TOP 6 WEB BROWSERS! (5 out of 6 are Blue!)

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so in this video we're gonna talk about what I think are probably the top five or six or something like that browsers and this isn't supposed to be a list or something like that it's really because I'm looking for a browser that is privacy centered are not necessarily centered but privacy respecting and is still usable by normal people now you may know that I use brave as a browser I highly recommend it I'm gonna talk about that briefly in this video I did a video on it later or you know last a month or something like that but I want to talk about some other browsers that are worth using and there's a justifiable reason to use all of these okay because no browser is perfect right now unfortunately okay so let's start at a basic level first off what are the browsers that no one should be using now everyone knows you're it's a total waste to use Internet Explorer or edge because they log all your data send them to Microsoft they are terrible browsers in the first place but the real pain out there the real browser that people need to avoid nowadays is Google Chrome which is literally just as bad I don't understand why people even use it because literally every key press every search you put in the search engine every website you go to all of that is logged in Google there's no reason for you to use that especially because of this browser that exists this one that I have pulled up right here this is on Google chromium it is exactly the same as Google Chrome it's set for actually I think I have the web site in history it is it takes the chromium engine and it strips out all the google junk so it doesn't have spyware it doesn't have tracking in it has sensible default privacy settings so that for example it doesn't share your geolocation with all these sites or search engine there's stuff like that so first off I mentioned this one first because if you're a chrome user and you're not gonna watch the whole videos video at least just switch to on Google chromium because your privacy your web browsing experience will be basically the same it has all the features it can take all the extensions add-ons whatever they call them that chrome can take it's set for this browser respects your privacy used use on Google chromium if you're a chrome user now I use brave which is another chromium based web it or web browser I'll talk about that in a second but on Google chromium looks the most like it and it does all the same thing okay now so the perks of on Google chromium you get all the functionality of Google Chrome you don't have the tracking and stuff like that there are some things that would a little that are a little annoying now I'm looking I might have mentioned but I'm looking for a default web browser to use with my dot files that when someone installs larb when someone installs my dot files what browser should be to the default on Google chromium is a good choice for that but it doesn't have like for example it doesn't have a default web browser or not web press use me search engine that's what I meant okay for example by default if you just put anything in the search engine you know it's not going to search for it it's just gonna check for a website you can of course add search engines but I want it to be usable at it out by default another thing is although it's really good on privacy now of course actually look at it and one thing you gotta appreciate is that it is minimalistic it doesn't a lot of browsers nowadays will just throw junk in your face this one just has a couple of your most recent you know the couple websites that I looked at when I was using chromium I usually don't use it but chromium on googled chromium is good because it keeps it simple it doesn't have like 32 task bars up there or something like that okay alright so that's on Google chromium in general I think it's a good choice if you're using Chrome and you just want a better privacy respecting browser just use that now what I use is brave I'm gonna show you what brave looks like now I'm not gonna talk too much about brave because I did a video on this a month or so ago brave is a chromium based browser that generally were it takes out all the google junk it additionally comes with some extra features and salt for example it has what I consider the bare minimum of what a web browser should have it has an ad blocker by default I don't know why browsers don't ship without ad blockers if brave has an ad blocker by default it automatically upgrades you a to HTTPS when it can and it also as you may know it has the brave rewards feature where you can voluntarily say I won of you ads and you will get their little cryptocurrency for it that's just another little feature it also has a nice things like it has a built-in tour window you can pull up and you can use tour if you have tour on your computer it has nice little features it has the ability to use web torrent and all the others kind of stuff a lot of nice things built in and this is what it looks like by default it looks nicely and again this is basically the same as Google Chrome functions about the same has some extra features now brave does have you know it doesn't have the spyware that Chrome has but of course a lot of these features like this analytics here is built into an analytics feature that it will check a website to get your analytics and stuff like that so you can turn pretty much all of that off just like by getting rid of it or you might have to change other settings in the browser but in general brave is extremely good at extremely usable I like it it looks good you don't have to customize it that much right now it's the default browser on my dot files because of all this and although I don't like it well okay I will say when you first start brave it will ask you usually for what what uh excuse me uh I forgot the word again search engine you like okay so you can choose DuckDuckGo you can use quant I think well I have Sirk's installed right now but Google is actually the top choice at the very top which I don't necessarily like but maybe it's not too much to get upset about because I really think people should just I I don't stop using Google search you don't need it there are better searches and Google again they're logging everything you put in there so brave is a good option I prefer it to on Google chromium obviously I'll use it and I'm using it on my dot files now so it's it's a pretty good browser now another browser that has some really good features baked into it but isn't quite as usable by default is icecap so first off brave my phones ring and let me get that okay so what was I saying brave and chromium are based on the chromium engine that Google Chrome uses so they're gonna be pretty similar in functionality in terms of what they can have their gonna be similar to Chrome I scat on the other side I scat is based on Firefox so it's gonna be it's gonna pretty much run like a Firefox browser and stuff like that and takes the add-ons that Firefox does now I scat is made by the Free Software Foundation it's made by the canoe project and what that means is that it you'll see this page here you can activate or disable or whatever a lot of different features like for example geolocation okay you can check that on it by default it's off you can disable all JavaScript whatsoever if you don't want any proprietary software you know running on your in your web browser you can do that but the thing is it's default features I will say no I Scott it's a good browser I'm not knocking it but one of the things that comes with being a browser that is so privacy centered is that a lot of things I'm gonna go to youtube right now first off you'll notice YouTube is on the classical settings which I actually prefer the classical layout but that is because eiscat cannot run a bunch of the fancy Java or blocks by default a lot of the fancy JavaScript stuff or you'll see if I clicked on this video again I haven't changed my privacy settings my you know haven't changed script blocking or anything like that it's not gonna be able to do some it you know some basically the all the privacy violating stuff that you usually do right now if I were playing this YouTube video of course it's monitoring you know how much you're watching and all this stuff and sending that data elsewhere by default I scat is gonna block that stuff so if you want to watch if you want to do something that you know has proprietary JavaScript running or something like that you will have to manually say I want to allow that on icecat or something else like that it comes again with so many add-ons and stuff that even you know make this possible now just bear in mind I'm not trying to tell you this isn't a non-functional browser but just remember that if you're using it its target audience is people who's number one priority is privacy and the only situation in which it's going to do anything that could even be slightly privacy violating is that unless you consent to it okay so just bear that in mind if you install icecat and if you want to do stuff like oh let me go watch youtube videos or something like that or use some other site that has a bunch of analytics all over the place and there's always monitoring what you're doing you're gonna have to you know manually say okay this is okay that's okay whereas here's my site it looks exactly how it's supposed to look because I don't have any fancy scripts running in the background or something like that so most internet sites are gonna be totally fine but just bear that in mind if you're using icecap but I scat the idea behind it is fantastic and I will say years ago a couple of years ago if you installed eiscat it never worked like everything was always broken it was really annoying but it's much better now I showed you one example of the thing that's you know YouTube video which is gonna that's probably the biggest thing that's gonna break on eiscat but in general it's a fantastic browser and if you don't like any of those features you can just manually disable them now another firefox base you might say oh well luke why don't you talk about Firefox because Firefox of course it is a it's based on a free software license and stuff like that so it's free software the reason I'm not going to talk about Firefox is because there's an alternative that is the same thing as Firefox but a little bit better I'm not talking about icecap I'm actually talking about water Fox because water fox is also based on Firefox but it doesn't throw in all those privacy feed privacy security features that eiscat throws in it's basically just like Firefox it's up for different default settings okay so this is what water fox looks like again can take any Firefox add-ons extensions or anything like that so same experience as Firefox except for if you go into the settings page and stuff like that it's going to have a lot of features that are gonna be like okay well geolocation is disabled by default or other things like that so if you want if you like Firefox so you just want to have more sensible default privacy settings install water water fox now one thing that is questionable is that they don't use Google instead they use Bing which is basically just as bad I mean I guess if I had to choose I'd rather have my data going to Microsoft a company that don't really use your care about rather than Google which is literally ever it's weird that Microsoft is now like the little guy in comparison to Google but so I do think that having being over Google's probably an improvement but it would be better if they had you know least DuckDuckGo or something like that again I use Sirk's as a search engine but just anything I don't know you know no one no one's perfect I'm just saying water Fox is a little bit better than Firefox by default and I will say I know there are a lot of Firefox ID lists out there who think that firefight you got to use Firefox because oh it's like the big anti Google nowadays oh it's like that you know it's it's it's really waging the well I mean the thing is Firefox gets money from Google the the reason that Google is still the default search engine of Firefox is because Google pays them to make it like that okay Firefox has no reason to do that they have no reason to make the competitors search engine the default but they do it because they're paid okay so don't don't have any illusion it's about what's going on I'm not really going to show you that much in water Fox it's basically the same thing as Firefox now the last two browsers don't want to talk about are somewhat unique okay both of them the first one is pale moon so pale moon has been around for quite a while pale moon is was originally based on the old engine of Firefox years and years ago but now it's I think it has sort of its own engine I'm not quite sure pale moon isn't so pale moon is not strictly based on Firefox or Chrome it's its own thing and it's it's a controversial browser now I will say in privacy setting Oh first off look at the stupid default page absolutely I don't know why they have this I don't know why I need deviantART links on my my page it's so new grounds I don't even know why that's there in addition to all this social media garbage but this is the default page of pale moon and pale moon is does a lot of things really good and does a lot of things really really weird and I don't want to talk about the negative so much in this video if you want just look up pale moon look up the I'll just say they're developed by a core team of somewhat insular guys they all work together and they have I guess a mentality to them that's a little weird I'm not gonna say much more than that but that that's one of the big deficits that people talk about when they talk about pale moon but as a browser in most situations it's great it has DuckDuckGo as default as a privacy respecting search engine it runs pretty quickly now again since it's based on its own jet own engine it's nice and lean and it's you know there's not going to be privacy violating stuff in it by default you do have to it does have a much more or I guess I should say limited number of extensions that it can use or add-ons and stuff like that but in general pale moon is a passable browser I know it looks sort of goofy here I have used pale moon in the in the past I remember when there's that update to Firefox quantum I use pale moon for a while but there were just little things like I guess in its essence I really like pale moon and I really like using it but there will be little things that come up and annoy you from time to time but I definitely recommend people to check it out even if you you don't necessarily this is what web browsers used to look like to sort of a classical feel to it but I don't like not just that they throw this junk in here but I don't need to see all these pale moon bookmarks and stuff I'm using a browser I'm not part of your club I don't need all that stuff I'm sorry but in general pale moon is a good browser has a lot of good privacy settings by default or at least doesn't go out of its way to spy on you which is what most browsers do okay anyway the last browser is a browser that I have done I did one of my first videos you can actually look it up I think I probably had a hundred subscribers when I did this video on it but the last browser is cute browser okay cute browser is and I know a lot of people on my channel use cute browser and what is what it's supposed to be is a browser that is based on it will a--first off-- it as vim key bindings so you use vim keys to move around you'll have to learn the settings or the all the different key bonds to it but by default you you know you know you scroll up and down with J and K and stuff like that it's a very nice the nice thing about cute browser is that you can actually edit everything you can change all the key bindings you can't Oh first off they have you know you can follow links by pressing F and stuff like that and it brings up little you know it names all the links you can just type let's say LS to go to the link that had LS on it so it is supposed to be a keyboard based browser you never use the need to use your mouse I mean you can if you want but every little thing about the browser is built-in it's a keyboard based browser it's vim based so it's sort of targeted to a an audience that's you know more power user and the great thing about cute browser and I haven't complained about this and the other browsers but this is something that is all very annoying about them is that cute browser has its own config files that you can manually edit in configure 8 in its configuration file folder so you can go to config cute browser and you will can actually have all the configuration I forget what the actual default actually what is on to Auto config I don't actually know anyway you could just check Mankiw browser or whatever it is man cube browser and get all the settings for that but the nice thing about cube browser is you can't actually change things without editing the brow like opening the browser and going to the settings page so it's like any other kind of program on Linux where you can modify dot files and stuff like that now there are negatives to the cube browser and that is I mean the the main negative is not so much a real negative it's just the recurring thing that will come up it is always sort of a work in progress I think there's a very small similar to pale moon there's a small development team working on it so there will be a lot of oversights and there'll be a lot of weird decisions that they'll make queuebrowser is much more customizable than any other browser out there now I you can check out my old video on cube browser which is a little at a date they've changed how you do the settings but it Illustrated some of the things you could do like for example in that video again they've changed the way these works work but I had a key binding that I could basically see an image and automatically save it to a particular folder okay stuff like that on its it's really nice to be able to do that in queuebrowser but there are other videos out about it out there right now I'm not gonna give it you know a huge detailed review here because I don't have enough time and I haven't used it in a while to be honest but it's still good and I think I might get back into it just so I can be able to talk about it now oh yeah the other downside though about cute browser is you know on this channel we like to hate Python okay cute browsers are written in Python uh-oh it's painful but the nice thing about that is that even the settings file is actually in Python so if you know any basic Python you can go in and you could put ifs and you know all the all the just normal Python code to get what you want out of it so that's a very nice thing it's not it's not just a normal convict file that lists configuration settings you can actually write it in Python and have programmatic things in that all right so anyway that that is my brief I don't know review that's my brief statements about least couple of browsers again on Google chromium brave both good chromium bray based browsers brave has a couple extra features on Google chromium is more there's more like nothing in it there's no defaults both of them if you are using Google Chrome switch to one of those there's no reason you shouldn't be using one of those because they they don't log everything like Google Chrome does it's fantastic just switch away from Google Chrome okay I scat is fantastic if you want extreme privacy settings you do have to think about okay I want to be able to watch YouTube videos so I have to turn these settings off but it's it's still a good browser it's the best if you're looking for just raw privacy has tor built and brave of course has tor built in I mentioned that as well water fox very nice browser if you just want Firefox with a couple privacy settings and additionally pale moon is its own thing figure it out it's a good browser check it out cute browser same thing it's it's own thing you there you'll cute browser you'll have to learn a little bit more about in order for you to actually get a lot of the features out of it but there are a lot of other videos on YouTube about it that you can check out my old one but there have been more recent ones by other channels okay so that's about it yeah that's about it stop using Google Chrome okay all right see you next time
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 129,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KHHGmtCiW0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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