Mastering InPainting with Stable Diffusion & Auto 1111 Forge: Advanced Techniques for Perfect Scenes

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back to Alchemy with zero phase this is Eric and uh I know I've done a couple different videos on inpainting but there are people who still have questions and are still struggling with um uh getting I I don't getting the results they want uh or it seems to be like pretty inconsistent in what it's doing so uh we're going to go through um a few different things here to see if we can't help clarify some of the processes some of the um settings that really help when you're trying to add subject matter to an image um as you can see with uh this image here I've got a range of things things that I've done done to it so the original image was just the glass sphere with a horse it wasn't a unicorn and Deadpool uh kind of walking up to the horse so basically these two were the only original pieces to the image okay um going through uh first thing I added was the uh character over here standing on the table uh the next character was adding the one writing a unicorn here and then the next one were the miniature characters uh sitting and standing on the grassy Hill and then the last character or the last thing I did was I extended out the image to give it a 16x9 aspect ratio and then adding in the uh character here which um I didn't notice this before but actually has part of an eye right there instead of just the white so um we're going to go through and do something similar uh we may not use uh these characters uh but uh I'm going to set up kind of a similar situation where we have possibly a glass sphere because it offers a range of options of being able to add small uh you can add large things outside the sphere um just to kind of give you an idea of what I'm doing when it comes to the process that I use to do this um we're doing a few different things uh in initially I'm just generating the image using sdxl taking it into end painting and I'm using the sdxl model in fact I'm using um a turbo version of sdxl models uh to actually do the in painting and then after that I'm going through and using um an actual inpainting model uh 1.5 in painting model to do a minor bit of refinement to blend it in and make sure it looks like it's actually in the image okay you know you get the shadowing you get um uh get rid of the seam that you know a lot of people see so but we're really going to try to address um the difficulty people are having with getting the like getting the character actually there okay we're we've got some techniques I'm going to show you some uh hints and tricks that uh really help with this and uh hopefully bring a little more clarity to this and give people a a better workflow on making this stuff happen all right so let's go ahead and get going on this uh we're just going to reset some things here so just so you know I I am currently using uh the automatic 1111 Forge interface uh I installed it yesterday I'm kind of testing it out and so I've got my uh most my extensions in and um just going through familiarizing myself with some of the changes and there are a lot of things that have changed in it that I'm not familiar with like how they work so we're just going to be using the standard stuff so we can ignore a lot of the uh uh new stuff so until I can figure that out maybe do a tutorial on on Forge so now that we've got the interface kind of reset we're going to switch back over to a uh turbo the turbo sdxl model I use turbo Vision XL super fast okay and get off the uh the vae for the in painter and uh first thing I want to do again we're just going to uh generate kind of something similar so I want to come up with something uh that will give us the ability to do some intricate work uh along with um some larger stuff so um we're going to do uh again one of those glass spheres so uh the way I've got this set up is I actually have a style for it down here uh full prompt glass globe diarama this is in my styles. CSV file for those who are interested you can go to share. zeras outcom and grab it from there okay so let's put in just something uh simple picturesque we're going to do a uh Log Cabin in the forest and then let's go ahead and switch this over to a let's do 16 by9 I think it' be fine so what I'm doing here this is a config preset extension this is again for me this is huge it really helps my workflow uh basically I go through and I set all the settings that I that I want um and then come over here you can add remove and it will will allow you to uh save those settings you title it andit save and then you can come over here and select the that option okay uh it is an extension um for those who are interested it's uh see if I can find it here sometimes I have option pring normal pleas sometimes it's really hard to find stuff in here I I swear some of these have doubled up too config presets okay this is called config presets uh pretty sure it's in the in the set the extensions Library so if you go to available load from you'll be able to find it okay so we're just going to do a log cabin of the forest inside of a glass diarama okay we're going to Let's gener at a couple I'm just get a few of them here just to get uh one that will really work for us shouldn't take too long to do this that one's pretty good I like that one we could add some stuff to that that one's not too bad too okay got some good ones here that one's not bad I like that one ah that one's perfect okay I think that's the one we're going to use um so what we're going to do with this I want this to be a little higher res so we're going to do higher res fix and we are going to do refiner this particular model uh sdxl turbo does do the refinement um we're going to leave that there I think we can leave everything else the same cuz I've already got pre all the like the config preset sets all these for me CU I've used this before U and saved it that way so let's drop this down to four we're going to grab the seed it's really interesting that um clicking this when actually you know what it should work oh no it didn't work it's really weird I don't know there's certain ways when you generate things certain ways it doesn't take the seed over when you do that which it's supposed to do so I'm just going to do it this way and then grab the description cuz we're not going to be generating four again we just want that one so we're going to try and duplicate that one using the uh settings God this is weird I don't know if it's Fusion or or excuse me the forge model or whatever I mean I didn't change anything else I mean other than just adding the refiner and highis fix and it's so it's not supposed to change anything but for some reason it has been doing that but this is okay this works too so we got a slightly higher res image now because we are going to be um working with some really tiny stuff we want to make this I think even even higher rest so um let's see what we can do with this first so let's send it over to inpaint give it a second to pull it in okay and we we got our description as well should be okay but we're actually not going to be keeping this so from here on out we are going to be putting in things that we want to see in specific areas so um first thing you want to do is when you're in here you can hold down alt and scroll and use your scroll wheel to scroll in okay this is going to be important and then you can use f to that didn't work see if we do that well that's interesting they change it no if is still move canvas there we go it's weird when you have to select a certain area to get it to do what you want okay erase those let's go back in here okay so here we got a setting that um is pretty and again because of how small it is we may increase the res again but let's see if we can add something in here um what I want to do let's add a dog okay let's add a dog um sleeping on the grass you know like right here okay we're just going to do that shrink this back down so we can go look at the other stuff so up here we're going to put in um I don't know what's a good what's a good dog breed everybody likes I don't know uh let's do uh German sheeper and that's apparently not how you spell it um sleeping in the grass okay so now we're going to dive into I want to leave it on the turbo sdxl because it just does a better job of generating the objects 1.5 is good don't get me wrong there's some good models out there but when it comes to um consistency of the character and realism that kind of thing this just does a better job we're also going to put in miniature okay we're working at a very small level but we may not need that we'll see how it goes uh mask blur because we're working at such a tiny scale here I think we're going to leave it at four um and then mask padding pixels we're going to drop this way down we're going to try four we're going to do only masked okay then down here sampling steps we're going to continue using just we're going to increase this to 10 actually and then change this over to UL a on the sampling method change it to UL a now here's something new that's in uh the stable to Fusion Forge is soft in painting and what it it seems to be that what it does it it uses the original back background and and use that to kind of help blend the new image a little bit better um I did use this in the image in the intro um in various areas and I think it does help so we're going to just kind of leave it there we'll enable it and leave all the settings the same okay down here let me um we'll leave it okay so one thing we want to make sure is that we're working at a at least initially at a one by one here's here's a little tip so in your image because we're working in this area not near an edge okay we should be good at a 1 by one ratio and I'm going to show you this a little later we'll try adding something on the edge of the of the image um maybe some somebody sitting in the back chair something on the table but if you're using a one by one the end painter tends to Center whatever it is you're trying to add into the inpaint area and so if you're trying to add something way over here on the edge and you're masking that out the inpaint area tends to be this square area and so you get a lot of extra space over here and so what it's doing is it's trying to create whatever it is you're specifying in the center of that of that uh square one by one area instead of the mask and so you might get like part of it this especially happens when you're doing this method where you're using a non- inpaint model to get the object into the scene okay all right so let's come back down here we're going to set this to a 1 by one drop this down to 1024 by 1024 right there we are going to do batches uh just because sometimes you don't get it on the first try we're going to do four if we can get it I know I can manually enter it in maybe I should config we're going to drop that back down to three leave the D dooy strength at 75 we're going to set this to a random seed the sampling steps yeah 10 okay because we're working with a turbo model you want the config scale and the sampling steps to be fairly low it helps speed things up sampling steps I wouldn't go go below 8 um with this particular model anyway uh you start to get like little mcolor and artifacts okay all right that's I think it unless we want to upscale more which right now we're not going to we're going to try and do this as is so the we got the only Mass padding pixels all all the way down so it's going to really zoom in on this little area right here and treat it as if it was a full scale image and render whatever's in that mask area okay let's go and generate show you what I mean here so we got that one there now it's going to we may increase the The Mask area or even decrease the uh mask padding area but we are getting something in there don't worry about the the seam that'll be something that we can get rid of later a lot of this does tend to have something to do with like what you're describing in here because this is kind of a model maybe we don't want it to look so realistic maybe we want uh figurine and let's come down here to the settings uh mask blur yeah we're working with such a small area I'm going to go all the way down to two and I think I do want to increase the mask area just a little bit just to see if we can't I don't want to go over the steps because when you're using this method with the non- inpaint model it will change those a bit U I think that's where the soft uh this uh soft what is it called where' It Go um soft end painting comes in it really helps kind of maintain the structure but let's give that a try and see how that works now we added figurine we changed the uh mask blur a little bit there we go that's a little bit better kind of big again we're dealing we're we're you see how it's cutting it off that one's a little deform you know I think we might need to add a negative prompt let's go ahead and add a negative prompt in here this is a in my style sheet again we're going to reduce the negative prompt strength here let's see if that works again don't worry about um necessarily that it doesn't look exactly right you know if you get down in here that one doesn't look too bad it kind of Blended the back of the dog with the rock so let's just see if we can get a little more solid looking animal that one's got two heads but it Blended better over here this could actually be fixed um now that now that it's there with a regular imping model that one's not bad that one's okay see what the last one looks like here there there we go that's pretty good I like that one okay so we've got that added and obviously it's super tiny okay uh let's go over I think it's that one right there and yeah there's a dog right there now we could change that so that maybe the dog is not sleeping in the grass maybe we want him standing sitting sorry not standing sitting and maybe we want it to be a little more miniature so let's miniature German Shepherd puppy there's lots of different words that you can use to change what it is you're doing in the image like that one's much better see how it's kind of cutting it off that one's not bad it's floppy ears still little too much I might actually increase the padding pixels but miniature tiny and let's do this let's go up here we're going to not mask blur change that to eight try it again okay let's get back in there here I want to say there was two in that one that one's pretty good I like that one let's go in on that one a little bit see he's got the dog right there so you got to realize again this is still when you're working at such a tiny scale it's it's um going to be pixelated but we'll fix that after we upscale it again right now it's just about getting the objects in there um okay so we got that in there let's send that over to in paint so that's one thing I tend to forget sometimes is is I'll start working on a new mask a new addition and be like well what happened why is that not there now it's because I didn't send it over so we're going to send that over get rid of that mask come in here and let's add see how it's kind of it's kind of blurry that's just because of the fact that we're working at such a small scale let's add one more thing then we're going to add some bigger stuff around the globe okay uh let's add um that's really going to change a lot of stuff if we had a guy standing right there um let's add I know let's let's give it a try just going to do that Zoom back down now we're going to come up here and we're going to type in miniature tiny man standing on front porch in front of door okay now if you're not looking one thing you got to realize with with in paintings you got to be okay with variance I mean if you're looking for something super super specific this may not be the way you want to do it so that's why I'm doing four different you know renders to work on getting the result that that fits what I want okay so let's go ahead and switch this back down to 1024 by 1024 we're going to leave all the rest of this the same because that seemed to work for the dog at that scale so let's just try that oh that's a little too small see if it changes it up here a little bit that's because we're using so many different words for tiny let me just get rid of this stop the render hit generate again there we go that's better door seems to be open let's see what the next one does we may need to be a little more specific on the type of door like that's not bad but his feet are kind of hidden it's cutting it off there yeah it's cutting it off okay on front porch in front of cabin door so these are these are okay but I'm thinking I might need to change the description oops a little bit so that we are like this one's not bad but I don't like the fact that he's facing inward towards I want him facing outward and Sor I know it's down in the bottom corner of the screen here I just don't want to lose the arrow see like that one's not bad um I think I could use that one and we can finish up using the an end painting model to get what we want right now it's about just getting the object subject matter in there that we want to utilize okay all right so we got those I like that one Let's uh find that one again let's see no uh was it that one that one there okay so let's send that one over to in paint now it's hard to tell but it's there so we got the guy there we got the dog okay let's just leave it like that you get the idea with it now let's add something else external okay maybe we want um oh what would be good let's add over here um kind of like what we did in the title picture uh somebody looking over the edge of the table okay so we need to get that description in we're going to do a little girl we're going to do uh cute little girl with head with curly brown hair peeking over the edge of a wooden table okay because that's what we want we're going to put that in there so let's grab let's erase whatever mask erase whatever mask is there increase this mask size and what you want to do is just run it right along the edge of the table and think about the overall size that you want this little girl to be okay and maybe her Chan is sitting sitting over there but let's bring this up I want her head to kind of come up over a little bit like that mass that all in and again we haven't moved over to an inpainting model yet okay we're just going to try and get the subject in here and I'll show you how to how to fix it using an imp painting model if there's any seams or now with this one we are going to increase the mask blur up to 12 cuz we're working with a much bigger area only Mass padding pixels definitely going to increase that we'll do 40 for right now soft in painting uh yeah we're going to keep that I did run into some issues uh in my testing with this when working at a larger scale uh but I I that might have been something else like when I was upscaling stuff so and then we're going to drop this back down to 1024 and um yeah batch count we'll leave at four okay everything else stays the same let's just see what we get here um yeah the only Mass padding we may actually bring that down let's just see what it does um that's the one big one that really determines if you're going to get what you want in there or if you're just going to get um something weird looking or nothing at all a lot of people that's the the the problem they they try to in paint and end up getting nothing it just kind of regenerates the background okay that the first one's good that one's really good I love that one that one's not bad I mean sizewise you're talking I mean I did not give it much here you know to work with size-wise if I wanted to make it something so that it scale wise is a little bit better you can increase the amount of mask but that first one's not bad that one's not too bad I mean it's even blurring her a little bit cuz she's in the background that one's not bad you can see how it's trying to fill the entire mask area with what we're trying to do that one's not bad scale-wise fits a little bit better so I want to make it a little bit bigger I don't want to go over the the actual globe and the reason why is when you're not using an inpainting model that's when you start messing stuff up we're gonna go all the way off the edge here this will change the overall scale of the person there okay may even add some extra objects in let's see how it does that's kind of what I had actually originally envisioned looks like she's kind of blended into the table a little bit but not bad not bad oh there we go a that's what I wanted hand isn't even that messed up that's pretty cute but it kind of cuts off over here so you're get a little [Music] weirdness okay uh the one I really liked was that one right there scale-wise it looks better um fits she's kind of resting her chin on the table kind of like what I did with the title image works really well okay so now that we have this like that even blended it really well like I don't think I'm going to have to do anything with that okay but what we are going to want to do is work on these objects in here maybe even add some more all right that just that just turned out great I love that I I'm not even going to touch that again when it if you're not using the forge version of stable diffusion automatic 1111 you probably should move over to it I really think this soft in painting really help helps even when you're not using um an in painting model uh so yeah absolutely awesome I love it all right we're going to do one more addition to the table here let's add a I don't know um a book when we add a book all right so again remember to send it back over to in painting the one you want erase your mask let's add a book over here is a little interesting it added some Shadow there and you know with the lighting we're getting some weirdness because it's it's not the lighting looks like it's coming in from the window right but you're not getting a shadow from her and we're going to see if we can fix that within painting and I'll show you how we're going to do that here so uh but in the meantime let's add a book over here on the side we're just going to mask out an area here change the description we're going to keep the on a wooden table we're going to say a book resting on a wooden table and then just generate I don't think we need to change many of the settings here for this it is a smaller area than that but let's see what it's able to do with it now this we are probably going to get a seam H not too bad that's pretty good let's see if it what kind of other books it'll it'll do that's more of a notepad than a book maybe we should specify like hard bound or something else you are going to notice it's a lot sharper okay you see how these are blurred off to the side it is getting the angle right which is nice yeah this is something that stable diffusion does when with books is gives them almost a double spine it' be interesting to see an actual book like that I mean it's not functional but it would be interesting I might change the description to be something a little more like closed book or stack of books um you know I think maybe we're going to do this we're going to do you know they do this with people a lot we're going to do one book closed resting on a wooden table we'll render this we won't watch this one I'll pause a bit just to speed things up a little bit here so that first one not bad okay but we're going to we're going to generate using this new description okay I'm still not getting the result I want um we keep getting these these uh and and stable diffusion does have an issue if you're trying to do one book um you get these multiple spine books it's just really bizarre so what we're going to do I'm going to change it so it says hard cover closed but I'm going to give it uh some more padding here to see if we can't get something a little more stable um also instead of one book Let's do um small stack of books see if we can't get something that fits the scene a little bit better I may have to change the mask like that's better that's more like what I was thinking in my head in fact that's blending it beautifully too see what the next one looks like it's not a stack obviously but it does look nice I like it just what I'm looking for is to add to the aesthetic of the image you know so it doesn't look so empty okay there we go that's more like what I was thinking I should have brought the uh mask up a little higher in fact that's what I'm going to do we're going to interrupt that we're going to actually bring this and square it a little bit so it has a little more room to work with with and hit generate okay so I got one that I think I can work with I still like I masked all the way up here but I don't like how I think the AI thinks it's going to be following that edge because it seems to do that pretty consistently throughout uh some of these images it just kind of follows that edge for that top Edge so we're going to stick with this one right here I think that's something we can work with adds to the aesthetic so um I've shown you how to add small stuff you know bigger stuff medium stuff to an image now what we're going to do is go through and fix some of the things that are on like you can see this has a has a pretty definable seam here the the table doesn't match this right here okay this is totally fixable what we've done is we've given the we've created the objects within the scene now the end painting model has a much easier time working with that instead of trying to create new stuff uh you worked with a model that just gives you better op objects now we can go through and actually make those objects blend in a little bit better and get rid of these seams so what we're going to do is send that over to in paint get those books in there get rid of that mask these objects in here we're going to work on in just a minute we're going to fix these first okay the we're going to see if we can get a shadow going in here uh of her or even possibly a reflection of her face in there and then we're going to upscale once and then we'll go in here and detail these a little bit more all right so first things first we're going to just create a mask over this make sure you include the seam we're going to go all the way around we're going to come up here and change the model now to an in painting model I like using uh the where did they go here the uh RPG artist tool V4 in painting this does it does not have the vae baked in so you'd want to select uh the vae this isn't fine it's the standard VA I think most of these models use uh we're going to leave the description the same now big thing with this is uh mask blur doesn't need to be as high I'm going to set it to eight we're working with an in paying model and it works much better now we well let me let me take that back because this image is a slightly higher res than the standard generated image we are going to want it up a little high and we're not working with a super small area so it should blend those in nicely now I am going to shut off soft in painting this does not work well with uh with the in painting models okay now we're going to uh we are going to change the sampling steps this is a standard 1.5 model it's not a turbo we're going to go up to 30 steps and same uh oh yeah and then we're going to switch this back down to I think we're okay doing a 1024x 1024 I know it's a 1.5 model but we're going to be decreasing the D noise strength um a little bit so it'll maintain the structure and the config scale needs to be brought back up to seven again we're working with a standard 1.5 model bring this down to about a 0.5 to 0.55 I think we're going to do 0.5 that allows it to change the damage enough that it'll get rid of our artifacts while maintaining the structure of the content all right I think that's it uh we're leaving everything else the [Music] same just double checking everything here the only Mass padding um we're going to leave that the same just kind of see what it does so let's say generate okay so it went through this and you can see it's kind of blending this in here it's fixed the seam didn't quite fix this in this image here we'll scroll through these that one there did a really good job with okay we got a stack of books you know they're not the best books in the world but it got rid of the seam Blended everything else we get that line a little bit better you can see the edge of this table kind of Curves in a little bit but that's barely noticeable this one looks fine and the table Blends and looks normal okay this is a great technique to do for a lot of different objects books again I think stable diffusion just has an issue with books okay let's see if we can add in some um consistency details with the little girl over here so let's again send that over to end painting remember to come down and change your height and width to 1 by one 1024x 1024 should be fine even with this leave all the other settings the same we're going to leave batch count at four but we're going to change the mask now and and what we're going to do we got to give the AI context okay so we're going to go back here and type in the details again so I added into this description a window in the background because there is a window the AI understands that if there's a window there may be light coming through but we're also going to inpaint this whole thing here we're going to go up here we're going to imp paint this as well come down here we want to give the AI plenty of context with this so that it can modify the scene properly we're going to leave everything else the same I think and go ahead and hit generate okay because we are using a different model 1.5 model the character is going to be a little different now it gave us fairly similar posing and everything uh one thing you will notice though is it does shift the reflection in the table uh the diffusion of the light and uh a little bit of the Shadow it's not as much as I was hoping for like that was not bad but the other thing is I don't like how it's changing the um the character I really like the original character uh just because you know it's from an sdxl model I think it just does a better job at least that version so what we're going to do we're going to try something we're going to just mask out this here just give it a little bit of context of the of the girl bring in the window on top okay bring in this down here and leave the rest of that the same we're going to Mas blur is fine padding um yeah I think that's fine we're going to leave everything else the same generate okay that definitely worked out better um we are getting a bit of a reflection of her of her face in the table tables Blended nicely it didn't leave any kind of a seam okay uh we maintain the consistency of the character change the fingers a little bit because I did Mas that out kind I go through these some of these just looked a little odd I think the this one here was the best one and it gets the reflection right it looks more natural looks a lot more natural perfect okay so what we're going to do is we're going to upscale this I'm going to show you a quick the the upscaling technique that I use and I've I've explained this in other videos so we're just going to go through this fairly fast what we did is we're sending that image that we have over to um image image using the image image button right here we're going to leave it on yeah we're going to leave it on the end painting model I think it's fine it'll do okay but we're going to add to the description here um glass sphere cabin books wood oh we already got wooden table in there it's just adding the words in you know so that the AI understands there's these objects in there come down here we are going to switch this actually leave all this the same we we aren't going to touch any of this here the res that's here is we is what we want we're going to turn the batch count down to one denois strength we're going to bring all the way down to I think 0.25 we want it to add some detail as we upscale this but not change anything too much at least very little okay we're just adding the micro details as it upscales we're going to come down to control net uh uh down down down where' to go here control net integrated they do name things a little different so we're going to enable that come down here and select tile uh Pixel Perfect I don't know if this actually needs to be selected or not I typically do okay it automatically assigns the tile resample um normally there would be a bar here for down sample I'm not sure exactly why that doesn't come up let's see tile color fix G in resample we're resampling so that's the one we want to select so we're just going to leave it like that cuz it worked for me before so now we come down and make sure we select the ultimate SCD up scale this is an extension you'll need to install Okay uh pretty common most people have it um we're going to select Forex ultr sharp I some of these are doubled up not entirely sure why I did because I installed Forge I did do a Sim Link in my directories pointing to my original stable diffusion models folder so I don't know if there's something going on there but it works so and the other thing we want to select after doing the S ultimate SD upscale is the uh scale from image size so Target size type scale from image size and we're just going to double we're going to uh uh increase it by two times that's the only changes you need to make here make sure your um soft ining is unselected okay this does not work here you end up getting some weird artifacting and that's it um dooy strength again at 025 I think should work fine so let's come up here hit generate and it'll break out the tiles and it'll start generating each tile regenerating each tile adding detail and increasing the overall size of the image takes a second for it to spool up we'll come back when it's done okay so I finished the upscale there are some things that did change because we're working with some small stuff I did actually stop it because it was adding smaller images of like girl's face and various things even at the 025 and I forgot that because I had already upscaled it using higher res fix originally you want to make sure that you're working at a smaller D noise strength with these higher res images okay so because as it tiles it and starts upscaling it it has less context to work with in each tile um on these higher rise images when you're just working with a standard image say 1024 by whatever um the tiles are bigger and so it has more context to work with so when it has these smaller tiles it's just a blurry image and so it's just going to kind of change whatever but if you lower the doo strength down to about 02 you get a lot less of that or very little of it now a couple things we lost the dog and we lost the guy at the door but it looks like added guy there so we're going to go in and change that so let me just hit this so you can kind of see the upscale Factor on this I didn't specify dog I didn't specify man so we're getting like a couple little girls in here but here's the thing the objects are still there which is good and we can get rid of this one right here but the guy will have to reintroduce and we're going to do that using the end painting model so we're going to send this over to inpainting this is again just fixing the image after the fact all right let's jump in here we're going to go ahead and do that come down here Mas lur we're going to change down to point to I think four because we're well it is a much higher resum let's do six change the only Mass padding down to 20 we'll try that keep the sampling the same we're going to keep the um denoise strength actually D strength we need to bring up we'll bring it back up to0 75 should be fine this is going to be a one to one so we want to switch this back down to um let's do seven because we're doing uh such a high res we're going to do something a little more standard for this model 768 x 768 it's a 1.5 model this one works well up the 768 and leave everything else the same shrink that down a little bit and generate although I should have added a couple more Generations on it but let's see what it does here should Zoom way in on that oh you know what forgot background or uh description so uh cute tiny German sheeper puppy sitting in grass it's grabbing up pretty heavily oh yeah yeah yeah so once you're done with control net disable it disable the ultimate SD up scaler now we got to give it a second here yeah okay interrupt okay yeah sorry about I had to wait for it to finish up because it was tiling such such a huge image yeah so got to make sure that you've disabled those other options because we're not using those right now and we'll go ahead and generate on this now should start a little quicker and much much better all right that's beautiful send that over to in painting like like that was a one shot I love it when it's a one shot gives me exactly what I was looking for actually originally that's kind of what I was thinking looks so much nicer we could actually redo this entire thing um the 1.5 model will handle a cabin just fine it just you know the sdxl models are good for other specific things so we might actually do that here we've got rid of that mask actually let's make sure we got rid of it come back in here and what we're going to do is is mask this entire thing I think at this point I'm just kind of having fun but um and what we're going to do again is come down we're going to change the description uh rustic cabin in the forest internal lighting Port uh let's see front porch man let's say old man old man standing on porch by front door now I want to kind of maintain the same structure so you got to remember on the D noise strength to bring that down okay we wanted to change it a bit so maybe just a 0.55 all right and let's get a batch count on this Let's do let's do four again just to see where we're at change now that we've when you transfer that image back over to imp painting you got to make sure you switch this back down to something that uh the AI can work with so do that and hit generate okay so these are the renders we got we got now cabin looks better in some of these a little messed up and others um we didn't get the man on the front porch no not sure why that one looks pretty good I don't mind that one it's a little squirly up here but uh overall looks okay and we can put a man standing in the front porch there got rid of the person over here which is good see got two chimneys that's okay rest these just kind of look a little more mangled than the others than this one here this one looks pretty good I like it so let's send that one over to in painting get rid of the Mask let's zoom in shrink this down a little bit let's put this right here come up here and we'll change this to be old man standing on front porch of cabin looking out towards camera with the with everything else here I think we can leave everything else the same um we are going to want this to be up a little higher to get that change in there only Mass padding is low enough I think it'll get the guy in there let's go ahead and generate that so for those who caught that um yes I forgot to change the res down so it took a second to get that back in um modified it and now we're getting awesome results so see see see what they look like we're working at such a small thing here uh I mean this is fun being able to add these intricate details in but you got to work with a higher res image uh to make it work so let's go ahead and jump in here let's go all the way down get oops too far down so that's not bad you know there is a bit of a weird size difference between this guy and the dog but the in painter knows the scale see how he kind of fits the door uh let's go to the next one that one's not bad he's kind of coming through the door again not bad I like that one um and the reason why is cuz I don't know most cabins of size don't have double doors this looks more like a window now in this one which is good and the door is right here he's kind of standing by the railing I like it so that's the one we're going to keep so there you go so this is a a 4,000 it's a 4K image all right um and in order to be able to get those small details you got to work work at a higher res so you can see there's some artifacting here from the upscaling uh which can be mitigated you can go through and imp paint those out if you want but overall that image turned out really well I love the little girl leaning on the table we got the detail in the uh little cabin here um there's a lot of things you can do this technique can be used on everything in this little image like if you want to actually like make this look like say a pile of wood or maybe a small shack or a dog house for the dog just inpaint it just mask it out and remember that the big thing that really helps with this is the only mask padding pixels this really determines how much the AI is going to be able to focus on such a small area when you have a lot of padding pixels it's not going to be able to focus on that one little tiny area because it's taking in a lot of context around that masked area almost like you're increasing the size the overall size of that one by one area and so if you want to add details in reduce its reduce the amount of surrounding context that's kind of how you could look at this so the AI has has no choice but to really follow your prompt a lot closer okay um I know this has been a pretty long uh video Let's do one last in painting let's send this one over I like that one let's go ahead and make sure we change the the resolution back down to 768 x 768 let's come up here erase that mask let's zoom in again grab and move it over here yeah let's change this over to a like a cute Dog House cute I'm not going to use word cute we're going to say rustic um log Dog House in the oops in the bushes again we're not doing that that this model couldn't do easily um using the sdxl model really is about uh getting those results you want up front with the Styles you want I mean you could just use a 1.5 model the whole way this technique works for all of them so we're going to do that we've got the the Mast area way down in there tiny uh we don't have any other weird options selected so let's go and hit generate all right I know it's kind of hard to see let's get in there so that one turned out good I think the size fits you know perspective wise these other ones turned out a little weird they're a little more like I would change the padding pixels to uh give it to increase the size but I think that first one worked really well I like it it's C you know cabin style the puppywood fit inside of it yeah it worked really good Blends in Fairly nice with the rest of the rest of the Str I think it's a little sharper than the rest um we can actually do this is where the padding pixels come so if you increase this let's bring it up to 40 do it again we're going to get a different result see if it even gets it in there it does and it has a little more context so it's going to try to maintain the same kind of styling a little bit as the rest as a surrounding stuff we are saying you know uh rustic log dog house so it's kind of making it look like a a house but like a dog house very rustic looking that one's kind of cool there you go that one works I like that one fits the landscape really well awesome I really hope this helped some people out a little bit more with in painting um it really just comes down to you know the mass blur does help but you could probably leave it like six or eight on most of your stuff just use an in painting model after you've generated your original image and depending on how small you want to go you got to make sure you upscale it okay but the big one is the only Mass padding pixels that's going to be what really determines if if it's going to choose to put something in there or not okay um and only mask make on only mask cuz you do a whole picture you it just isn't going to do it I mean you could have the padding pixel only works when you're using only mask and if you do whole picture I'm not going to do it on this one just because um it's such a high reses image again that's one of the reasons you want to be using only masks when you're adding subject matter into an image okay I hope you had fun um definitely like And subscribe and if you uh enjoyed this you know share it with other people uh definitely trying to grow this Channel and uh I'll leave some links in the description for like uh you know my shop and and uh uh some other things that may be pertinent to this video like my the link to the share Google Drive I have for my stylesheet for those who may be interested in uh getting a hold of all my Styles here all these different uh kind of premade prompts and and various other aspects okay talk to you later
Channel: AIchemy with Xerophayze
Views: 878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stable Diffusion, Automatic 1111 Forge, In-Painting Techniques, AI Art Creation, Advanced Digital Art, Adding Characters, Scene Composition, Artistic Tips and Tricks, Digital In-Painting, AI Generated Art, Enhancing Images, Art Tutorial, Creative Process, Image Editing, AI Tips, Digital Art Skills, Object Integration, Artistic Enhancement, Stable Diffusion Tutorial, AI Creativity
Id: GFvcHL_Bs6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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