Full Body Character Creation Mastery with Stable Diffusion!

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to Alchemy with zero face this is Eric and this will be a follow-up tutorial to the one I did yesterday which uh kind of blew up I never had that many views in such a short amount of time uh and getting a lot of comments and questions regarding like can you do this with a full body um a lot of people were asking about uh how to do it in comfy UI I apologize I am not a comfy UI user as of yet um don't I mean don't get me wrong it fascinates me using the node interface I mean I've used blender before and experience its node interface and I know it's similar just haven't really dived into it enough to really remember what knows do what and eventually I'll get to it don't worry about that I have a lot of people on my Discord server who do like to use it and they could probably tell you how to do what I'm doing here in comfy UI a lot easier than I could but what I'm going to do in this tutorial is show you how to use a full body template sheet to be able to get consistent characters in different poses okay whether it's front back side half turn whatever okay and as you can see in this sheet this is an example just uh creating a anime witch you know um using a character sheet that allows you to uh get a reliable open pose configuration or open pose um uh layout so that you can get these characters consistently okay and you can set up your own character sheets to do this in different poses um and you'll get differing results some of these characters should be turned a different way you know it's just how AI works but you know you render a few of these get all the poses you want and honestly you could take a lot of these cut them out and then put them into you know an image editor and flip them around you know you flip them horizontally uh to get different turns so let's go into this a little bit and not much has changed since the tutorial that I did yesterday with doing the uh head portraits um The Prompt will stay pretty much the same we're doing a character sheet it could be a photo sheet if you want to do photo realistic photography sheet uh and then in the this part you just describe um what it is you want to see the type of character okay be as detailed as you want um and that I think that helps to get the type of character you want and then at the end of this particular one I do help the AI a little bit by specifying you know the different angles front backside half turn and then with a white backdrop obviously so still using a negative prompt I do feel it helps with characters uh there are going to be a few changes from what I was doing yesterday and I'll show you that here in a second uh again doing high res fix I am doing a slightly higher height and width um than the standard 1024 this particular template I think is normally like 9916 by 1024 uh so it's a little taller than it is wide uh but I I put that in and then I lock it and scroll it up to 1,200 by 1064 it's not a standard uh aspect ratio but whatever config scale again for this particular model reality's Edge XL lightning turbo V7 uh I am uh doing config scale to that tends to net a really good result very colorful um nothing's washed out and uh very highly detailed okay so here's one of the changes that I've made in this uh because we are dealing with full body a lot of you may not know this in a detailer a detailer has models for doing various things and the first one I've got set up you can set up two different ones I'm not sure if you can actually add more to this but in the first one I'm using one called person YOLO 8 and segmentation or seg so what this does is it finds whole bodies in there and will do kind of like what the uh int or the ad tailer does for faces but for a whole body and this actually helps for getting hands correct Ed so as you can see in a lot of these in fact almost all of them um except for with some exceptions there that the hands have been corrected they look normal and would work pretty much anywhere so um then the second one I go in set up the face you want to do the body first and then the face because if you do the face first and then the body it'll rerender the body but it might mess up the face so you have to kind of think about the order of operation that you do that in so again first do the person second do the face enable that and then down here under control net we're going we're we're enabling control net we're bringing in this is the template I have set up um I've actually got a few of these and um they seem to work pretty well it's just a generic person you know I handsome guy in a suit or whatever uh you can do whatever you want honestly it would probably be better if you set this up as I don't know some generic looking person in a in a skin tyght suit you know some sort of a jumpsuit or or uh skin tyght form the other thing you can do is I know there's a lot of these um uh what do you call them pose Builders uh online 3D pose Builders uh that allow you to take a 3D character and you pose them in in the pose that you want and those are great like if you want to set up say a sheet like this with different poses those would be great because then you just fill in the pose they could be jumping it could be um crouching laying down whatever um and then you want to test it to make sure the open pose can actually see that pose it's really interesting I've come across a couple of those online 3D pose programs and tried running it through open pose and it doesn't even see the character it's really weird um these are ones I obviously generated in uh automat excuse me yeah in stable diffusion using kind of a I have a different template that allows me to make sure that the character stays segmented but it does a great job in finding the characters as you can see and and seeing which ones are forward backwards and to the sides okay so open pose uh open pose full now I I say open pose full it does a pretty good job you can also probably try the if you have this one DW open pose full this one actually tends to do a better job with a lot of characters in detailing the the structure of like the face and everything else now I'm not saying I would use that here I only want it so as you can see it actually details the face too and I don't necessarily want that um not for this particular instance because it's structuring around this guy's face and I just wanted to point out like what direction the face is pointing so using the standard open pose full works really well leaving the control weight at one uh depending on the type of character you're doing you're doing you could actually lower this down all the way down to like .56 um and I'll show you a couple of those here we're going to leave it at uh one for right now uh the only reason you do that is to vary the the position of hands arms legs and whatever just a little bit uh but for right now one is fine we're going to show you a different range of stuff again ending control step I'm leaving it almost just under halfway or about halfway through the rendering and the reason for that is once it hits there the poses have already been established and what I want is to give the AI the freedom to finally finish up and detail everything without being restricted by what's going on here with the character pose because the pose is already there so we're just freeing it up to do whatever that's it once you get that in get the you know the the sizes right here um you can go through now and and generate it so let's change this up a little bit we're going to put in a different character here let's do anthrop morphic um cat woman in gown see how see how it does that uh we're g to do uh white fur and the Gown we're going to make it in red let's give that a try and see how it does I'm going to we're going to watch this the first time we'll play around with it try some different characters just to see what kind of results we get takes it a second to spool up and the reason why is because we have the control net enabled and what it's doing is it's engaging open pose and finding all the different poses so it takes a second for it to spin up and do that so it is interesting we are getting that anthropomorphic character and only two of them did a gown so we're probably going to change the wording in this a little bit we're going to say wearing a ruby red we're going to say evening gown so one bit of advice I can give on prompting um typically the more details you give about a particular feature of the image you're trying to generate will net better results and so like if I just said gown obviously you see it didn't do that here um we're going to interrupt that because we're going to start this again but when I say Ruby red evening gown suddenly there's a lot more Focus being put on the Gown which means it's going to put more effort into putting the gown in Excuse me give it a second to cancel out here may take a minute okay let's try this again see if we get a bit of a different result here one of the things I might do is get rid of the negative prompt um another bit advice when dealing with characters that are not normal um like when I say anthropomorphic Catwoman okay you're dealing with abnormalities in physical structure that um a negative prompt the whole point of a negative prompt is to get rid of like mutations ugly you know you're putting a lot of things in there to try and eliminate um abnormalities and unfortunately that does have an impact on characters like this so I may actually remove that to see if we get a different result but this looks like it's turning out a lot better and give it just a second so it's going to hit the end here and what it's doing now at the 88% it's actually going through and finding all the different Bodies Okay the different full body poses and you'll see it highlight each one here as the ad detailer grabs each one like I said it does take a a bit of a second here to do that okay there it goes found all of them it is interesting found that that one and considered it a whole body on the side probably because they were too connected if you do a Cara your own character sheet it might be better to space these out just a little bit more doesn't hurt yeah it's doing this one on the side now some of the poses are going to be very similar and again when you do your own character sheet just um again use some very generic character forms I'm using that sheet that has the the guys and there's some stuff in there that may cause problems with that but okay so now it's going through the actual faces and fixing the faces and the nice thing about is I am using the um I'm not using the IP adapter uh I forgot so it is interesting how it handles this um most of these faces are going to look very similar they're similar enough they they all look like the same character it's just kind of an artifact of the AI and depends on how you're doing things but this seems you know doing a character sheet when I say character sheet uh the AI has been trained on a lot of things that deal with that and it understands that a character sheet typically has the same character on it so that's it so now is coming here and one of the things I did notice in the first image this character here looked like she was facing away like this one right here and so her her rear was facing this way but the top looked like normal and this is why you do the full body rerender using I the ad tailers CU it fixed that it it figured that out and fixed it coming here we got great detail on the face slight differences in the dress you can see there's some necklaces and stuff like that but um we are getting some very good uh poses here and most of the the character details are the same enough that you could use this in a story book or whatever and you take this in you can do a little clean up in Photoshop and it' be perfectly fine one of the things I learned with AI is if you strive for absolute perfection you're going to get very frustrated definitely use Photoshop or or whatever photo editing program used to touch things up make it look you know better whatever you need to I feel like uh my stance on the AI image generation it's going to get there to the point where it'll be Flawless you know it's moved so fast and but for right now it's great it's a great launch pad for a lot of things Graphics wise and then um utilizing some of the other tools that are available will get you the rest of the way so we did that one that one turned out great so what we're going to do is we're going to um come down here we're going to reduce this I want to uh open up the pose a little bit for some other types of characters and we're going to come up here we're going to do um let's do a oops rid of this let's do a fat ugly uh um troll no troll you know every time I try to do troll they always end up looking like the trolls from the movie trolls and you know even if they are ugly monsters or whatever so we're going to do um ugly uh lizard man with black and red scales obviously that spelled wrong okay let's render that one out and see what that looks like just so you can get an idea of something a little different okay so there were a few changes I actually rendered this a couple different times first render we were going through the character was like completely nude I didn't think that would go over too well with YouTube um so I went back and added uh some things like uh wearing leather armor uh I also added the uh tail on the negative prompt to see if we can get rid of some of this some of these Tails because you know these new stxl models they're much better at doing tails on things it's great H but you know sometimes it just doesn't work out well like you could go with this one here but this guy's got two of them you'd have to get rid of this one over here keep that one but I wanted to kind of get rid of it all together so this one turned out pretty good um even got the scales like on the arms it didn't like make it red but you know hey it looks good this it is interesting this one came out to be more photo real real istic which is a little interesting I know sdxl lightning models tend to have some photo unless you word it differently um but overall the character is consistent you you can see all the arms have those same like scaly looking biceps and feet look all similar and same down here so you got all the different turns and angles so this gives you this should I hope this gives you a great idea of what you can do with this um the the reason I'm I'm doing this is because a lot again a lot of people were asking about this and uh you can do a lot of different types of character sheets I'm bring these up here so here's a simple one just front couple of turns and a back okay honestly I don't even need this turn in here um the reason being is this in here once you render it can just be flipped in a photo editing program go through these you get some different characters and sheets and even with uh smaller characters characters children whatever now some of these open poses going to have a little more of a difficult time with and so you're going to want to experiment and play with things like soft Edge canny and uh depth okay to get the result you want you might remember this character from one of my previous videos where I was talking about creating storybook characters okay so this right here is a sheet that I created uh that I use to isolate some of these characters and obviously it's not perfect but you do get an idea like it'll create things like this and so let me see if I can find the other one there's a different version of it so as you can see um I'm getting different character poses and what I would do is cut out these characters and then create an actual sheet and I was trying to save the Json information from open pose but it's so weird like I can't like you go to load the Json file and it doesn't utilize it properly it keeps erroring out on me there some pictures I did for my zero gen prompt generator see here yeah there we go so uh there's some more right there right there more characters that uh remove the background on so here's one of the I like took a screenshot thinking I could use this as the in open pose and open pose doesn't like this at all U suppos it has to it has to be a Json file or images of an actual person so that's just to give you an idea so this right here so if we take this and let me show you real quick how I utilize this I I had another one where I actually colored in just some splotches in there but I think we can use this um template and I'll show you how I'm creating some of these without actual characters in there let's come down here we're going to get rid of this and we're going to drop this in there I believe I'm not sure what the dimensions are on this let's see it is 1024 by 576 so we're going to unlock this go 1024 by oops unlock 576 we'll lock that again I'm not going to scale it up I just want to show you what this will do and okay so we got that there and what we're going to do with this is I believe let's see what the preview is on soft edge here where is it because what we're looking for is we want the area in the middle to be white because that's the area that's going to be modified so let's try cany and then we want the invert and let's do preview so that's what no that's not what we want we want the other way okay trying to think of what that was let's just give it a try here we're going to leave everything else the same um we're going to shut off I already shut off oh that was the other thing I did because we're dealing with a nonnormal character face I shut off ad detailer I wasn't using that in the last render just want to see what this does uh noninverted and we'll leave it at 6 let's just see what it does with the character should be a lot quicker it's not having a deal with um open pose or anything so let's see where it goes here yeah there we go that's not bad much much more to the description I think too so this is where using a sheet like this where there's nothing there but it does understand that there's division gives it structure to work with as you can see and that's where describing you know the uh what the character is doing actually helps you know front back side half turn okay and you can do this with anything so if we come in here instead of this we do Warrior woman let's see what that looks like and not all of them are going to end up turning out right that's just how it is but I think I've got this down it does tend to be got some cheap going on there but it does tend to be fairly consistent you may have to render a few times to get the actual angles you want and then what you do is cut those out and um put them in a different character sheet so you have something that is consistent there we go a little less PG-13 rated so what I'm going to do I will put up the blank along with my other character sheet maybe some other things into the templates folder on my Google share uh you can access that at share. zeras decom all the links are all in my video or my YouTube channel and give them a try um another thing you can do if you want a little more detail we could actually throw this into uh something like this to get a different character uh let's say anthro sometimes you can just do anthro um and do R let's do Rhino Warrior let's just get something else here this might destroy the character sheet because there's a lot more description going on but let's just give it a try just right there and add that last com in let's see what that does oh baby look at that that's awesome now I did put ground in because in the description it is describing a battlefield setting Dusty war paint whatever dappled sunlight but you're getting this amazingly detailed character that's that's actually kind of badass look at that horn that's awesome just something fun to play with I mean if you're interested if you're still watching I I offer a free version of my zero gen prompt Forge um you can come in here generate one prompt every like 45 seconds I think I just recently changed it from 30 just trying to regulate the number of prompts being sent in because I do have limitations on the back end but uh this works so well um spent a lot of time develop veloping this so if you're interested to give it a try if you like it great to get some support you can go and subscribe to it a lot of people love it so yeah that turned out that turned out amazing so that might even be the title picture okay uh definitely like And subscribe to my channel and like this video uh love the support um and uh check out check out all my other videos a lot of tutorials here I've been doing this for a little bit now and uh it's nice to see uh people's responses so if you have questions I try to answer as quickly as I can and uh we'll talk to you all later
Channel: AIchemy with Xerophayze
Views: 3,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Character Design, Full Body Character Sheets, Stable Diffusion, Automatic 1111 Forge, Digital Art Tutorial, Character Creation, Consistent Characters, Character Sheet Template, Animation Character Design, Comic Book Art, Digital Artists, Creative Process, Character Consistency, Artwork Design, Character Modeling, 3D Character Design, Character Templates, Digital Drawing, Art Education, Character Concept Art
Id: Xw2U33LksfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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