed fips is back from his vacation yeah so you want to call F is helping us out today I don't know what he's going to do he's here for moral support or no don't say it what what Richard said oral support go whoa Richard said you have to oral support Richard you're here from oral support for us we're going to see if we can get this thing apart [Music] here's what I want start with that piece take that over to the sand blaster what we got inside the sand blaster is like a super fine almost like it's almost like powder so that ought to really clean up and brighten up this aluminum get all in there make it clean yes sir my hands got soft godam it come here I'll show you work with two little [ __ ] yeah you know little ties little little ties like uh Grand kid stuff sure kids stuff not really grandkid stuff I mean it could be little turtle sandbox thing or something yeah the little sandboxes right yeah they do sandboxes and toys whatever help is on the way help on the way well they had these little boats sandboxes and there's these guys that are taking these boat sandboxes and putting in in them and actually taking them out on the water some of them are taking them out on like pretty big water and they're pretty fast pretty big water so I think if they can get a Sandbox to float we can we can make this float again you think look at the horn okay maybe we maybe we [Music] can't so we have no information on this engine at all yeah we do how to lubricate it so so we know how to lubricate this engine but other than that we don't know anything about it so um we do know it's a two-stroke but we don't know the manufacturer anything like that we don't know the CCS we don't know much anything about it until we get it out so once we get it out I'm sure we're going to know a lot more but this is going to be a difficult project it's got to be Italian why does it have to be Italian their engineering was way above everybody at the time really have you looked at the tester rois how old do you think this is Pips uh 1963 oh so they went they went backwards we need to take pictures of everything and all that stuff life expectancy is how long you think this Project's going to take a couple weeks maybe I mean if you die between now and then you're old dude it's not my fault blame your parents they had you when they had you see what I'm saying oh [ __ ] take pictures me that you may not have my phone you probably don't even have a phone I have a phone grab I got a phone I don't know how you do it just put it on a tablet now you want me to write [ __ ] down Stone carve carve it on some Stone I don't know how you did when you were b a chisel when you were a kid hey ah dang how's it coming Stephen look at that that was kind of tough though to get in there this gun didn't really want to fit in but I made it I man if it was easy women and children would be doing it I didn't mean that there's actually a lot of women in this industry that are really badass children well there's some but they're not supposed to be not yet you know they need to be adults before they get into this industry or at least of legal working age anyways back to what you're doing it's turning out all right I lock it make sure you get everything okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got everything gutted out of it everything engines out wirings out water's out all the [ __ ] nasty [ __ ] that was in it so now I need to start pairing it to make sure that it'll float again but um when we were splitting it apart all this stuff was just it's old and especially back here where it's had all the oil soaked and everything into the fiberglass which sucks to repair but I'm going to have to do it anyways so that's what I'm doing I'm about to get ready to repair all this stuff all these edges and Ricky Mosley is going to start on the engine with is a English motor actually isn't that right let we say was yeah I don't know [ __ ] about it except for that it's a two smoker which is cool and the way that everything splits is kind of funky but there's a starter in there somewhere how they did they start it they run and push it and jump in and pop the clutch that [Applause] time real no I don't know I just made that [ __ ] up I don't know how they started fips I don't know how any of this works I know there's a fan in here for something and this is the carburetor it's a cool little motor be a lot cooler if we could put something cooler in it what' you find Compass and it's still working in case you get lost on the river kind of cool do we have the sand blast kind of gross oh I know what it'll stick to that is kind of cool I say we I say we clean it up and reuse it Pips you need a job take it to the sink and wash it off so it's a gel coat but like I was telling you earlier that this here on these is a really rare fiberglass you know the aircrafts that land on water mhm it's the same fiberglass that they use on those oh like the little dusters that come in with the right but you got to understand this is from the ' 60s so it's like World War II wrong and don't make it anymore because of all the hazardous materials that are in it it's totally made up so you kind of got to Source it pure fiction I a best this and stuff old old stuff that ain't good you got it it's false nasty stuff leave that to the professional then all right well go s black yes sir kids these days will believe anything it's just regular fiberglass [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's South look at that look this is back when you had to figure your brain cells to work to figure out where you're going instead of GPS which I'm glad they have GPS cuz my brain cells not doing so good we just had to take all these covers off and get to it just this cover yeah we can take it off do it all right there we go we got an answer wait wait wait wait wait hey boss somebody give us the go ahead figure out how to drain this oil out let let it drain down here oh my God it has some water in it this is serious technology this from 1963 back when they could land on the moon and they can't today so we may not be able to figure this out we can try though it may have special oils from the Moon in it it's true yeah it wasn't 63 they landed on the moon I don't want to when they started 69 see sa 20 I mean we got access to our [ __ ] everything yeah well you got to take that gear off to get it I know but it's coming that gear look it's all coming but there is something holding it either kcks this shifter or the GE see I'm getting enough clearance well man that's Superior lubrication right there there's a shift Fork oh you didn't mess the gas can wow that's that 1963 technology real gas going be fun that could be Ed wrong when it goes back together I still don't see how starts all right guys so one thing we were wanting to do with this engine is modify it make it better thing is this is a 1963 from 1963 to now it's kind of hard to get part so Richard came back here and said do not take anything apart that will require gasket so that kind of hampered my excitement about tearing it apart so we've kind of been back and forth on what we're going to do but obviously we got to make sure the motor in good shape and it's going to be a runner so right now we're just checking all the components that we can um and hoping that uh anything we can do we do we can we can fix well he also said the guy had it running yeah I don't it's a two stroke I mean that's like that ad I saw the other day the guy's like it's been a great car never had any trouble with it motor's blown bring a trailer yeah so so far all we've really done we looked at the Piston through the exhaust Port still looks pretty good the Rings feel good um I just took this cover off which houses the shift fork and obviously this is a clutch mechanism we got a push rod in here that it pushes and you come see here this is the transmission on this 1963 British engine now we kind of need big papa tell us whether we're going to keep splitting or open or fips wants to find a starter so I guess we got to keep going somehow the the kickstarter is not there un you push started it but I don't see old man trying to push out his grandkid it's got to be a starter right that sounds good though to have a starter on a two-stroke engine in 1963 all these wires definitely yeah so we're going to keep going we'll see what we find [Music] look that's how it originally kick started look that's the kickstarter right there it's got a charging Sy on it look see there that's design where a Kickstarter could go on it rides past the teeth this way then it engages the teeth here and will'll start the motor via the transmission and the these are for the charging system in here what do you call it a how do you not a generator but but in German no on a dirt bik uht Stater [Music] yeah I feel like the Grinch this sucks it makes a huge mess it itches think you might want to get that checked out then that's the fiberglass that itches the other thing yeah I got that fixed hope couple pills couple shots thank God for Flex Seal now that's a lot of [Music] damage so we're going to start off with a nice coat of resin after we cleaned and prepped our area and then we're going to lightly Pat to get a good stick and then we're going to work on saturating our mat we going to get our mat good and saturated we going to get rid of all these little air pockets and it's okay if you make a mistake we'll just go back and put on another coat so it's okay we can just sand it down and put on some more tell me I to come back here and pick colors which means I got to think about something which means I need to have a beer in my hand cuz I think better that way I think better that way too but you only brought one well you're still on the clock I still think there that way all right so according to the old interwebs and the way that it came in yeah this was a red top white bottom white I thought it was white top red bottom well me yeah that's it did I say it wrong yeah you said it back yeah I'm not thinking well enough hold on okay better better I think with the way that we sand blasted the wheels and the way that it's going to be detailed in the engine compartment and stuff that we need to do a little bit more hot rod ins spot okay I don't know what that means though on something this small cuz if you go with in your face or too much in your face and it's so small it's like what is that right no I get it um well with ExAlta I mean we got every color in the world that you want so I mean really pick them or do you are you thinking of a design or something are you want something I kind of like this little detail right here and is there a chrome strip is it do we have it was there a handle it's a cleat is it hand yeah there's a handle but don't forget we also got this cover yeah we got the little cover yeah so little don't worry about those we got this little air intake thing that kind of just kind of sets on here all right I think I figured it out what I mean look at this sexiness right here look at these colors black green and gold I I get it as black and green and gold I know Green is your favorite color you want to do a green do a green no but I have decided this is our 20 year anniversary and uh we got a lot of uh things going on so I want this color scheme you figure out what it's going to be we're going to our old school original colors from 2004 I want something in these Realms okay and I even like the skull and cross bones aren It Like a Pirate okay so figure something out on those lines okay so green gold orange and black exactly do it any way you want as long as it's my way he always makes the simple as [ __ ] harder than hell you know what I mean so green gold orange and black which is doable but see what y'all what you guys don't understand out there in TV world or Internet world or whatever we're calling it these days is no matter what I do he's is not going to like it I mean he's always been that way since the D started it's like he wants something but and he knows what he wants but he won't tell you what he wants it's like you got to figure it out it's like if you want to go eat with your girlfriend or your wife and you ask her what she wants and she she knows what she wants she won't tell you what she wants she I don't know I don't know I don't know that's Richard and paint job I am working on the Villers engine it's a two-stroke engine out of the penguin it's from the ' 60s and uh it's got all kind of surprises so this is actually the trans of it it's separate It Bolts to the engine and then it's driven by the crankshaft via chain so it's pretty interesting so now I'm just taking the transmission apart the ratcheting shifter mechanism wasn't ratcheting right so uh looking into that and cleaning everything up putting new seals in it [Music] I'm trying to wash all this old grease and stuff out of here so I can bedline the inside which we'll do in a little bit but first I got to get all this nasty grease and [ __ ] out of here so I put a bunch of De Greaser in here and sanded [Music] everything but this thing is a [Music] turd now that I got it all washed up the inside and get all the grease and and crap out of it I ated it before we did all that um but now it's clean so as soon as it dries I can tape up the outside and tape up the seat and I can do a coat of bed liner on the inside and then after that I've got the top half in the booth put it in a high built poly so when it's done I'm going to try to join the two halves back together hopefully get some paint on it [Music] soon you want know fun fact so like if you this this mixing table I've had forever since the day I started it was here when Casey was here so all these colors that are spiled along this table that are each one of these are from like one of the builds that we did on Fast and loung everything from like this copper here is from the Hot Wheels hpah hauler that we did and then I believe this yellow was from the truck that we built for Shiner Bo yeah so that's like from the Shiner truck and I mean just all these are from different builds that we did over the years so if I was to ever take anything from here like if for some reason this place closed or whatever this is the one thing that I would want to take home so got a lot of sentimental value that D to me that's cool of course this stuff's all been here too but nothing like this there's a lot of cussing on this table here's the uh paint code for the 34 Ford that everybody asks about let's not show all those colors there's a secret way of doing it too so kind of cool [ __ ] that yellow paint's also where I spilled paint when I was doing the Shiner Bo truck all right let me turn the booth on fans on spray on 76 I don't need heat that's a nice day today all right what's this you got to shut the door behind you [Music] I thought the lid was on that and this right here is from when I did the Penguin and Spilled [ __ ] everywhere I don't know why but I get in a big rush sometimes all right this is good all right so when you're working with Richard you got to understand that whatever he says don't even think about it till it's time to paint because when he came in here he started with when he started he's like hey we'll just painted Back original colors then he flip-flopped and wanted to do kind of like the old school Gas Monkey logo with some boat graphics and a bunch of other crazy colors and then now here we are on the day I'm actually going to start shooting some stuff and it's back to the original so I could wait wasted weeks just doing spray outs for him which thank God I didn't I've worked for the man long enough that I know you wait you wait until you're completely ready anything else he says just kind of in one ear and out the other not to be rude or disrespectful it's nothing like that but once again like I said earlier it's like asking your old lady where do you want to go for dinner you just you just wait wait until it's time see all these they got lost in all the other decisions you have to make so I just need a ballpark of where you want to start this is like a lot of red dude that's what I'm saying when you say red every one of these say red we flip through them cuz some of them like are metallic some of them are solid so I figured I'd bring you a deck couple decks and we could listen to what I mean not what I say get a ballpark here yeah last week you wanted green yellow remember you wanted that actually what do you think is that like the original red maybe do you want the original red cuz it was a little bit darker it wasn't a bright red what do you think you're the color paint extraordinaire dude my favorite red is either the the Porsche is the Porsche Red's kind of a bright red which I like a lot and then your GM Red's a little bit darker but those are just very common I mean and then you were talking about a you talking that Dart a white flake on top just a little something like a bass boat so do you want a little do you want a metallic on the bottom no or you want a solid on solid on bottom okay well that helps why not just Ferrari red like right there oh we can do that that's the P very similar to that too let's just go with one of those okay I just want a red red red red yep what exactly does red red mean Mike cuz you got red red red red red red let me help you guys out so y'all understand I just want a red so I can paint the just paint it red take a red I don't care any red all right Richard this is the red I picked right here God damn it that's not the red I wanted I wanted a different red a red red more red than red red I get to put paint on a penguin today I'm so excited worked so hard throughout my whole entire career for this moment [Music] exhilarating okay so we got a new camera guy that's going in the booth to shoot with me and this is his first time in the paint booth with me so I told him that we had rules in there and one he's wearing a black shirt with black pants and I told him that that wasn't going to cut it because I didn't need black fuzz all in my paint so I told him either one he had to to strip down into his boxers or whatever or he was going to have to figure something out cuz I only had one paint suit which I'm not even going to wear a paint suit he said he has shorts in his in his car so he went to go get the the shorts out of his car and change the shorts but none of that would have bothered me or my paint he would have been perfectly fine it's just with the white paint and everything that a su yeah no I get it oh man like I said it's not ideal it's okay but you actually you you'll be glad that it's it's cut like cuz get hot in there [Music] yeah when we're in there you just have to kind just shoot it stay out my way be a lot of over too so to get your face off you know what I mean yeah rock and roll baby [Music] see that he's got a good heart he's like he's he wants to like pleas so he's very like yeah yeah sure sure sure [Music] shoes you can go in there if you want no I can't not with not with clothes on if you want to buff this bubble if you want to be the one buff this bubble you can what are you doing why are you dress like that why don't you have any clothes on because I can't get any cloth or any fabric on that mik are you [ __ ] with this boy 100% oh [ __ ] you like I all this for nothing you just yeah you did a whole lot for nothing but a damn good laugh I feel like a dumb ass you look like a dumbass I'm not touching you but I you look like [ __ ] yeah you didn't need any of that God damn it three lucks for you thanks [Music] [ __ ] um I got the top of the penguin all prepped ready to go and got it in the booth got it taped up so we're going to do the top white or Richard says he wants it white with flake in it but he didn't want the flake to change the color so I did happen to find some white flake really don't know how that's going to turn out but we're going to find out and then on another note the uh guys that do all the shooting and filming of this deal they like to see the the color going on because it is like a dramatic change from the primer but somebody might have shot some white sealer on it and it was wher than I thought it was going to be so we're not going to see a whole lot of change on the first coat of white but my bad [Music] okay so I got all the flake on but you can kind of see it but it's not like overwhelming right now it looks like there's just a bunch of sand on the thing so I got to go mix a bunch of clear and start clearing to my arm falls [Music] off introducing to you the pinguin so Mike took this thing and split it apart put it back together did some new fiberglass work put a sweet paint job on it I went through the motor um now it's back together and uh it's ready so I'm going to test drive it see what happens woo good Tru baby warm up oh got to let him warm up good thing to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Ricky [Music] hey what up happening what is going [Music] on hey I got to find neutral okay hey yeah is that test driving yeah actually it no no don't not get the parking lot we need take this on the street oh boy yeah I didn't get it fourth GE we need through cuz it doesn't turn when you want wanted to well I'm going to go get the gate let's do this let's go all right we got something that can probably hang with you I'm hoping that thing looks fast yeah I was hoping your butt was going to get in here so you'd help me steer put some weight on the front wheel I'm not getting in there with you you're crazy okay well I hope you keep up I doubt it let's do it this is sweet Ricky's finally going to do it after he's been complaining about it not wanting to do it but now he's going to do it oh God [ __ ] definitely faster than I thought it would [Music] be God stop this baby out [Music] [Music] W oh wait I'm not supposed to land we don't have fun [Music] [Music] anyway no oh baby ohy baby oh [ __ ] we got the head shake got the speed B in the h doing 25 [Music] on stop Turing away from me here Dr gear disapp yeah babyyy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] quicked [Music] woo I just love that every time you grab the gear the front end I got tears of M this is so stupid why is it so fast that think's really fast this is why you don't let Ricky Mosley rebuild a two-stroke this is supposed to be for playing around your yard and stuff and now it does [ __ ] 30 mph down to the freaking side street sell like a barbecue it's supposed to just chill and be a comfortable little ride next thing you know when you get done with it it's a [ __ ] race car that pops in front end every time you shift a gear hey man I'm not the one that put a 200cc engine in this thing that was Canadians I don't think it went that fast You Got a Hold up well I did do a little bit of PK work but the ranger couldn't hang with you that's bad dude if it out runs that Ranger well we was doing 25 and you was pulling pretty good it's got a nice heater all this is hot right now warm from the engine I wonder if we can put some sound skins heat shield in there and it smells like a barbecue is that your skin no no but let me tell you this thing would do terribly in a slalom okay I don't know what kind of thing they got going on here but uh it probably does a better job turning in the water and you know it's not going to turn very good in the water you know Mike did the fiberglass put this thing back together Kenny Kenny was there he put some silicone when he put some stuff on the No it's it's just a land no we're putting in water if it performs that well on the ground and it's made for the water we need to find out woo I don't know one thing it'll sure crash into the water cuz it is sketchy bro it was whipping me all I've come out of this seat was almost over in that seat all right it's like driving an ice chest with a motor in it got all the gears remember it only took like four tries to get the [ __ ] right all I know is even when you grab fourth the front end pops up on the ground every every shiing oh [ __ ] so are we making Richard take it the water yeah I like that brakes work uh yeah yeah well we didn't try reverse oh my that's on you that's on you Ricky I'm going to put the ranger up see what Happ do the rest of test driving I'm out oh my [Music] God w [Music] how make it stop [Applause] [Music] go f man running out of gas think I'm running out of petrol the g-forces were so great that it slashed the fuel away from the petcock and uh she was running out of gas or something she was bogging what are you doing in the might be really hot Josh never built that fan shroud Josh you know originally we never I never figured this thing was going to go that fast so we got to come up with some improvements on the hood yeah I'll do the T cuz there's just too much g-forces and highp speeed aerop antical these These are rare these are rare they fly off and they break I think it's like an engine cover that you would just use for show I like the engine bay open oh my God in case you need to reach back there pull the spark plug wire that's two stru life Kenny yeah a you're a little Rich [Music] [Music] woo they didn't really uh build this thing for Comfort I mean there's no padding and getting in and out seems to be a challenge yeah let me just dislocate my leg and my knee good you got it yeah there we go so what you're saying is it's not made for us thick boys oh it hurt you it hurt you thick not fat well uh I'm actually impressed man I uh you look like you needed a helmet to be honest with you cuz that thing it would have been so good to have a white tall just flopping in the wind test run [Music] successful ja or somebody said y'all t for a dve Ricky Ricky uh did I mean I just just made sure it you know went through the gears well did it go fast or was it slow uh honestly it was a lot faster than what I thought okay it does every bit as much as what the flyer says it's a brochure when you're trying to sell prize Flyers when you're having like a garage party or something that's why I don't sell [ __ ] yeah see uh okay well then uh did you go in the water no no why not well I mean it's a 60 something model penguin that uh you know it's an amphibious vehicle that's supposed to do 2830 on the road and 8 to 10 on the water it does 28 to 30 all day on the road all right uh who worked on it the most W no I just put the little water together mik he uh I'll go I'll go I'll go I don't care I can swim I don't look like it but I can okay I kind of want to go myself but I I think I'll leave the test pilet into to you guys uh maybe uh so we need a safety rope to throw out there if you if you start sinking uh we need air in the tires we need gas and oil mixture and uh uh throw it in the back of my truck um and just kind of block it up or something well I want to get there fast we're going to roll it out put on the ground and get in the water are we going to your pool at your house no my pool my house is destroyed cuz my wife decided she wanted a better one but anyways we're going to have to move fast and quick unless there's a problem and if and if I see lights or hear sirens I'm Trucking just you better get it on the land and get back to the shop cuz I don't think we're supposed to be doing what we're doing we're going to freaking do it it's like 75° out there let's go I want my waterproof shoes on so you ready hey why not let's do it I [Music] guess is that camera waterproof find out shouldn't we have one that's waterproof you don't trust your fiber L work not at all not at all got a trick question for once I'm actually kind of okay with not being on the test ride I mean you got this m I'm actually okay with being on a test ride I mean Kenny's probably the best swimmer here but it's [Music] cold KY said he want do [Music] nothing oh well there problem number one get those wheel chalks I bought for $9.99 at Harbor Freight are you plugging Harbor Freight now absolutely not but why I buy a bunch of stuff from there yeah it's hard to get out of there it's like what a woman feels like inside a makeup store I think it's like a men's Target why did y'all both get on that side of the truck and start talking about how never mind buy a lot of stuff from there so I'm not ashamed we got icon tools are great we good technically it's in the truck it didn't quite fit are you kidding me I would have never guessed that it wouldn't fit no this doesn't seem very tight just had a just a tie off yeah it's good oh okay is that going to blow out what where did y'all find Lake toys I don't know don't worry about that that's for me okay [Music] H come on I got to get in and out before anybody sees [Music] us so uh this is uh this is a little Lake uh kind of uh called Bachman Lake I don't know if you guys know about this called what Bachman that's yeah that's the one they have a boat ramp they have one oh for City officials correct it's wasn't there someone found dead there Noto long ago oh they find people floating in that Lake all the time really well supposedly it's not really suggested it's kind of suggested not to swim in but uh it does say that you can have a um I mean I see people in there like doing the row thing what is that called not yet the Cano oh the where you stand on the board paddle boarding no no no no no they don't they don't do that uh they uh kaying no rowing like it's a freaking collegate sport or something oh you mean rowing oh rowing let's just say this get in get out nobody gets hurt everything's good did we get a rope yeah yeah yeah kind of yes this might be one of the Dumber things I've let y'all do I love it what do you mean let y'all this was your you came outside and told us we were going to do something well I mean you already tested it on the road and it's got to be tested on the water and I just got some new New Balances so I don't want to mess those up oh man might should have got like an antibiotic shot or something antibiotic what antibiotic I'm not worried about drowning I'm worried about getting Lake herpes yeah you don't have any open source on you not that I know of my butthole and my feeter hole though I'm scar things are they sore if they're sore it's problem no I'm scared of things swimming in them things don't usually swim out of them from what I can tell about this Lake there's not much swimming in it at all great I'm so glad I'm getting to set this one out yeah but just imagine the amount of dollars I'm going to get for being proven on the road proven capable in the lake and then we sell this thing [Music] so the so we pull up and we notice that the rowany are getting all their boats out we're going to beat [Music] them right come on guys quick [Music] I come back open baby I think it's drying here yeah Oh My Butt Went My Butt Went test drive successful the penguin sort of floats I don't think he should have hit it that hard I think he should have eased in a little more hey I think it's cuz you hit it so hard we should try to get it just go in a little softer I thought we were water in the floor there's no water on our floor you might have yourself I think it just splashed up behind you slipped off the concrete I was like oh [ __ ] we're sinking but it was just was just the drop Flor that's got to be the worst boat ramp in history let's go again do it again all right take it a little bit easier this time how we were easy that time I don't want to you were not going easy where you floored into there so yall have this drop off ease into the drop off and get floating [Music] look how much easier that was you're not turning we're not going nowhere hey you're not gear you have to put it in gear Ricky oh no hell yeah I wouldn't know that far [Applause] [Music] Captain there captain Oh noing it down [ __ ] come on you got to go right here [ __ ] go so much you suck at this don't short it out you got the lights on you're baby [Music] [Laughter] I tell you what guys tried to flip it I'm so impressed with the overwhelming restoration and uh functionability of the penguin that uh it's already like 4:30 5:00 so by the time we get loaded get back it'll be quitting time so I want y'all to go ahead and take the rest of the day off might even let you have a garage beer I like garage beer get this thing loaded and get out of here before the cops C let's go impressive y'all calm down it was so quick it turns out when you dump the clutch in the water it does wheelie bro you know it was like M your feet get wet no it's not at all not at all it's totally dry in there when we leaned over I tried to to push it down on his side so it would come in on the side H it was a little nerve-racking at first um cuz this boat ramp is like some steep drop into deep water um so that was a little tricky it scared me honestly but uh it was actually pretty cool love to do it again hey get this thing back out of the boat out of the truck we're doing it again we're doing it again no no it's good not today all right so there you go we proved that the penguin can drive on the road and float in the lake even if it was a legal nobody knew who we are cuz we put it in the camper shap [Music]
Channel: Gas Monkey Garage
Views: 269,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Rawlings, Gas Monkey, Gas Monkey Garage, Fast N Loud, gas monkey garage, gas monkey, gas monkey garage full episodes, car builds, gas monkey builds, gas monkey truck, new build, ls swap, westen champlin, hot rod, micro car, dmax, motortrend, vice grip garage, classic cars, heavy d sparks, daily driven exotics, gas monkey new episodes, dmax 2024, full build, amphibious car, amphibious vehicle, amphicar, restoration, mini truck, gas monkey new, copart, dde, cboystv
Id: 1ZdAVzK4Md0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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