Fugu | how to prepare the deadly pufferfish as shown by "Uosei" chef Rikizo Okamoto | Tokyo

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the marine world has other more exotic  delicacies in store known to hardly   anyone in the West for example the fugu  the poisonous puffer fish of which there   are about 100 species worldwide you need a  license to sell puffer fish in Japan but as   a buyer you need one too Keizo okamoto has  a fugu restaurant and of course a license   he's not here to buy the increasingly popular  non-toxic farmed fugu which can be recognized   by a shorter fins nor is he interested in  the smaller fugu species caught in the wild   from Japanese waters this true connoisseur is  only looking for one thing toxic wild fugu as   fresh as possible and that means Torah from oof  tiger pufferfish the Kobe beef of frugal cuisine yeah yeah a single specimen of  this species which is only found   in the Sea of Japan may well cost 100  euros will Guinea go up yes thank you one of Tokyo's historic districts is located  around Asakusa temple most wild fugu restaurants   are to be found here there are about 3,000  restaurants specializing in fugu in Tokyo today   from the outside they're usually easy to recognize  and that always highly specialized [Music] one of them is Ricky's Oh Okamoto  is restaurant where sometimes even   Prime Minister's drop by war say is its  name the pure fish place you also need a   license to prepare fugu the poison in  fugu is tetrodotoxin it's 1,000 times   more potent than cyanide and there is  no antidote the poison paralyzes its   victims but leaves them fully conscious proper  preparation is critical the skin and entrails   of the fish are poisonous and they must not  contaminate the non-toxic meat on the muscles high concentrations of highly  poisonous tetrodotoxin are found   in the innards especially the liver and  ovaries special disposal is necessary Hey a seasoned fugu chef like Okimoto  san takes about 10 minutes to neatly   gut a tour of fugu most commonly  the fish is cut into thin slices   and eaten raw as sashimi in fact the taste of  unprepared pufferfish is unspectacular rather   bland the world's i restaurant exclusively  serves its guests fugu captured in the wild in small doses the poison of the fugu fish  triggers numbness in the mouth and is intoxicating   but here they do not cater for guests who might  be eager to try out tiny doses of this poison more say what the what we serve here is 100%  non-toxic if we break this law we're ruined so   Megan did you know this got any attachment a real  fugu meal consists of at least six courses this   ultimate in gourmet pleasures is mainly enjoyed  in Japan when there is something to celebrate   nowadays the chances of being poisoned at a fugu  restaurant are practically zero thanks to the high   demands placed on the chef's GMOs I'm gonna get 50  years ago more than 100 Japanese died each year of   fugu poisoning today there are just three a year  all victims of unlicensed amateur and recreational   cooks go to go someday looks like haha when  your voice tonight is kiddo I'm not afraid at   all I had a fugu as a child and it always tasted  very good to me repent have interviewed the wild   from GU is a delicacy still eaten in Japan despite  earthquakes tsunamis and nuclear disasters ricasso   Okamoto will not run out of work and in the  future too it's likely to remain quite exhausting [Music] guests will come back to enjoy  the deadly delicacy even if it's   not cheap at 150 euros per person and more [Music]
Channel: wocomoCOOK
Views: 4,855,877
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Keywords: kochen, men's cooking, essen, simple dishes, Gerichte, cooking, cook, cuisiner, kitchen, delicious, moderne Küche, Japanese food, Japanese Cuisine, Fugu (Dish), Fishing, sashimi, pufferfish, kugelfisch, torafugu, tiger blowfish, Takifugu, sodium channel blocker, Asakusa, Tokyo, speciality, Fish (Animal), Japan, deadly fish, blowfish, fillet fugu, fillet fish, exotic fish, The Simpsons, Los Simpsons, One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish, Pez Globo, PLAY_EN, 河豚
Id: F8FIPRD9jvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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